
Waifu Edition
>LOS 4 GRANDES: CruzAzul wins, Pumas, Chivas, America lose.
>Milton Caraglio scores goal #10,000 of Estadio Azteca
>OSOrio confirms he has offers from LigaMX(OH NO NO NO NONO)
>Marioni & Siboldi fighting to be the 10th fired DT this season
>Rafa Puente Jr. & Turco Mohamed rumored for Santos Laguna
>LEAKED(again): new Club America jersey, TheHomeDepot is gone
>Morelia fans go against Sporting Director Álvaro Dávila

Attached: wwaifu.png (586x488, 289K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Week-13 post-Sábado de Pelotas Standings, brought to you by Hielocos.

Attached: afterSABADO.png (369x514, 97K)

AscensoMX about to confirm Liguilla spots.

Attached: ascm.png (362x452, 53K)

CopaMX Grand Final(de blueberry-mint), this midweek.

Attached: mint.png (856x909, 201K)

CONCACAF Champions League semifinals, for next edition, we should just skip all the brakets bullshit and pick the best 2 LigaMX teams.

Attached: leg2.png (493x496, 441K)

>chromatic aberration

This night seems comfier than others, gonna play Pikmin instead Splatoon this time.

Btw I'll post CruzAzul qt's only in this thread.

Attached: dagmarizserafin.jpg (1080x1350, 156K)

>equipo grande
When will this meme end?

is that a motherfucking hieloco?

Attached: 1554535960086.png (140x135, 8K)

Yeah, I barely remember, I was like 4yo when they came out I think.

Attached: ceciliatrejo_90.jpg (1190x1201, 163K)

Alvarito pls

esto es en una de las cosas con las que estoy de acuerdo con Alvarito, nada mas les dicen grande por la unam(chairos)

>LEAKED(again): new Club America jersey, TheHomeDepot is gone

inb4 they use a patch afterwards

Attached: D3Wi-KcXkAAnpCB.jpg (939x640, 39K)

Es un hieloco alien, brillan en la oscuridad

unironically looks GOOD

Yeah, reminds me this one from 2007, just hope they don't put homedepot shit at the end.

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BASED Maradona

Attached: Don Barredora.png (747x468, 579K)

>chilangos changed the hour

Fucking finally, AMLO must end this meme once and for all.

Attached: maarpiink.jpg (1080x1080, 100K)


Buenos dias rancheros, compas


>it's real
I unironically like it

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needs more qts

Posting molested qts

Attached: qt pumas.jpg (500x750, 83K)

for me it's Santos

Attached: asd.jpg (1094x1198, 141K)

>unveils the truth

Attached: dsa.png (1094x1198, 1.42M)

This is what Chava Reyes needed to do with the team.

Going to get me some Pingüinos for MonteGAY game.



Also fuck Rivo

Attached: D3kMXQFXoAYCvwU.jpg:large.jpg (823x490, 87K)

mexican handegg games starting

Flip it back

Attached: DXvL_gYU8AAwf13.jpg (562x590, 51K)

WTF 3-1 aaaahhh.

WTF NOW 4-1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO MAMES. I dont like either these teams but damn. I was skipping this one until i saw the score.


Jesus fucking christ

this toluca match is extra high quality kino


AAAHHHHHH pero que tal con kansas? Jajaja

>Toluca could again be waking up to fuck everyone over at the final weeks and ruin a boring Liguilla.

Pretty based tbqh.

Attached: 1550698012788.jpg (1292x727, 146K)

>kansas city 5-0 toluca
>monterrey 5-0 kansas city
>toluca 5-1 monterrey

REALLY fires up the neurons

Attached: E24EB2F7-2D60-44FF-90D1-20A72F650399.jpg (680x490, 83K)

It's 6d chess bro ;^)

>Lavolpe unlocked Toluca's true power
Based Bigoton, Just give him the cup already.

Attached: elgolpe.png (485x359, 336K)

Makes you think.

Attached: asd.png (1094x1198, 1.42M)

Did monterrey played with subs or is just the bigoton meme magic?

Attached: LaVolpeToluca.png (1161x710, 1.13M)

Both. I still give more credit to Lavolpe.

>ameriCACA manlets can't talk shit cause they lost to CHIjuana
Also how butthurt were the gringos in the thread when Monterrey put 5 past them? Any screencaps?

second game starting in the mexican handegg league

>New Instagram post
I thik I'm in love lads.

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Attached: theCHADlavolpe.png (994x629, 269K)

Image bro can you flip lavolpe so he's facing the correct direction?


Attached: LavolCHAD.png (991x636, 270K)

Acción, Week-13 resume:


>next game vs Puebla

Attached: D3hSBVYXsAE3R2J.jpg (975x1200, 179K)

>Pizarro's goal
Noice... sadly shit doesn't help at all kek

With Lavolpe, Toluca is going to tie Chivas in titles, I can see it.

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cute, CUTE

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>#DíaMundialDeLaSalud 41.8K Tweets

Whatta goal by Raul Jimenez

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And later they choked like a bitch.

