How goes your gaming addiction - have you been referred for therapy yet?

How goes your gaming addiction - have you been referred for therapy yet?

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based retard

The thing is tho I can totally relate to this addiction when I was in school and with modern warfare 2 and even Runescape.

Sure it's not food you're addicted to


I don't see the appeal of Fortnite, at all

In my day games had stories

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Battle Royale
Constantly updated
Shit ton of cosmetic items that the fanbase seems to love

You don't have to like it to be able to see why it's popular desu.

modern gamer kiddies don't want a story, they just want quick action and big numbers popping on the screen every five seconds

Can't wait for loot boxes and addictive games to be banned. Also bottom text.

Athletes being addicted to video games doesn't make sense at all to me. I can understand regular people who don't engage in anything competitive in real life but how can you get addicted to some game while you compete on the biggest stage on the world week in week out.

>Harry wants the game banned
Ahh yes, the quintessential British/Yuropoor "solution" everything

Arsenal players must have had an all-nighter.

Parents let their kids play it, that's literally it.

Arcade games were exactly like that, those were the good days before games got bogged down with shitty stories written by hacks who couldn't make it in the film industry.

I don’t play games. I’m not 12.

For athletes, it's unironically better than banging women.

Not because it's more pleasant, but simply because it's less risky.

Because video games give you a constant hits of dopamine, whether you win a round, level up or get a new item it makes you feel good. Athletes have to train all week and then play a single 90 minute game and you feel like shit if you lose the match. It's why gambling addicts are usually betting on things like horse racing where there's a race every 5 minutes.

luckily my video game "addictions" have all been with single player games so they don't last that long

Arcade games were fucking hard though and there was no reward except having your name on the leader board. Games today are constantly rewarding you for doing basic things and some games are obviously programmed to let you win if you've been playing like shit just to make you feel good and continue playing and spending more money on FUT coins etc.

>mail online

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spotted the paki Fortnite addict


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I play a lot of video games but I think my porn addiction is the bigger problem

You don't look for fun or appeal, that's why. To you Fortnite is mostly just a popular game, which doesn't smell nice to your contrarianism

>Activate Carlos Santana

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And based Neymar plays CS iirc.

just get a gf lmao

i know people who have spent £100s on it
that i don't get

>earn £100k a week
>play videogames

If I had that money I'd find better things to do

that doesn't explain anything

This happened to the Phillies last year. Players would leave the dugout during the game to go and play Fortnite. Manager found out and took a bat to all TVs and Xboxs in the lockeroom.

Not a videogame, but Fortnite, user.

Another proof that the Premier League is a fucking joke of league.

The innovative thing AFAIK is that you can build stairs or shields in this battle royale videogame. It looks pretty childish to non-zoomers.

>playing fortnite during game
what? how did he play during a game?

Muy basado

Poor mans pubg. Thus kids prefer it.

how much Fortnite PR stuff pay for this shitty hype?

>upto 4 player teams
>streamers play it
I unironically played it a while ago as it was popular and all my friends played it. Building should never be in a shooting game, my boomer brain can't do it both

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Well in baseball players are in the dugout for half the game when they are not up batting or in the field. Also other players who aren't playing that day might have been in the clubhouse playing Fortnite.

Starsiege: Tribes had engineers that could build shit AND motherfucking jetpacks in 1998. Innovative my ass. Nothing compares to Tribes, so get off of my lawn.

Video Game addiction doesn't actually exist unless we're talking about edge cases like what you see on Dr Phil. And in those cases it's down to the person rather than vidya being a problem.

Hollywood boomers are panicking because vidya has made movies & TV completely irrelevant. Every few years they instruct one of their puppets to whip up some sort of moral panic in the hopes that vidya dies or gets heavily regulated so people go back to consuming movies & TV series on the level they did in the 80's.

>27 year old khv
>rarely played a video game in my life

i prefer to have my crippling internet and TV addictions

1. It's free.

2. It's shooting.

3. You can build elaborate bases & hideouts with relative ease (the controls are really good), so no two matches really play out the same.

It explains why people install it and stick to it
People just like cosmetics, I know people who have done the same, I can't claim to understand it but it seems to be a thing these days.

>Daily Fail
Wouldnt be surprised if this was 'sponsored content' to keep Fortnite in the public eye.

Dembele likes vidya

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>be normalfaggot boomer
>spend all your free time lying on the couch watching reality tv
>it's bad when you do the same with NEW THING though

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most top level footballers are guys who are naturally competitive, want to be the best at everything, and are willing to work to achieve that.

used to be most of them got really into golf as it was a sport they were allowed to play with a high skill cap. now with the younger ones it's videogames.

training and matches is a very short work week. time sinks are essential.

It's free, nigga.

I unironically think I'm addicted to vidya/technology. All my free time is spent wasted and I don't even enjoy it, I try and stop (locked away my pc and ps4 controller) and I now just waste that time instead on my phone. I also think my memory is worse because I'm used to fast media and I can't remember things very well

>third person
>fun just to move around
>insane and deep character customization

It might not be a physical addiction like heroin but I think it absolutely exists, go on YouTube and listen to all the old team speak recordings from World of Warcraft when parents would force their kid off the computer mid raid at 3 am. You’d think they would literally die if they don’t get to finish the raid. In a lot of Asian countries they have to put a hard time lock into MMO’s because people play them for so long they die of sleep deprivation. Not to mention some countries like the Netherlands even have Video Game / Technology rehab centres.