
Playoffs are set edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


go knights


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Stay scared m8

go tampa bay

Not scared at all edition

For me, it's the Vegas Golden Nites of Las Vegas! I love hockey! :D

If anyone gets swept first round, my bets are its either the islels or teds

child predditors won the central, we can expect one more banner next season home opener

Boys I'm cheering for Dallas and the Teds since my team is lottery

>voluntarily choosing to root for the Teds

Attached: All Teds, report in.webm (832x468, 2.63M)

Those are actually quite good matchups

Flames win it all against the Lightning. They get their vengeance.

Stay scared m8

Only team in the east I feel anything for other than Boston tbperfectlyh

for this scenario to happen, who get hot Rittich or Smith?

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>lifelongs (sweep)

>blots (sweep)



>avs over blots

Buddy you might be fuckin retarded

We playoffs now
Can't wait for Leafs to fuck up the Bruins

bING bing

>guaranteed (You)s

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>no more habs håkki this season

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You fuckin wut
Literally the easiest out

this but knights take it all from the avs series

Lot what a retard

Is there a /hoc/ league yet?

>No more LA
>No more Anaheim
>No more Habs
>No more Oilers
>No more Flyers
Absolutely based-a-roony

The western conference, in terms of teams that missed the playoffs, went almost perfect this year.

I could maybe see Calgary beating Vegas 2bqh.

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For me, it’s having >my team being hated for being good and winning a lot and not hated for shitposting
t. Pete from Pittsburgh

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I just feel for the Sparklepups

Habs in, Vegas Golden Cucks out.
Would be perfect.

heres my updated bracket lads. (youll want to screencap this one)

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Almost perfect

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That reminds me, I need to put tonight's games into that excel sheet to see just how badly they got fucked over.

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Is this the year of the sharks?

Åland, more like Assland

>make the ECF but lose

I wouldn’t mind it at all though, even if that final sucks dick

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Habs will be back next year

yeah, the year for them to get swept in the first round m8

shant be giving (you)s to grease lads

with the way they are playing, they should be grateful for a gentlemen's sweep (4-1) from the vegas golden knights of las vegas

>hating a team
Usually when I hate a team it's because of the fans or the city, pens fans are pretty based 2bh

Aland, more like THEland

wut wut!!!

>sleeping on the shorks
lads, I..

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Gonna make a good bracket soon lads

Thanks m8 you’re welcome to join the threepeat feast

>Leafs against the Bruins again

so who will end up with a career ending injury? My thought is Nylander, like soldiers in Vietnam shooting themselves, he will put his body in Chara's way so he can pocket the contract and return to Sweden like a hero

damn it I always see them do OK and then just go bust in the playoffs, I can't take it anymore

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As a wongs fan I want to hate pens fans but I keep meeting really nice ones so I can't hate the fanbase. I still hate Crosby.

I don't want your (you)s I want your ass.

I actually know a person who is half from Assland

why did mcmeme have to die tonight?


Shitsburgh fans are living shitposts and I hate needing to be tethered to the team because the Baby Pens are the only local hockey team near me
t. Louie from Lackawanna

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this is good

shant be (You)ing contrarian bait posts by trip niggers

So he can return as Joker McMeme
>I always thought my life was a tragedy
>but now I realize it’s a comedy

my man

holy fucking memes

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because he trusted a FINN

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the sunbeltiest bracket ive seen thus far, congrats

>Not a break
So is he coming back or is his knee fucked?

lads just saw uncle l0l is back on spee, still wont ever be okay with what he did to lyl

where could >shorks goaltending possibly have gone wrong lads?

