Well Yea Forums finally banned me so I guess this place is my home now

well Yea Forums finally banned me so I guess this place is my home now

Attached: 8vhwh71aivq21.jpg (641x768, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


how can you get banned from a board that's only known for being full of pedophiles

most likely he forgot to put spoiler tags

Lets just say whatever hormone therapy the janny is taking makes him extremely irritable.

By being a non paedo I guess

Please dont be photoshopped. Those are amazing


Ive never seen a selena thread on Yea Forums

wow look at those nipple
MWAAH *pop*

Lol good luck with that, Yea Forums mods are WAY more ban happy than Yea Forums‘s


No they arent. I blogpost all the time in /nba/ and start a shit ton of offtopic discussion like which races have the best girls. Never get banned. Occasionally start some anime discussion here and there

what's their fucking problem?

You can convertly shitpost in the generals, but creating an even slightly off topic thread on Yea Forums will get you a 3 day universal ban at minimum

t. Knower

posting NSFW seems to be a quick ticket to 3-day ban town.

However, posting pics of a chick in bikini doesn't get you a ban, just the ones that show genitals.

I once dreamt that Selena was my gf


compared to Yea Forumstv/ duo of shit? sheeeeeeeeet. you can start a thread with the wrong image on those boards and get banned because some retard complained

This. I keep getting bans for starting curling threads and calling jannie a fat cunt.

Selena is unhealthy. So many health complications at her age. She can't be bred to give healthy babies. That's why Bieber left her.


Attached: 2790B79E-FA40-4C20-9B8D-07E7E6F22A54.jpg (1536x2048, 385K)

>I shit up the unanimously shittiest general on Yea Forums lol they don't ban you bro trust me

Yea Forums has ban happy mods, but Yea Forums is literally the easiest blue board to shitpost on and never get banned.

WTF, I love Yea Forums now

>serving bans

Attached: jopjoj .png (320x415, 103K)

I'm sorry but on Yea Forums you should stick to athletes like hope solo

shut the fuck up

ya finna seethe?

Can't run from the truth brother

can't tell if you're being facetious but selena was super popular there years ago, like a decade

same here.

they want to keep you in shitty /generals/ because it makes their high paying jobs easier

fuck of we're full

Attached: made to order.jpg (1536x2048, 413K)

For me it’s Dr Gay

sorry but I don't take orders from bongs.

Attached: 3b9.png (450x433, 160K)

for me its
>up the bum no baby

>Yea Forums

Attached: 1554200845053.png (593x580, 621K)

You will be banned for this
Mods here are faggots, try posting trannies next time

For me, it's I

how much?
>250 bhat
nah, fuck off dirty chink

>I will rape u

>I I

you don't think they'll give me a mulligan seeing as I'm new to this board?
that sucks bro, ngl I think if the mods ban me for this they are basically admitting they are faggots.
