Official /turnleft/ at Bristol thread: Food City 500 edition

Today's racing: 500 laps on a .533 mile paved track (266.5 miles)
Speeds: Approaching 130 mph in the straights and down to the 80's in the corners

Bristol is a short track that requires exceptional patience, rhythm, and timing to be successful. Drivers will need to apply the power and brake smoothly at least twice a lap for consistent times, and with 500 laps, that means the boys are going to be jamming on the brake pedal 1000 fucking times today to get around the track. Brake temps are going to be an issue and we WILL see tires detonating due to exposure to excessive brake heat.

Green flag: 1400EST
Broadcaster: (((FS1)))
Stream: TBD
Rags: Welcome

Jump in and let's go racing!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bump and fucking going to see KFC Chicken and Waffles commercial all day. I might go get some this week. Is it like the McRib of KFC? Also coke orange vanilla

love rags, love arca, love america

why is mikey so wholesome bros

>might go get some

Then the commercials are working fatty

it's a signal

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it looks good dude cant deny that

I am calling 10 cautions today. Taking bets!

>new bristol

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rolling winrar


how NASCAR wifes are not a meme DAAAAM

definitely over

also rollan

>All those empty seats at fucking Bristol

Holy shit this sport is dead

Hot! srry day drinking here! god i love racing!


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Because you can fawn and mew over bitches on porn sites.


checked 88 NNIN

Did you know that Austin Dillon drives wearing a Chastity Cage?

Under, but one of those involves Kryle. There will be crying and memes.

probably a bad choice but trying to keep my better drivers till later in the season.

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Have we come so far that Jimmy winning would be a good thing?

Holy shit, half of the seats are empty wtf

NASCAR stream:
-good coverage, in car cams, no shilling

Day drinking brigade checkin in. Modelo on this side. Might grab a couple lil vodky shots

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>half of the seats are empty wtf
Price gouging, baby. People quit putting up with their shit.





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This is really bad, damn. I heard reports that ticket sales were bad but I didn't think it would be like this.

watching in HD in the comfort of your home is better

oh no, how is harvick going to survive with only two race engineers and a crew chief

It's called "drinking", you amateur, not "day drinking". Quit parroting stupid urbanite hipster shit.

>this attendance
Is this an AAF game? (rip)

They had to resort to paying Dale Jr. to shill for this race

Wasn’t there some user the last few weeks saying DW retirement was imminent? Weird

>kurt locking up his front wheels in warmups

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Jesus fuck Fox ZOOM OUT


god nascar's camera work is FUCKING AWFUL

God dammit Kyle

Wew lads looks like memes are back on the menu


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Wow this tracks attendance is pitiful


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what a stupid long link

Now we get the "Kyle gets minimal damage that gets talked up as a huge obstacle at the beginning of the race and comes back to win" storyline

why are the cameras like this? Can't see shit

zoom the fuck out

ty user

such adversity!

First is the browser stream, second is the m3u8 for vlc, mpv, etc.


>driving with a jackstand


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They've gotten their orders from NASCAR to minimize the amount of crowd shots shown.

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a fucking jackstand!?

ok im sorry

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I am horny and need to fap.

Post some pics of Natalie Decker

>wqtched all the other shit races this season
>actually have plans on the day of the one fucking meme race we deserved


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Larson won’t make it half the race

have a cute danica

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I missed the first crash what happened I heard Almirola is out

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Brushed the wall, stackup behind them, for some reason the CC took the 10 behind the wall for repairs and NASCAR declared him Out.

god i hate this stupid thot bitch

pointing at elephant cock!

How on fucking earth is Bristol this empty?

Like I remember the days when Bristol was the hardest ticket to get but this is hilarious.

How much is a Bristol ticket now?


haha imagine if she sat on that cone haha



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Since it's Bristol, which backmarker gets a meme top-10 today?

post danica. at least she is cute

Hotels gouged everyone into the void so people just stopped giving a damn

Also too many seats to begin with

i want to hate fuck her omfg!!!!!!

This is a bloodbath.