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>Bob Boner

Based mcdavid amputating his legs to get out of Edmonton

It's all about the memes
Scary part is I could actually see it play out this way.
>jets have been playing like garbage
>Perds are a paper tiger
>dallas and st Louis are coming in hot
>Calgary will handle the avs
>shorks shork nothing new
>knights have been utter garbage and fluery wasnt good in his comeback
>Dallas vs st louis was hard basically a coin toss
>Washington gets memed on by going to easy on canes
>pens beat out isles in 7
>bolts breeze past Ted's in 5
>oh boy bruins and laffs
>bolts choke after leading 3-2 to Boston
>pens are tired and old lose to canes in 6
>canes get confident after beating pens and win ECF
>canes>dallas because booming after beating pens and bruins

will jones finally shake off the cobwebs and go full god mode in the pl0ffs?

imagine thinking good teams are actually trying in the last few games

Epic storylines going into the ploffs, lads

imagine being so retarded you think the second round won’t be pens and caps again and the winner won’t win the cup yet again

Hush. It’ll be islanders canes, just as god intended

Which team in the playoffs has the smallest fan base?

Being a man of God I can assure your heathenry is in record

>That reminds me, I need to put tonight's games into that excel sheet to see just how badly they got fucked over.
It's way too late for me to analyze this and give a summary of it. If you guys are interested, have at.
Each chart is sorted by the highlighted column. Points are explained in the colored header. The blue percentages are the percent of possible points earned (can't compare this from one system to the next very well).

I never actually found a resource with the wins and losses broken down into 6 categories by regulation / OT / SO, so I did that math myself. Let me know if I fucked up any of it.

Attached: 2019 season sorted.png (1696x4416, 2.54M)

unironically, the canes or stars

Stars, Carolina, Islanders are essentially a small market team operating in the biggest market in the country

You're cool by me, lad.



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While everyone has been going on about the Canes' and Panthers' attendance, the Stars have quietly been struggling to fill their arena.
Maybe there are a shitton of corporate-owned seats that keep the official attendance numbers looking decent, but if you actually watch a game, the seats are surprisingly empty.

Aye, lad. That it will.

Now for what will probably happen because >we never get anything nice

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Save this for later

too yellow. no, try again.

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this is very realistic, sadly. but there will probably be one unexpected upset


Was at the most recent Nashville and Pens game last Friday; >we had 38 shots in 2 periods on Pekka would like to do it again over 7. Also I should mention you don’t need to use a trip on Yea Forums lad.

Vegas over sharks and over flams

dude make one and stick by it you fucking faggot cuck pussy

So lads what side item will you be having with your threepeat?

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Garlic mash I’m thinking m8

i'm upset at >gary's loser points
not the spreadsheet, the creator of this spreadsheet is a gentleman and a scholar

>sharks will get btfo by vegas every year just like the >laffs get btfo by the >ruins

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But what specifically did the loser points do this time?

I know but it keeps the shitters seething
>not having what you want to happen vs what you expect to happen

sheeit repetition compulsion

Making people mad online stopped being cool in like 2008 dude

if you lose, you dont deserve any points

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>caring about being "cool"
That stopped mattering after highscool

I would think that the solution would be to simply stop getting mad at stuff.

you lads see bret hart get tackled during his hof speech tonight? dude got lit up by a few wrasslers and ronda rousey's husband.

>le troll face I made you mad online
Just post as user like the rest of us

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Dash from Revival punched the guy in the face which was highly based

Gentleman and a scholar (you)
I hope it doesnt happen
>he doesnt know

Any thoughts on my bracket?

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real pookcific hours

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Real POOK-cific Hours

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>islanders beating Pittsburgh
Dropped immediately


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Fairly gay overall.

Yinz are in for a rude awakening.

>rph is animefags in non-hockey markets
grim and telling

least coast faggots are more likely anime fags than out here in the west

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Any market with a hockey team is a hockey market

rph imo

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>implying teds won't be swept in 4
that's my only critique though

Hey the thing you keep doing is really sad
>lol seething
Why are tripfaggots this way?

yeah I’m sure all the Asians, spice and communists and hating America and lack of hockey doesn’t breed anime

you're basically describing metropolitan areas in the east lol

That's a lot of goals in the cup finals

Do you want the real answer?

Realistically, the only upset in the first round is going to be Dallas over Preddit.

