Magnus Carlsen immortal

Right now Magnus playing his greatest game of chess ever over poor little Anish giri


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What now, rest of the world?


strict embargo on vaccines going to Norge

Isn't Kasparov the only person to have played against the whole world so far?

Literally any time you want to see any game of chess you have two options or
But being autistic is a prerequisite of being a goat chess player

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Wait, at least Karpov did so too. Nvm.

Is Ding Liren the new draw king?
Everytime I see his scoreboard, it's a draw.

Why does the chess aesthetic remind me of an airport lounge or dentists' waiting room?

stream where?


Did he decided he no longer wanted to be shit and became goat again?
5/7 with a average rating of nearly 2800, that's pretty good.

>people asking for stream

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Ask me how I know you're from the French part of Belgium

Verlicht mijn geest dikzak.

because you're too low iq, go back to worshipping Midul FC Ngubus

Only I know how to play 8d Chess

nah too many dubious moves. what game is actually his best?

how many wins in a row does he have now?

In my defense I just wanted to make a thread and it still was a kino game

Do you teach chess btw


my bad, i meant without losing
it's 48

Reported for off topic discussion

Lol at the difference in hand size

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>Anish giri
Nothing spectacular about this. Magnus could be getting a blowjob from Sopiko and still beat this nigga

Giri got a positive score against Magnus untill last year or so.

i dont'. you looking for coach?

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I'm not sure I could beat Giri while getting a blowjob from Sopiko, but I'm willing to give it a go

I am

post discord or skype or whatever you are using i'll see if i can help you

Apparently his 2019 performance rating is 2903.

Micromegas1 on discord

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Cringe. Yea Forums is the mandrama containment board, Chess is a real sport.

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add me tomklanf#9553


saved for mogged threads on /fit/

karjakin close behind

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too bad he's getting btfo tomorrow

They were tied first before today. Karjakin's chance is next round, but Carlsen is looking great lately.

hey my name is anish too

This. Chess is a game not a sport

What about chess-boxing?

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Where does boxing fall on this? It has referees and judges

so it counts?

It's an event.

>Chess is a game not a sport
"game" and "sport" are not mutually exclusive

>baseball game
>basketball game
>soccer game

see how english works?
>FIDE: Fédération Internationale des Échecs
you're retarded

tournament players will understand this

Like generals at war.

Carlsen is winning again. He is on fire.

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Looks like nobody is on Carlsen's level once again he starts playing well.


Cheeky Yea Forums chess threads are based

Way to go Magnus! He is very good.

whats carlsens stance on the dirty jews?

>powered by the human body
>opponents having a direct influence over each other's performance
>physical exertion
Do you realise just how many sports don't meet those requirements?

He can beat them at chess.

im sorry based norway

When I want to know the definition of a term I choose Merriam Webster as my semi-authoritative yet still ultimately arbitrary mediator.
>It's a game la

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Why isn't the "You may only post ITT if..." guy posting here?

told you niggas it was all downhill for Carlsen once he defeated Anand

Yeah, hopefully he can reach 2860 now. I think last time he get this high was 2016.

post your favorite set

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Serious question here: should be Magnus be considered the GOAT already?
>Highest ELO ever
>Most accurate player ever according to computers
>Best in any time control
>Number 1 for eight straight years (and counting)
Yes, Kasparov was number for 18 years, but I don't see anyone surpassing Magnus is a close future (maybe the new generation of Asian players with Alireza, Nihal and the Pregnant Anand can do that, but they are still a long way to go)

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No, Carlsen should not be considered the GOAT quite yet, but if he can remain World Champion and/or the #1 on the rating list for another decade, I think he will be.

A trivia question for you: during Carlsen's current streak as #1 on the rating list, how many different players have been in the #2 spot behind him?

imagine if we had morphy, kasparov, karpov, fischer, carlsen and tal all in one generation

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As far as I remember right now (not cheating): Caruana, MVL, and Mamedyarov. I think Naka was also 2 for a short time.
I guess Anand (or Topalov) was at 1 when Carlsen outranked them.
Not sure about Aronian or Kramnik.

Yes, imagine four of the greatest players of all time and a Louisiana lawyer who played his games in the years immediately before the American civil war, when everyone else didn't have a clue about positional chess.

Serious question, do you think Magnus should remain number 1 for as long as Kasparov did? Nowadays I think talent is nurtured and found more, so there's bound to be more and possibly better contenders for the number 1 spot. Not to mention the chess theory is more available to anyone, and there's also computers now. The last one could be a detriment, but they can just not be completely depended on.

All players you mention have been #2 behind Carlsen at some point, as well as one you forgot.
Should, or could?

Lets go with should because could is far less strict.

10 years? Personally, I think he should, but I guess I'm biased.

20 years? That sounds pretty unrealistic. If he's still World Champion when he's as old as Anand is now, there has to be something seriously wrong with the other guys.

he's generally considered the most naturally talented player of all time. "all in one generation" implies that they're all equally up-to-book. i could easily see him dominating before mental illness taking over

but i understand... norway is pretty much the new india in the chess world. a country full of newcomers who are very hyped about one of their boys being champ. i totally forgive you for not being familiar with the roots and the spirit of Caissa

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As is equally understated and clear from this, Morphy was an excellent player in open and only open positions. Each and every one of the 16 undisputed World Champions, as well as every player who has reached a 2700 rating, were not only objectively stronger players, but also just as talented as him. The impression of Morphy being worthy of praise equal to the World Champions comes from his dominant play against relatively weak players in the pre-Steinitz era.

Also, I'm absolutely certain I know more about chess history than you do.


>i totally forgive you for not being familiar with the roots and the spirit of Caissa
i can pretty much guarantee you norwegians know more about caissa than most other people at this point

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>so there's bound to be more and possibly better contenders for the number 1 spot
The thing is that for the last years a lot of young players seemed to be "the chosen 1", only to stuck somewhere between 2750 and 2800 (Asians like Wei Yi, Euros like Giri or Duda... even Fabi, albeit he reached 2820 or so)
It's like there is 2 tiers for human chess players: Carlsen and everyone else. Despite this, as I said I still have a lot of hopes on the new generation of Asian players, especially Alireza, who seems to be a colossal talent.

Damn, I forgot good ol' Wesley (had to cheat to find it out)