Seeing Chase save his car like that reminds me that Danica would've let that car get totalled in the wall

Strap in boys

Dibs on the mom.

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>preece masterful spin
>lajoye arca brakes
we are in for a meme ond fellas

also rainy today


All the tickets are pretty cheap, basic tickets are like $35 or something? Was thinking of going to a race next month with my dad, prices are nice.

Also, go Larson and please finish the race today


Thank you Satan.

No Bristol is still $50 minimum

just got here, what happened to Kryle?

>this race

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Steakhouse rear ended him

Backmarker autism and shithouse

steakhouse spun him on the start and has some rear damage


Bogdanoffs are proxyposting, check the top of the thread.


Ricky Stenhouse happened to Kyle.

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If you work at TGI Friday’s do you have to dance?

>It's a "Blaney is fast early and loses it midway" race

Ah yeah looks like you're right

>Nascar has announced that this year's Bristol night race will have 5 lap stages in order to ensure the highest level of competition

yup, Bristol has never tried to lower ticket prices, the track is sort of in the middle of nowhere so there's few hotel options and they all price gouge to infinity
After Bruton ruined the track people can be bothered to fucking deal with that shit
Bristol used to sell out 2 years in advance

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At least he didn’t put himself into the wall

did everyone forget how to race at bristol? This is like an ARCA race


Press S

That comes later






Larson is a meme driver


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Meanwhile Kurt making Larson look like a Fraud.

these uncontrolled tire penalties are getting really nit picky.
That's not the automated cameras detecting and making that call, it's refcar

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>Larson team gets exposed again

worst rule in the history of the sport

close second is when a guy has an arm over the wall and it counts as another person

You take that back right now you piece of shit.

I hope Larson changes his crew soon, they've cost him 3 races this season so far with penalties

>whole thread talks shit about larson
>he wrecks

You guys are mean

Changing teams isn’t going to stop him from wrecking himself every week

If the tire leave the box, penalty. Otherwise it's fine.

If another crew member's foot or feet are in the box, too many people over, otherwise it's fine.

Nascar is stupid.

what r you all eating? drinking? smoking? snorting? shooting up?

Ham samwhich and water

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. On a fast.

subway and water

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Cheesy rice with peas and chicken

banana pancakes, apple, tea, bacon, some ganja.

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rice pudding

this camera work literally could not be any worse

damn cawshun, that battle was nice

Bristol is so fun.

It's stupid beyond belief but if everyone else manages to follow the rules than so should his crew

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A couple of slices of some aged cheddar I bought from Whole Foods and a Sprite


t. Texas Terry

I'll say this. Everyone has to play by the rulebook but you can't say some of these ticky tacky calls this year and not just for Larson haven't been trash.

five hour keks

Bowyer btfo





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>13 car wins a stage
What universe did I end up in

Didn't see that coming

Welcome to the memeverse

>The other, lesser Dillon wins the stage
This race is the best meme

Dillon cucking Bowyer, wew.

What the fuck even is this race

best race of the year so far

This has been awesome

this is great but waaaaah where's muh old bristol


yeah I’m not complaining so sick of the cookie cutter tracks of the past few weeks

honestly as much as we still bitch and moan about what Bruton did, the past 2 or 3 races here have been good again and today is no different

I-I-is the new package working?

They should build a replica of old Bristol somewhere else and give us 4 Bristol races a year

Yup. Helps if if you didn't watch racing before then because you were a kid who thought it was boring though

The new package is 100% shit, but they're not running it here.

>dem mommy thighs

This race would be greater if Larson was still in it

DiRedditdetto is going to have himself another career day at Bristol it seems


Welcome to nu-nascar enjoy your stay

was about to post this

people aren't going to be happy until they dig up dale and have them wreck a labonte again

Hey what is it like being at the track? Is it cool? What is Daytona like or Taladega? Anyone been to Indy500?

>22-2-19-18 in the top 4
>race instantly goes from fun to meh

I've been to daytona, it's quieter than other races because 75% of the lap all the cars are 1/2 mile away

somebody put that piece of shit 2 car in the wall please


Race weekends are a fun time no matter which track. The only way to really appreciate what the sport is about is to go to a race in person.

