Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship 5

Game thread #1
Buy the PPV on FITE.TV

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's only 30 bucks come on fellas get stuck in

Pick round and method of finish
Will add picks from the heem thread as well

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estimates on how many people in the audience and how many of the fighters have meth addictions?

I wonder if they made Tarver read the rules this time

like chicken

At least 25

Verifying the true game thread

The stay in the circle bonus is possibly my favourite retarded idea

artem round three

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Thank you I appreciate the commitment

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>UFC fan favorite

How can they hold back the giggles?

>Biloxi, Mississippi

why are these events always in the middle of nowhere?

fack off you gobshite

Fuck off MMA losers
This is the bareknuckle boxing thread

The folding tables make it for me





do they intentionally make the arena look like its in a basement in some guys house?

everything looks grey and misty af

Fuck off this is an event and needs an event thread. Plus you posted early

lol imagine yuropoors watching this at 4 in the morning and amerilards staying in on a saturday night to catch some fucking meme can fight an even more unknown can

y'all truly have no life. fucking pathetic incels

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5'4? damn didnt know the puerto rican was such a fuking manlet

Fee states where this is legal is the main reason.

Mississippi is one of then and in that state everywhere is the middle of nowhere


jesus fucking christ


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i thought i would want the guy who came out in the skeleton mask to get knocked out but geez this skinny twerp is cringe and oh god that voice crack from the commentator

i was just trying to have fun watching this fight tonight. you didn't have to crush my already low self esteem.....

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I'm sorry user, I didn't mean it. you're a swell guy and how you choose to spend your time is entirely up to you.

many blessings, my friend. may you drown in pussy and inflict thousands of heems.

Bedford 10-9 via circle control

i really wish twitchy was streaming for this

based and redpilled


>I slipped

>missing some chip toothed butterfaced mega autismo faggot with a busted face illegal alien wife
the fuck is wrong with you boy

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Did you just call a male a butterface?

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No three knockdown rule?

Man this is already more based than any lellator card and some of the more boring ufc cards

twitchy has a hot body so the shoe fits

anyone getting an american history X vibes from this fight?

All IPs are logged btw

I don't think stomps are allowed

The clinch uppercuts get the job done

Another count? Fuck me, that's brutal.

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what is this faggot music this boomer is walking out too lol?

Requesting a cut of Bedford taunting and trying to lure Velazquez into the circle, please and thank you

Who won?

why are there no black bare knuckle fighters and why are all the white fighters going out to rap and why is the only good walkout by that puerto ricon who got btfod

Got a few spots left lads
Pick round and method of finish

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The girl with the pony tattoo

This actually isn't too bad.

>2 randos in a bar

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artem by ko round 1

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>...stunning Biloxi, Mississippi
>STUNNING Biloxi, Mississippi


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Longer cut of Bedford getting impatient near the end

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These guys seriously need to learn how to box. Swinging for the fences.




looks alright

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r boxin strmz bro
here you go brother

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You could call half these guys Hick Diaz

redpill me on bare knuckle fighting
are 90% of the fights 1 hit ko's?

Not necessarily.

I actually like this shit minus the commentating.

A jab and a body shot would do these lumps some good.

Less ko's than mma

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you cant punch hard and care-free because you'll break your hands

I thought it was mma with no gloves, but it turns out to be boxing with no gloves.

isaac flag looks like ben affleck

Very cool breaking of the hand

Yeah, it isn't too bad.

Our first heemed hand of the night!

Johnny Bedford, very Dominic Cruz-like in his mannerisms

Yup...boxer's fracture...yeahhhhhh....

Add me to the screencap!! :^)

Artem "The GOAT" Lobov by submission (terror).
Jason Knight will try to escape the cage! :^)

I'll put you in just to goof you, fag

Dunno what it's like now but it used to be a budget Vegas knock-off where old people would take bus trips to go gamble and watch Yakov Smirnov

only good post itt

Fucking retards split everyone up with two threads, why do you autists do this

finally a black guy ... anyone else get withdrawals when they watch fighting without black people in it?

How about this one: eat shit, sheila.

This is a game thread I'm pretty sure that there's only one of these but you know what they say every peach has its pit dawg

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samefagging this shamelessly

will have to check thread later for better context
opinion on hold

And look how slow the thread is moving cause therd are 2 threads going you retard

Day of the rake, when!?

Ok thanks, famalamalam!

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what kind of trailer park trash name is rusty

Fight stopped due to literally breaking his fingernail..

One of the Crowder boys. Good family. Mother is a retard but one hell of a cook.

how does one answer this question
asking for a friend

Barely anyone knows/cares about BKFC, the other thread is mostly for UFC shitters. Just stick in this one if you care about the fights.

why do all these boxers have an insane uncanny valley look in their eyes like they're not real people

White pussy ass bitch


early cte

because they are all 5-20 failed mma fighters

Crowder is a legendary white trash surname.

