Is this the smartest play ever?

Is this the smartest play ever?

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kek based mbappe

Why did PSG take a player that was too shit for Stoke? It's just a loan only right?

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300 IQ moments

It was a free signing

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if he'd lost his balance at 0:05 and just fallen over, it actually would've resulted in a better play. incredible stuff


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What a bizarre signing. Also just looked him up and he's 30 years old, that makes it even weirder.

Literally what the fuck was he thinking

>it was in this moment that Kylian realized he played in a tinpot league

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And a tinpot club
Welcome to Real Kylian

He's furiously texting his agent to get in touch with Zidane ASAP

Poor little turtle boy

Wait I literally unironically dont get it, it clearly looked like he tried to stop the ball on purpose, why the fuck did he do that? It seemed like such an easy goal what am i missing?

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he wanted to score himself, using his right leg

That's the point bro

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Thought it was neymar at first because of the shit hair, guy even looks like he came from an offside position as well

I think he wanted the goal and effed up the touch

Fuck you goal bonus nigga

He was trying to do that feint thing iniesta used to do and fucked it up by losing his balance. Stupid cunt

How do we save Mbrappe bros???

damn thats cool was dribbling back then better or is it just highlights that make it look better?

he probably wanted to steal the goal and massively failed his tap-in

Thats a nice move. Turning a safe cut back into a forward moving touch. Gonna see if I can get a feel for it

Sell him to Atletico

How is that a signature move? It's the 1st thing they teach you in football school.

Can someone make me a .gif of just Mbappe's reaction?

He needs to stay in his lane, he's not the player to do flashy tap-ins. Hopefully he learned that today.

Think he's trying to do a backheel over the line to show off, but taps it in the wrong direction with his left foot so it misses his right foot and just bounces away from goal

The coach knows him from Mainz
Swear he is unstoppable every third game
In between he is like like in the webm unfortunately


I think he just tried to push it but since he is a right foot babby he misjudged it and hit it on the side

>when he hits you that you extended your contract an hour ago

oh no.

20pt lead

City tier

>b-but liverpool are putting the pressure on!!1!!

maybe thats what you learn in shot hole countries, but not in this country

in this country you boot the ball into the wings for the big fast striker to run onto. and we invented football so i think we know what we're doing

>« En fait au début, je pensais que peut-être il (Nkunku) me ferait la passe, il a tiré et je pensais que le défenseur allait peut-être prendre le ballon. J'ai hésité à le prendre, je me suis demandé si j'étais hors-jeu. Après, ça va très vite, je touche le ballon et ça va sur le poteau. C'est fort dommage car je crois que le ballon de Nkunku rentrait, normalement. Désolé pour ça, mais il faut qu'on continue. »

> In fact at the beginning, I thought maybe he (Nkunku) would give me the pass, he shot and I thought maybe the defender would take the ball. I hesitated to take it, I wondered if I was offside. After, it goes very fast, I touch the ball and it goes on the pole. It's a shame because I think Nkunku's ball came in, normally. Sorry for that, but we have to keep going.

t. google translate

Pretty sure he was going to steal the goal but changed his mind at the last second, resulting in short-circuiting his own brain.

ok maybe he first realized it when they had a 10 point lead by November

There's a black player named Nkunku playing for PSG?

Cause he uses more prolifically than any other player not named Michael Laudrup?

yes, there's an unironical nkunku playing for PSG

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Beautiful translational symmetry in a name.

kek brappes reaction just makes it so much funnier

Is this the closest we will get to actual Ngubu?

This. His instincts told him to tap in but part of his brain told him not be a giant asshole.
The end result is him not getting a goal bonus and appearing as an even bigger asshole


All I want to do is to be able to rate Chopuo Moting for ONCE in my life...

There was a Mangubu but he's retired

Ayyyyy lmaoo

tapins are harder than they look. apologize to ronaldo

How did he do that?! Seriously, most defenders would have failed to clear that ball off the line...
And he does it while trying to score?

Damn did this video make me feel old

Typical black guy move. That moment when discipline and logic flies out the window in favor of 'muh shine' and 'muh bitches be watching'. This idiot wanted to be part of this championship solidifying goal someway and this is the result. There's a fundamental difference between some of these people and most of us. People boast that France won the world cup with an all black team but in reality they only became good when they moved away from that team comp and made it more balanced with whites. To much of this and your entire team turns into a bunch of circus clowns. I'm just shaking my head here.

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based crocket man

so it's perfect for him

AAAAAAAAHHHHHAHAHAHaHAHAHAHAHA holy fucking shit I cannot fucking believe my eyes, based retarded ngubu

Yup, 100% this. Pretty sure a fraction of a second before he made contact with the ball, he realized that 1) he might be offside and fuck up a legit goal, and/or 2) he noticed the ball was going in anyway, and didnd't wan't to steal his teammate's goal like that and look like an asshole.

God tier post

was this like part of the fix or what? did that one player not get the memo that a goal wasn't supposed to be scored?

Yeah and clown world is about to have it's own Kinography. MEMES ARE REAL PEOPLE.

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>that feint thing iniesta used to do
is this not called..."dribbling"?

this, exactly.
literally the 1st thing. I don't understand how this can be anyone's "signature move". Or how anyone can play without utilizing this move 100x/game.

>be a greedy shit and try to steal credit for excellent goal
>do the defender's job for him

Oh wow an american shitting up a footy thread. Fuck off you cow

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For me it's Mbabu

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