2:05pm BST kick-off.

EVE: Pickford; Coleman, Keane, Zouma, Digne; Gomes, Gueye; Richarlison, Sigurdsson, Bernard; Calvert-Lewin.
>Subs: Stekelenburg, Baines, Jagielka, Davies, Walcott, Lookman, Tosun.

ARS: Leno; Mustafi, Sokratis, Monreal; Maitland-Niles, Elneny, Guendouzi, Kolasinac; Ozil, Mkhitaryan; Lacazette.
>Subs: Cech, Lichtsteiner, Jenkinson, Ramsey, Suarez, Iwobi, Aubameyang.

Attached: 19669e7a3679b84ebbd55e637b93843c[1].jpg (1170x680, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>de gay

>de shit game

>de shit gay


lol Arsenal must lose.

imagine actually watching this lmao

I miss him ;_;

Attached: 1552843232652.jpg (1200x800, 127K)

Up the fookin toffees.

Arsenal truly is a cucked club.

2-1 to Everton. Richarlison and Gueye to score.

Attached: Check Em.jpg (615x409, 30K)

Why do we always play teams just when they're coming into form?

>ozil captain


Attached: ozil beta orbiter gives rhianna jersey in hopes of 2 hugs and high five.jpg (634x602, 125K)

everton always step up at home against us, I don't know why

Because Arsenal are shit away from home

every time we play neverton I still seethe over that 10 yard offside goal louis saha scored against us

can everton fans boo their team with every touch like they did in the first half against chelsea please

Because Arsenal can't deal with a physical fight and everybody knows it





Can't believe how that shitter used to start for England

i really can't deal with this shit refball again lads

Attached: everton hate.png (1279x197, 33K)

>Arsenal complaining about refball


How the fuck is Gendhouzi not sent off there? Friend is a fucking pathetic ref

You dont even know what that means

So the guendouzi follow through is a foul, but Zouma taking out Lacazette isn't?

daily reminder

Attached: everton transfer champs.jpg (1920x1152, 589K)


>chelsea can score goals that are 5 yards offside
>arsenal players get wiped out in the box and no penalty
what did the (((FA))) mean by this Yea Forums?

Eat meat.






>illegal throw
>jagielka offside

Attached: unai uhh.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)


>succumbing to the long-throw

Attached: Skinner1.jpg (480x295, 12K)


>you know remember James McCarthy

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Arse-anal are basically a fake club with fake supporters and entirely fake; fold immediately.

His career was ruined by his own NT

Should have been playing for Scotland anyway the Judas cunt

guys, i want arsenal to win.

so much for getting ahead of tottenham and get cucked back to 4th next weekend

>Arsenal need two to win
Amazing analysis

>throw-in cross goal
The beautiful game

>short corners
wihn will this cancer stop?


Somehow they make the blueshite look okay at football.
Proper football, something brazilians will never understand

Calvert Lewin is so bad. Can't run in behind and not a great target man either


>sokratis injured
yea arsenal isnt going to get top 4.

He could have killed the lad

you now remember everton legend aiden mcgeady

Why is Gomes so cute?

What happened to Sokratis? Is he injured?

Everton have won 90% of the deflections in this game so far

Calvert Lewin
>has an assist this game
>has no goals, no assists

I have no horse in this race but David Luiz jr deserved a card and Sokratis made a meal of that. Starting to want Everton to win this

Arse players are made of glass lol

He's fine. Scores goals and works hard

>has 6 goals

the entire medical arse staff should be fired, there's been a ton of players ruined with injuries, it still boogles my mind they're still allowed to work

Aubameyang should really be starting alongside lacazette. They're giving Everton a break by not going all out with that attack.

working harder

No not really. Its mostly luck.

can anyone provide me with a stream lads

Attached: the city of brighton.jpg (2048x946, 178K)

Kurt Zoum Zoum. Now that's MY centre back

you make your own luck

where's lucas torriera?

Attached: torreira always covers.png (859x902, 694K)

They just >want it more fella

How much different Everton is from Liverpool ?

why wont they play suarez?

appreciated lads xx

In what sense

everton is blue and bad
liverpool is red and good

Why is Goodison Park such a library?

Ozil has to come and get the ball from the defenders, sad

Just reported both these streams and putting in a call to Theresa May to let her know what you naughty boys been doing x

Turn ur hearing aid on nan.