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I just want homedepot OUT

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ponder the scent



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this shit not even on tv

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Yeah, FoxSports is taking all the fun, I wonder how things are gonna turn after Disney(ESPN) buying their shit.

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Imagine sniffing her ads after she's done showering

How do we solve the Home Depot issue?

Attached: home_depot_culero.webm (1280x720, 2.29M)

KEK, I can hear the "HOME DEPOT WEY, OYE ESA MAMADA" on O'Farril voice

Attached: barbiejestrada.png (774x1158, 1.95M)

I don't think I already watched Deportologia back then (or maybe I did and skipped this episode for whatever reasons) but here's the link to the skit. There are more clippable shit there.
youtu.be/oaHgqR6vJwg?t=404 (6:44)

>semen slurping

Attached: 0-0.png (233x310, 185K)

>Santos has the same points than Chivas

Holy shit, just notices, FUCKING CHAVA REYES.


"home depot torreon"

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>imagebro vas a los santos de la comarca lagunera

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LMAO, implying you don't have one of Whitney already

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id unironically wear that

LigaMX post-Week 13

Attached: postJ13.png (327x508, 57K)

>Milton Caraglio scores goal #10,000 of Estadio Azteca

it feels good for the kids, they had a good time

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This. Based (((Mafia del Poder))), giving good moments to our kids.

Attached: 29737.jpg (1080x380, 81K)

AscensoMX for ants, just one week left.

Attached: asssscen.png (302x374, 38K)

How much is Amy

Like 200dlls for one hour I think, +50dlls if you want her to wear a jersey while fucking.

Attached: brendazambranoc (2).webm (640x800, 1.22M)

Tonight's Futbol Picante

Watching John Wick bros how about you?

>that poor dogo

Attached: feelses.gif (500x500, 175K)

How much is it to fucc her?

eating pescado en salsa roja y viendo FutPicante, it's a good movie?

Attached: brendazambranoc.webm (640x800, 1.77M)

Es la primera, y si, vale la pena

>Joserra:"ya ni la mafia del poder puede ayudar a chivas"

Looks like Joserra got the succ by Rebeca Landa, he seems happier than ever.

Attached: larebecalanda.webm (640x800, 440K)

>Cruz Azul sigue haciendo historia aun en sus peores años
Based as fuck

>Morelia fans go against Sporting Director Álvaro Dávila

Attached: davila.png (579x432, 389K)

>Looks like Joserra got the succ by Rebeca Landa, he seems happier than ever.
Well it is his birthday.

It's based on Brazil jersey for CopaAmerica 2019

Attached: brazil-home-soccer-jersey-2019-2020.jpg (1517x1766, 135K)

>some viejito mamón got to cum on pic related

kill me lads

Attached: larebecalanda (4).jpg (1080x810, 90K)

Hope Santos pull this out.

Comfy pic.

"Somehow managed to grab Piojo Herrera by the neck"
Mis costados

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Going for my tea.

It's here.

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>Pérdidas por más de 600 millones de pesos, ruptura con la afición y un gusto que ya se esfumó, son las claves por las cuales Ricardo Salinas Pliego ha decidido poner en venta al Atlas, equipo del cual ha sido propietario por más de cinco años.

>Fuentes cercanas al actual dueño de los rojinegros aseguran que son tres los grupos interesados en adquirir a los Zorros, dos de ellos tapatíos y con experiencia en el futbol mexicano, y uno más de la Ciudad de México.

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I want to lick her flat chest then have sex with her if you get that I mean, compas.

I'm tired of # 3, 6 and 9 following me, help pls


He's tired of # 3, 6 and 9 following him, and he's asking for help.

Attached: 54511887_129662574782564_3572955382460153714_n.jpg (640x715, 60K)

>that poor dogo
evil as fuck, bruh

>América got MAFIA'D by CHOLOS

WTF I thought we were the bad guy

Attached: Captura de pantalla (200).png (764x415, 496K)


Do not trust banks, they pretent to be your friends.


Except for Banco Azteca.
Banco Azteca. Sueñas. Decides. Logras.

Attached: 601491.png (950x450, 71K)

I'll give them treefiddy for all of it, including the womens team and their used underwears

>tfw no Banco Azteca gf

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I just want Margaritas girls

Attached: 13285264_514457588760091_415128422_n.jpg (747x934, 155K)

hahaha it looks like she just brapped hahaha


>Vergara is in Guadalajara

oh boy

remember Caliente.mx almost own the league already


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>Allison Mark(qt)

oh no nononononono


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Toluca vs Pumas
Monterrey vs Leon
about to start on ligamx femenil

same faggot i wonder who is behind this

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I want this desu

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>JalisCHAD just captured the most prestigious Jr./Cruiserweight title on the planet
SHITlangos just can't compete

Attached: Screenshot_20190408-172553.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

>tfw no liga femenil qt gf
>you will never go to the stadium to watch her play and give her a massage at home
>you'll never sniff those sweaty panties every week

3's, 6's and 9's still hitting me on the feels ;_;

Attached: cristina_090juarez.jpg (1080x1271, 104K)

Man I'd love to be Cauteruccio, he's just taking a nice vacation getting paid a huge salary.
When the contract ends he can come for free back to Argentina or Uruguay and actually play some football instead of being lazy

So, the fucking Basedboy strikes again.
Since when this shit started in México?

i mean soiboy

Can't wait to die
La revolución fue un error
Can't wait to die

It has always been there, is just that nobody takes it seriously here. I mean, Esteban Arce and Yuri still have jobs, it is obvious that at least the media knows where the money really is.

