/cyc/ - Ronde van Vlaanderen

Prepare to get comfy, lads.

Ronde van Vlaanderen - Tour of Flanders, 2019

Antwerpen - Oudenaarde
270 km
17 nasty bergs edition


Attached: rvv2019-elite-men-map-profile.jpg (2479x3508, 3.41M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>using pedals

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>mid race interviews

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Morning lads, merry cycling christmas. Have a rare fignon and a tuna on me.

Attached: Cobbles.jpg (620x508, 76K)

Timesheet here: rondevanvlaanderen.be/sites/default/files/rvv2019-elite-men-timetable_0.pdf

Quick step meme will win this race

Thread theme

For me, it's tuna chunks

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today is for matje


Attached: chadje.jpg (670x446, 31K)

based and van der poeled

Tempting, but for me, its a Zesty Lemon

Attached: Zesty Tuna.png (343x240, 126K)

Plz no cx meme riders today

Lovely trips lad

trips confirm, quickstep btfo

I'd also be okay with Terpstra, also cucks quickstep + he makes redditors seethe

My anus is ready [spoiler]for disappointment[/spoiler]

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Het is koers.

>using toilets

Attached: dupoopin.jpg (1200x630, 48K)

LMAO that guy on his electric skateboard

First for saganth place

What? Non-belgians watch Ronde van Vlaanderen?

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Amai natuurlijk Jean-Marie, het is een van de grote klassiekers. En ga nondeju nu maar friet bakken voor mij

best race of the year lads
get fucking comfy

As always, hoping for another Terpstra win if one of the Danes can’t do it.


where is *INHALES* belgian?

Attached: froome_inhaler.jpg (590x350, 34K)

Hollanders mogen nog kijken, dat gaat nog nipt. De Ronde van Vlaanderen is VLAEMSCH TERREIN. Anyone not from the benelux

Hon hon bonsoir Gerard

Yearly reminder that the tour of flanders is NOT a cycling monument anymore. Milano Sanremo and Paris-Roubaix, those are actual monuments and legendary races. Ever since they sold this race to a greedy asshole like 5 years ago it became the tour of commercial bullshit. I'm astounded you can actually buy a race like this and makes changes to a cycling monument. Oude Kwaremont is a nice obstacle in a race where things can happen - but not if you do it 3 (three !!) times in the same race. Imagine running the Poggio, or Carrefour de l'Arbre 3 times in the aforementioned actual monuments. Just take a look at the race trajectory of the """tour of flanders"". It starts in whatever city is the highest bidder, it goes trough whatever villages pay for it and then it takes loops around Oudenaarde where all sorts of commercialized bullshit sideshows are happening. This is a disgrace, I'm ashamed to be a belgian and i'm jealous of our french, italian and spanish cycling bros when it comes to honoring this glorious sport.

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Fuck Belgi*ns and Fuck wh*toids

>Keldermeme can't superdomestique for Big Tom anymore in the Giro
I swear to fucking god he is ALWAYS injured

Pick one and only one:

- Thomas Bay, Brian Holm, commercials
- Dennis Ritter, Rolf Sorensen, Chris Anker Sorensen, no/fewer commercials

Tete de la Course will win

Screenshot this

Attached: 115rpm4lyf.jpg (1000x563, 200K)

Do the commercials contain cute Danish grills?

Attached: 52890213_253848058859590_7146007353538492085_n.jpg (1080x1350, 218K)

Maarten & Herbert, no commercials

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For me its Kop van de koers

Nah that's Eurosport so mostly just garbo

no, just jewish ass

Going with tv2 for today.

No commercials all the way. I also happen to think that Thomas Bay and Dennis Ritter are of equal quality.

Shut up

Attached: TourOfFlandersMomentsCyclingTips-23.jpg (1150x744, 361K)

For me, it's Naesen


One more episode of Quickstepwinslol series

When I saw sporza, the Flemish government sports network, gave Greg Van Avermaet three stars (making him the top favourite), I literally burst out laughing

Imagine thinking GVA can win a classic, let alone a monument

Attached: gva.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

>it's train break episode

Fuck yes, shame it wasn’t longer though

Bought a new bike lads. ridley fenix SL

Attached: 147356E6-06D4-41F7-9E04-8808BF87CD7C.jpg (4200x2800, 496K)

Nah son

If I ever see you out there I'll give you a friendly wave

Why do you bully him anyway?