For me, it's not reading posts which quote more than one post.

wtf this is my bracket

This is my second season watching hockey. Can someone explain the offside rule?


stay mad

Attached: vgkdab.png (720x791, 243K)

Don't be faster than puck
simple as

Its like off-side in football. Except the line is stationary.

I'm picking the Islanders to win it all in my bracket
Might as well, I'm not going to guess this crapshoot right anyway

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The offsides line in football is stationary. Its called the line of scrimmage

>I use a trip because it makes people mad lmao you’re seething
It’s boring m8 just post user like everyone else

made a bracket

Attached: bracket.png (1000x767, 520K)

>just do what I tell you

>All repeats in the second round except Vegass/Calgary
>ECF is the same

Haha I'm not mad friend!
I think I get it. Hockey is confusing but I'm trying!

Wings would smoke any of those teams

Wings can smoke my dick

Alright well one last chance guess I’ll make a filter since you’re a faggot and I hope you enjoy freshman year in college

Looks shit

They should have a losers bracket so everyone gets to have playoffs

very edgy

You can’t go past your opponents blueline unless you’re carrying the puck or the puck is already in their zone.

Simple as.

Actually pretty reasonable.


Back to /reddit/ also dont give a shit, also
>he doesnt know

hacked gary's email and stole the script. ask me anything

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>loser playoffs for draft position

Here to save the thread everyone I’ve got a user name

i was trying to be as objective to reality as possible. i personally dont want to see this either

will laine score a goal?

thank goodness you're here!

a dozen

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What the fuck took you so long?


Based Mr. Important
You must be very important as it's in your username

Washington > Carolina
Pittsburgh > New York
Tampa > Columbus
Boston > Toronto

Nashville > Dallas
Winnipeg > St. Louis
Colorado > Calgary
Las Vegas > San Jose

Washington > Pittsburgh
Tampa > Boston
Nashville > Winnipeg
Las Vegas > Colorado

Washington > Tampa
Nashville > Las Vegas

Washington > Nashville

From what I can see, this year's Capitals are identical to last year's if not even better. If they don't repeat I can still say with certainty that they're not going to be knocked out by the Blots.

Nashville wins the west because out of all those teams they have the most to prove.

Genuinely never got that that's what you were parodying this whole time.
Now that I know, I'm pretty unimpressed.

going to be funny to see tom wilson destroy little aho

In the other net

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What the fuck is this?

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Hahahahaha you seethe you brainlet MY POSTS require a username lmao you’re the one who’s retarded not me lmao

based poster

i was hoping someone would post this

I will say a prayer that you're right.

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Just took my trip off lads

Wish you'd leave it on so I can keep filtering you.


Well then the spirit of posting as user would be denegated wouldn’t it?

Filters are unironically >reddit

How many players on your team have been with them for ten years or longer?

would be pretty based semis and final tbqh, if canes can get unshook vs caps it could be on

drinking my first cup of the day, then taking a shit, then going to the gym


pekka from kuusamo


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what's icing?

It was me all along

Two, why?

>rip fleury (always bae)

>having a name similar to another name for male genitals

that sugary mixture used to decorate cakes

when ice drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit

Four (4)

Sharks gonna shork all the way to the cup

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I’m back lads

It's power rankings time.

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where did that tripfag go?
- no one

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writing my shopping list lads

Looks like Laine is posing for a pic instead of playing hockey like the faggot he is

Hey I'm back guys.


How will /hoc/ ever recover with so many high IQ opinions?
To be fair it takes a real high IQ to have a username


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I think April 10th.

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I do not know

Good to know another poster of supremely high IQ is here

>buffalel last
what an absolute collapse
>u will be

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No Horvat, no McDavid, no Goalie. Team Canada confirmed fucked.

When do the playoffs start?


When the playoffs are starting?

Ploffs are cancelled lad. Gary called it off this morning.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
Did you get Gary’s script early?

yes. he confirmed with me that laine scores a hatty game 1 and then does nothing else.

This madlad () stole and shared it on msn messenger.

