
brisBASED edition
Dogs v Suns 24-40
Hawks v norf starting soon

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for being drunk

who /dabloos/ here?

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second for hi-5 > wiggles

piece of shit ducking dogs

iglz tbqh (to be quite honest)

we NEED to enter the sperg bowl again
we SHANT lose this time

I declare the appropriation and seizure of all /cric/ memes to be my lock of the year

check em


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grim attempt

How 'bout them Elitemons?

based fredposter

Fuck off with this spam at the start of every thread.

god I hate ben brown


I hate rangas in general

>gil still won’t stop rigging their games
>all I have to do is send the tape of all his dirty cheating and he reverses the result
I literally have Gil as a pet.

Sicily is a poof

Made lots of money from their losses.
Thanks, elitemon!

>North shitting all over Hawthorn
Oh no.

hawkroaches on scuttlewatch

Hawkroaches are FINISHED


back under the fridge you poofs

Sportsbet paying out bets already I think

>o meara

>he doubted hawthorn

>Port traded Wingard for Hawthorn's best young player
>Rozee is already better than Wingard




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missed a trick not painting the helmet up like Thor's tßh, could've really drawn in the punters

could've been so friggin epic
you should work for the doggies marketing department

What a terrible day of footy. Hawks and five irrelevant teams.

Should really be feeling excited watching this, but instead I'm depressed. It's just going to end up being a NORF.

So six irrelevant teams?

Hawthorn and Fremantle to stay, but the other four should just fold tbqh.

this is gonna be a classic >NORF I can feel it

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absolutely. 30pts up and they will bottle it

yep. epic

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what superhero best embodies straffo?

now THIS is based

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Batman. Loved by all, intelligent, charismatic, rich and both have tragic backstories.


he drops mega truthbombs like straffy

Not fond of this bullying of the impaired tbhwy.

imagine straffgod existing near you and you say his Mum’s name and he screams WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME

would prefer his sisters to be quite honest

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hawkroaches getting heemed by the umpires, 3 bullshit 50s

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Based Straffo

Why are you all saying it's a >NORF game? They're only up by 9.

after being 35 odd and pissing it away, classic NORF

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should be up by 35 in the third quarter for the classic >norf



shall be watching endgame twice

a ha ha ha ha ha ha boom boom lads

imagine being a poodogs poopoorter

I thought making these poorly mad straffo edits would cheer me up but so dissapointed in the dogs

>Gold Coast 2-1
Probably should've been 3-0 if you saw the St Kilda match.

Looks like the Gold Cunts are going to have yet another win. Carlton firming for the spoon.

Basedbane tbqh lads.

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Enjoying this delightful contrast between the Dogs' and Suns' jumpers.


Why is the Tassie derby being played at the MCG?

memes aside why did Abbey Holmes even get the gig

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hawks/norf rivalry will draw in higher attendance at the g than either tassie stadium can hold


>umps bringing us back in for a chance

Stop stealing our players you pricks

are >gc the new >norf

nah, the irish boys are the only ones that can actually kick

Based Suns lads.

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played for the /crows/ for a bit, so less of a mystery than Brawshaw's continued employment

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gold coast dogs match ends in a tie. all a part of the script

>a while
haven't they had only three aflw seasons? can't be very credentialed there

don't think she even was around for that, just when it was at the exhibition level. Again still more storied than Brayshaw's footy career.



>gold cunts

based coast suns


fuck me so close


Good. Fuck the throwdogs

fold the Bulldogs

first time I've ever heard the suns song. kind of like it

Who daSUNS here?

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cant believe basedbane lions are winning the schache trade


she's not that bad tb h. just needs to lose the whore makeup

>google showing 7.26
>everything else showing 9.14

>these post match interviews
Just spewing generic shit. Even more so than usual.

Our season's over bros, time to play the kids.

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Neale was always a steal. god bless him for unexpectedly wanting to move to brisbane for still completely inexplicable reasons

mine says 5.12 for the hawks and 6.6 on the afl app

HAWKROACHES seem like they will run over the top of the roos. whats happening in arden street?


I think just after he got married/engaged his missus started bitching about wanting to go back home to QLD. I do have my suspicions something happened though

suns could easily be 3-0, but i think this happened a couple of years ago too

>suns and loins both won
imagine not being a queenslander

sainters, only team to defeat a queensland team


>whats happening in arden street?
business as usual lol

is she confirmed from QLD? makes sense because a lot of a stuff I've read mentions her and her "hairdressing business" setup there

NRL crowds might get even lower lmao.

dunno, he's originally from SA so only reason I can think of him going to QLD instead of there is her.