And try sóyboy

I ate a family bag of Doritos and I'm having a guilt trip.

drink some diet coke

Ok, i get it

>Just finished Pikmin 3
>900 dead little lads

press F to pay your respect...(3's 6' and 9's still follow my shit :c what does this mean?)

Attached: IMG_20190408_194356.jpg (4864x2736, 2.69M)

Prices for America vs CruzAzul, prepare your shekels, chilanguinhos.

Attached: prices.jpg (1064x1002, 259K)

>250 AMLOs to watch a game with binoculars and take part in the corona mosaico
Libertadores tier shit right there

>Hernán Darío Burbano, delantero y refuerzo del equipo para este Clausura 2019 se perderá aproximadamente de tres a cuatro semanas en el torneo, debido a que sufrió una fractura de falenge proximal del quinto ortejo derecho, es decir, coloquialmente es fractura del dedo “chiquito” del pie derecho.

RIP "el negro" according with Mario Carrillo.

Attached: darxo_burbanomex_crop1554774597500.jpg_1970638775.jpg (354x485, 32K)

tfw madurasbro got killed by his milf gf narco husband

kek, that señora had some nice pair of tits

Attached: alejandratrillo.jpg (754x889, 153K)

>playing in spic language
Cringe ;^)

fucking normies lmao

z-zhut up puto

Attached: process.png (578x325, 310K)

Professional athletes should be banned from walking barefoot at all times

wish shed do that on my face


Attached: 20190406-1187.jpg (2134x3200, 3.56M)

Nah mate, I´m more alive than ever


LOL and this shit just started

>900 dead pikmin
What the fuck did you just do?

Attached: 1552509626071.jpg (1920x1080, 894K)

donde/como la conociste we

we need greentext of that night breh

Just what (((they))) do with us, getting resources from our planet to take them away, not caring about our lives.

What i tried to say is what did you just do get so many pikmin killed? did you fight against the bosses like a total noob or what?

This is the 2nd time I pass this game, I was actually a bit tired of the game so I said fuck it, at the last dungeon.

That makes a lot of sense.
I remeber i didn't lost so much pikmins even on my first try playing Pikmin and Pikmin 2.

>hugo sanchez taking credit for the crabs in a bucket analogy

this fucking guy

I unironically heard that saying for the first time when he said it.

are they talking about tje JJMacias incident or what?

Attached: 1503183749866.jpg (959x958, 107K)

nah faitelshit interviewed alanis and asked about muh pacto de caballeros

kek, let me get that shit on SeñorGolHD

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Tonight's Futbol Picante

Attached: 1504897678817.jpg (1200x900, 164K)

reminder fuck all chicanos

>tfw no Like button to clic on this post

Attached: 1755110.jpg (720x1080, 190K)

Not really that interesting, met her on tinder and went out a couple times, to the movies and just to walk around the plaza. We kissed and fondled each other in the plaza. Then I went to her house on saturday and we fucked, her tits are amazing and her ass is ok, nice hairy pussy too. She´s kind of short and I´m tall so I carried her while fucking, I love that shit

Sounds good.

Attached: 20171028_7726.jpg (720x1080, 389K)

She qt

Attached: img6433.jpg (1024x1536, 85K)

>see her ig
>396 posts

Ok, i'm done what's this "people" trying to tell me?

>El científico Marko Rodin descubrió que en el patrón denominado Vortex Math existe un patrón que se repite: 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4, y así hasta el infinito. Aquí, los números 3,6 y 9 no existen y, según Rodin, esto obedece a que estos números representan un vector de la tercera a la cuarta dimensión, lo que denomina “campo de flujo”. Este campo es una energía dimensional superior, con influencia sobre el circuito energético de los otros seis números. Yendo aún más lejos, Randy Powell, un estudiante de Marko Rodin, asegura que ésta es la clave secreta para la energía libre, lo que Tesla investigó hasta los últimos días de vida.

Well, I ain't doing shit for this humanity, people is gonna use free energy to shitpost only. Tomorrow is my birthday btw.

So it's the /x/ user just posting his bullshit. Happy birthday I hope you get to eat cake.


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who plays today?

yo y mis compas

Gib compas.

State mandated compas when?

tecatico and hh with Oporto

México femenil vs PSV femenil


Attached: chucky.png (649x406, 375K)

Wtf cool

is fidel kuri buying this?

