The Boat Race

>The 165th Boat Race between crews from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. First raced in 1829, The Boat Race is one of the oldest sporting events in the world.

>Watched by thousands along the banks of The Tideway, between Putney and Mortlake in London, and by millions more on TV around the world, The Boat Race is a unique sporting event. With two very strong squads of athletes, expect to see another great Race this year.

Live on BBC 1 now

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Doo dooo doood ooodododododoo ddo dooo doo

Cambridge ultras ASSEMBLE!

Eat the Rich, tbqh

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Kinda wish the Beeb would bin off meathead Claire Balding.

>you now remember Olympicrowinganon

Balding and Inverdale into a mincer when?

I hope someone sinks lmao


>not allowing The Open University to join into race

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Cambridge will win both. Not just because of Cracknell. Guaranteed.

They're not even real students. They just go for the rowing team

>J-Bell and Sam Quek


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My first time seeing this absolute hottie Quek

>Implying 46-year-old former Olympian James Cracknell is not a nerdy maths student

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He is doing Masters "Human Evolutionary Studies" beats Land Studies, whatever the fuck that is.

A fair few are doing STEM this year. Tell me Chemistry or Engineering are soft subjects

Is the lady in a red jacket a lady?

>all this top upper-class totty

Ill never be rich enough to get an oxbridge qt gf

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Just b urself ;)

Seriously though, fuck these born-to-rule cunts

>oxbridge qt gf
pretty rare tbqh

>ywn take up rowing after getting exposed to it at your private school
>ywn get accepted to oxbridge
>ywn take part in the boatrace
>ywn meet a qt top-totty gf
>ywn holiday with her family in the south of France
>ywn get a job in daddy's investment firm after graduating
>ywn settle down with your qt top-totty gf in a London townhouse (in a nice part of London, not one of the ethnic shitholes)
>ywn take over daddy's company and country house after he dies
>ywn know life on such easy mode

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>Brexit chaos causes government to collapse
>Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister
>Gets to attend Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race
>Asks to award medals to the winners
>One boat sinks; JezCo orders first-aid crew not to rescue them
>Shakes hands with other team on the podium
>Beheads them all with a machete
>Forces their families to sing Keep the Red Flag Flying on TV next to the corpses of their murdered relatives
Would lmao to be honest

Upper class totty basically look like they're 30 once they hit 20, but then don't age until they hit 60


>all those americans

I don't remember this verse in The Internationale

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i don't know man, prettiest girls i have seen in cambridge were not english.

God I'd love to motorboat Carol's milf-y tits

Any livestream for Americans?

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How much undergrad pussy do you think crackers is slaying now that he's ditched his wife?

come on oxford. do it for jordan peterson

Which boats are going down now? I missed the anouncement

>165th boat race
>every year it's the same 2 teams in the final
This shit is rigged in favour of the fucking toffs lads.

That dark haired Scottish lass is a total babe, Lily something

Men's race

laff every time seeing her on TV knowing I've seen her snatch

is this their top boat, 2nd boat? Cambridge look far more explosive atm

Forced parity and salary caps

What an aggressive looking beaver.

>I hate erging, can’t wait to get back on the water

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>this poof cox

is this like yank college sport where they admit meathead retards into bullshit courses just so they can have good rowers?


>fucking Morris dancers

no. Rowers get way better grades then any other sports teams and usually become successful enough to donate back into the program.

absolute state

Sort of, but they only admit people who own at least half of a county.

there is a college conference called the SEC and most of their teams are actually illiterate so they have to call plays with fast food restaurant logos and cartoon characters

Kind of. They get established international rowers on PhDs in land management, and a smattering of younger kids who are promising international rowers.

Rowing is such an upper class sport here that they're all private school bastards, which helps explain how they do well after uni even if they don't become pro rowers, as








>193 heart rate

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lol why don't oxford just row faster

The zoomer Oxford blown out by the boomer Cambridge

>Oxford cox trying to grass on the other team


oxford plebs btfo yet again

Whats your 2k user, you are sub 7, right?

I can drink two pints in about a minute, yeah

utter bollocks that cracknell can get into the team, nothing stopping oxbridge creating pretend courses with a class size of 1

Honestly, you have to be a complete wet wipe not to be sub-7. 14-year-old school kids can do it. 6:14 master race

We’re on Yea Forums here bud the average 2k here is prolly 8:45 easy

Working class here. Rowed when I was at uni and can confirm this. A couple of the lads I rowed with made GB tho

It’s been the case for years. Usually it’s a masters in something like land economy

Rowers in general are not reatarded like other athletes because it's an upper class sport. My university has a rowing team and they are all ok in terms of intelligence.

Fucking hate James Cracknell taking all the limelight, twat

See ya next year, lads. haha

bye lad

>The Oxford vs Cambridge Boat Race

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>upper class people can't be retarded


>The 165th Boat Race between crews from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge

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tfw just want to have a posh home counties lass

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