>No discs

Based, you can ride in my wheel if we ever meet

What is Paris-Roubaix?

>van aert
>two stars
Lmao, no way that mental midget has a chance. Especially not in a race with Chadthieu van der Poel

Okay going for a ride now. Later nerds.


I'm not bullying him, I just don't think he stands a chance anymore; there are too many new kids on the block contending and I find it incredible he's being talked up as a favourite. I bet only the Belgian media does this

Ok then. A friend of mine, big fan of Sagan, hates GVA with burning passion. Just because he couple times sucked on Sagan's wheel whole race till finish line and then beat him in sprint. It's kinda funny to see him absolutely SEETHING every time GVA wins anything.

Attached: rvv1.jpg (1920x1080, 495K)

He does stand a chance. It is you, not sporza, who is going with the flavor of the month and thinking only Wout and Mathieu are contending. In a long race like this with many obstacles, experience and age are almost a must. The only downside is that GVA his team sucks ass. There will be guys like GVA, Sagan, Terpsta,.. in the final, not (only?) the new kids.

how mad was he in 2016 lol

borderline suicidal

based cycling

Excellent choice

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Direct energie will not win this race

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: tomsteels.jpg (670x377, 44K)


My eurosport signal keeps cutting out, anyone else with this problem? Have yousee

>using gears

Attached: rvv3.jpg (1920x1080, 229K)

It is so neat to have based /valverde/ out there

are you talking about the olympics?

based renaat

BORA boys have the most fun

He won pretty much everything in spring 2016.

>current year
>rim brakes

>/147/ posting in /cyc/

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Quads and Quickstep doesn't win anything for the rest of the year

Reminder riding your bike makes you IMPOTENT
Yes, there are several impotent men posting itt.

Well yeah, that and it was his year

damn so close

So fucking close.


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Post what you have.

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I love riding past cows and yelling "moo" and seeing if they respond, they usually just stare at you blankly

I really like cows

Drinking a cup of tea right now. I have some popcorn and honey roasted nuts in the kitchen, but I just had a filling lunch so I’m not going to have anything else right now.

used to do this cycling to school
cows sometimes mood back
sheep ALWAYS baaah back

Based comfy Finnbro

Just ate samsa. Now drinking coffee with milk.

When I was young, we lived in a house with a garden that bordered a field. It would usually have crops on it, but some years, (or seasons - I am not a farmer so I don’t know exactly how it works, and it happened many years ago), there were cows on the field.
They are very curious animals, yell at them, and they will all congregate near you and stare at you.

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Sporza name looks more italian than dutch

Ciabata with cheese + coffee & milk

Belgian chocolate cookies and some tea.

Is Lawrence Naesen a brother of Oliver? Is he any good?

Yes and no

Just got back from my ride lads, could anyone give me a quick rundown of the race so far?

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Swedish Eurosport does the same thing

4 guys in the front, nothing is happening yet lad

Thank you swedebro, so eurosport is the culprit i guess not the tv provider. Damn unproffesional

Howdy /cyc/
Happy Best Race of the Year day to you all.

I'm jealous, I won't be able to ride for months still. I'm recovering from a broken leg I got while playing ice hockey.

20 degrees and sunshine too, it was literally perfect for riding. Too bad I couldnt make it a longer ride because muh Ronde.

>I'm recovering from a broken leg I got while playing ice hockey.
Ouch. How did it happen?


Thats a sleepy rider

Nooooo Nicki

Took a check and my lower leg got sandwiched between the boards and my opponent's knee, something went crunch.
It's held in a cast, bolted together with pins and screws now.

>dying before the race even starts


Gee, sounds gnarly. Well, I hope you'll heal fast enough to enjoy a nice ride soon.


Correct. Unless Gaudin goes crazy


>nice 10 degrees and sunshine
>my chink carbon rims still not even shipped
REEEEEEEEEEEEEE. On a positive note I did a nice 20 km on skis wearing a t-shirt yesterday.

Goddamnit how unlucky is that. Hopefully theres no bad concussion or anything like that so he can ride Roubaix next week. But a rider going to sleep like that usually means heavy concussion.

Thanks, Bro Broevich.
In a month I'll be able to ride on the trainer if I use zero resistance. Got to stay positive.

Fucking guaranteed Eurosport will miss every important moment with a this shitty broadcast.

