
temporary no-hoc edition.
playoffs incoming, hold on lads

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Other urls found in this thread:



Is Horvat helping him take a Brock?

imagine watching grown men skating lmao

in reverse, if you know what I mean

>norther states
Snow belt


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This is a womens hockey general you gypsy fuck.

imagine living in one of the worst countries in europe.

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/hoc/ bracket league when?

This is late you dumb faggot neck yourself
Real thread

I'm not italian

Attached: Lahey.jpg (300x327, 53K)

*crack* *sip* ahhhhh
what's up, faggots

Shoo shoo gypsy no one has any money here

He did have to put up with shit wingers all year...

Take it back to int or one of your retarded faggot soccer threads nobody here gives a fuck


Attached: pacific2021.png (799x393, 5K)


Imagine watching grown men flop around on grass

Field hockey is not hockey

25th for fuck the relocanes and hoping they get swept out without scoring

imagine not making the playoffs

dodiet maizi

excellent post

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hahaha give me back my horse and stop trying to sell me cigarettes and fake jewelry hahaha

Oh my this is an EXTREMELY based post

romania why arent you watching live your bois play against poland? so few fans in the stands...

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>tfw no more gf

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why are you linking an image instead of uploading it?

not clicking that shit nigger

thought it was a panthers home game at first

Imagine being in the fucking babby

it's moops

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just made about 8k loaves, came back home and took a bubble bath with aroma candles
life is good, lad, life is good

grim and obsessedpilled

welcome to the NuHL, gramps:

Making a nice lasagna reminder that Tavares is overrated shit

fucking BASED

what is this code language

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Cannae wait to make pittsburgh seethe

Attached: Smukly.png (212x256, 51K)

this is the most comfy bracket

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>Teds out in the first round
Are they a low-key relocation target?

Last digit is number of Matthews goals this playoffs.

>never watch the regular season
>only watch the playoffs
>regurgitate shit opinions from commentators and youtube shitters
>hoc constantly gives me upvotes


Shitposting on easy mode la

Is this you?

Attached: mike.png (1007x881, 1.94M)

classic millbury

I think they dried him out, so maybe he'll pick better sober.

What would be best >laffs eliminatiom day scenario

>Swept in 4
>Lose in front of home fans in Game 6
>Make it back to Game 7 and lose, again

Genuinely excited to see what he comes up with next.

shit im gonna miss bob cole so much.

Attached: Cole_.jpg (1920x1080, 421K)

This is a blue board you disgusting squatter

Probably option #2, creates the most doubt and pain.

game 7 heartbreaker pls

I'd have to go with the classic reverse sweep

do we have a /hoc/ league for brackets yet

pls no bully

Attached: predditors.jpg (1440x864, 139K)


swept in 3 is best, a quick bullet is always better, same for >shorks and >jest

hahaha it's šorks

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brackets are fucking stupid

never heard of an upset sven?

I think I'd be the most annoyed by losing a game 7 in OT, the GWG scored by Marchand


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who will mentor the next lidström now?

so what if the laffs meme their way to the ECF. Who should they face? Isles? Canes? Pongs?


Buffalo get your shit together

phil housely is gone

maybe they'll bring andreychuk back somehow

Baths are extremely comfy and patrician
Just wish I had a gf to take them with :(


Q confirmed to Florida

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now THAT's what i call based

Definitely Canes in that case.

Attached: 2002 ECF.jpg (640x360, 47K)

Baking some chicken thighs in ranch sause
Gonna b gud

not surprised given their relations. Now I expect barkov and hueberdeau to get even better next season.

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Not what I expect to happen but what should happen

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now this i can get behind

>41 goals
>in a series with the islanders

mate the islanders are a shut down team. Id expect like 24 goals at best

Lindy Ruff lol

100 points both

>ruff goes full circle with buffalo now

I would be intrigued if he could get them back into form, but where buffalo is right now can be described as limbo

wouldn't be surprised to see the pongs light them up for about 41 if the islels can meme a couple wins to take it to 6

>another hundred point pair to miss the playoffs

Attached: heh.gif (180x218, 512K)

kino playoffs.

Attached: 2002.png (834x502, 31K)

Skinner is gonna look so good on my wongies

add in Yzerman coming home + the #1 pick and >we are back baby


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Is it playoffs time yet?