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>dancing against VAR corruption

Attached: 55807162_435030023706899_211008196077664591_n.jpg (900x900, 94K)


I thought Alejandro Fernandez was going to buy the team like 10 years ago

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>warming the bench
>gets Euros for that

he is living my fucking dream!

Attached: 51812063_442568939816818_8260143194391508244_n.jpg (891x891, 62K)

should've gone Ajax desu

Attached: 1504199977747.jpg (670x768, 80K)

>that sabrosa pancita

fuck sharia law

Attached: selin.fm.jpg (1080x1349, 89K)

What super campeones episode is this from?

which fucking cruz azul nigger used my wife for their choking

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Must feel like being a C class Argentinian that plays for America or Montegay.

Imagebro pls use mememagic and kill me plsthx

I'm trying to figure out of the fuck to use this 3's, 6's & 9's thing, hold on breh. Been thinking about doing some kind of machine than works on frequency using 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8's, pointing to 3, 6 & 9's from the next dimension and get free energy, bring it to this dimension.

Who is this waifu of yours?

Attached: 20160130_7182.jpg (2818x4000, 823K)

It's from Dark Souls indeed.

Attached: 20170318_5264.jpg (4000x2666, 1.48M)

Which team do we like for the CopaMX? Juarez or America?

America, we need a bi-doblete, so Chivas will sperg out about bringing Almeyda back.

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>asking this in an all Americanista thread

I've found the summerfag

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>americanigger samefag thread


Yeah, really qt.

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Is that icecream on the churros?

Attached: 20180217-5150.jpg (2333x3500, 601K)

This Clausura 2019 final will be America vs Monterrey

Attached: yulifloresa.jpg (1080x1080, 117K)

>shitvass a shit
>shitcanos disappear

fucking cowards

Attached: 76c8180d-1e11-47c8-8ba4-3c6d6674a1e3.png (359x316, 70K)

>no chicanos and only ameriCACA manlets posting
>thread is dead shit and boring

cayese puto, we're saving our posts to celebrate CopaMX tomorrow ;^)

Attached: 20180106-677.jpg (2667x4000, 1.92M)

>tfw I can no longer shitpost because I'm to bust being a wagecuck
I just want to be a NEET again

I thought you were homeless nigga

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El tierronero señoris


Attached: majosr_.jpg (1080x1349, 233K)

>Chilangos vs norteños

Norteños leading this game


>alvarito doing boreball


Damn i want to lick her pancita

How do get gf, lads?

Attached: 5062742F-2513-436C-8003-CAC0D453726B.png (500x566, 75K)

amazing body

Attached: 20171123-5568.jpg (2334x3500, 889K)

fagstros v bankees
be a mildly successful yewchuber


Attached: Cristian Travolta.png (638x360, 311K)

>fagstros v bankees

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being her best option in that very moment

Attached: 20180303-1307.jpg (2483x3725, 951K)

>Sociedad Mexicana de Parrilleros

Noice, I didn't know this shit exist.

>not alpha chad chef toño mendez

vales verga morro


>dat big ass tronco slide


Attached: 20180120-4642.jpg (3179x4769, 1.25M)

>tfw Nico Castillo is a LOG and have glass bones

Attached: IMG_20190409_215517_466.jpg (480x569, 27K)

really makes you think

Mañana King Piojo da el primer paso para el Bi-Doblete.

Attached: 20180120-4662.jpg (3172x4758, 1.09M)

>>tfw Nico Castillo is a LOG and have glass bones
Yea, the rest of the world realized that when he couldn't make it in Benfica except ameriCACA of course.

eres el culero que postea imagenes de /mygirl/ en los threads de la champions?

Attached: D3faJTnU4AUobHB.jpg (1071x1563, 141K)

>Nico Castillo called Joserra's shit on ig

BASED, someone needs to put this old ass ANTI on his place

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Who is this girl? respond pls

Attached: 20180210-3038.jpg (2333x3500, 479K)

>a lelainez solo compraron para vender playeras a los chicanos
bueno tan siquiera lo admitieron

>>a lelainez solo compraron para vender playeras a los chicanos
>implying chucky won't sell more when he signs with yunited

he's gonna sign with Spurs desu

Attached: 20180210-3045.jpg (2333x3500, 472K)


se supone que se iba a ir al chelsea(based) pero con eso de que van a multar al equipo quien sabe donde madres vaya a parar
sent ;]

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fucking virgin and its virgin thread

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Chemos are gonna chem

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>shitlangos gonna shit

Attached: shitlangos gonna shit.png (436x491, 106K)

just banter la'

Maybe he's going to Chivas after all...

Attached: D3w-jegXkAEODwX.png (796x796, 783K)

Im a UNAM fan but they havent been grande in a long time

Trip on, Alvarito boy.

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>last NOCHES of the season


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Kek just a prank bro. Also what are they gonna do, send him to jail? It’s mejico, just give the cops a mordida and you’ll be fine.