>using gears

Attached: Oo.jpg (640x800, 96K)

If you use player, here's neat lifehack. Open two tabs, one with regular coverage, and one with stream. I just switch to other tab during ad breaks.

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Ben al van 9 uur kitten aant slurpen (pinten aant drinken)

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>using brakes

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Fuck boomers and fuck spanish roiders

Hey, that's my line.

Based en mooie nummertjes

>cucked by belgian boomer

>Tfw your parents named you Taco

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Uuuh, how do you get less cramps (calf) when training? Went riding 100k's yesterday and it's pretty bad

Taco van der Hoorn sounds like Dutch bootleg Taco Bell.

I feel sorry for Terpstra but I can't help being a bit happy, I don't like Terpstra for some reason. I am a terrible person

How much do you drink during a ride like that? Not drinking enough is usually the main reason for cramps. Although when riding long distances at high intensity, cramps can pop up regardless.

>using the wrong picture

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nah, supposedly he's a big bully in the peleton

like 1l or something like that?

Assuming you've not done 100s much, that's just something your body has to get used to. It'll get better every time and you'll be able to go further

>I don't like Terpstra for some reason
back to /r/peloton

Okay put in your bets.

/WHOM/ is winning today?

Move cleats back

I try to drink 33-50cl per hour, and eat every hour from the 2nd hour onwards. Also try those isotonic drinks like Isostar and that crap, it helps me on long rides

Drinking too much simple water could also lead to cramps. You need drink water with electrolytes to compensate losing salts during long rides. Losing salts while sweating and drinking a lot of water could lead to worsening of neural connectivity, and thus cramps. consider using something like pic related.

Attached: High5 Zero Sport electrolyte drink.jpg (880x460, 65K)

"op papier is DeQeuninck misschien het sterkste blok, maar we rijden niet papier maar op kasseien" - Maarten Wynants (koerskapitein Jumbo-Visma)

>not liking bully riders

Thats not enough for 100km friendo, get 2 bottles of 1l and that should be alright for 100km. On rides longer than 100km you should stop to refill at some point.

Thank you lads.

Hi there fellow bike enthusiasts, here's the new bike I bought today online. If you only know low end bike brands, let me dumb it down for you. This is called a Bianchi Oltre XR4, worth an amusing $20.000. I never ride cheap bikes like working class faggots who act rich and ride trash tier brands like EuroBike and Shimano. Money isn't a problem, but that's not something you can understand. You working class peasants who barely scrape by on bad credit are too dirty to even be near expensive things. This bike easily costs more than the shitty cars you drive, if you even own one.
AMA. If you are extra kind, perhaps I'll give you some life tips to be rich as I am. Just maybe you can luckily work for me some day, if you get up the ranks. Maybe serve me a glass of four figure priced wine. Anyway, enjoy the Tour of Flanders 2019.

Attached: Bianchi Oltre XR4.jpg (2000x1500, 592K)

based MVDP
it's his age now la

Nice to see dutchies rooting for a fleming :)



>everything rusts in Brazil

I bet you think AMD AMX is Belgian as well

I personally had a huge issue with cramps a couple of years ago, and it turned out my shoes were slightly too big and I was kind of moving around and clutching my foot in there a bit too much, I hardly noticed that but over longer distances it apparently caused really bad calf cramps. I put some insoles in there and the problem was fixed.

Just a specific example of course, but its very important to be comfy on your bike and having your whole body in a relaxed state.

nah he has the ugly dutch face

Come on now, theres nothing specifically dutch about that frogface.

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If mvdp wins I will just laugh. That guy is so dominant in cx, MTB and also is the Dutch road champion. He is an insane talent, the biggest talent in years I see in him the next Sagan/Kwiatkowski/Valverde type but he may be too eigenzinnig to follow a natural career path

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Actually he consistently gets his ass handed to him by Schurter in MTB, he is nowhere near as good there as he is on the road and in CX. Kind of makes me wonder if MTB is actually the best cycling sport.

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Thank you user. Did you know that the capital of Kazakhstan has been renamed to Nur-Sultan? I wonder if Team Astana is going to change as well

Remember when Sagan thought he could compete in MTB on Olympic level?

Yes, it amuses me immensely.

