Have you worshipped your icon today, lads?

Have you worshipped your icon today, lads?

You fucking better have.

Attached: EBRS (Engand's BLACK Raheem Sterling).png (663x1014, 533K)

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Who or what the fuck is an Ama Agbeze?

a jigabette (as in you better worship that black queen, wh*toid)

t. sterlel

sage and fake

Hes literally /ourguy/

Of course mate, wouldn't want the bobbies taking me in for hate thoughts.

Why does a white person never win the diversity awards?

Not that diverse then is it

He looks weird in that picture

Like he's wearing make up there


>Waah waah sterling complained about racism
Why is sp so pathetic.

I'm not talking about his skin color

Look a this eyes, it looks like he was using eyeliner or something
Or maybe he hasn't slept for days, I don't know

But he does looks different there

Attached: Screenshot_20190407-133457_Chrome.jpg (891x1265, 426K)

alright raheem?

*clears throath*

>not wanting to look extra pretty for a photo op
I bet you leave the house without putting on any foundation, you slob.

>gets an award for being not white
>muh racism


Why has BBC been filled with racism related news lately? I mean these a nigger bitching about racism pretty much every day.

>ethnic diversity sports awards

The fuck wrong with you uk

>worshipping an icon
Logos only for me

thats how mind controlling narratives work lad

Maybe cunts should stop being racist?

Sterling is a good lad. There's no need for slavs to be making monkey noises just because black players are better than them

Sterling is /ourguy/ and a pretty good lad, but I can't wait to see the end of 'diversity' awards. They're divisive and borderline patronising. Like saying, "you're the best non-white person".

>ethnic diversity award
That's the most racist thing I've ever heard of

i have 2 theories
1. news media doesn't understand articles like these only cause more racism
2. they do, but they like the clicks and the drama

i can't choose
on the one hand journalists are pretty low iq so 1
but on the other hand they are also evil so 2

>this samefag zoomertard who has unironically fallen for the PR machine

sterling is a cunt, reminder he cheated on his pregnant girlfriend and probably assaulted her. reminder that lievrpoo documentary exposed him for being a backchatting subversive twat, and he dives consistently week in weeky out in the PL.

it's 2.

he has every right to look like his egyptian ancestors

sup raheem?

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>ethnic diversity sports awards

why are you dorks so obsessed with race and politics on a sports board?

Shut your whore mouth.

>I can't wait to see the end of 'diversity' awards
Only after you're extinct, white boi.

True. Bbc news website is about 50% articles on racism, being disabled, or being a woman. State of the health section these days too.

Why are you so racist?

>ethnic diversity sports awards

Attached: 1494713616938.jpg (682x600, 225K)

The UK is a joke.

Maybe you should stop being so hateful.

You literally have a pajeet poof prime minister.
What would Michael Collins think?

Absolutely fuming at this lads. PC gone mad, me and the lads can't call him a monkey without getting banned

Attached: Brazil.jpg (1200x630, 60K)

What a guy. How does he successfully trigger the gammons so regularly?


Attached: 41089.jpg (1200x675, 73K)


Attached: 119205986892127imagea10_1554495210837.jpg (634x763, 127K)

I thought that was Higuain from the thumbnail.

Are you retarded?