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Jackets going to dab on the fags from Florida


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>making accounts


I'll tell you what post your brackets on here and whoever wins gets one free shiny (You)

No because they actually go to the playoffs

HOW can non-sunbelt even compete???

This is the right bracket

the Panthers fans I know down here are so happy lads

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Attached: All Teds, report in.webm (832x468, 2.63M)

>not having a Calgary Winnipeg conference final
>not having a Calgary Tampa final

>just picked against >my team because it seemed like the right call
I feel bad, lads.

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Jackets will be literal dogshit without Panarin and Bob next season

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>be good next season anyway

Oh Ted

Bobrobshit is a Lundpads tier playoff choker

The jackets get off to a 1-0 start and win the cup and panarin stays

This shit is pretty comfy


>Would expect Joel Quenneville to bring old friend, Mike Kitchen, along with him as an assistant when he takes over as coach of the Florida Panthers.



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friendly reminder they wont have a 1st rd pick this year nor next year if they extend duchene

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When I start doi g my hockey videos the second one is gonna be how when the Jets beat the Flames in the 2019 WCF it was just like when tony soprano killed Ralph

One pick in the literal worst draft of all time doesn’t seem like a loss

is that lafreniere kid a bust too?

So when's draft lottery?

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When the jets beat the caps in the 2019 Stanley Cup I'm gonna do a video on how that's just like tony killing Chris

Worse than 2017?

>French busts

keskariviikkona :D

look at that COPE

yes please

Attached: lebatt.jpg (1345x1500, 288K)

please shit on my face

Imagine thinking that Columbus won’t win


>nhl filter won't let me put "gay" in my bracket name
>doesn't even blink at "dykepuck"

actually sorta based desu

8ET tuesday so early wednesday morning for Finland

Being a kid is having your team win the bracket every single year just because you want them to succeed
Growing up is giving them a first round win and them letting them die because that's still improvement over the last decade

are the kitties gonna be a lock for the ecf next season?

Thank you.

Yikes bob doesn’t like fags first off

Only shit games the rest of the season

Only shit posts the rest of the season


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Women's hokki tomorrow

51 is Stetcher, idiot.

Just loogied on your mom

So no hockey tomorrow

Will present the correct bracket later lads

Did you just literally bake them in ranch dressing?

>Garth Snow

should i be worried?

Post shannons

>My sort of mentally handicapped uncle still picks his favorite college team to win march madness every single year that they're in

Attached: feelies.jpg (600x720, 80K)

Yep lol. Put a little olive oil on first so they were nice and crispy

Shouldn't they wait until the playoffs are over? Torts wins a cup and says fuck off for the win.

Goalies are easily replaceable if you have a good team. Panarin should only be signed if he takes 8mil per season or less.

Not for me, but whatever gets your mouth watering I guess.

could be the new assistant general manager which sounds ok

growing up is realizing that brackets are gay and for nerds.

>not picking >your team to win every time
get a load of this bandwagonner

Yes. Yes you should because he is god awful. I fucking hated how he did this team.

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Could be worse. Could be Benning or Weissbrod.

My dad and I were the same way back in the day. I'm kinda glad I grew up on UK basketball because at least they had a chance most of the time.

Would be kinda based

Have you never had chicken tenders with ranch? Fucking leafs man


Man my cock is hard for that young man texier

>UK basketball
You mean like London vs Newcastle?

I’m aboht to head out over to /cric/, you boys need anything?

none of your gay brackets matter cause gary just called me and said its blues beating the bruins in 4, a reversal of the 1970 SCF to appeal to the boomer audience

>Edmonton finished worse than last year

Will that festering hellhole of a city ever get it together? Should the team just be folded?

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Contract them and have McDavid re-enter the draft.

>dipping your tendies in anything but honey mustard

The absolute STATE of plebs

Jackets are going to fucking murder tampon gay

Win wins, Jets or Nashville if it happens?

Anyone else starting to regret voting for Trump? Always voted red before and did for Trump, but this retard says stupid things every fucking day, it’s not even funny anymore.

Fold the organization, all the players become free agents

This isn't hockey.

Granted I haven't kept up with college hoops since middle school and my dad's too busy being worm food to care about march madness anymore.