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They picked up his mate Lincoln from the cats and gave him what they were paying beams.

>“There’s no reason why I left Freo. It just felt like the right thing to do, to be honest.
>“In the end we thought a fresh start would be good.”
>The “we” was a crucial part of the decision. While Neale may have felt like he was leaving his home state, his then fiancee and now wife Julie actually was.
>Having built her own hairdressing salon business from scratch, the decision to pack up and move across the country was arguably more difficult for Julie than it was for Lachie.
>And it’s not something Neale takes for granted.
>“She’s sort of left everything behind. She’s still there at the moment and she owns a business and she’s still got that.”
actually it's the other way around haha
really a bizarre move, I can't see any concrete reason for it. the same article talks about how he prefers brisbane because he isn't noticed walking down the street, that's the closest I've come to finding an answer.

they only brought in McCarthy to sweeten the deal when it was already clear he wanted to move and the noise around Beams leaving happened later as well

fair enough, I can understand wanting to escape the 2 team bubble over here in WA. still weird though


yeah I could imagine it being hell when there's only two teams in a footy mad state like WA but it's an odd reason to completely change his career over. Especially moving to Brisbane of all places when you're from country SA and have lived in Perth for years

were always going to, he's dominated juniors because of his size and never adjusted to being a small fish in a bigger pond. saw him out the valley a few times totally fuck up picking up girls which matches up with the rumours around the club of him being a spergy incel that can't handle bants.

HAHAHA these cuts to brad scott after these Ziebel misses are classic

never rated him tb h, but he could be good in 3-5+ years

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Where's that faggot that doubted BASED me when I said the Sun's we're due? Get out here so I can laugh at you.

haha these are fantastic, there will be a HUGE compilation of them just from this game


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>all those empty seats at Optus stadium
why did they get a new stadium again?

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because Gil wrote the Iggs hip narrative to fill seats

what is this cunt doing on the roof with a guitar


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>some cunt at Channel 7 only now just put up the scoreboard graphic for Fred game


>commentators sperging about Eminem

Heard a rumour that the Hawthorn v North game ends in a draw.

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>Mums spaghetti



looks like >norf's back on the menu boys

freo fans are the biggest bandwagoners

Based cucumber kid

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Saints lads

>it’s unironically 3:45pm in fremantle
wish that was me

anyone else a big fan of memes?

I am

can positively say I am also

I like memes.

yeah but they've ruined my life
t. 30 yo boomer/doomer still living at home

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money laundering for the mafia

I despise them.

who else hangover here?

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fuck footy

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its only fun to watch blind drunk

here lad, failed No fap and No Dan's after 1 week :/

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began a meth fap at 4 am and only just finished, i am fucking relieved

Let's have a roundtable discussion about the current alcohol/drug/prozzie problem plaguing /afl/.

not a problem for me mate only drink 3 days a week

drank a litre of vodka last night, I used to drink a bottle of scotch every night of a good 14 months but I seem to have got it under some sort of control. Can ~feel~ my liver though. Need to get that under control. Haven't smoked the devil's lettuce all year and only did a half tab of acid in January. I fuck bushpigs and have never been to a prozzie. Might start though, I can't envision another time in my 30yo boomer life that I'll lose my paranoia and enter into a relationship

Haven't had alcohol since Christmas, never tried recreational drugs and never hired a prostitute.

>worst australian team starts playing
>same boring discussion around alcohol/drugs/prostitutes
makes me think

>tfw whole family knows Nash
who else is constantly reminded of their failures here

I drank 2 bottles red wine and 2 bottles of whiskey since friday I dont do drugs though. thinkin I should get off the hard liqor and drink beers instead

Drank 3/4 of a slab last night and not feeling particularly great atm.

Seynts getting the big purple dick unna

based WABA

best to start drinking again hair of the dog

McCarthy is such a spud

Don't drink. I burn through about an 8th of bud in a week though. That and a tab of acid every once in a while.

i only drink a few times a month, but when I do it’s to excess

t. poower cückstomer

Well i'm off to bed will probably wake up in 2 days or so lads see you next weekend for more afl

Hogan you poof

Reckon them heave-hos might surprise by winning the darby next week


bruce pls

>being this new

gotta try harder m8

>being this new

I took the plunge and bought the spicy chipotle burger. It's nice but it wasn't very spicy, I felt I was misled a bit. Also $16 for a large meal is crazy, you can get 3 pizzas for that much.