BASED, remember when I used to sing while driving back home from college, almost kill my shit up one time while putting a The Killers CD kek

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Attached: dancing boy.jpg (1920x1080, 874K)


>Asi se ven las niñas de 13 en Australia

Is your body ready to see another Copa go into Coapa? I can't wait to see all the Chillahermanos anhero after getting BTFO by el mas grande de Mexico

es mi cumpleaños saquen los qt pies jotos

Reminder feet fetish doesn't exist.

>tfw you fucked your cutie so hard in the ass than caused her a neck strain

I wish that were me

but it does

Attached: Captura de pantalla (203).png (357x702, 331K)

This is one of the 3 fetishes I will never understand, the other 2 being diapers and vore


Attached: 02mfr.jpg (549x687, 56K)


What we want: Juárez to win the title
What we are getting: América to win the title


desperate chivass

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Reminder UNAM is shit right now because they were too busy taking pictures of a black hole.

Attached: spike3.gif (620x620, 906K)

>tfw 2 smart too win

I want Marion Reimers to have sex with me.

>didn't even make it to liguilla
>Suzuki give them new cars

El efecto chairo

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What's the point of having Suzukis given to them? I'd call anyone arriving to the cantera a pendejo if they were unironically footballers with a Suzuki tbqh

don't let it die

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not letting it die

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Let's pretend we are caring about Liga MX while watching futbol con presupuesto, haha!
Also qts.

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>none sign Hugo Sanchez


Attached: baile.gif (447x251, 3.66M)

>literally asking to get #MeToo'ED

do not do that, compadrito de mi vida

Attached: security.png (163x243, 96K)


Attached: karen manzano.jpg (489x730, 91K)

I know how to have sex with feminists, compa. Picture obviously unrelated.

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show me your ways, compai.

Attached: 1507254677929.jpg (600x663, 196K)

>Just brought my brunch

Let's watch these DEPORS pals.

it was shit

No. it was huevos revueltos a la mexicana, 2 slides of ham, tortillas, a couple of jalapeños en escabeche(based) and coke, berry gut desu, would repeat.

Attached: MX tongue.png (195x206, 39K)

>shutdowns cuz windy as fuck
>couldn't even finish DEPORS

b-but its my birthday!

Depors was shit this week, no memeworthy moments, too lengthy (compensating for something?) and there wasn't anything new worthy of keeping it up.
We critique now.

Cant to lift CopaMX, lads.

Cant wait*

when will you cowards get tired of beating american meme ass teams and go back to libertadores

Fix the goddamn schedule and we will talk, a year-long international tournament is fucking stupid

>less than 4 hrs to America surpass chivASS for good

>could have seen turco mohammed in person today
>had no clue he was the DT for Huracán
Hating my life right now compas.

You know remember he claimed that dance was a traditional indigenous dance to avoid the fine for disrespecting the other team.

wtf I'm a commie now.

>Best Jiménez even play football

Attached: miri_jim.jpg (1080x1350, 1.24M)

KEK I don't remember this part, damn Tomas CHADboy

WTF I thought he was unemployed since Celta de Vigo

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Cruzeiro just dabbed on them on the first half, Fred scored 3. Should have went to the game, compas.

Attached: kek.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

>America becomes the best team of Mexico, no doubt
>Chivas brings a relegation fireman


Attached: mejores-memes-llegada-tomas-boy-9.jpg (1198x800, 101K)

>ywn have blueyed children from German Villa

>Tomas Boy
Honestly I would've preferred Mario Carrillo instead, but tomas isn't as bad as some of the other names that were being reported to take the job. Also LMAO @ HUGOL NO ONE IS EVER GONNA HIRE THAT SHITTER

conCACAf hilo donde?

>Hiring a retired DT who decided to be a tv host instead
This is Chelis all over again



kek we need a general of this

Attached: elizabethvnbe.jpg (1080x1350, 219K)

WTF I forgot about, let me do it right now...

Attached: 20180113-2911.jpg (2072x2647, 1.33M)

Damm, I was sure it was gonna be mario who got the job, I mean after all his ameriCACA played better than el barça de guardiola.

Should I bet on under 2.5 goals in the Tigres match?

Who they playing?


Attached: 20170916-2742.jpg (2667x4000, 663K)

Santos, Tigres won the first match with 3 goals.

>GOATnaldo scored in Champions League once again
>messoý got his nose broken when he bumped into a defender
>Tomás Boy to chivASS
This day has been fucking great, let's hope conCACAf delivers as well.

I would say yea then, I know for sure llantos won't score more than 2 goals, and the only unknown would be how many goals tigays is gonna score.

My ban expired. Fuck MLS, they can't handle the banter. They reported my post asking for romance advice to my LigaMX chad bros.

Also, we got Copa Oro group

And Jamaica became a host. Not a meme

KEK fucking cucks
>And Jamaica became a host. Not a meme
the fuck? elaborate pls

>Copa Oro group
Holy shit tata boutta go undefeated thru the group stages, he'll probably even rekt all those shitters by 3+ goals

Cayese puto

They are hosting the first matchday of their group. Costa Rica is doing the same. Literally the only team that doesn't do it is Mexico.
Not getting 9 points and +10 on goal difference will be a failure

Kek I already have my ticket for the Mexico vs Cuba game.