I’m categorically shook lads

>kongs are out
go sab-
>they are out too
go avalanche

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Andy Greene
Travis Zajac

Basically two of the worst contracts in the NHL

zero m8

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guys i'm scared.
everyone is saying >we are going to trade Quick this summer. i >love Quick and want him to retire in LA

In 1840's New York, a man would walk up to strangers, acting as an old acquaintance. Gaining their trust, he asked, "Have you the confidence to trust me with your watch until tomorrow?" He would never return. When arrested, he was dubbed the "Confidence Man", the origin of the term "Con Man".

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Lads, I just won the /hoc/ fantasy league. I hope you don't feel too bad about the fact that a swede knows more about hockey than anyone else (feeling a little smug at the moment, I hope you don't mind).

I hope there will be interest for more /hoc/ fantasy next season.

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sleep time before the stinky euros get up

>Gary, come see me as soon as possible. We need to have a talk.

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Nashville vs Dallas is the patrician matchup of the first round

which fans will have the best cowboy hats?

objective list of matchups from most based to most grim
>sharks v knights
>leafs v bruins
>canes v caps
>blues v jets
>pens v isles
>jackets v bolts
>avs v flames
>stars v preds

Big if true indeed

make sure you lads get some rest.
wrestlemania will be an all day affair.


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t. S*nbelt subhuman

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Where would the Lightning’s first round fall if they faced the Habs instead?

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1. Detroit
2. Colorado
3. Kongs
4. NJ


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First Bulju and now McJesus. Will Oilels ever recover?

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I have set out to make the worst predictions

this would officially kill hockey glad it's not going to happen

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JUST >rags my shit up

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Going for realism. Russsia is always based

Y'all ready for Tuesday?

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best playoffs for the health of hockey:






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Get real loser

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>American "sports"

We already know Dallas, St. Louis, Colorado, San Jose, Carolina, New York, and Columbus aren't making it past round one.

Toronto? Not sure. They've been 'cursed' against Boston for a while, but so was Washington with Pittsburgh. But lately, I don't thin this is Toronto's year anyways.

Finland I haven't seen him play. Is he the real deal? Please be honest.

I want this just because of the memes of a 2004 SCF repeat.

Türken raus

been thinking about Skinner for Pu

He's like Rantanen with better hands, skating and basically everything.

24 is Greer

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Why is she making a basedboy face?


Sounds promising. Any bust potential?

Leafs-Bruins should be sick. Maybe the Central matchups too. Everything else is horrible.

Goddamn I can't wait to come home from work every night, get high, watch hockey and shitpost until I pass out

Boston will win, just like every other sport.

>Finnish tending
How new to this sport are you, faggot?

I don't believe so. He's also strong af.

>‘’He is versatile, smart, and skilled, making him the rare winger who can do it all in every facet of the game. I haven’t seen a young player look so strong from the outset of a Liiga season since Aleksander Barkov exploded on the scene with Tappara.’’ – Craig Button

I have been watching sports for 6 months and Boston has won every championship since.

They'll beat the laffs in round one (for which I will thank them of course) but the Bolts are going to light Rask the fuck up, pun intended

Lol. Anyone else think mcgaykids injury was hilarious

Oh I get it, haha, because Tampa Gay.

>called the New England Patriots
>play in Foxborough, Massachusetts
>somehow a Boston team
They're about as much of a Boston team as the Minnesota Wild are a Duluth one lmao

This is amazing. But its not really Stromes fault. Malkin LITERALLY just stood there and let him skate on in and score like he didnt even care.

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Just now watched it, holy fuck I haven't laughed that hard in weeks. The Coilers franchise in a nutshell.

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Will he be back in time for the second round of the playoffs?

I'd give up red meat for the rest of my life to get a whiff of her stankhole


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I would literally fuck her with my dick in her pussy, if you know what I mean

who here /talarsvenska/

Pfffffffft haha OH NO NO NO NO

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Oh fugg meant for

Jag talar svenska

I don't know about you boys, but I'm pretty fucking hype for these playoffs, even if >my team doesn't make it past the first round. I think we're in for some epic memes.