>aubameyang + lacazette vs Newcastle
>completely destroyed the defence
>Everton has a slower and trasher defence
>doesn't play both strikers

not the same guy, but gotta agree. The atmosphere has been shit

All Evertonians are depressed. I read somewhere that supporting Everton was a major cause of suicide in the city

Remember to Visit Rwanda guys

>putting on a graphic showing that Dominic Calvert-Lewin's best scoring season ever is 6 PL goals
not sure that's much to be proud of for a striker desu lads

Ripple always get strike down when it shows CL game or Man C/Man U/ CHE/ Liverpool but today the stream is fine
>The state of ArseLUL

auba better off the bench senpai

>mfw elneny has a 100% winrate this season
>every match he played arse won

Arsenal will score 3 in the 2nd half. The prophecy demands it.

Attached: IMG-20190404-WA0015.jpg (397x391, 34K)

>not the same guy but
Same as
>im not racist but
Opinion discarded.

This but ironically

It’s actually the other way around

>Everton named one of the most depressing teams to support


everton play in red?



Why are Arsenal players always such cheating pussies, thought it was just Wenger forcing them that way but it seems ingrained at this point

>pathetic twin
>Greek Godbuilt with flowing hair
Guess which one wins the banter shoulder to shoulder

Fucking hell can the Arse lads stop dying at the slightest touch

Attached: 1517683242988.jpg (1920x1080, 378K)

>Lacazizi simulation

Attached: 1497372132882.jpg (500x280, 26K)

The difference is both fans watch every Liverpool game but only Everton fans also watch Everton games

Because all the intelligent inhabitants of Liverpool are Everton supporters

teams that play in red have a slightly larger win % than any other color, not really statistically significant though

Neutral here but Arsenal are probably the best team to watch in league this season, amazing passing attacking football, 1 or 2 players off being one of the best in Europe again

>scouser defending everton
>sulking and spouting retarded opinions
colour me surprised

i'm watching this game

They're winning so they dont want to boo

I've heard some British saying Everton isn't in Liverpool but it's its own city/neighbourhood or something like that


i rarely watch everton or arsenal. As a neutral in this case, I have to say, everton look the better team, and ozil really is completely shit



Remember when Arsenal fans sent death threats and still boo Troy Deeney because he pointed out how they can't deal with physicality and he loves playing them as he'd be able to just dominate

He's still correct

nah, everton is in liverpool, it's not far from the city centre

Nice. I've always wanted to go on a holiday where I can sit back in the warm sun and watch people get hacked down with machetes.

>rating footballers based on your perception of their attractiveness
a tad gay mate

as a neutral i have no interest in this contest.

what subreddit is there now that /r/soccerstreams is kill?

webm of the goal? I just started watching

Andre Gomesh

Not true, Everton valley is a small area in inner city North Liverpool. Most families on Merseyside are split between Everton/Liverpool, there's not really any separation like say Rangers/Celtic for example

>lacashit actually gets fouled
>doesnt count because he was offside

>pooberton vs poosenal
don't know whether to post shan't or yikes so i posted both

there isn't one, but there is a discord, and website.

go to r/soccer

Arsenal seem to think it's a good place to travel


i've been using footybite but they rarely seem to have matches, for example this one. am i just a moron?

A whole new website, footybite.

For me lads it's Fortnite, what a player

Attached: zoomer.jpg (1200x1600, 187K)

You are a moron, they have all the matches.
Also this fucking ref lmao.

Just search whatever team is playing if you can't find it

They generated the link 1 hour before the actual match.

You give the Captain's armband to Mesut Ozil you deserve to lose as far as I'm concerned. Most cucked defeatist player in the league

Arsenal probably thinks it's a way better experience that whatever happens every time they play away from home.

last game of suspension



holy fuck. This is the most cringe worthy shit I've ever seen

Arsenal players diving and whining at every touch, a little more red on the kit and it's like I'm watching liverpool

don't you me with your nonsense please

thank you

that polish faggot can go fuck himself

He sums up Arsenal perfectly though

>Zoomer who loves FIFA and Fortnite more than football
>Hates physical football and can't handle big pressure games
>Plays well and shows some sexy football against relegation shitters

I think so, I always find a match stream on footybite, try /r/influentialspheres

>playing 3 in midfield vs 5

Go 3 at the back and bring aubameyang on you mug

It's a small child. Get a grip

thats arsenal away for you
Ozil is a luxury player that only works on a stacked team.