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keep them around so we always have someone to laugh at

Move them to Kansas City

donol blampfff is a >rags fan


This is it

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no goy, Trump is the greatest supporter of America's greatest ally!

>2nd round in the east is exactly the same

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No wonder Gretzky drinks so much


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You were fucking warned

Not a ranch fan.

This. Honey mustard is goat dipping sauce for tendies.

You’re a idiot for voting for the fat retard in the first place cuck

>Islanders not getting the cheeky 2nd round appearance and BTFOing that overrated shit

sunbelt WILL win the stan lee this year, one way or another

well its better than having a woman president

I don’t like honey mustard because I don’t usually like sweet things.


>Always voted red before and did for Trump

Attached: backwards sip.png (380x349, 70K)

honestly outside of the lgbtning getting the presidents trophy curse or carolina going on a cinderella story the only game in the east that's even a question is pens/islels


Beta male




Shant (you) terrorists

Laffs and Boston will be close. But I'm sure the Laffs will fail to get past them yet again.


Honestly it was tough choosing between VGK and CGY but it's too bad they onyl meet in round 2

Attached: Snip.jpg (1333x912, 188K)

What a cock.

>trashville going to the WCF

Genuine kek

Attached: duh.png (1440x1557, 738K)

>laffs over boston

>negotiating with (you) terrrorists
what kind of America is this

fuck trump

Nah it's still funny as fuck


>wongs and 13% in the western conference

I feel so empty when no hockey

Attached: I+know+hence+the+sad+wojak+_156e9fb62c64b60.jpg (279x326, 10K)

Trump makes me wish I was American


the only people giving him (You)s are leaf cucks, you leaf cuck.

>dale tallon

because we all know that works

You can't vote here sweetie

>”Trump 2020! MAGA!”

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I voted for based Donnie and will do it again


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no longer excited for offseason /hoc/

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yang gang
no lumpy boys for me anymore

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>who cares about voting against my own interests I voted trump to just totally trigger da libruls

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Weak quarter of that bracket. Honestly wouldn't rule out STL as a darkhorse. I really think a NSH/STL series would go the distance.

>Lost the series by 1 period last year
>Same roster

Boston has one line that needs to be shutdown. If that happens the Leafs speed could be a deciding factor.

Oh, and goaltending. Andersen has a way of shitting the bed

the Oilers are committed to killing McDavid's career so that Gretzky will remain the eternal GOAT

I guess detoilet is the waffle house of the NHL

and the US in general really

If the Bolts or a Canadian team win it's going to be insufferable

Tavares is going to share the invisibility cloak with Matthews and Kneelander

Fuck niggers and fuck Tampa

>mike kitchen
>dale tallon
>garth snow

wtf are florida doing

Smoking weed and having a coors banquet

What do you order in them, /hoc/?

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Is he wearing hockey pants too?

I think most voted because he wasn't Hillary. Hil shills just can't deal with that.

I need to take a break my life is starting to feel like Ted's

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

What kind of player was mark memessier? toews with a mean side?

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im voting perussuomalaiset this parliamentary election just to trigger the liberals, we talk about based halla-aho at school during break so much lol :D

he is like trump absolutely based

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This is the bracket

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overrated shit with weaker competition

>being buttmad

I don't think so

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pearson seems like a good match for him now though.

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Fuck off

Gretzky babby

just like how tavares wouldnt break 40 goals?

>a leaf picking a canadian team to win the lee bowl
it's kinda sad desu. they just never learn

Join the /hoc/ league


The most vacuous """"""""""""""""meme"""""""""""""""" ever to curse /hoc/.

Just like how Tavares was suddenly going to be a 50 goal scorer?

>SJ has the goaltending to get past Vegas
>WPG redeems themselves after shitting away their division lead.
>BOS beats TB

Fucking kek bro thanks for sharing

look at that fuckin catter!

Attached: dog.jpg (600x600, 159K)

This is a vacuous meme

now that's a vacuous """meme"""

Can't score on a good boy

Attached: dog puck.png (420x475, 331K)

guess career best isnt enough for laffer haters

Every bracket besides mine is wrong

>schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop

I have a vacuous soul

>still can't break 90 points

cope more faggot. he didnt even get to 90 points either. some """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""superstar""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" lmao
go back to believing all the shit laffsnet tells you.