Carn Sainties

>"have another fucking line you fucking loser"
>this will be "investigated"
this sport is starting to slurp a bit too much semen for me

The strangest part is that dusty is a well known coke head.

reckon he's straight edge aside from booze

Looking to be 6/9 this round, very mediocre

will Stephen Hill ever play again?

No but Steven May

Rory Lobb looks exactly like George Mcfly.

Will Stephen is a writer and actor, known for Saturday Night Live (1975), Ocean's 8 (2018) and CollegeHumor Originals (2006).

fuck me Conca is garbage

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based Fred saving my round

half of freo's team literally seems like other teams rejects

What is Darcy Moore thinking here?

currently 6/26 in this years family tipping comp, JUST

Fyfe was completely out

Fyfe ded

Every dockers player has a glass jaw apparently.


how the fuck

>family tipping comp

pretty cute ngl

Fyfe finna got dabbed on

shame about fyfe, it's always sad to see a top bloke get clobbered like that

>top bloke

Then why did Shane Yarran call him a virgin dog cunt?

i heard earlier that you guys like memes

well here's one for you

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t. virgin dog apologiser

because he was a bitter liar and drug abuser with severe mental problems

which games did you pick

who was in the wrong here?

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isn't that the creepy hair sniffing cunt from Charlie's Angels?

never considered that

>Fremantle dockers is the fakiest club in the combition

fred eternally btfo

>looking for a best friend
gets me every time. Wouldn't be surprised if Fyfe is a poof 2bh

Yeah and in the 2nd movie he was her love interest.

Fred doing everything in their power to fuck this up


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That spicy chipotle burger was quite filling though, feeling it in my head a bit.

what's for dinner lads?
I think mummy is making prawn pad thai, if not then I've got frankfurts left from yesterday so it'll be hot dogs.

>Ryan ded

when i was in highschool i worked at woolies and literally won 8-9k three years in a row in the work comp, all i did was tip whoever the betting favourites were and in the last few rounds tip against whoever was close

100% winning strat, if it didn't work bookies wouldnt make money

They need to add more players available on the bench, it's not fair that getting an injury and being down a rotation should work against you.

chicken parmy here

got a pot of chili on the go right now, that'll be dinner for the next 3 days, tossing up a sneaky trip to the bottlo as I've got Monday off.

Ross Lyon fucking give it up you dum fuck.

who to replace him with after next year? Sumich?

going to start doing this, although I think the deficit may be too big at this point

Would genuinely take Ross at Carlton, fuck Bolton off

Who should gaffy take out next week?

this is some vintage Fred

Tipping the favourites every week is the only guaranteed way to lose your tipping comp.

Slow cooking a beef roast now. had a 48 hours red wine marinade on it.

Got the usual veges with it with some brocolini's chucked in about 2 hours ago

maybe if they're close calls, but tipping for upsets is silly I think
t. 7/27

brayshaw already shook at the fact that he has to front up to gaff again

st kilda comeback on the cards

recently learnt my ex was ashkenazi, no wonder she refused to see me last easter (passover)

is good friday footy on again this year?

>post pictures of the dead

not a fan of this soul stealing lads

UNNA til I die dard

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Why can't they just reset the clock after a recalled bounce?

3 pretty good games despite the prognostications


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If da Bloos lose to da Suns next week, you can pretty much lock in another spoon

what does TNT have to do with Dockers anyway? Are they suggesting stevedores are somehow involved in terrorist activities?

Bon Scott grew up in Fremantle

that swans match was one of their best chances to win all year

pretty spurious connection, by all accounts the Rangers or Celtics have far more connection to that song going by that logic

nearly set up a fuck with a tinder bird but a quick search led me to drop it like a hot stone
always do your due diligence lads

Tips next week


how to get matches? I ain't paying for that shit and I only got 1 match in a week using my best photos and a photo with a girl on me as my dp

just swipe one everyone passable and think about how your photos look to the girls
My lead one was your average "me with sunnies on and a beer" until my friend (a girl) changed it to me and my dog and its much better
I get more matches but with that comes more dogs because the majority of women round here are trash


The great debate.