Chelski strip makes sense

sorry Bruce didn't mean to

jesus christ arse stop choking, we need you to block manure from finishing top 4

Attached: 1497472290609.jpg (418x379, 75K)

they don't post the links on footybite until right before the match, sometimes after the start

fuck off, liverpool dive but we don't moan at all
apart from hendo/milner when they're wasting time

is this the power of souf fc?

holy shit this is fucking embarrassing
please end me

Hes not that small

small child shouldnt be playing online mulitiplayer shooters though, what the actual fuck kind of parent allows their kids to play it?

napoli soon la

Forgot Denis Suarez even existed lol

quality comeback

cringe and blue pilled

Attached: everton fags.jpg (500x447, 64K)

have you ever seen fortnite? its colourful kiddy shit youd have to be 11 to play it

90% of the people itt played shooters at that kid's age, calm down.

>His parents didn't let him play Goldeneye as a kid
>He didn't play prime COD in his early teens

Genuinely feel sorry for you la

based cuck

online gaming is dangerous world, I won't allowing my kids to play online until they are old enough to understand the appropriate way to behave and engage in online activities

Wondr how many backhanders were involved in that deal

in my teen years, online gaming was only just becoming a thing. I'm 30 and have 2 small children

Based boomer

how're you uk lads dealing w/ the porn license situation?

Attached: arsenal hottie.jpg (390x720, 21K)

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>He had overbearing conservative early 90s parents

Heart goes out to you

Depends on how much contact they have, I let my kids play Splatoon because they're can't say anything really outside of Booyah and this way

delayed until brexit m8

Fapped yesterday lad, all’s good here

Attached: 8847BDD5-2740-43B7-A3F4-4632AE21942F.jpg (750x440, 281K)

Not noticed any difference even with my VPN off


Attached: 316C750C-0C1D-4897-BBD8-64A98BBE8044.png (750x1334, 3.42M)

right, exactly. I allow my kids to have a go at fifa, for example. I don't think the whole whining child on a mic is something other people like to experience, and its not something I want to help create

w/ the way things are going, brexit is never gonna happen

thots and prayers m8

Attached: arsenal new interviewee nicole holiday.png (552x624, 508K)

me local newsagents ran out of gay cuckold and foot worship licenses so I have to go the big tesco and ask the qt student behind the counter for one

at least I was raised the right way, even though I rebelled, now I understand why my parents tried to instill certain values in me and I will do the same

>Arsenal clear pen denied
>Everton allowed to play thugball
>Everton score from foul throw

The FA don't even try to hide it now

>Liverpool players don't moan at all
Top wew

slags? or animals?

why are you people w/ kids still posting here?! don't you have normie things to better fill your time?

Managed to go out and not do coke lads.

Absolutely based

>Not insufferable moaners and the eternal victim

good man


what are you, fucking 12? there are people older than you that use the chans. It's always been that way and it always will be. You have no power in this matter, kid

watford v wolves:

I thought you can have most of your feet on the pitch if you wanted to, as long as you're touching the touchline with both feet it's not a foul throw.

Not done it since September now, was costing too much and the hangovers weren't worth it.

If Liverpool win the league though I will probably spend £300 and have a heart attack that night

That's Cardiff you stupid cunt.

it's not age, it's status in life

>you now remember when there was like four different everton trips on Yea Forums
they all left with moyes

>Having this large a stick up your arse

The FA arent involved in the PL

Do you ever get over it, or is the temptation to do it going to linger in my head every time I have a few drinks with friends for the rest of my life?

White isnt very addictive

why does every keeper turn complete wank the moment they put on an england no 1 shirt?

cocaine hangovers are a thing?

well done not being a loser for once la keep it up

I was doing it pretty regularly for about a year and haven't touched it in a few years. If I got the urge every time I drank I'd probably be a full on addict at this point. You get over it. Of course, if the coke were placed in front of me that'd be a different story I imagine

Winners don't do drugs

>6 (six) years


>commentators dont even know the foul throw rule

Yes they do


It's like a feeling of anxiety and depression more than anything

We are in an Everton vs Arsenal match thread, lad.

I am surprised they never tried to get him back after it didn't work out at United, best they've been, and was much better than Martinez

look at the fucking loser he is m8

no iwobi no party

Still seething after 86?