I allowed myself to be biased during the 1st round with the Leafs
Reckon we'll have a playoff year with some upsets
Blues making it far, Preds is overrated (no offense), think the Sharks are too inconsistent to make it past VGK
The Caps v Canes matchup is a hot take.. Caps sweeped them in the regular season.. but still, I believe

Attached: ploffbracket.png (990x752, 87K)

Hello, is this /golf/?

Yang seems quite based

>I LOVE triggering libruls

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>watching anything except majors and Ryder Cup
No thanks

general reminder that on both of overrated shits shootout attempts this year he failed to even hit the net. literally cant do anything except tap ins.


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goes well with your cavernous rectum

>Caps sweeped them in the regular season..
Every game was close 2bh. The Canes can absolutely beat the Capitals.

>break 100 points
>qualify for the playoffs
good to know which one edmongolians prefer

>watching ANYTHING except ...
So this is /golf/?


>Oilers Fan

>shooting pct suddenly jumps 3%
yeah, that's definitely sustainable

Indeed, it'll be a tight series I believe, and do think the Canes can come out ahead

>goals are somehow worth less cause it took "less" effort to score them
jt uses his body to get himself in the right place at the right time

what the fuck is garth snow gonna do?

he cant become manager as tallon has that job already


Attached: spedehermoilee.gif (455x286, 3.68M)

English motherfucker do you speak it

>getting carried by a 14 year old is now impressive

>b-but his shooting percentage isnt sustainable

Every team except mine makes a first round exit.
Screen cap it.

Yes, do you?

>Tampa vs Ted
>the absolute state of ted's forward depth
>the absolute state of ted's defence depth
>don't know if you get vagina trophy winner bobrovsky or you're off the case officer bobrovsky
>the absolute literal sad state of affairs with 15% (fifteen percent) """""""""power""""""""play
>tortamongo as head coach
Tampa will sweep in 1.5

in your fucking dreams, m8s

Attached: 13.jpg (2048x1363, 252K)

It's a crap shoot anyways, might as well choose the team you are going to cheer for anyways.

>t. triggered libruls

Joe Thornton > Messhit

Who /SirDavid/ here

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Hello where is link to hoc's bracket

I'm not an Edmongolian. Cope harder faglord.

Except the Laffs made the playoffs last year without Tavares...surely more points is better than less if he isn't really needed anyways.

Really not looking forward to sharing gamethreads with you people.

remember last year? I believe the argument was that even though the craps' first line was better, their third and fourth lines would win the game

>the absolute state of the ted collective


remember when those deluded laffsnet retards were constantly comparing bustthews to mcmeme? the only thing they have in common is they get injured easily.

2nd best penalty kill
Elite offensive depth
3 elite defenceman
Bob just needs to not shit his pants


guess we'll find out during the series with bombston

won't have to for long, friend

yes hello which Ted is this

Vacuous meme

They don't even have that in common. Matthews gets injured far more easily, while McDavid is as durable as steel in comparison.

Reminder Brad Marchand had more points than overrated shit

Real ted

If Matthews had to carry as much weight as McSadsack he'd probably put up similar numbers.

no one cares faggot
you think johnny manlet is gonna win a series

general reminder that the >shanaplan has NEVER won a playoff series and its only hope for success depends on crying to the league to change the playoff structure

3/10 apply yourself

Sweden’s posts have been particularly abhorrent today. What gives?

I'm sure Kadri will fuck it all up playing in a more defensive role against a team that easily gets under his skin.

Who is shanaplan

He'd probably get injured even more.

Flims will fold they have no playoff experience and shit tendies
Colorado's big Finnish bull is going to come back and run train

well the other teams top dpairings would be covering """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""superstar"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" tavares giving bustthews favorable matchups, and he is still shit.

