Is Delofeu elite or just a meme?

Is Delofeu elite or just a meme?

Attached: yetr43.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Eternal La masia prospect

Pep disliked him a lot

inconsistent pacebabby, perfect for EPL

He has 3 good games a season and hasn't even had that many this season

Delofeu is Romanian name, right?

>Aboslute shit in La Liga
>Top tier in the eplel
Well, you tell me.

yfw he exposes Guardiolal in final

it's about as Catalan as you can get

>The scenes when Delofeu scores a hattrick to win the FA Cup final

Yes, he's my cousin.

I like how #9 just stands there

pay attention to the league please. that is simply false

he was much younger at that time. players get better with age until around 28.

Watford fan here. He's nowhere near 'elite' but he is very good. in the right environment he can excel and that's what you're seeing this season. he could well end up going this summer, but I fancy that a midtable club like Watford is best for him.

because deulofeu is being contained (or so they think)

That's an unbelievable strike tqbh

Not Barca quality, but really good for an EPL midtable side
See Andre Gomes

has 1 good game and then 10 shitty ones

pep knows a fraud when he sees one

we have so much talent over here, but this spoiled kid was a chad and grew kinda idiot

he's an elite dancer

Elite dickhead in a meme team

he's not fast tho

He's a elite cani

He broke the bank for the boss in 2011

Deulofeu means 'God made him' in Catalan iirc.

nailed it

yeah, it's the surname that was given to the fatherless childs

In romanian it means the same what a coincidence

he did it to fool the world into thinking he's elite so when he comes across him in the final of the FA Cup 8 years later he will shit the bed and pep will style himself to another final

69d chess

Kind of based