Kind of hope McMeme is never the same player due to this injury if I'm being honest.

who /ridingonatractor/ here

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You know what time it is?
It's coffee time

du dricker kaffe?

Just had a quadruple espresso myself


Koppen är klar alldeles strax, tackar som frågar

saw a movie last night lads

>sverige dykes might actually get relegated if they lose to france now


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You don't mess around, do you?

I'm happy for you friend, hope you enjoyed it

Saw your sister's boobies last night


what's the literal difference between hej and hej da to make them opposites?

2 crimson chins and a jaw-let fag faking an underbite to fit in with the chin freaks

ska vi knulla?

Fuck Pedosota and fuck that Swedish bust Filip Johansson

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eating cereal lads

Jag heter Pekka

The House That Jack Built. kinda fucked up honestly but it was kino
no sissy :(

t. 2/10 without the talent, money or fame

Whenever I decide to kms I'm going to watch Shannon's videos on loop. That should do the trick

do i have to go outside to jog or can i just run in place in my room?

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Go run on a trail or something if you're that autistic

pics or it didn't happen

suddenly feel like having a vanilla donut lads

This isn't Yea Forums user

Hej is just hi/hey/hello. I don't know how "då" (meaning then) came into the picture though.

Just speculating it was just a way to end a discussion kind of like "oh well, hello then". Just a final greeting before parting ways.

You can say just "hej" when parting ways too, there isn't a literal need to ad "då"

Had half a bowl of mac n cheese.

Hello Sweden will Filip Johansson make the Swedish U20 WJC team next year or will he keep busting like this year?

thanks. went to your country for a week last year, good time

Nice. Hope you slept well

>You can say just "hej" when parting ways too,

Haven't heard the name before so I'm going to have to guess bust.

When is hiroshimoot going to ban tripfaggotry?

Awesome, what did you do if I may ask?

Yeah, of course you can. It's pretty common too.
I'd say it's most often used when you're parting ways rather quickly and there isn't much time for a proper good bye

Wilson will end Aho's career in game 3 and then all finns will be banned from /hoc/ for life.

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Tie a rope to your ankle and the other end to a cinder block and throw the cinder block in a deep body of water.

Rude and uncalled for

friend and I went late Feb/early March last year. landed at Arlanda and went straight to Uppsala and walked around for a bit (old church, university). then Stockholm for the rest of the time. stayed in Norrmalm, drove to drottningholm palace and another one the next day. walked around the city going to museums and other cool shit. Gamla Stan was really amazing

morning lads. sipping coffee. I feel a nice morning Toronto building up

Goddamn it divegrass is so boring

one of my favorite pics. trying to plan an Italy or Greece trip. inb4 greaseposting

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should have gone in the summer. inb4 sunbeltposting

wtf swedish gals

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Go to Austria. One of the comfiest countries on earth.

prices are cheaper in the colder months and I wanted to experience some of the cold anyways
it's on my list. thought about a Germany/Austria trip by comfy train

Pic related

>not failing in the postseason
Pick one lad.

Do it man. I studied in Vienna for a semester and did a decent bit of traveling in the region. So much cool shit to see.

thinking about the Big Cat

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Sounds like a nice, trip. Glad you liked it! Gamla Stan can be top tier comfy if you get away from the streets where 97% of all the tourists are.

I've actually worked at Drottningholm as a royal guard. It's a really nice place in the summer time. And I drive past there almost every day now.


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Are we going to talk about hockey or just the best places in Europe for this faggot to pick up boys?

If I had to guess I'd say Berlin. It's pretty fucking degenerate these days.

Fuck off shart face

*sharts while facing you*

I really hope your ass isn't on the same side of you as your face


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sounds like an interesting job. would definitely return after I visit more places I haven't been to yet
good katt
back in his day the dinosaurs were still playing

I can recommend Croatia too, Istria is pretty jaw droppingly beautiful

It had it's perks for sure.
There is a lot of things in the world to see. So I understand it might take a while. But you're very welcome if you ever feel like returning.