>implying Cuba will have enough players for the match

niggas gonna go for ciggarets and vanish away

isn´t drumpf banning Cuba again?

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HEY CHIs stop BRAPPPING so the win stops and we can play the game

>Literally the only team that doesn't do it is Mexico
Pancho Villa's Army on suicide watch

Attached: CHIcano.png (865x718, 190K)

Still windy as fucking in Juarez, gonna be the same on the CopaMX final.

Attached: 20161105-506.jpg (2667x4000, 1.14M)

Comfy cup about to start

>either his home team or his bandwagon team wins
Imagebro must be so full of himself now, unless he's thinking this is some kind of conspiracy to kill him.


Only if it ends in a 3-6 score and last 99 minutes, you know how crazy he is




I knew they where going to rig the conCACAf cup

I'd plow this chick singing the anthem desu



Attached: juanitoreyes12.jpg (1080x1350, 105K)

Are you betting tonight user?

KEK it's literally my birthday, family just brought barbacoa, agua de melon, chinesse food and a strawberry cake.
you never know...

Attached: 56284079_1223516194492069_5357239459908104032_n.jpg (899x1124, 173K)

I wish I had strawberry cake now tbqh

Which one is Alvarito?

El mas marrano

I have cocacola and chicharrones. Will make tostadas a medio tiempo.


Attached: victormorales7112.jpg (1080x1080, 118K)

Feliz cumpleaños, imagebro!

Attached: Feliz-Cumpleaños-Abuelita-Bendita.jpg (479x324, 58K)

>winning CopaMX with Chespirito's kit


Attached: cerveza-gratis-si-america-es-campeon-1.jpg (1000x608, 197K)

Yeah, officially i'm not a meme "young adult" anymore ;_; t-thanks, I hope we can eat some beisbol snacks(de hermosillo) one day.

Attached: 54511363_403082703850291_3452536474897114114_n.jpg (1080x1199, 119K)

Not worth watching anymore desu

>great kit x meme team
I honestly don't know who should win this anymore.

I want that.

That looks like a heart attack with the last bite. [spoiler]I wish I had one right now.[/spoiler]

would love a beer right now desu

Attached: licenciado_27.jpg (1080x1350, 155K)

Yeah, Sultanes has their own Monster Dog too

Attached: El Monster Dog.jpg (540x540, 91K)

Esa pinche porra del america huele a puro obo, cabrón jajajaja

T-thank god I use to watch the local weather, Juarez is windy as hell.

Attached: taniaestradatv.webm (640x360, 2.56M)

cayese chivahermano

Attached: FaithfulDecisiveAlaskankleekai.webm (640x360, 482K)

what weather

No wonder is windy in Juarez, just imagen the size of her braps

Nah we, iba pasando por el estadio cuando estaba entrando la hinchada.
Yo creía que lo del obo era puro mame pero sí apestan cabrón.

Juárez will win 3-2, trust me I'm from the future.

I cant trust that liquid

hold on *bets on Caliente.mx*

Attached: taniaestradatv.jpg (951x1189, 88K)

Mexbros, rojo pill me on Chicanos. Do you actually hate them?

>"la cuarta transformación de chivas"

fucking Zague lmao

Attached: taniaestradatv (2).jpg (1080x1350, 165K)

>tfw no weather gf (de juárez (de del rio))

Who doesn't?

I want those heels to walk all over my pathetic body.

bases subposter
only when they try to be us

Attached: taniaestradatv (3).jpg (1080x1350, 1.7M)


she unironically roots for CruzAzul, this pic is from last ligamx final when she lose a bet and wear the America jersey ;^)

Attached: taniaestradatv (4).jpg (1080x1350, 1.47M)

>people pressing on the ref already

chimpout in the 2nd half, for sure

Attached: marianitanq18.jpg (941x945, 94K)

Classic America




>troll air

best Juarez player so far...

Attached: aryromsa10.jpg (1080x1231, 98K)

This one is realy boring but i dont know what i was expecting

what are you talking about? CLEAR benulty

Attached: aryromsa10 (2).jpg (1080x1080, 106K)

made tacos de lengua and gf brought me choclate cake. now if only vero toussaint gave me a wawis and america choked for a really based birthday

Attached: 9e7.jpg (249x249, 16K)

You are screwing this shit already

open all the gates up so we can get some tornados on the field

Los bravos callaron Los bravos callaron Los bravos callaron Los bravos callaron Los bravos callaron

HB user, I don't know how zoomers celebrate nowdays but that sounds good

Attached: gabi_gardea.jpg (898x1123, 107K)


Attached: UnsungSpiffyCrab.webm (640x368, 190K)

u-u too. put a candle in ur meme tea

>Caramelo (the guy who's permanently touring with la selección) rooting for Juárez

Now we know who is the one with the bad luck

Attached: 21-56-45-56197335_350430675579405_4566908138596155747_n.jpg (426x426, 48K)

With the money that guy has spend on following the NT he could unironically buy FC Juarez


>lol play it again

Attached: trappin.jpg (268x258, 14K)

He's a jewlery from Chihuahua desu.