Charli. Without a doubt.
Actually, as a kid, I used to make fun of Kelly when she gained weight. HOGgart is an unfortunate surname...

family ate all the pavlova before i could have some, fucking SEETHING lads

just polished off the wife's pavlova and my autistic retarded son is screeching at me


>Those green screen outlines
>Those transition effects
>Those colours
Take me back

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mum died in 2015 lad
t. /rug/

sound about right

nice /cric/ meme

/cric/ is just /rug/'s summer house

>take off space helmet on fucking PLUTO, exposing himself to temperatures that freeze oxygen and nitrogen, but survives with no ill effects aside from a bout of sneezing
could NOT take this episode seriously, arnold straight up fucking killed himself to own his sister

/afl/ runs /rug/ runs /cric/ runs /nrl/ runs /afl/

/rug/ can't even run a fully functioning league without franchises dropping like flies

don’t blame us for SANZAARS incompetence

/afl/ RUNS /cric/
/afl/ RUNS /nrl/
/afl/ RUNS /ayy/
/afl/ RUNS Yea Forums
but anime RUNS /afl/

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>/afl/ runs /rug/
>implying these two have any crossover at all

Based and nippilled

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*pisses on you*


Freshcunts will NOT remember this king of /afl/

pavlova is legit trash, along with lamingtons

hot /afl/ take:

Goal of the ...?

went for a walk to another bottlo to mask my alcoholism from my usual and only ran into two things that sickened me, here's the first.

Attached: soy-scotch.jpg (1100x800, 237K)

goal of the gentury

number 2

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why are women so uncreative

looks hot

footy isn't even pumped up properly

I don't suppose any of you dweebs went to Supanova over the weekend or at least planning to? Lots of great girls showing their skin cosplaying, good excuse to get out of the house for a day

fucking kek
looks like a shoebox

>this innovative whisky is best served directly from the freezer
this is the same language as "renovators delight" when used to describe a falling down shanty.

I don't have any friends into nerd/weeb shit or I would've. I've wanted to go to a con for years.

That was my first too, if you're in Melb then next year we'll pair up m80

Alright. Post here and I'll probably see it.


there’s a whole range of other ones too.

wow, the price of australian single malt has gone through the roof.

>Game of Thrones Single Malts Bundle
>This has now sold out


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Chucked it on the calendar, surely nothing can go wrong

hope people are only buying these as a laugh
>$156 for the Full Set Collector's Pack™

larping as straffo on /o/

thought there were laws against selling alcohol to children

so epic! The wifey and I will love these after a hard day of adulting!

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Alcoholism Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Put The Drink Down Like Nigga Show Some Restraint

don't be mean

Brisbane sucks by the way.


Kys my man

>Not even wearing cleats.

Hella fucking epic



stop it romania

gypGOD saving our epic breads

t. seething Fred cuckstomer

>/afl/ thinks bane will win next week

you have been sucked in by the fast starter that ALWAYS gets exposed, story of every fucking season.

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QLD on ascension watch

Is it like an automated script or something? they never miss a thread



holy based straffgod

going to eat a big fatty roast tonight in straffemperor's honour

is Ramsay Bolton related to Brendon Bolton?

>implying Essendone will win
all my lols

Are GOT seasons long? straffo is really powering through them

around 10 hours

Might have some aussie pizza myself

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Brisbased LiGODS.


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>JUSTy banned for 2 games

mfw the tiger win the nspoon and top the bulldogs for biggest premiership hangover

>mfw the tiger win the nspoon and top the bulldogs for biggest premiership hangover
They won the minor premiership last year.

>That pieGOD giving the thumbs up
How can one man have so much honour at a time of despair?

Because he was flipping the bird and giving him some choice words only seconds before. Fake humility to save face

dumb cunt

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>tigercunts can't take a joke

>he's falling for the 'suns won't be garbage this year' meme
They ALWAYS start the season (relatively) well and dissolve into a basket case by the end of the year

don't think anyone's falling for that meme. they'll place 11-12 if they're lucky

jk they'll do a giants 2015 tier performance

imagine doing coke and being allowed to play footy again and getting coddled by gil when the other players make fun of you for being a drugged up cunt

blame the boomer fans, they despise dusty and are pissing themselves with glee now that he's acting like a cunt