Yes but a lot of the hangover is booze simply because you can put away ridiculous amounts of grog and not realise it when you're high as a kite on coke. You can probably double the amount you'd usually be able to drink before being sick.

the hangover is from consuming 10x more booze than you would have normally due to the cocaine

cc :3

>Not posting snuff, gore or rape
Nice proxy

Maybe not but it's extremely easily sourced and easily taken around friends who do the same.

forgot pic
of course not, but he could have been more without drugs

Attached: diegomaradona-cropped_6164szvfpnfb18hj27h3lcnwz.jpg (960x540, 68K)

i confirm this i showed up drunk at home the other day while high on coke too it was barely noticeable

>You are now aware that he will probably overdose and die within the next three wolrd cups



Attached: warg.jpg (1080x1071, 139K)

this. coke sucks up alcohol like you're not even drinking

Arsenal are dominating

3-1 arsenal is my prediction

that’s a lot of spaghetti

Attached: .jpg (1920x1080, 504K)

why is there a donkey getting beheaded in the background sound of every english game ??

Everton can realistically win the league next season.

Attached: .webm (1120x630, 2.99M)

why are some looking left, ad some looking right?

Mad how ubiquitous it's become on the last 4 or 5 years

When I was younger it wasnt around at all and people did pills and mdma, coke is way more popular than they ever were though

delete this before the other leagues see it

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some of them were looking at the action on the pitch while the others noticed they were being filmed on the giant screen that's my guess

based Mgubu-Ngubu

>all these degenerates in a everton thread
Not shocked tbqh

based fanta lad

richarlison's end product has been trash

damn arsenal sucks ass

absolute shit show

Why do these webms always involve Arsenal, there's a great one of Arse vs Stoke too with Giroud

i would wager it's always been ubiquitous; you have just only got more exposed to it the older you get

i used to think the same but now I realize it's about as prevalent as it's always been

shit! footy people are so damn ugly

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>or is the temptation to do it going to linger in my head every time I have a few drinks with friends for the rest of my life?

Sorry lad only just came back and seen this post.

The first few months are rough, even when before you take your first sip you are convinced nothing could make you do it. 2-3 pints in and you're starting to think about it and stuff.

Honestly that feeling faded further and further for me, now I barely even think about it when i'm drinking, even if I know others are doing it.

You gotta keep strong those first couple months, and especially when there's temptation for an occassional relapse.

Not drinking/going out at all isn't the solution, because when you eventually do you will feel it anyway.

Long term I don't know how it will play out, but right now I have 0 interest in doing lemo again

Would suck the air from that brapfactory desu

Would Sokratis' current ban be added onto if he got sent off here?

>Why do these webms always involve arsenal

Attached: 9906B4AC-5E7D-4336-9989-31E59FA77B7C.jpg (614x614, 52K)

It's become really permissible too. I got caught in the bogs of a club in London a few months back and I didn't even get kicked out. Bouncer just had a stern word with me and took my bag.



Attached: 1492299550255.jpg (355x397, 8K)

Yes it would go to 3 match ban.

how cheap are drugs in yurop compare to min salary? you guys seem to casually talking about it

Attached: nnkgo0571ll21.jpg (432x768, 56K)

Thanks mate


why did obama young join this sht team again ??

more like calvert pooing

Everton is shite

This game seems like Arsenal are trying to concede but Everton are too shit to score

Dumb fucking cunt Calvert-lewin, free players everywhere

don't think this Calvert Lewin lad is quite good desu

everton are only good against teams that I like (liverpool and arsenal )

arsenal players take willies up their backsides in the dressing room

then you should consider getting a better taste in picking football teams la

well we don't get murdered by the government here for talking about drugs

probably good against Dirtmund and Roma as well

everton should be about four up by now

Fucking STATE of this finishing.

>son of richarli

i support liverpool because of king kenny
and i support arsenal because i was a gloryhunting little shit as a kid during the invincibles

Unironic next season laaa to bee honest

>he supports 2 top 6 teams

Attached: 1493915547995.jpg (575x556, 39K)

holy fuck, everton fucking SUCKS are they INCAPABLE OF BEING ABLE TO FINISH A GOAL? I MEAN JESUS

and arsenal is just so fucking pathetic

Arsenal don't deserve a point at all

fucking state


>richard shitson

Arsenal is fookin shite

Attached: .jpg (1920x1080, 391K)

>the absolute state of everton's £150m frontline

Arsenal are getting at least a point here.

