
kansas city and cinci tomorrow at 2

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>seethes when he sees MLS Chad surrounded by women leading chants

yet here you are

make a real thread tbqh

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Are you the capo or do you collect the beer money from other fans?

Who's here got /3/ points tonight?

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please do not post the Alt-Right clown here

lol the US men will never have a photo like this
(because they will NEVER win a world cup)

instead there will be a photo of Garber and Earnie and their kids sitting in the USSF board room on piles of cash

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By "women", do you mean transgendered obese landwhales wearing antifa scarfs and "You will not divide us Trump" XXXXL shirts?

Looks like a cute summer camp at a local park. Is that where the "womyns world cup" took place?

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>1 game tomorrow

Begin the loonposting

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Imagine being an /mls/ poster lmao so fucking gay

What a shit low effort and low IQ thread desu.

Based Loonbros

>LAGs, LAFFs, and Quacks win
>Sacramento win
>OC win
>Fresno draw despite refball
>LAGs Dos win

>Phoenix can't win even with refball
>Reno lose
>Tucson lose
>Las Vegas lose

know your place

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>california unity
Feeling good, so I'll allow it.

*loses to u15 boys*

This is what happens when you only think in memes and buzzwords

is that before or after they lost to the u15 boy’s team and then demanded to be paid like people give a flying fuck about them

yes that is exactly what he means


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FUCK Reno and FUCK Portland

that is all

i live in portland and i agree

>leaving out our /wog/ friends


>quakes win
What the FUCK

Kill yourself, dykeball shill
No one cares, stop trying to force general faggotry. This thread is fine, could be better if the game dates were in the OP.

Fuck Atlanta










Take it with a grain of salt, but Arjen Robben has been linked with a move to TFC

Which MLS club should I support if I'm a chad?

Reminder that our gals face the lady waffles tonight 9 PM est


i need cinci to win but they wont

>try hard chicanos

kansas city

>have to pretend to know about hockey until late may
god please let the leafs lose in the first round

laffs will lose first round like they always do.

Imagine getting blown out by 3 to the Quacks

They play better without windows.

What I'd give for a DOOP in the ol' onion bag right now

at least you tried

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How is "FIGHT AND WIN" in californian?

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dios mio....

Every time I have hope for the MLS I end up seeing Johnny Russell style all over some defenders and remember that he was in the 3rd English division or some shit






He played for Derby County in the Championship which is a pretty good league. The top half of the Championship would truck most MLS teams.

>getting dabbed on by a 16yr old




Garza is fucking trash

He was a benchwarmer at Derby

You have 5 seconds to name a worse color scheme in MLS than purple and orange

anyone else feel like the refs were heavily favoring skc towards the last 15 minutes?


Got a draw against Cincinnati with the B team

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What a hoe

How is my friend Frank de Boer doing at Atlanta?

He's unironically their worst manager in the club's short but legendary history.

Awful. He has on paper the best team in the league and he's currently 12th of 12 in the Eastern Conference and 20th of 24 in the league overall

Take him back

no he wasn't, he was a good squad player on a promotion contender and the fans on their honest brexit boomer derby message board have a long thread tracking his progress and talking about how much they miss him

Cincinnati reviving the art of MLS 1.0, prepare for a meme quarter finals run

>he was a good squad player
His stats were shit as a forward

never fucking change

He scored 30 goals over 5 seasons and 180 apps as a forward, he was a shit Championship player. Deal with it.


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>pg 7

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No one cares about your faggot goblina dykes. It absolutely boggles my mind how you can waste your life like this; eagerly posting butch-looking lesbian dykes caked in clown makeup. Why do you waste your time doing this? Why do you post the same ugly whores - who wouldn't even find an ugly balding soiboy like you remotely attractive - and keep samefagging to try to initiate some sort of autistic conversation? Are you a homosexual? Do you actually think anyone is going to entertain your autism and respond "Hey, that brown looking mutt is so cute! Hi-five 'Press'bro?"

Where did your life go wrong to the point that you are reduced to shilling for grade-school level hockey a.k.a dykepuck? Were you that repulsive nerd in high school who always tried to befriend the popular chicks and they only put up with you because they pitied you? You're not going to get a "Press" to like you by acting like a degenerate sad retard on a Malaysian frog-fishing forum. Where was your dad to raise you in not being such an enormous fucking faggot? Kill yourself.

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getting sacked in the morning

Will you ever post any hot dykeball players, one day? Because you seem to get off at reposting the same basic looking instahoes

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A 5/10 with make up and flat as a pancake is not what I had in mind


genuinely don't understand why you are mad at people posting pictures of women

Wins before Fatlanta NYCFC Hongcouver and Pooland


the call that saved dykegrass

>pg 6

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Real thread is here