LOVE america
LOVE canada
LOVE finland
HATE sweden
HATE grease
HATE armenia

Remember, /hoc/ is not for bullies

Attached: 1554031642641.jpg (560x451, 105K)

wrong, he and I talked about Sweden today. good guy. t. definitely not Sweden

think you need a couple more quotes there


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>37 goals
albortions ABSOLUTELY seethee

leafs isles ECF just so tavares gets BTFO in the end

Attached: Miku_.jpg (720x960, 158K)

>3rd in rocket Richard race (despite missing 10 games)
>well over PPG pace despite injury
>”y-yeah well he’s o-overrated s-shit h-heh”
I don’t even know why I hang out with you retardd

>LOVE finland
>HATE sweden
wow what a pisshead

now THIS is based

brendan shanahan built the foundation of current laffs team. deluded retards think it was a "successful" rebuild and that other teams should follow its blueprint for success, even tho they have literally never won anything.

detroit sweden is ok

which team has had a successful rebuilt in this decade user?

it is because they are making the playoffs more often(?)

LOVE america
LOVE canada
LOVE finland
LOVE sweden
LOVE grease
LOVE armenia

Attached: whowasphone.png (419x249, 3K)

>only 37 goals

Attached: 1262425256337.jpg (256x353, 17K)

thats definitely not superstar tier. and seeing how deluded retards like yourself have been shilling him as one, that means you agree he is overrated shit.

>Dirk playing last game on Tuesday
>Stars starting cup run on Wednesday

Attached: mooterus pupper.png (720x835, 503K)

Hate everyone. Love the Canucks.

>not getting obliterated in the first round

>51 goals
>starting the golf season

Attached: 1362710234181.gif (282x212, 2.83M)

HATE everyone but Russia

Attached: DTftqHtXcAEUxeO.jpg (660x495, 55K)

>LOVE grease
Wtf i hate finland now!

the jests rebuild was around the same time, and they have at least managed to win a few playoff series. now it looks like the flimflams are in a better position to win a playoff series than the laffs this year.

You can only post ITT if >your team has at least 2 90+ point players

>capitals didn't make the ploffs
They also have a better chance of making it past the first round.

>and seeing how deluded retards like yourself have been shilling him as one, that means you agree he is overrated shit.
and here we see the desperate albortion with no where else to turn is forced to imply his way through the argument

Attached: 1358474459386.gif (400x225, 2.68M)

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png (380x380, 270K)

>only albortions hate moronto
you almost as hilarious as that retarded burger laffs fan

oh right it only took 13 more goals than bustthews to end up on the goal course

only albortions are this vocal about it :)

Lol your superstar (more like stupidstar for signing that contract) has played in two playoff series

Anything more sad then seeing a Laff fan constantly scream albortion at anybody who comes to close?

>cant even create an account
Shit website tbqh

getting Snow won't make the kitties less sunbelt

Galaxy brain-tier post. /hoc/ would be 15x better with a handful of Russian posters. We should remove all the Finns and replace them with Ivan.

its like the deluded lafftards version of >obsessed and seething

Toronto sucks
their fans are shit
the Leafs will lose AGAIN to Boston
Tavares is overrated shit

t. not from Alberta (or Boston)

one that is so insecure about a laffs team that he has to spam that their superstar is overrated the entire season

Calm down. Nobody here is claiming goal scoring == playoffs, but it sure helps. Pretty stupid to think otherwise.

tell your parliament to stop hating freedom and then you can do fun things like give your personal information to buttman

I didn't have an issue

I'll bring some to /hoc/ in a year or so блять

>their superstar
We haven't been saying anything about Matthews or Marner.

>their superstar
Reminder, Tavar is overrated shit.

Attached: 1010101.jpg (1200x906, 92K)

just like how laffsnet shoved that shit down our throats all season. and you retards parroted it all year. thinking that less than 50 goals and 90 points was "superstar" tier. go ahead call me a albortion if that helps you cope.

oh really?
why were people so quick to point out that jt didnt hit 50goals + or break 90 points?
surely they must have meant something behind these comments

No hating on Matthews, please

Attached: auston-matthews-daniel-stewart-09.jpg (800x1200, 162K)

>only 9 entries
Didn't we have like 70-something last year?

>b-but the media told me jt was a superstar
so mail bomb tsn you flying faggot
instead you shit all over him here pretending like

I didn't even know he was playing this season

yea, it was just started today though

The bracket challenge started today m8, give it a few days

He has horrible taste in fashion and is likely homosexual, but at least he's a decent hockey player (unlike SOMEONE I could mention).

