Sure is /comfy/ and /elite/ in this thread right now

Sure is /comfy/ and /elite/ in this thread right now

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in awe of the elite alliance lads

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Good afternoon highly respected Sirs.

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Good afternoon friend, I hope the day finds you well so far.

France utterly btfo.
2018 is boomer territory
2019 is the /elite/ present

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Why waste time and effort thinking about inferior nations when we have such great company among our elite peers?

Wish you all a comfy sunday, my /elite/ friends.

Based and /elite/pilled thread

I'm going to our first game this summer, hopefully there will be lots of Portuguese qt's

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That is truly /elite/ mentality. Thank you brother for enlightening me.
Good afternoon lads, hope your Sunday is as /comfy/ as mine. Just need Portugalbro to have REALLY /elite/ thread
Good Afternoon

I imagine there will be, Portuguese in general are qts. Win or lose, I hope you have a great time at the match!

Gay Cup

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>Solum audax
>Solum fortis
>Solum magnus
M8, you're not bold, courageous or great. Sit down.

Well, I am portuguese so I guess that counts.

Fuck Switzerland
Fuck Portugal
Fuck the Netherlands

And above all...
Fuck Scotland

Agreed, fuck them, England better than anyone

post brexit breakdown civil war england winning the nations league would be the kind of ratings draw that uefa were hoping for tbf

t. Bryn Evans

Yep, the Euro qualifiers showed who's the boss

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Until Yea Forums introduces the Scottish and Welsh flags, these imposters will continue in their attempts to undermine the English. Pathetic.

>6 out of 8 remaining Champions League clubs belong to /elite/ nations

i pray for mods to actually do it one day

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english posters use the scottish/welsh trick to shitpost without any backlash.

this tbqh. Perfidious Albion can always shift the blame to their poor island brethren

Tbh we're still barely top 5 in Europe

redpilled my man pierre

>Scottish and Welsh flags

wales wont be getting their own flag, too wee and too stupit to live without england

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You're in the Top 4 m8

might as well add a NI one too

>yfw da lions win the nation sleague

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they most likely will desu

sorry but I want sterling to choke a sitter in the final then england proceeds to lose.

Nah. They're going to be reabsorbed into Ireland soon anyway.

>too wee and too stupit to live without england

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Makes me cringe every time. Tricked by Westminster into giving up freedom then shafted hard by Brexit.

>tfw we revoke 50 and kick scotland into the north sea

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t. Huw Owain Jenkins-Thomas

Blue bits are mostly Prot areas right?