1. Stout
2. Dunkel
3. Kolsh
4. Brown Ale
5. Porter
6. Wheat
7. Dark Ale
8. Bock
9. Pilsner
10. Sour

900001. IPA

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Where does miller lite rank?

>pilsner that low
Otherwise pretty based rank

i don't know what any of that is, but I like corona, lol

Beer is degenerate

Sours are based. IPAs are overdone and most of them are shit but a wellmade one is really nice. Stouts are good but too specific to be at number 1. Also the fact that you have them separated from Porters by such a wide margin tells me you actually have no idea what you're talking about. Also Pilsners are the perfect all around beer so they deserve to be much higher.

Overall shit list and you're a pleb.

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i can open corona bottles with my teeth it's pretty sick

a brewery near here makes a kelp stout. sounds degenerate I know but it's based as fuck

that's probably not good for your teeth. using your belly button is better

sup tofino lad

You should use your butthole

1. Miller Lite
2. Coors Lite
9001. Bud Light

Are all canadians on sp from the island?

it's funny how when you are late 20s you think IPA is the best shit and then when you grow some balls and some wisdom and get into mid 30s you realize there are 10 other types that are far superior

900002. APA

All those light beers are shit. Coors Original is where it's at for cheap yet tasty lager

What do you guys think the janny will say when he wakes up from his pizza roll coma and sees this thread?

At this time of night probably

"Beer me daddy"

for me, its steel reserve

the poorfag's lager

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For me it's Coors the banquet beer

I'm a Heineken man it's only like one or two extra bucks and it's much better than coors

>living in Österreich
>not enjoying beer
That sounds like an incredibly lonely existence, even to someone who lives in a country with a fraction of the population density of yours

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IPA's aren't even my favorite style of beer but the sheer about of bootyblasting they cause gives them a special place in my heart. Also sometimes a beer that tastes like a tree from a magical elven forest hits the spot.

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All of my good Turonna boys have gone to bed

This list is so boomer I'm amazed you didn't list Monster Zero Ultra. Also Dark Ale isn't an actual style.

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dark beers suck fuck off

I keep a spreadsheet of every drink I have. So fat this year
93 pints of Guinness
2 glasses of wine
2 bottles of Peroni
1 hot whiskey

As you can see there is a clear king


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Fucking Americans.

i just drink that chinese shit because it makes me feel like i'm living in a cool cyberpunk hellscape instead of a shitty proto-cyberpunk hellscape

Shit list

I hate retards like you

You call that a beer? THIS is a beer.

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Sour beer is based but Americans go way to hard and make vinegar instead

This is the eternal GOAT.

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There's nothing wrong with ipa, but I agree that stout is the best.

Rye and ginger

i enjoy my girly beer

thx lelgium

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>Irish McDoogle likes Guinness and negative asses

Why do IPAs make Americans seethe so much?

the people that drink them are usually terrible to be around. same with wine snobs

Are we known to drink a lot of Beer?
It's true looking at stats, 2nd in the World after Czech.

i think this just goes with everyone who takes things too seriously and ruins the fun,
'oh you dont like this obscure IPA and drink whatever is popular, youre a pleb and im better than you'
oh you dont like this obscure music and listen to whatever is in the charts, youre a pleb and im better than you'
'oh you actually cook your steak and dont eat the meat raw, youre a pleb etc etc

Redpilled quads.