Why does life have to be like 90% bullshit? Where did humanity go wrong?

shall be making the mania thread in about an hour lads

>i was just pretending to be retarded

Not going to lie to you guys
I’m scared

Hottest goal scorer not named Ovechkin in the game

Yall jelly

Attached: Auston+Matthews+Wf-pMD44KIgm.jpg (356x236, 36K)

nationalism and the nation state is an artificial construct created in the 1800s that only serves to conscript free soldiers to fight the aristocracy's petty wars

Go for it manchild

this is what a real superstar looks like

Attached: 8.jpg (920x606, 59K)

yeah im well aware dickhead we've been talking about it for months

i have a better hairline than that

oh so you admit that all the jt spam was just nonsense?

the bullshit is the fun part

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>Yall jelly

Attached: what.png (625x625, 523K)

who do I support?

why did it take him over a decade to prove it?
why cant other players get that same benefit of the doubt?


>Tavares is overrated shit

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Modern humans have always exploited each other, that's just the most recent method of doing so

All teams with Swedes in them, like me

Daniel Bryan and Brock

Come on now Sven
Couldn't care less about his clothing and sexuality, he plays great hockey indeed!

He's alright, but tronn is dogshit and will be swept in 7 by bombston

are there wrasslin swedes?

deluded lafftards who thought he was the "superstar" that would elevate them to beat the ruins. instead they end up in the same spot.

Because it irritates idiots like yourself.

I'm happy to give tavshit all the benefit of the doubt ovi got in your absurd """"""media"""""" circus up north

until he gets a cup, he gets believers in his home market and haters everywhere else, as it always is.

How often did you hesr Ovechkin lampooned as a choker or fraud in the last decade?

Sharks gonna shork all the way to the cup!

Don't be scared

Attached: 6JtPhSy.jpg (1200x1200, 577K)

lol is that how you get off in life?
taunting so called morons?
pretty sad mate

lets hear how you plan to take back the moral highground

Getting awfully chirpy around here with no hockey in

As in Yea Forums mandrama?

is usa an autist? he has like 250 posts in this thread

>instead they end up in the same spot.
what changes if they ended up second in the division?
the real challenges lie before them
wouldnt expect an edmongolian to understand that

He's been fairly consistent his whole career. Cup wins don't mean you're a superstar, they just mean you play for the best team. Ovi's dragged his team to the playoffs by himself in the past.

Do we like baseball?

lmao no, the will be swept i 5 by vegas

This shorks team doesnt even have defencemen or a goalie. Its 5 attacker and a pylon cone in goal

Are you retarded? All signs point to yes.

ovi at least gets coverage still. somebody like gaudreau barely even gets mentioned by laffsnet/toronto sports network/hnic even tho he had a more productive season that marner.

>lost my filters


that's true. gaudreau, specifically, seems like the timezone curse

I only occasionally watch >my team and sometimes the playoffs
I waste enough time watching hockey and shitposting here

reminder that the soilers have won a playoff series and been to a stan lee more recently than the laffs. so if you think the soilers are a fucking joke, holy fucking shit, the laffs make them look amazing. good thing you have regular season "success" to understand.

Someone create an sp hoc league here.

You dont need any log in and shit so its 1000000 times better than nhl dot com
Only sunbelters like boreball

>Cup wins don't mean you're a superstar, they just mean you play for the best team.
dont get far in life with claims of a cupless superstar

I stand by my neighbor Alberta. Always have and always will.

dumb question but what determines home ice when two teams are tied to points? GF?

What's so funny?
>is that how you
No, but it's why people post that shit. Laffers are easy and fun to pick on because they can't not reply.
>taunting morons
So you're admitting to being a moron here? What the fuck user.
>muh moral highground
pic related

Attached: dabdog.jpg (800x786, 85K)

Into the trash you go then

>we improved
>don't move up in the standings
I mean, you're kind of right. Playoffs mean more, but so far, not looking good. Be worried lad.


you called me the moron mate
hence is being "so-called"
>Laffers are easy and fun to pick on
its easy to pick on people while you hide behind anonymity


>tfw no gf and will never ever get home ice advantage

Attached: e2b.jpg (428x500, 33K)

>thought of something funny to post on /hoc/
>find thread
>open thread
>forget what I was suppose to post

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Yeah, but I never watch. Maybe some Grapefruit League in the spring and then hoc ploffs start and then can't be assed.



Thin skin Laffer. Big surprise.

