Is this the purest love in football?

Is this the purest love in football?

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He had to ask her out like 50 times before she said yes, after her family basically forced her to, so no.

She's golddigging not even on her own behalf, but her family's.

should be dating a nubian queen imho

don't know who the guy is but he looks like a less attractive swaglord

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No user, this is.

Took griezmann 1 year and a half to date her, she is a child psychologist so I guess I helps her handling him.

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>waitress makes you beg 50 times
>now forever under her foot in marriage


Is it Ramos sister?

pure? Kovacic met his wife in church, he was an altar boy. They were probably molested

even shitty footballers like Kovacic can get girls like this

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