Attached: karenrothenbucher.jpg (1080x1350, 134K)

>He's a jewlery from Chihuahua desu.
>He's a jew

>didn't want to cut my own bd cake because of (((reasons)))
>lil niece did and rekt'd the shit out of it with a 'mordida'

it's really good btw

Attached: IMG_20190410_211918.jpg (4864x2736, 3.28M)

Que chingue a su reputa madre degenerado lozano.

el cruz azul del descenso señores
nah just a money launderer

>Orrible ded
>Nico ded
>Memedeti ded

pasa las fotos de la sobrinita we

cayese puto

Attached: kathyamuruato.jpg (1080x1350, 160K)

That's an indirect kiss

not her bd, not her cake

fucking aguilera killing the meme magic

>Vazquez Mellado
yeah, this city is full of memes desu

Attached: paomarino12.jpg (640x640, 82K)

Como va mi AME?

>Liga Municipal de Toluca
>Brasil & Atlético de Madrid

yeah, never gonna be a realy city

Attached: taniaestradatv (5).jpg (1080x1350, 1.63M)

She looks like she fucks narcos, and niggers

imagine being american and being unable to think of anything except black dicks

ganando 0-1, min 70

Attached: liz3vizo.jpg (1080x1080, 123K)

licherally all my cousins in juarez have qt gfs except one who married a shitcana for her papers its not fair broes


Attached: javier__pe (2).jpg (1080x853, 141K)

>Semifinal de Copa Oro en Phoenix
Debería comprar mi boleto de una vez o el Tri va a decepcionarme?

Henry almost kill this.

penedeti ded af

>paying to watch concashitters

big yikes

>penedeti ded af
what happened?

Attached: caco_156.jpg (1080x1349, 164K)


just fucking go, you'll drink beer and shout out PUTO

Attached: du_olive (2).jpg (1080x1080, 178K)

I mean I went to a game in 2015 gold cup (0-0 vs Guatemala KEK) and even though the match sucked ass, the experience was all right. The question is: Will I get to watch Mexico play a random concaSHIT, or will Tata and the boys let me down?


>juangay over based jose jose


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>Aguilar show begins


Attached: tumblr_mi2pp4hoYW1s5tx91o1_400.gif (280x270, 928K)

they put on of those JUST boots on his ankle and made him limp around the sideline lel

i want to see Mexico playing an official match in Guadalajara (most likely on the Estadio Jalisco).

>5 Minutes left

They barely even play at Azteca anymore, fucking chicanos they get all the (mole tour) games

gold cup should be changed to mexicointhefinallol so you should be fine

brabos should have hired a couple of those pacey nig refugees



Attached: paomarino12.jpg (1080x1080, 60K)

based wind


>brabos gk crying like a bitch

terrible final



>Vazquez Mellado


Attached: marianitanq18.jpg (1080x1080, 1.29M)

Odiame mas perros

Fuck them, i just want to see Mexico playing in Jalisco, i had enough of watching them playing in Burguerland.

>El CruzAzul del Ascenso

Attached: Bus.jpg (1126x745, 90K)

Could Messi win on a windy hot night in Juarez?

I told you bitches, Bravos is a cold chested team just like Leon when it was on Ascensomx

another title for comfy Menez

Attached: Comfy Menez.png (163x261, 74K)

>El viejito esta llorando

>jose mamon already seething

>Doctor:"se me metió una copa en los ojos"


Attached: 23161314_1630599467018807_6640213018086998016_n.jpg (1080x1080, 129K)

>Now CopaMX is worthless since Ame won it but was the biggest title when Chivass and Choke Azul won it

Attached: 6a39524e7a.jpg (500x333, 133K)

puig looks like a big midget

Here comes the medalls, lads, prepare to receive them.

Attached: WelldocumentedBoldIchthyostega.1.webm (1280x720, 155K)

>wins LA TRECE and CopaMX by doing NOTHING
>cuck Alexis Ibarra, the biggest CHAD in Televisa

Menez is the most redpilled player than Piojo has had

Attached: 41739275_2161072714152296_8577724800678799119_n.jpg (1080x1080, 67K)

Fuck off, Bonilla, CopaMX is ours.

Attached: Enrique Bonilla.png (972x787, 945K)


Will Joserra ever recover?

>fútbol choqueante choking

Thanks, God! Thanks América

Gonna watch Futbol Picante when SeñorGolHD do his based job.

Attached: pepegol.png (661x664, 345K)

Yo estoy cambiando de picante a LUP

Nice, just hope Marin, Quirarte and Ruso are there kek.

Attached: lel.png (637x717, 444K)

Next years our year 'la

What team do you root for again?

Attached: 20170218-4158.jpg (4000x3151, 2.53M)

Post pics next time. Of the food, not your girlfriend. This is a trannyverga bread now.

Tomorrow Kansas City vs Monterrey, I feel than this will be a boring 0-0.