Implying your opinion matters

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feels bad man

zoom zoom

he had no longevity to his career. he had a few high scoring seasons, but was hurt most of the time. hes not even mogilny tier.

>faggot wont reveal his team but continues to bully
not surprised


i watch nearly all of >my teams basedball games because I have a high IQ and a good relationship with my father

LOVE Canada
LOVE Sweden
HATE Grease

Simple as

Attached: 1531950772967.jpg (851x768, 208K)

Like what

Yikes. He had 1 good year. Bure was great every season.

did he teach you how to skate or is he a shitty dad?


kangz trying for mclellan

Attached: this_doesnt_matter.png (333x295, 67K)

sure did, i grew up in the snowbelt after all

CGY/COL will be the comfiest first round matchup
Prove me wrong

Don't you have a full time job, other hobbies/interests and friends? Baseball teams play almost every day

what can I say, it's a good post

>his team
My team is the Seattle Laff Killers.

I think it goes 6 or 7 tßh


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comfy is just a codeword for boring desu

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>He had 1 good year
please delete your 4channel account and never come back to this forum

pooins / >laffs

yep. throw the ball game on tv or the radio whilst doing other things very often

God if kongz get Kakko and he gets the bulju treatment from Mclellan.

Can we even call that one a series?
Bruins sweep, easy.

look how scared this shitter is
wont reveal his team cause he doesnt want to get bullied back

Maybe. But if comfy is just a code word for boring, then I'd say the Jets and Blues will be the comfiest. Laffs and Bruins will be the most enjoyable though.

>not wanting to watch Tampa sweep Ted in 3 games

>finning tending

based mclellan, exposer of fennobusts

He literally peaked in his rookie year and then struggled to find consistency after that, ending up an injured corpse of his former self in the lowly shanty town of Toronto.

1.5 tops.


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Finnish tending will be their undoing in round 2
No way they'll lose to the Laffs, never ever.

shit team shit city shit sport

cant wait for a WOKE gm to go up on stage and draft a literal who center over kappo busto

lol no the worst (most boring series) by far is preds/stars

>his team
My team is the Hartford WAAAAA-lers

Hello fellow Kentucky user

Attached: Kentucky Wojak.jpg (959x771, 1.02M)

gonna be a little sad watching you fellows get swept in 6 by a shit team like dullass

never said >laffs would win. pooins in 6

>Oilers then draft Kappo Busto thinking they got handed a gem
Will they ever learn?

no matter how much people say they hate a specific country, all countries always have my love

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Reminder the habs deserve a playoff spot more than dallas coloroaodao tornto st losie Vegas islels pens canes or ted

except it's not true

Attached: screenshot-www.eliteprospects.com-2019.04.08-00-57-36.png (763x675, 90K)

>Danish tending
>shit defense
>perennial chokers
>playing their bogeyman
It's ogre. I know it, you know it, we all know it

Fair point. It will also be the biggest eye sore (yellow and green).

>loving niggers

Attached: 1531444522947.jpg (295x362, 27K)

Even Israel?

remember when /hoc/ experts thought a team with less than 90 points would end up in the ploffs? so much for that lol

So why didn't they get more points

>Vancouver wasn't his rookie season
fake news. Buffalo wasn't even a real NHL team yet.

Because you're mom's a retarded fucking whore and she slept whtih gayry buttman and he maked them have less points

You need help Sam this isn't normal

if it weren't for vegas, the western conference would be completely and utterly uninteresting to watch in the playoffs

Pat LaFontaine babby

next thread better be a shannon edition

>more than dallas
yeah, I guess
>st losie
>Vegas islels pens
that's just delusional
>canes or ted

Even Finland?

Yeah on second thought, I don't think I am friends with Sweden anymore.


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My team is Hamilton

>nashville/dallas will play outdoor game next season
>(((conveniently))), they will face each other in the playoffs now

Vegas will lose in the first round though.

will subban and simmonds be insulted having to play a game in the cotton bowl?



Based Gary!

Attached: 1522953936696.png (270x270, 10K)

we are all one sir
that doesnt sound like a country
ofcourse all of nordic land

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The contrarian bracket


On time

shant be posting in that early thread

Underrated post

If it weren't for Vegas, Florida might actually be a playoff team right now.