I can recommend visiting Lahti

I'm gonna shill Russia too. St. Pete and Moscow offer a lot to see. kino subways, bretty gud food, historical significant landmarks, etc. I'm going in a year or so to get my passport redone

His is this where we have hockey discussions?

making the ploffs bracket challenge now, waiting to post in new bread

someone post imgur /hoc/ meme database please

I'll post my bracket later. It will be correct as always, so hold your bets for now.

only shit memes there tbf
all the good memes are on my hard drive
shan't be sharing it with you

based boomer btfo-ing softie Russkies

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>only shit teams this years playoffs


Ice baby

Thanks Ottawa.

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>play the reigning cup champs and league darling Washington Capitals
>still get relegated to NBCSN
the absolute disgusting state of caroline

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Kakko to oilers.

I saw shazam last night
It was superb

I will hunt Gary down and end him if that happens

Another Finnish bust

>my team sucks and it's the league's fault

Bob Murray, get Connor McDavid out of Edmonton and bring him to Anaheim RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was ok


Hmm. >we didn't go off local networks till the conference finals last year


knights in 7
knights in 5
knights in 6
knights in 4 against the leafs

Or maybe 2nd round. I dont remember

shouldnt have made that long contract

maybe 4, 5 or AT MOST 6 years but 8? jesus

he is unmovable now as much as he wanted to play messiah for the oilers franchise which has no idea what to do even with such a talent on their team

its honestly depressing to watch

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what the fucking dick am I going to do until wednesday

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explain this meme

Barkov didnt fuck up as bad as mcjesus, right?
... right?

I'm guessing some kind of preachers daughter overbearing father effect

I wish I was young angry and slutty.

his current contract ends 2022

besides even the kitties have more hope than the oilels, they have more than 3 contributing players in their roster

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That kid's face on the right looks like McDavid when the Oilers won the lottery.

You don’t have to attach a picture of a frog to every post you make you know?

I do what I want

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Personally I'll be busy warding off suicidal thoughts

>nassau boots some gay ass kids show for game 2

Holy mother of based

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I hate ice hockey

80 hours till more chel

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me too

i just like to be angry so i watch it

>Boughner out in Florida
so who are they tagging, extra $$$ to Q? Picking an AHL coach to fire in 3 years?

does that finally shut the faggots up that claimed Bobrovsky/Panarin were headed to Florida?

They hire doug weight :^)

better than marvel mouseshill crap

Stop it stop it stop it

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Text or pictures?

Thinking about going to Yellowstone next weekend

That was a kino fight. Wilson just laying into a guy right after he threw a cheap shot at one of your stars. These are the only fights that should be left in the game.

I'd say based on Barkov made the right choice, imagine if they get a real coach and raid Poolumbus for FAs

Ferland will shatter Wigger Tom's knees before that happens





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What Shannon shall come out on top!

official post

is it true that all Finns love coffee?

Boughner out
Quenneville in
Bobrovsky in

This? This right here.......Soo based that I had to get a glass of water to gather myself. Wow.


Jets over blues o ver dollass over Calgary over washingron. Also, just woke up and still feeling pretty drunk

I thought chugs were just naturally drunk all the time

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why is japan so based compared to the hans?

I'm srs legit this time. I think I have to start eating food again soon

Try rat poison


Jets fan here

I have no faith whatsoever

Blues will sweep us in the first round,. Paul Maurice will be fired and Laine traded or bounced to minors

They didn't even know what alcohol was until the white devil forced it upon them

honestly im not sure boughner can be solely blamed for this season

the goaltending was just absolute blargh at the start which he couldnt really affect except maybe he should have requested earlier for monty to come from the ahl to play, but i doubt he could have salvaged the season either except prove that he is a viable backup

the mediocre defense, okay i suppose that is his partly his fault

though if they manage to get Q, that is going to raise hopes up a lot for the next season

pic related the revolving door of the kitties coaching staff

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meme fasting?