This. Remember the movine "The Wrestler?" That is this in real life.


someone able to get a better shot of her?

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If you delete your thread, I'll delete mine and you can make one Bare Knuckle themed thread. If you make another faggy ass Jon Jones thread then I'll make another one of these.

how many bings lads?

this white boy is a fucking pussy

They need to go full leth wei and legalise headbutts too

black dude smirking before, now eye is heemed and gassing
why do blacks have zero cardio?

Imagine all of the white trash pussy at this event bros. Like an ICP concert.

That wasnt me, i just think you are an autistic retard for splitting everyone up on an already small event. Kys

I bet that crowd smells fishy af.

Based Rumble bringing his kid to a bare knuckle boxing fight


But the other thread had nothing to do with this event

wish my dad took me to bare knuckle boxing matches

both of them?

That subtle scent of fishy goth vaginas.

wahey the muay thai dump

Me too, mate.

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i wish i had two dads, i don't even have one

white boy 3...2...1...

have a job and a car in Nova Scotia and you are drowning in single mother pussy.

>no wrestlefucking
growing on me lads
growing on you

Very intriguing fight here my dudes

Sign me up!!!

/heem/ is for MMA/UFC, bare knuckle is it's own thing. Or should /heem/ have boxing shit too since BK is closer to that?

imagine going to a decision... in a bareknuckle fight

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so this is bare knuckle boxing

I concur. This is better than expected. I expected to leave early.

I'm just realizing Miragliotta is actually a pretty shit ref.

50-45 Reginald

I work for a hire-a-dad company and for the small fee of £2500 a month, I'll be your dad.

I heard there is a shortage of men on the east coast

Yeah he fucking sucks lol he's just big

>It's like regular boxing but with a shit ring design.
What a surprise

I have always been fascinated with that area of Canada.

>not having Bas Rutten doing the commentating for bare knuckle fighting.

>promoter prowling around talking to the fighters in between rounds
this is shonky af

lets dudes work in the clinch instead of letting it be a lame way to stop/slow down the action when they get in danger, that's a huge change IMO

And Don Frye

The commish probably told the judges to give it to Barnett lol

everyone has to move to find work.

poor artem will get heemed by paulie

this guy asked the same shit literally 3 fucking times in a row
what the FUCK

Man, I don't care about his record. Artem is the fucking best.

Potty mouth Artem.

When is my fucking fight already?
>Love it.

Artem actually is good at roasting lol

They're hyping this Artem vs Paulie fight so fucking hard, I guarantee whoever the promoter for this thing is slipped Jason an extra $20 to throw the fight.

Artem is popping off. Save it for the ring lad.

got dam

they need to allow open hand strikes too, it would help to prevent broken hands

hahahaha what the FUCK

(((David Feldman)))

what the FUCK

What the fuck this commissioner is fucking nuts

Paulie Malignaggi...fuck that guy.

Do the fighters get paid in ramen noodles or beer?

bare knuckle>mma


Artem-Knight fight is a work

When will Dana start docking pay for not being based

That guy is just begging to get sued.

Holy fuck what a shyster. ratfuck Jew. Dude shows up to fight and he doesn't want to get brain damage so you cut his money?

Lawsuit incoming.


>you fight or you don't get paid
holy shit that's brutal

wtf man, this is going to be a disaster!

Now here are some fucking hillbilly's. This is gud bros.

wait wtf happened?
can someone make a video of the kike talking
I missed it..fuck

What was it? I had it muted.

and.. my stream is out. anyone got a good one? hd and no lag.

LMAO literally taking that dude's purse for being timid, pride style

a country boy can survive

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David "The Hebrew Hammer" Feldman

real white trash president


>fight or dont get paid

Dayum, only thing missing is some dude with laurel leaves in his hair giving a thumbs up or thumbs down

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he cut the white guy's purse in half and gave it to the black guy because he kept running away
then said you fight or you don't get paid

Hold on, you can just cut these goofs' pay? Why hasn't Dana been doing that?

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Hyped, bros. Not gonna lie.

Jews can't be white trash.

While I do recognize the need to keep these guys from constantly breaking their fists, if you do open hand strikes it's gonna become slap fights and I guarantee the majority of the crowd is gonna get turned off by that. Kind of a tough call IMO.

I don't know what to think about that honestly.

Guy who lost had his pay halved because he was "running." Fucking dumb because he was doing damage and fighting the dude even if he was a bit dodgy

He said "Gas DANA WHITE, Race war now!"

fucking based

Linked below for you

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what the fuck, sherman is fighting in this? Did he get cut?

fer sure one david feldman is a white man

Didn't Schaub unironically heem this guy?