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Schuster is a GOAT but VDP is very impressive for just arriving from CX and dabbing on lifelong mountainbikers. Je finished third at the uci world cup last year in a sport he does for fun. It is amazing and now he is doing the same to road cycling. I am so impressed by VDP I just hope he focuses on road cycling

He didn't think he could compete seriously. There was a silly rule about Olympic cyclists having to compete in more than one event. Sagan was only there for the road race but had to do something else too. He did like one lap of the XC race and dropped out.

What are you taking about. Sagan didn't participate in the road race because he thought it was too mountainous

and then regretted it, when GVA won

how long until the next notable cobbled climb?

Oh, you're talking about 2016. I was thinking of 2012. nvm

>Using legs

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this crowd tbqh

why does the NOS have some delayed subtitles on the stream and why can't I disable them reeeeee

wtf is this fake news. Not what happened at all

Anyway BENOOT wins today lads


ahahahaahhahahahaha that ugly troll is not winning shit m8

Same. I don't think I've ever had any response other than a blank stare like "the fuck kinda dialect is that, you're not from around here are you?".

Was that a piece of skin hanging Philipsens leg?

cows are permanently high from chewing all that grass

I still can't quite figure this guy out. At this point it seems like Strade Bianche win was a fluke.

>sitting upright

Attached: max.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

should've been >using saddles
come on m8 step it up

Why would it be a fluke? He is a strong rider

He just cannot sprint, a bit like Terpstra. Usually ends up in the front group but to win they have to go solo, which is much harder of course.

he had no wins after that


Attached: tacticalmasterclass.jpg (567x300, 30K)

Looked like it to me too. But I hope it's some kind of medical tape.

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So this is the power of the Quickstep train


Not going to impress anyone, but it was a nice ride :)

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>Eurosport is shitting itself and have to watch the player stream from computer instead of being comfy on sofa and watching from TV

thread theme


>VDP wearing white shorts

what the hell that looks ridiculous

I feel you brother, eurosport fucking sucks

Yep, I thought so too. Especially weird since he was in black short at DDV.

>he doesn't wear white shorts
It's like you don't want girls mirin your dick.

>mfw moved to based Denver and have the Rockies at my doorstep
>mfw even pensioners are Pro/1/2 category out here
>mfw dying in thin air climbs and am still getting acclimated

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Muur kino

im mad jelly bruh, the biggest hills here are 100m

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I bought Argos Shimano kit a few years ago with white shorts. It was 30e for shorts and jersey. Wore them once and threw them out. Worst kit ever

get gud

what gear ratios are most riders riding today? 52/36 and 11/28 I assume?

Guy with Benoot scarf. Based BENOOT ultras. I want one them scarves

How are these aero models anyway? I'm on regular roadie.

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Never forget


53/39 probably

I miss cancellara/boonen

Both - Switching to tv2 during commercial breaks. Dennis Ritter is a complete waste of space. He is like the third wheel on a date or something.

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Trentin looking strong bicep emoji

massively helpful at averages exceeding 15 mph, which is most rides barring a mountain climbing day

The breakaway was spinning up at maybe 10-12 mph, no way it can be that high

>Van Der Fraud

ring ring
Hello, UCI?
No Dutch must win today.
hangs up

Attached: Bog.jpg (500x387, 45K)

I'm looking for a remote job so I can get a place somewhere in Südtirol for skiing/cycling.

>Not having the confidence to rock Shimano like Kittel

Attached: IMG_1252.jpg (683x1024, 422K)

Its surprisingly comfy on rough roads, but I am not a fan of the deep rims cause it tends to be quite windy here. Im only 62kg so I am extra vulnerable to getting smacked around by the wind though. Overall its a brilliant bike though, faster and especially much more comfortable than my previous bike.

except if you're Madlad Pedersen, who rides single front

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>Van averfraud

Your eurosport works!? Waaaattttt not fair

/Valverde/ in the front group


*drops chain*

I hate him so much.

>no chaincatcher

rip in death

De Bruyne is better as footballer than cyclist

Are Fuji bikes any good?
Like the Feather?
Need bike to commute to work beep bop beep bep


He had places to be I guess

I know a lot about cycling but I admit I don't know wtf is going on right now

I shit you not, he ride this setup today.

The shorts are an abomination. I actually still have the jersey. Just dug it out of the back of the wardrobe. It hasn't seen daylight in years

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Did Soudal miss the first group again?

Based Soirish.

> Naesen


Could a top/borderline pro amateur cyclist beat Viviani or Sagan up an HC climb?