>Daytona and Talladega
the field goes by and you can't hear anything, then you have 50 seconds of quiet to talk with your buddies and grab a beer, then the field goes by and you can't hear anything, rinse repeat
everywhere else the field spreads out and it becomes a constant drone of cars going by one at a time, that sound will almost hypnotize you and put you to sleep

commercial cawshun

>Commercial Caution

based Chess

Richard Petty would bootyblast all of these shit drivers

Why don't they use a real cutaway car anymore

gotta say thats pretty based user

you make is sound really cool nice reply

Petty raced against gas station attendants. He couldn't beat guys running street stocks at your local track if he was racing today.

DW looked like he was about to tear up

I'll actually be sad when mike joy retires


You shut your whore mouth

Went to Charlotte last year, Martinsville this year. It's a fucking blast quality of racing doesn't matter. You can bring in a cooler of beer which is hella dope and under no circumstances should you enter without ear protection

>mikey in the cup booth is possible

He was still relevant in the late 70s early 80s when Earnhardt and Waltrip were on the scene

How long before they remove stands at bristol?

$$$, same reason there's no Hollywood hotel anymore and they use a virtual green screen studio for the pre-race stuff. I won't be surprised if in the near future they start calling more races from a studio like they do with IMSA and some of the truck races.

Pls no

So who's going to replace DW? FOX doesn't have anyone in the pipeline, all they use are current drivers along with their play by play guys, and Alexander/Welch aren't very good.

Do they even need a third guy in the booth? I know NBC has like fifteen fucking announcers for their races and it's overkill.

Kenny Wallace pls

Micheal waltrip

If Larry Mac can't travel, probably Regan Smith till Harvick retires from cup and takes the spot.

Next year or two I expect them to just run with Gordon/Joy and then over the next three or four years add Harvick and replace Joy with someone like Keselowski.

is harvick even that good?

No clue.

Kenny would be fun.

Put Larry back in the booth.

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>Do they even need a third guy in the booth?
Nah, but wtf do (((broadcasters))) know about racing anyway? Today's (((broadcasting))) is all about trying to capture the urbanite shekel, which is why their coverage looks more like "The View" than race coverage.

Bootie Barker should be in the booth

Unironically Spencer Gallagher

He's been decent on the xfinity broadcasts. Was really good paired with Clint yesterday.

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fox has been grooming Harvick to replace DW for years now



unironically this

in before truex meltdown

>Based D.W.

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Holy fuck I just saw how empty those stands are lmao

>everyone seething on the radio


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I really hate how like on reddit and other places it's bad to talk about how much DW sucks.

He's always been fucking terrible and it's about fucking time he's gone. He should have retired 10 years ago.

danica patrick

Nah, Krista Voda

Fuck off

>always been fucking terrible
he wasnt terrible at first

i've gotten so many (you's) this thread. AMA

>t. guy who doesnt yank his crank

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What’s your secret sauce my man?

He was good up until like maybe 2013

Go away kid

Why are you so gay?

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Bring back these low downforce bodies

please be nice to larry mac

Howd u do it

jenna fryer looks like she smells like fish

this but unironically

>you can do it denny
>lets get it in there
>just like that denny
>slide it in nice and easy
>ahhh yessss denny
>dont stop dont stop
>grease my gears denny
>oh yeah fuck yeah
>here cums the oil leak denny

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Larry's the man and I bet it takes him a lot of effort not to just slap the shit out of the attention whore they stuck him with.

nascar on fox is done after he retires


>almirola goes behind the wall and therefore is out of the race

>stenhouse goes behind the wall and is allowed to rejoin

>newman top5

Think its just the occasion and all the questions to the vet fans

>de bris

>de bris

based large neck ogre man

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Larry is an extremely nice person so i doubt it. he shouldnt be paired with this bimbo out of sheer respect.

was at the Phoenix race he one in ‘17. everyone in the crowd was pretty pumped on it.