What a cunt, I bet he pays less than a grand per fight

B A S E D Ausbro!

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For me, it's the Hillbilly Hammer.

yeah i get what youre saying. i think it would still be worth a try

The commissioner realized he was out of gas money.

who gives a fuck...makes for better fights.

Wtf I didn't even know Sherman left the UFC

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Just imagine how many single moms that will suck ANY cock for meth money are in the audience tonight.

Guarantee Chase just walks into punches

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Time for the big guys

Bas works with a different bareknuckle fighting organization. According to Leben, they're shady as fuck to say the least.

never watched a bareknuckle fight, bros. what am i in for?
also who /hillbillyhammer/ here?

Is Sherman still with Jackson-Wink

Honestly really dumb. The guy risked his life out there.

the promoter being aloud to do that will sure make fighters want to sign with this trashy promotion.

I thought they said "shoe maker" when i heard it first! :^)

Imagine the white trash pussy smell bros. Damn.

So that's why the Holocaust happened.

crackaddicted qt gf where?

Schumie finna dab.

Maybe if they allow open hand strikes and elbows too, though elbows open up issues of their own as well.

Why is his neck so red?

any small to mid sized town in the Midwest

>Van Halen playing between rounds.
I would be in white trash heaven my bros.

That's a bit bigoted, don't you think? Assuming they're trash just because they're from Mississippi.

Based. I feel the song of my people calling me to Biloxi right now.

Expect the highest level of boxing you will ever see in your life.
Loma who? This is baby knuckle baby.

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Schaub should sign up.

Eventually I think the guys with experience are gonna learn to pull their head punches and focus on the body until they're ready to go for the kill

Think about it

That was Chase Gormley, my bad.

Hello, brother.

anyone got a good stream link?

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I mean that in the nicest way possible. White trash pussy has its moments.

Note how these two are staying right in that center circle. Shit, might as well shrink the ring down to just that circle if they really want rock em sock em fights

If watching Aryans fight means forgoing skill so be it. Tired of watching mud people dominate MMA.

This fight is fun.

>touch rednecks
>panama and and ludacris between sets
>entire audience looks like meth addicts
yea, i'm thinking this is based af

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help a brother out


>Le takes half your purse man

No doubt. I am homesick.

Wait, this isn't Bas Rutten's bareknuckle thing? Whatever happened with that?

anyone else find this kind of sad?

What’s the thought of the overall production?


Let me know if you find out. Goddamn I never realized the allure of white trash skanks.

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Some of the fighters didn't get paid, not gonna be happening again I don't think

Knuckle up, this shit is fun.

White trash heaven. I love it. I hope it takes off. Maybe we will get better fighters.

based cornerman


considering the young dude was not that long ago in the UFC yeah

getting cut for being shit and now you have to get your face bloodied up by an old dude to make a living

All that's missing from this shindig is a halftime show where they flood the ring with mud and drive lifted trucks and buggies through it.

lmao these skanks are all over rural Tennessee
Believe me, bro, you don't want it. Plus they don't exactly go for the type of guy who posts on Yea Forums(nel)

That was trying to ride off this one's mediocre hype.

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Why? Literally nothing wrong with this, willing combatants fighting for the fans
Not too bad honestly

not saying anything about the entertainment it just gives a depressing vibe
>fall of ufc fighters
>$500 bonus
>risking health for god knows what the pay is

People come to Yea Forums to laugh and enjoy some banter. Instead, you decided to spam and post low quality bait. As a result, I'm fining you half of your (you)s.

How long until this org signs Mike Perry?

do they let the fighters bring Skoal into the ring?

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That better be a clause under contract or someone's getting sued

They should have gotten STEM degrees if they didn't want to do this.


You think her fanny smells fishy or nah? Her hair looks pretty greasy, I bet she doesn't shower daily..

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The Big Jew should take their money too.

finally, back to chick-knuckle

>Thinking they are going to be able to sue with their total appearance fee of $250 after deducting all costs.

Bare knuckle to bare breast meat.

based boss jew inspiring these guys to stand in the center and swang or else lose their cash

Based boomer dadrock.

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Imagine complaining about someone docking a guys wage when he fought like a pussy. Majority of boxing fights are like this, If you want a boring fight go watch that there is no deduction for running for 12 rounds there.

i want to see their faces torn apart.

dat split draw

formerly moose-knuckle

50-45 Sherman
48-47 Shewmaker
48-48 DRAW

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what is the purse for these starter fights?


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My main complaint so far is that I wish there were more crowd and ring girl shots during these intermissions.