This but unironically

Well fuckin A I'd try it before I take whatever I got coming this afternoon
When mauri gets fired (deservedly so) , Laine's getting a letter on the front of his jersey

A true chug dreams of real alcohol while drinking hand sanitizer after stealing and downing a box of gravol

What's ironic about the first post? Jets have been awful. For huge stretches and Patrick Laine is a fucking enigma. I'm getting shades of Alexander Semin.

Did you go out or just get shitfaced alone

>at the start
nigga luongo and reimer sucked the entire year. Luu can't play more than one game per week without turning into a swiss cheese.

Also he’s like 40. Being that old as a goalie has such a toll. Just look at what happened to brodeur over the years

Too safe. If you're trying to win 5 bucks in your work pool that's an ok bracket, but it never ends up like that

will Maurice set the NHL games coached record?
>Bowman 2141+353
>Quenneville 1636+215
>Arbour* 1607+209
>Trotz 1606+113
>Hitchcock 1598+168
>Maurice 1529+74

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I ended up doing pregame alone but then bar then after party . It was a good game too. And FUCK GARY BETTMAN

Just assumed he was falseflagging

If you're unironically shit talking semin I'll have to point out that before the jet's came back, the second Caps jersey I got was a one of his. I also have an Ovi that still fits back from when he had an A

Getting old fucking blows lads
Don't waste your prime here


st louis
san jose

new york

yea I wouldn't mind having him as a backup goalie, though if they do sign bobrovsky thats one hell of an expensive goalie tandem (cap-wise)

they did recover a bit during midseason again and tried to do another run like last year but the energy and indeed the goaltending wasn't there anymore for a consistent basis, and the east has also become more and more tough as a conference

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reminder that Laine had 21 goals on December 1st, he finished the season with 30 goals

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hans drink tea, they do weird heathen shit too like mix half tea half coffee

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i would love for luongo to win the stanlee bowl in florida and announce his retirement right after the party

the feels mang

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finlan swedish broship is in full effect this playoffs
go preds

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luongo is that you?

My Ovechkin Jersey is also from when he had the A. Those Jersey were made of real shit material.

I also got a Backstrom jersey from their first winter classic and of course that was the game they decided to give Backstrom the jersey was outdated on arrival.

It's that time of year again! Let me hear you!

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>when you see on tv luongo lifting the cup on the ice after all the years of playing and pushing it to the limit with his age

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I'm not actually old yet just getting there

Resting for playoffs
Also becoming the secret weapon, just like Rick "Big Dick Rick" Nash

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>no cups
Grim grim grim

>“I love that. I’m going to get back in. I have no idea how. But I love watching games. I was saying to myself, ‘You better find something to do in hockey, because you don’t know anything else.’”

lol stephen weiss gonna make a comeback to the nhl and ofcourse play in florida

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>McJesus ruptured an artery during surgery

sun belt LEE incoming

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Colorado win even if they lose.

How hard is he gonna bust against Boston again?

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>mfw another first round exit

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I'm more interested in seeing what the terrorist will do.

oink oink

I'm thinking.. 0-4

Yep. And I think >we could sweep in 6 or 7

I didn't think st Loise was a bird which makes sense like what the fuck sunbelters are sereously fucking braindead

This is a blue board user

>be finnish
>be retarded as fuck
Pick all of them. Every fucking time

>have two 40+ goal players on your team
>finish 2nd last in the conference
Lottery odds looking good though eh?

lads i am afraid to fart

>that pic
jesus christ thanks for reminding of that incident

miraculous he survived

>Malarchuk's life was saved due to quick action by the Sabres' athletic trainer, Jim Pizzutelli, a former Army combat medic who served in Vietnam. He gripped Malarchuk's neck and pinched off the blood vessel, not letting go until doctors arrived to begin stabilizing the wound. The team doctor led the pair off the ice then applied extreme pressure by kneeling on his collarbone—a procedure designed to produce a low breathing rate and low metabolic state, which is preferable to exsanguination. Malarchuk was conscious and talking on the way to the hospital, and jokingly asked paramedics if they could bring him back in time for the third period. The game resumed when league personnel received word that the player was in stable condition.