He has bronchitis

Better than rasmus staghoj, need jorn mader

Maybe they could beat Chris Hoy

>non-aero bikes on an aero bike monument

for what reason

Just get the casuals out of the tour. Its not that Rolf is great, he just knows way more about cycling than
>Your Staghojs, your Kristensens and Ritters

Based postlberger

too many bergs

>40+ km/h average so far

how does it feel to be this incorrect

>jorn mader

based and redpilled

Mental midgets and resistance to change. Or being sponsored by a bike manufacturer whose aero frame is not comfy.

>switch to Eurosport
>immediately freezes

Attached: 95f.png (655x509, 42K)

Valverde is on an ultimate today whereas he is also often on an aeroad. He probably knows better than us.

Valverde is unbelievably based

Valverde is like 200 years old though. Wouldn't trust him.

Based Renaat

why every rider act retarded now spee?

The Ultimate is super comfy and still pretty aero with proper wheels. Having a comfy bike is important for these really long races.

Based 0 iq van poppel

quickstep tactics so predictable
They won't win today. Screencap this.

lmao so ded now

>van shittel

Probably went so deep trying to reach the front that he just cramped or something, no way he can suddenly be so ded if not cramps.

>cort komt de kort


I respect Valverde immensely for riding RVV, something he can't seriously expect to win. He just loves racing so much

>ronde van vlaanderen goes through wallonie


Mohoric 0iq

This. I imagine, pretty soon, everything will be aero as the comfort and the weight cease to be limiting factors.

This is so weird


0iq riders are by far the most enjoyable riders though


Skelly riders getting btfo

Attached: bradunit.jpg (700x767, 214K)

>i'd rather lose, than do a shift at the front of the peloton-time

I know that feel

I like Mohoric. I would definitely add him to the /ourguy/ list

Most aesthetic kits 2019 power rankings
1. Katusha
2. CCC
3. Sunweb
4. Sky
5. Dimension Data
6. Movistar
7. UAE
8. Direct Energie
9001. AJ2R
9002. FDJ
9003. Lotto Soudal

>i never did roids


this, they're all retarded jeez

>tfw this fatass would probably cream me on a climb

>roiding for THAT

Asgren stronk

>tfw no grand tours with TT stages only

Attached: Simpatia e Gente Fina.jpg (520x519, 43K)

Clever move by Mohoric desu, he wasnt solo for too long and now he will be part of the select group coming over this climb

Based slav retard

>you now remember Gilbert's 55 km solo to win Ronde


Now gilbert that was a rider

>its a the retarded motos gives pace

nvm lel hes set to destroy himself now

You are allowed free pace

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Reminder that Gilbert was never winning that edition if 2agan did not cause GVA and Naessen to crash.

This Canyon ad with VdP is kino desu

>a chase let's a breakaway win because they won't get organised episode

Attached: hateit.jpg (230x325, 16K)

what happens there? my best guess is that hes styling it up

TRUE, GVA would have won it.


Is that the one with quick cuts to his different bikes and rides? I saw it on Facebook, it's great. I'm very much a slave to Canyon's marketing machine and working very hard to not buy a Canyon bike

Quick step attacking now - race decided within 10 k

tfw no multihate gf

that is kino, thanks

>disk brakes
how do we get rid of the zoomer cycling menace, lads?

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Was that Didi?

Get ready for hellingen

CCC surprisingly good today.

Damn CCC looking good for once

Attached: depannewheelchange.jpg (1920x1080, 625K)


Van Avermaet activating his guys, GVA really wants to secure that 4th place

Me on the left

my goodness is that bike sexy

yeah, it makes me want to buy a specialized bike even tho I hate them

mvdp ded



>Van Der Faceplant
my sides

That's a collarbone...


>van der LOL

>van der Poel




I hate everything in this pic apart from the kino german champion maillot

nice cyclo skills mate

Mathieu van der 0iq

De vis is gaan vliegen voor mathieu


Le cx'ers have good bike skills meme

Canyon in charge of making bikes


Where are the quick step attacks? Reeeeee

based sep

>Van Der kek

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based VDP ripping through the peloton

Didn't make the split though

Oh no, that Nur-Sultan rider looked broken

Astana? More like van der floored lmao

Carlton Kirby is back. All is good.

ded astana guy



>TREK car cheering for Mathieu


When do you guys think Sep is going to crash horribly and miss out on Paris Roubaix? I think on the 30km mark

where's this dash comes from? it's just Hypcyлтaн, so Nursultan.

