Remember when we reached the semifinals of the world cup by sheer luck and people actually thought we had a chance of...

remember when we reached the semifinals of the world cup by sheer luck and people actually thought we had a chance of winning it?


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Yeah, I remember. As much as I'd like to have joined the hype, we actually played like a Croatia or a Greece ourselves and Croatia clearly had actual world class players in their team.

They're also our Bogey team if you remember 2008.


As I Scot I remember. I remember laughing at all the crying Englanders after the semifinal. Was hilarious.

We did have a chance of winning though. If Kane has squared it we probs would have held out against Croatia, and although 9 times out of 10 France would have dabbed on us there's always that chance

What a life you jocks lead.

>sheer luck
not really.

Winning comfortably 2-0 vs Sweden was luck? I'm confused

I'm still mad you didn't hit the final

If you hate England so much maybe you Scots should vote for your independence or something?

I think everyone was. Even though we would have got destroyed England/France would have been a truly legendary final.


I remember thousands of jocks spending all their girlfriend's skag money to fly 4000 miles to Kazakhstan only to watch them lose 3-0 to a team ranked 117th in the world.

Funniest part is they saw their qualifying group and thought 'och, we have a chance'. Deluded wee jocks

We've improved since the World Cup because of the formation change and dropping the last remaining shitters from the previous era

Getting independence from England is a thing that americans do

>och aye jimmy, we have a chance!!

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the real issue is that the modern scotchman would be considered brain damaged by civilised standards in all but the most undeveloped lead-poisoned countries. if scotland didn't have the good fortune to be attached to england it would be globally regarded as third world. your scotchman lacks the intelligence of the vast majority of farm animals and so is incapable of comprehending even the most basic tactic or strategy. 'being scotch' has been acceptable special olympics qualification criteria since the competition's inception. couple that with a complete disregard for health, nutrition, and personal well-being (not to mention personal hygiene) and you get a nation of morbidly-obese brain-dead wooden-toothed irn-bru-swilling heroin-addicted deep-fried-everything-munching dead-by-60 troglodytes completely unequipped for the rigours of sporting endeavour or modern society.

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with players like young and delph it's amazing that we got as far as we did

Why weren't you watching Scotland compete at the World Cup?

>Young, Dier and Henderson were always in the starting line-up

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Am I the only person who thinks Young played well?

He brought much needed experience to a young team. Was never out of position, knew how and when to run the clock and didn't make stupid mistakes. Seems like people shat on him because he wasn't contributing to attacks but that wasn't his role.


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I agree 100% and find it annoying how he was overlooked as the only serial winner in that team providing experience

>proceeds to get humiliated in the most one-sided final in history

better you than us

Remember when Eric Dier, Kieran Trippier, Jordan Pickford and Ashley Young were considered good footballers and national heroes?

You needed your Eder to beat France. Did you have Danny Welbeck in the squad?

>serial winner


Remember pretending we didn't care that it wasn't coming home and it was all a joke?

How soon after Trippier's goal do you realise we weren't going to win?
For me, it was about the 30 min mark

When Sterling got subbed off and we hopped straight onto Hendo's wild ride of passing the ball back to the defenders until the Croatians started an attack

>watching england instead of watching scotland in the world cup