>shouldnt be paired with this bimbo out of sheer respect.

Makes me sick to see badass drivers and crew chiefs have to cater to some attention whoring bitch that's done nothing but wear makeup and suck cock. They have no place in racing.

most talented engineer Roush has hired in the last 10 years it seems

NASCAR's stupid "crash clock" bullshit at work. Almirola never made minimum speed under green after the accident so going behind the wall ended his day automatically, Stenhouse did so he gets as long as he needs to fix his shit.

For me, it’s Bristol Motor Speedway’s Moonpie Burger.

Two smokey, savory ground chuck beef burgers topped with candied Smithfield bacon, caramelized onions, and crunchy dill pickle slices, all supported on top and bottom with delicious chocolatey, marshmallowly, graham crackery MoonPie “buns”.

Just $6, available at gate 15 behind the Allison Grandstand.

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>bringing that rasslin meme (((goldberg))) to hype shit up
now thats comedy

What the hell

Fuck I used the shit picture

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>not knowing Mikey is a flaming homosexual

Welcome to /turnleft/ newfag

>newman won 8 races in a season once

are those really the rules? almirola never had the chance to run a green flag lap because the caution was out. and yes ricky did, but his hood came up because his team sent him out with an unfixed car, which is dangerous. how is what almirola did worse??

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looks delicious

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>Newman and Buescher working on Kyle

>based chess laying back waiting to make his move
name a smarter driver you cant can you

>literally no one sitting in the turns

>a shitty rainy cold raced delayed day at a 1997 busch race has more in attendance than todays race

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They didnt even open the turns for ticket sales.

Realistically, Bristol is probably only 1/3 full right now

All sports have changed, they are all TV sports now

If Almirola stayed on pit road and got his repairs, he would have been fine. Can't go to the garage immediately after a wreck without running a lap at minimum speed.


Almirola is a whiny bitch, so I'm fine with it.

6 bucks. they want us to be fat


Is there any reason to root for Truex anymore now that he's not with FRR and his gf isn't front and center? He's just getting whinier by the week.

Wut de fuk


He can wreck Logano one day like Kenseth did.

2017 and before, he was worth rooting for. Now he has become a whinier bitch than the typical menopause stricken housewife

who /ragsinabox/ here

it's a fake concession post. something like that would be $12 and offered at Texas Motor Speedway

>seething furriner using a proxy because they'd get mocked out of the thread otherwise

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someone post otis


>4 catches the 22
>Ok time for a commercial break

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I'm horrified. I wanted to believe it wasn't real

Michael Waltrip Bristol 1990

>de bris

It sucks that the attendance is so bad today. If I was in Tennessee I'd definitely be there. It's been a pretty good race so far, nice to see the different grooves being used.

Here comes the KWL on schedule

hell yea kb


Nascar needs more minority outreach programs to fill the grandstands with Pacos and Tyrones

When Darrell leaves can we just have CRANK IT UP for the whole race?




What drivers do you think make great power bottoms?

Jesus Larson


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Larson is a mess

My stream freezer when he crashed how'd it happen?

>Did someone say bottom?

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Larson got Earnhardt`t

>Denny and speeding on pit road
Name a more iconic combination


cucklin needs to lay off the coke

remember danica at kansas 2012? basically that

>who here miss hollywood

Now all we get is McFaggit in front of a green screen

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Newman, Buescher, and Johnson are the only drivers worth rooting for in the top ten

penske bout to eat child busch's lunch







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>DW's butt buddy

Nope. Glad they got rid of his ass.

Welp it’s a meme race




Hire Mark Martin.

not with that top 3

who is the most sōy nu-nascar driver?

clint mad as hell

chase and blaney

lmao crybaby nu-racer soiboys

Byron and Bowman off the top of my head


Tie: Larson, Bowman, Byron

I know the night race is more popular, but holy shit this place used to sell out

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Fuck you Larson is a based slant

my b wrong pic

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>N00b fucks with Newman
>based D.W. and Gordon both immediately state that was the wrong thing to do
Too funny.