Wasn’t nursultan Borat’s angry neighbour?

Jesus christ Asgren, just casually jumped that gap

Appearantly the city name is officially with a dash


It's just a name. As in Nursultan Nazarbayev, former President of Kazakhstan.

A common name

MVdP had a broken steerer tube, you can't save that

good canyon add, is this new? haven't been following cycling in eurosport lately

>its our year! Our time it came - we did it!

this is retarded

Naming cities after heads of state is retarded.

The best ad was on that sidewalk.

Met him a few times. He and Roglic are both extremely based, definitely /ourguys/

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punished vdp fueled by sheer anger


at least after living ones

>went climbing yesterday
>mfw HC climb
>mfw HC descent

being a pro cycling must truly be horrifying

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>HC climb


MvdP absolutely based.


Based cows.

Hes certainly not going to be able to follow when the big guys attack now

Deer Creek-High Grade Road outside of Denver, 10.7 miles average 5% grade

Attached: deer.jpg (1916x884, 236K)

>Climbs in Belgium

looks nice

Van der poop looks shook


If Valverde wins I kill myself


Looks like Terpstra will not compete in Paris-Roubaix.
French user, please confirm.

LMAO at Van der Poel and Valverder cucking these cobbled “specialists”

Is there anything more based in cycling than seeing a bunch of favourites ride up a hill or mountain and finding out who survives, thrives and who gets dropped?

Got a concussion and fainted, cannot compete next week

Stybar just sitting and chilling in the back

where is based trentin? i am counting on him today

He didnt look very good at some point, maybe hes on an offday


That's too bad. I would love to see him crash again

Attached: Niki-Terpstra-crash-min-640x417.jpg (640x417, 53K)

This is why sky train ruins cycling. We don't get epic battles in the mountains like the Armstrong days

5% is top comfy HC climb gradient

>thankfully he regained consciousness

Yeah mate thankfully he's not dead

Also sitting and chilling in the back

implying usps wasn't every bit as awful as skytrain

>how to get politt teeth??


not when you're riding with Pro/1/2's up to 8500 feet above sea level when you're from a coastal elevation

doesn't mean it's not top comfy HC gradiend, didn't mean it was easy, HC is HC.

All these spectators on the side of a boring flat road. What are they doing, they are a 5 minute walk from cobbles and climbs

I would have no problem with Vanmarcke winning this. None at all.

5% is easy 2bf

I climb 5% on a 53/11

Comfy cobble road with trees

I would be incredibly happy, my mates like to bully him when he's shit. I always supported him.


Weening absolutely based

Vanmarcke or GVA would spell big trouble for me, as it would go against my Narrative of them never winning another classic


If van der poel wins this, is he doping?

not on an HC climb
do ppl think stelvio is easy?
I only say is top comfy because you actually get some high cadence.

Based redwhiteblue boys

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told you nibbas

It is easy because no matter what you will be ok even if your legs are gone. You can always take it easy. If your legs are gone and it's 10% then life is suffering


Gva looks fooked

doping on genes

H-haha, V-valverde doesnt know cobbles he won't perform in this race

>realize he's one of the best puncheurs in the world
Oh no

Absolutely based Kristoff


Blue or Red group?

Wout looking cheeky fresh

Wtf stybar

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If EF wins this I'm getting their jersey.


Watch no one chase Bettiol

>pass out drunk
>get flagged

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>go to watch a bike race
>get drunk and literally take in nothing of the race


Quickstep meme failing today, wtf bros


close the gap, you morons

Wow bettiol is going to win, but unironically

niggers I need a stream right now, tiz isnt working and steephill is wonky.

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>its a b level rider wins edition

based MVDP

De vis is gaan vliegen michel

2017 PR did this with all the friends who watch the bikes, we hadn't all been in the same room for 6 years, smashed 50 croissants and 20 bottles of wine, race was shit but was max comfy



Watch the fucking road

VDP you mad man this isn't CX

>it's a refuse to chase down the solo guy out front and sprint for 2nd place episode
Absolutely fucking hate this

It's a "would rather sprint for 2nd than try to win" episode

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jfc close the gap to bettiol first and then look at each other

Ruins my whole day watching this shit


It's really funny isn't it. "oh no, I won't attack and take him with me". Meanwhile the guy in front is just going full gas

Superb ride from bettiol

There was just a couple of seconds where literally nobody was pedalling.