>Malarchuk lost 1.5 litres of blood. It took doctors a total of 300 stitches to close the six-inch wound. He was back on the ice in ten days.

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Give me something to binge watch before I sudoku myself

death love and robots

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unironically this canadian boomer
his channel is /comfy/ af

Gay porn. There's still probably a bit you haven't seen yet.

Looks like anime to me

rude and truepilled

There's only a few shorts worth the time. The rest, while maybe nice to look at, suffers from "le random plot with le epic twist". It becomes tiring after the 10th nonsensical plot.

I saw your dad in one. I can see where you got your needledick.

in order to promote frenship between cric and hoc, i suggest we fuse the two sports together and make a new sport out of them

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My dad has a thick cock you gay piece of shit. Must have been a different anons dad.

Fuck you and fuck cr*c

What is a cric

Hocrickey? Each player on the ice takes turns shooting the puck at the asshole. The asshole position is a guy tied up to the posts of the net. To score, you have to hit his can.

Throwing up out the window when you drive home is part of the process of becoming an adult

pesäpallos on, lads

>Have been told #FlaPanthers asked #Blackhawks for permission to speak with Joel Quenneville.

>dat goofy tie
the 90s were fun

I've never seen pessablalo on TV before. I don't recognize it as a legitimate sport.

>Quenneville in
>Bobrovsky in
>Panarin in
shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeet, can they even afford all that

It isn't North American in origin so I don't recognize it as such either

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>Coach Q, Panarin, Bobrovski
Literally WHO will stop them next season?

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>he didn't spring for the pesäpallo package
lmao what's it like being poor?

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Still fucked lads . It's almost lunch

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What's it like being a retarded fenno nigger?

I'd like to see her A-Hola if you know what I mean


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>tight sports clothing

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I'd barbecue her ass meat. Low and slow. 2 hours at least. Taste the meat not the heat

better than a leaf

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Old hockey playoff games and futurama (seasons 1-5 only)

Series you should watch tho
Edmonton vs Dallas (1997, but just for game 7’s bob cole call.)
Ottawa vs New Jersey (2003)
Carolina vs Buffalo (2006)
Islanders vs toronto (2002)

>protruding nips
she knows what shes doing the minx

Oh shit I meant to do that last offseason but was actually busy for once. Thanks yo


Canada = AB, SK, MB
Quebec = Quebec
Dum fuckin cocksucker communist land = every thing else

FUCK finland
FUCK canada
FUCK usa
FUCK sweden
and FUCK hockey

>Have been told #FlaPanthers asked #Blackhawks for permission to speak with Joel Quenneville.

curiously based and basedpilled

erry 'tim

>dave tallon is floridas GM who has relations to him anyway
>surprised that’s happening

Florida is gonna take the Atlantic next season


heard that one before

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I'm sorry Finland, missed that

fuck this shit bruh

t. negroid

Imagine thinking the the stay scared m8s have any chance at all against Bombston

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>Check playoff schedule
>no Bruins afternoon games

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i hate the broons but i love laffs suffering even more
also nice 67 get

>#FlaPanthers are in very serious talks with Joel Quenneville and the team is hopeful something could be worked out soon.
>There is a real sense today that the process between FLA and Joel Quenneville is much further along than many of us realized. It’s not a done deal, but it’s close. It would not be a surprise if this process closes in the near future.

Why would Q take Florida when LA nad Philly will be open?

Dale tallon relations. Those two are butt buddies

Someone makes a new thread soon ?

new, I guess

honestly Q coming to Florida would be a bombshell considering there are other teams out there which have more playoff history and even cups who also want him as a coach

Tallon really using his personal relationship here

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philly is probably a decent place for him, I think florida is way closer to contending though. A decent goaltender is all they would've needed this year to reach playoffs. Florida had the 2nd best PP, middle of the pack PK but worst goaltending in the league. With the bobrovsky and panarin rumors I'm sure florida is starting to sound interesting to Q. And also


Anaheim too
Theyll probably promote from with in tho