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I feel so bad for Paul Menard.

Here's this kid, worked his butt off his entire life, and can't get himself on a winning team like Hendricks.

Such a fucking shame because Gordon, Elliot, and Johnson only got themselves into racing because of daddy's money while Menard had to work his way up and still gets the short end of the stick.

wait, how did buescher got into the top 5?



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>it's a "Kyle, Brad, Joey" episode

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car has been good all day. 47 would have probably been decent too.

Does this look like a man who lets his wife fuck black men while he watches?

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remainder that buescher top 10 in a 2nd hand hms car is way bigger than dirredditto in a factory toyota

As Dibennidetto the Bristol GOAT? he would easily have 8+ wins here if he was with penske

Yes so glad I can hear McFlurry lisp about how good he can suck dick

Lmao timing


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Btw..the negress in that picture is marrying a chad white boy

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it's called meme magic

>meme magic strikes again

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>blacked raw
>nascar thread
>wrong pic

Nope that was right

William Byron by far

>penske imploding
still plenty of time for some magic

larson again lol

There it is, took awhile but Larson finally got himself into the wall


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>green fag

just let larson race on dirt like he wants to

Dammit Larson for fucks sake

>20 lap shootout for the win
Strap in

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How hasn't larson been black flagged?

>larry mac: green fag-flag

green fag laps up in here

>Larry Mac
>in charge of not saying fag


Larson is an official fuck-up

Being a Larson fan this season is pure suffering

what the fuck larry?

How much would Dale rage at a actual cuckold driving his car?

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>busch brothers 1-2

>NASCAR at Bristol
>Indy at silverstone

Why can't NASCAR race at any decent tracks?


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This is going to be based af

best race of the year

>only benefit to e cigs is I get to stay and watch tv while I "smoke"
>can't find an e cig that doesnt suck

i miss cigarettes

Yeah man I'd be ok with death right now if I'm being honest

>peenskies out of the way
>brother duel at their best track

Dale Earnhardt never had 76 wins while racing at Bristol

I know this is bait but
>Bristol is based
>Grand Prix of Alabama

Don't act like you're better than us

no matter who wins, it's been entertaining except for stage 2

juul is good

big mistake by Penske

Breeze 2

>the result will be the same mongrel abomonation

Yeah don’t know why they did that

this is easily the most excited Ive been for a restart/finish in at least a decade

they have menard as wild card

surprised all 3 would do the same thing. leave one out just in case.

>Bread gets Black Flagged

no way is brad coming in



kurt gonna catch him

more short tracks less downforce

Dubs and Krut moves Kryle


keklowski fined $10000000000

What is it about Ganassi drivers choking and smacking the wall late in second?


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why did penske pit

Based Busch bros


I hope the terrorists win

Nah, they'll just eject his hauler driver.

our lad Jimmie fights to an impressive top ten and is working his way towards a win

Man Penske really dropped the ball at the end there

not even mad, he drove the shit out of that car for this one

Great day, put money on my boy Rowdy to win

Team Penske threw the race


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fucking hell why did it have to be Kyle. what the fuck penske

>In the wall
>Place second
Yeah I'm thinking the old 42 team is on the 1 now

keklowski should have stayed out. dumb penske


Logano wasn't even making up time for the last 10 laps



on track interviews banned when?

Might as well just switch to F1 or something if there's only gonna be 2 competitive teams.

Beard Kyle is best kyle

did gen 4 cars cut tires that easy when touching

Damn, Kurt would have saved Nascar and spun Kyle for the win.

Damn it.

No. They need to put a strip of rubber around the whole bottom edge of the car.


Yes, because they had a jagged fender pulled out like a foot.

strong 7 light 8


there is only 2 competitive teams in f1 sometimes 3

8, best of the season so far

>tfw watching a Nascar Winston Cup race after the Busch Beer Race on Saturday
>Full grandstands

feels bads man



Yeah but they don't drive a truck axle car with a Camry body around a concrete bowl for 4 hours at least, the simple cars and tracks are supposed to have the payoff of more open competition.