Attached: 4b66e1805808153ttt.jpg (1326x1988, 1.37M)


might become a man city fan since they can win everything

I've come to the conclusion that Arsenal won't be finishing in the top 4. Even though they only have "easy" opposition to play they'll struggle in all the away matches and they have quite a few of those left

Legit thought Everton were in the championship the bland fucks

What did she mean by this?

Ozil off. Arse back to 11 players

norgelad, did you get a webm of that scrolling crowd shot of the arsenal fans?

damn, i want to stick my head between her big titties and motorboat them and suck on her nipples

WENGER IN!!!!!!!!!!

Atmosphere is absolutely horrendous. Premier league is going to shit

you should have rooted for any team that your dad liked or whatever team that plays its home games within a 10minutes walking distance from where you live

Attached: .webm (1120x630, 1.11M)

Nah it's definitely way more popular here than it was 10 years ago

who's making the AFTV thread?

Seething maggots angry at Everton dominance today. Dont worry Arseanal you get your 4th place trophy again this year.

Attached: 0e9.jpg (600x600, 39K)

legend! thanks

me mam is bringing me home some mcdonalds lads. hoping for some luck on the monopoly

Attached: .jpg (1920x1080, 407K)

>supporting more than 1 team full stop.

>tfw unai emre learned a little bit of french for nothing
>tfw he won't have to speak english in few months

Wenger just needed more time

Should've subbed off richardlison ages ago

Based Everton trips taking two points from liverpoo


Bernard is better as a defender than as an attacking player.

spotted the mass shooter

>evertonian finishing

>supporting a top 6 team at all.
Eternally bluepilled

I don't want Arsenal in the Champions League. They're by far the biggest choking betas of the big 6 in terms of CL, they'll just embarrass the EPL.

This slip makes me happy.

Can't wait to book my holiday to Rwanda now

>Turn on TV early in the morning
>Everton 1 | Arsenal 0
>go out to get donuts and coffee, shop for groceries, go to Walgreens, take a shit, make breakfast, take my dog out for a walk

>after all this, get back to my TV and it's still the same fucking score

Holy mother of FUCK how can you people watch this literal paint drying tier sport?

Attached: 1547337357559.jpg (610x288, 52K)

>that negative canthal tilt on that redhead

No thanks

everton have missed so many chances that this will probably unslip

Attached: shit it down.jpg (257x413, 24K)


can't tell which is worse, the arsenal defense or the everton offense

Gomes is a beast in this game.

Lacazette must have money on Everton winning

there’s no possible way he’s this bad, there’s just no way

>Thinking of going back to internet explorer because Chrome is coming up with SSL errors
Is IE still shit or was that just a meme?

Aesthetic af

No homo

Arsenal haven't won a single deflection in their box this game

i just wanked

use Brave browser

Well its 1-0 to Everton so I'm going with the defence

you probably have a janky self-signed certificate

size of that noggin

/x/ gonna give it to you

looking at the score might help you make up your mind mate

weekly reminder to clean your room lads

what happened to that davies kid?

Microsoft closed the gap lately when they released Edge you should be fine

what happened to tom davies? he was twinky as fuck last season, likes like a little gremlin now

This, and drink more water.
disgusting phoneposter get out

Attached: lol okay.png (585x80, 4K)


> you now remember Everton legend Jose Baxter

been smoking before bed and my dreams started coming back

Can't believe this game is about to end with just 1 goal.

arsenal have been appalling

sky is blue
water is wet


my room is clean 24/7


Attached: 1543686081354.jpg (641x565, 152K)

arse comprehensively outplayed today

arsenal have been good this season

Top 4 wide open


Aright there Satan lad

*home match only

Based dubs.

Manure for fourth place at this rate.

Attached: 07-04-2019 16-01-04.jpg (300x599, 51K)


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fun fact- mkhitaryan was playing in that game

Oh nonono hahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

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good ain't great buddy


It's Womyn Footbal-tier WEBM

and so was missgurdson not quiet sure for which side though.

Attached: 07-04-2019 16-31-07.jpg (596x333, 74K)

Best league in the world la

Too bad we're gonna fuck right now.

Media these days is literally just commenting on what a dozen wankers post on Twitter.

I'm out of the Arse-anal loop, but I thought Emery was supposed to be doing pretty well.

Attached: tiresome.jpg (396x379, 22K)

just last week they were praising him cause they got up to 3rd place.

Attached: 1552842937374.jpg (187x250, 6K)

womemes football is at least funny this is just sad

>fairweather fans

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