Still daydreaming all day of how would be my life If I would keep in my hometown team and become professional footballer

>still daydreaming all day of how would be my life If I would keep in my hometown team and become professional footballer

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I played with issa diop until 12 years old , was the first pick of the manager in cb I decided to stop football to keep studying. I'm now a college dropout and he make more money in a week that I could do in a year

you would make a good living from about 22-30, being moved all around the country, earn maybe enough to buy a house for yourself and one to rent out, then retire to coach kids or a semi-pro team

that sounds fucking great, sign me up

Same, studying is for faggots

You can still go to new zealand and make a living as the spaniard star of a team

same, I know another professional footballer who decided to follow his dreams and not to shit in his pants like me
too late

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>still daydreaming about being a guest on a talk show

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How close are you to Gibraltar m8? You should join their league and break into the NT.

>break into the NT.
I would rate to join their league but I would never betray my country.

You've left it too late to ever make it as a professional footballer, be realistic and admit your life is effectively over. You may as well go partway towards acheiving your dream, ply your trade at an amateur level and get to take part in WC/Euro qualifying.

If you ever have grandkids, it's a far better story to tell them by, "I refused to take up dual nationality to have some fun and instead stayed depressed but 'loyal'."

>tfw my 17 year old brother is about to get his first professional contract and i work a depressing IT job

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Break his legs mate

>not living in his reflected glory and hijacking his success for your own personal gain
Step it up

demand to become his agent before he knows any better

the chad athlete brother vs the virgin freak brother

This guy gets it. Whilst the system is absolutely broken, milk it for all it's worth.

always beg for handouts from him and when he doesn't give you what you want use phrases like "you've changed", "the money's really gone to your head" and "oh so now you're too good for your own family huh. Grandma would turn in her grave if she saw you behave like this.".

If it's any consolation you probably wouldn't have made it anyway

My brother turns 17 this year and plays for the U17 of the local pro team. I've never played football in a club, doing track and field instead and I'm decent at it, but he's obviously the center of attention and a ridiculously talented athlete, at least for a "normal" guy like me.

Sometimes it really hurts, but in the end I always support him because he's my little brother after all. It's not like we have an intense rivalry.

He's still got a long way to go, maybe he'll actually make his way to the pros and I can be his manager or something.

I once played against Marcel Halstenberg when I was 14 but I never had the drive to do anything but sit at home and surf the internet. I regret not being mor active in my teens

have sex

I know that feeling lad

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>Get's replaced by N'bungu

My brother is going to some academy trials in May, I never played for an academy only in a 5 a side team with my mates, I go to the park with my brother and help him prepare for the trials, if he succeeds I want him to remember his older brother helping him.

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that's good lad, you're a good brother
not even that

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>still daydreaming about having sex

Most youth players don't make it. Imagine how that sucks. You've always been the football prodigy and at 20 the dream is basically over.

You know when a player it will be good when he it's in U20. The real potential it's show there. Or before it's you are really really good, but usually it's in U20.

>Or before If you are really really good
sorry Bastian, my english it's terrible

as long as your brother doesn't use it against you, you should always support him like it was you winning
also, remember many, many pros use their brothers as their agents, so start reading about that kind of job

Crush his testicles whilst he's asleep

>tfw glass ankles
>tfw was actually somewhat decent enough for a scholarship
>tfw never even had a proper chance
This is the shit that keeps me up at night

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:( tfw got interested into sports too late

what a wasted opportunity. in such a minuscule country you could have chosen any sport and been able to represent your nation in it.

Don't make me feel worse about it :(


BASED beggarfamily poster

I don't need to daydream. My hometown team only recruits discount BRs and starving ngubus straight outta Guinea Bissau for their "youth" ranks, so I would never have a chance even if I were good.

First off, its soccer. You would be a soccer player. God Euros sound so stupid when they talk.

More importantly, Soccer is shit and you are better off without it.

glad that I'm not some brainlet manchild that doesn't even know what is a set
based american showing yuropoors how shit is their taste

i was on an MLS youth academy team for 4 years until i was 18.
Now i masturbate to rolepay porn multiple times a day and shitpost on Yea Forums

Sounds expensive

the academy i played for was free. I think now D.C. United and Minnesoshit are the only teams that require you to pay tuition. I might be totally wrong on that, its been a few years.

I had a friend in the KC wizards youth setup, but he tore his acl and was never the same player.

>tfw never good at any sports cause my parents never cared

I wonder if I would ever be able to cut in at any big sport. Maybe in the next life.


i have no girlfriend

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You hit me in the feels. I'm in depression since my youth, I was born in Madrid and attended La Fábrica at Real Madrid. Álvaro López was my roommate. I did not take it seriously as my father wanted me to. I was stupid and let go after first year.

Now I live the America and work in digital marketing. Not one day goes by I think of killing myself because I did not realize how close to success I was.

My father died last year and I know he was not proud of me because I did not seize opportunity at Real Madrid as youth player. I fuck up my life.

It is hard to be so close to fame and then live normal life. I believe I will one day kill myself because I can not forget the chances I had at Real Madrid.

did he have the potential to go pro? that blows