Attached: 201803176146.jpg (2667x4000, 323K)

I don't feel like celebrating this cup, but gonna love Joserra seething.

Attached: AME de copa.png (941x995, 325K)

Nice Pepe, would you mind if I save it?

He´s just an anti hoping we don´t win anything next year, that´d be a victory for them

LMAO fucking Joserra can't handle our greatness

Attached: Ciegorra.png (304x275, 163K)

Go ahead, take it, but stay tune, I might do another version, I think that oranje color doesn't have the right tone :/

Puig keeps shitting on Joserra kek

Nah, just save that one, I ain't doing another one, getting lazy here

Attached: JoserraPosting.png (634x933, 850K)

>team founded in May 2015
>lose Final de Ascenso 2015-16 vs Necaxa
>lose Clausura 2017 Final vs Lobos BUAP
>lose Apertura 2017 Final vs Oaxaca
>lose CopaMX Clausura 2019 vs America

El CruzAzul del Ascenso señores.

Attached: CruzAzul del Ascenso.png (442x439, 50K)

>kicked out in Apertura 2018 semifinals by Maradona in home

based primos de Juarez

Attached: 49379004_393574151416268_1596854941304705708_n.jpg (1080x1273, 104K)

She's too smoking hot for my pp, I might want to settle with a norteña gorda gf (de beisbol) and I'll be happy enough.

>now mexicanos asking themselves "who is this chivass guy?"

chevas need some BBC now

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Bump, sigan posteando viejas sabrosotas

Attached: approved.png (720x644, 39K)

Attached: a37s3p56rjr21.jpg (720x405, 33K)

Just 50 more replies to bump this shit

>tfw Cuba, Martinica & Canadá

easiest group stage ever

Attached: silvana.espmi.jpg (937x1171, 115K)

He’s going to have to put up with her for at least 5 years.


Attached: 201802247949.jpg (2667x4000, 327K)

she shave her monobrow

imagine her b hole

>le Memez chileANO

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for me, it's América (de Cali)

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wtf I love CULOmbia now

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r8 the neighborhood around my workplace, /ligamx/

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trip on, Mike Adriano

Attached: Miketologia.png (638x358, 272K)

Better than Brazil tbqh
Do you have baseball happening within a radius of 3km?

What's Caixinha thinking right now? they face America this weekend

Attached: 1534988689772.jpg (1005x1025, 55K)

Wow, she's absolutely qt, would cuddle in these windy nights ;_;

ecatepec tier

>Raúl is getting all the anglo lolis
>latin neighborhood tier

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what are you talking about?

Attached: 20180317-6147.jpg (2667x4000, 761K)

based, did she get his jersey after all?
Male is so fucking sensual desu

what city?

Yeah, let's do this

Attached: 20180818-5035.jpg (2560x1706, 2.81M)

>dat comments about her getting back with Mateus

Attached: cindyalvarezgarcia989.jpg (1080x1350, 312K)


Attached: 20180818-5037.jpg (2800x1867, 3.73M)

>me on the right

Attached: 56571271_2354444834881410_6990616868601676235_n.jpg (1024x824, 86K)

>everyone has qt's

Attached: 1535177959149.jpg (641x411, 32K)

just bump this OUT

You now remember her nudes.

wait, wut?

Attached: wut.png (561x751, 612K)

>he doesn't know

Attached: 10943_Cindy-Álvarez-17042017.jpg (700x479, 113K)

>Copa Oro trophie now has concacaf nations league logo on it

looks like shit

Attached: 1512150716210.png (578x323, 432K)

>dat jelly with the sunglasses

rosties gonna rost

I'll rather invade the pitch to sniff Las De Azul braps, than go and hug El Cuauh desu

Attached: 20190112-2021.jpg (2250x1500, 2.58M)

I find Aguilera's gf the qt'est, let me check her ig better

Attached: 20190112-2025.jpg (2000x1334, 1.66M)

Where's croatbro?

she seems a comfy gf to be honesto ig/gabytalescano

Almost there, Clásico Joven this Saturday.

Attached: i.jpg (2160x3240, 630K)

He's nofapping so he can't post here anymore.

>just noticed ligamx ball looks like Jabulani

It wasn't the wind, lads.

Attached: 20190410041733900-0-1501059.jpg (980x617, 41K)

He probably an hero after bravos lossing

Well if he's still betting he could an hero for real soon.

Thanks, watch our league pls.

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kek trips of the true

Attached: imago-745039.jpg (2315x3521, 2.71M)

Shame Nico(nico nii) Benedetti is injuried :( I love how he plays, made me forget about Cecilio Dominguez really fast.

Attached: imago-745033.jpg (1786x2339, 1.27M)

que las chivass ya no son relevantes a nivel futbolístico, ahora son solo el pasado glorioso de una época cuando el fútbol mexicano no era un negocio.
Ahora necesitan más negritos en sus equipo, Gio y Jona Dos Santos seria un gran paso

Attached: ninamoraless.jpg (1080x1080, 88K)


Got you.

>kills a n*gro
>Drumpf asking for his head

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This is ded.

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