>Using pedals

Fuck this shit.

300 IQ decision, you never know the guy in front gets caught for doping in x years


Based bettiol he's gonna do it the madman

> letting a guy with literally 0 wins get away to take the Ronde

What did they mean by this

Quickstep literally retards

Fuck off elbow flickers

wow thank you faggots for not sharing a stream.


Jungels chasing down Asgren. Holy shit are you kidding me.


>tfw no quick step kino

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What a bunch of faggots


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Sorry I'm not poor. Find your own stream, lazy leaf.


>imagine being a couple seconds away from winning a Monument and looking around and saying "eh, fuck it. Second place is fine."

>Now someone decides to go

Absolute joke


Just checking in to say that Van Avermaet has lost again even though he was rated 3*

They're going to give him 3* for Paris Roubaix next week too

I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me


I'm glad someone from a small team won, but the effort from everyone else was not befitting one of the biggest races of the year.

Pretty wild and based ride by Asgren. Spent a ton of time in front of the peloton, then in the breaks, and now this.

Unbelievable. We all thought the CXers or Valverde we’re going to be the meme winners. But we forgot that EF is the true meme team.

Alberto Bettiol has won De Ronde. What a ride by the Italian. Chapeau.

Asgreen in second. That’s a big lad.

200 IQ tactics by Quickstep

>Asgreen just got 2nd place without any opposition

Two nobodies who have never won a race finish 1 and 2 in the biggest monument of the year, f this timeline

"And there's a sprint for third"
>Just fuck my shit up tbqh

I guess this proves they're clean.... Nobody dopes to come third

>riding with your eyes closed

disqualify this madman!

Bettiol has won a professional bicycle race for the first time.

worst Ronde in years

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Based interview from Bettiol.

Amazing race from EF and Asgreen. Disappointed in everyone else.

Based asgreen

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Fuck this race. See you next week lads for a real cycling monument.

Look at that, a man crying

fuck you, this is exactly what makes cycling great

It's gonna be the exact same shit again.

>first (1st) pro win

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>this is exactly what makes cycling great
the fact that some days the best in the world simply can't be arsed to put in any effort? that's the great part?

Van Avermaet finished 10th

Not when the stars suddenly put in the worst racing of their careers

>400 W for the last 17.5 km
>after riding 250 km


that you can't predict a winner and the underdog from a smaller team can always win, you moron

People who bet disagree

at least it wasn't matthews wheelsucking his way to a bunch sprint victory

let there be a meme winner in paree-roobaix too, pretty please.

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bénis in vélo

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Yup. The bigger races always fail, favs too scared to ride

imagine losing in a sprint to nils politt kek

I guess this semen slurping sport isn't for me

Pretty disappointed at sporza's coverage desu, they are really minimizing bettoil's ride even though he dropped everyone on the last climb because he's not a big name

Have they explained why every Quick Step rider besides Asgreen were well below their usual level today?

Oh well wout and greg and Bob and peter and mathieu, we're sure.you would've caught bettiol if there was just some more teamwork in the group - even though at the bottom of the Paterberg you were 14 seconds behind the leader you are much bigger names and we wanted one of you to win


My god Kristoff is a unit

Yeah, it's the same in TdF and to some extent the Girl and Vuelta. Teams are content defending 4th place instead of trying to win. The best racing is on the smaller one day races and one week stage races.

>first belgian

EF - Euickstep Foses

Matthieu already had to close a 1min gap after his crash..


>Lidl champagne

You're such an annoying cunt, bet you're the dude who says greg wont win anything ever again too.

sowieso kutwaal

damn baconrider sure has moved up in life

the pink panther

>We need Cancellara and Boonen kino back

*Cracks open beer*

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>nb4 Bettiol never wins a classic again

more like never wins anything notable ever again


meme rider on a meme team

they are no longer a meme team this season, theyre actually doing better than many other teams so far.

>anything but a meme
no son

fuck rob hatch. even kirby is less cringy

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Hopefully Roubaix goes better, or else there these races will slowly lose meaning. How can anyone believe they're hard when 20 riders are there by the end and the favs dont even bother?

Apparently MvdP didn't know Bettiol was ahead, lel

mfw the race ended youtube.com/watch?v=Va5_rn3vG3A

then why did let Asgreen ride