Draw?? Oh man. Feldman is going to lose his shit. What can we expect?

who the fuck saw that 5-0 Sherman

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oh no
this fucking dude sounds retarded


Can't get sued if you don't pay your fighters enough to afford a lawyer.

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smells better than your mother's

Big fan of 3 knuckle shuffle FC myself

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damn lots of cucks taking that poll

Malinaggi is missing: "Italian"

Based money team poster

she is BLACKED

Sounds like a guy who just checked out my car and is telling me what is wrong with it.

Here's the link

based mudshark

Nobody won, nobody gets paid kek



Pick round and method of finish

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If an NFL player doesn't do their job, they don't get their full pay either. I don't see how this is different.

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Ostovich named

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That's a scary looking woman

Well, I gotta hand it to the promoter. Raised a ruckus, that is for sure.

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Yeah, Ferea is actually a decent fighter

Knight by KO in the first via a short hook


It would be like docking pay for a kick returner who returned it for negative yards when sometimes you can score touchdowns after going back

Dios mio

imagine not thinking for yourself, bee

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Absolutely based


This bitch look crazy ya'll.

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mad head moovmen bee

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I hate women fights. I don't want to watch anyone I can beat up fight in the ring or cage.


>police gazette belt
>three (3) golden bald eagles sticking up at the top
is it possible for this sport to get any more based?

What ethnicity are these women?

Feldman is based, dont (You) me unless you agree

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Its too late, user. I'm already under the spell. I'm caught in their net.

Do you think they like Marlboro Lights? I'll buy a whole carton.

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>bootlicker belt

1/3rd gutter 1/3rd prison 1/3rd white trash

He gives us his offerings what else are we supposed to do

That's knucked

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Cyborg in BKFC when

French Huguenot, Creole, & Cajun

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Half her purse gone for cutting too easy.

You can't say stuff like that anymore you madman. Do you want everyone thinking you're a toxic sexualist or something?


The heroin/meth addict girl I knew liked American Spirits.

At least they are looking out for fighters. This would have not been stopped in UFC.

>optic nerve

I think he may be confused

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>Throat slitting motion after winning an organized and sanctioned fight with rules, refs, and docs nearby


hey look it's kevin lee's coach

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Schaub could easily be the heavyweight bareknuckle champ

wonder if that belt will help next time she gets pulled over

both hispanic for sure

Being a coalburner you'd think she's used to having bloody and bruised eyes

Like she owns a car.

they're a new promotion in a meme sport, they know if they let a fighter get really fucked up it will be the end of them

UFC has more leeway

Dropping some truth bombs

Dewey Cooper

stop and frisked then

Pics of that chubby chick next to the ring?

his name is Dewey Cooper

and Ngubu's coach

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>men fight
>decisions, no heems, no stoppages
>women fight
>spicy as shit, faces getting rearranged

Is it, dare I say, /herturn/?

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>Winner's medal
Based, I love that stupid shit for some reason

Chris Leban is fighting on this. why was I unaware of this?

is it actually still the 80s in Mississippi?

she's fucking nasty my guy wtf

They shouldn't be able to dock the pay unless it is established beforehand that this will be the case. You can't just agree to pay a guy a certain amount, then say: "Actually, I didn't like the way you fought, so you lose money".

I would suck his dick so fast

one more fight...
i'm so fucking tired

Justin BASEDman.

Why is bare knuckle so kino?

Somehow, in a time where everyone has turned into a giant faggot... Mississippi has stayed based.



lol based chael

Broken hands. White trash. Van Halen between rounds. What's not to love?

stay cazzie

The White Trash King Chris Leben

>Do you think they like Marlboro Lights? I'll buy a whole carton.
that's too fancy. go for tahoes

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Leban TKO by footstomps.

Anybody got the Leben-Baroni KO


is Leben TRT'd?

Shut the fuck up

How do I rewind this fucking stream

A. Obviously it's in their contract or he couldn't do it.

B. Most jobs have expectations that go along with them and the penalty for not meeting them is usually monetary. You'll find out once you get your first job, that is if you're not a hikki

Leben has to smoke this dude

Looks like it

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Damn user, it was right there and I couldn't even see it. Bravo

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got DAM
Leben fucked that dude up with the quickness

just tuned in. has the card been good?

These guys are savage, somebody is getting brutally heemed in mere moments.

Good call lol

That's how TRT works damn





good job BASEDman

based chris leben



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Leben looking verrry juicy

w o w

holy fuck


That's a freaking nice beard.

Throw cans to gloveless pro mma fighters: the fight promotion


Zero eye pokes. UFC BTFO

fuck it i'm getting on TRT

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i find it interesting that most of these fighters are former mma fighters as opposed to boxers

Yes. Surprisingly.

but they have heroin and meth and AIDS so that can't be possible

No reason not to.

Lehmann's on the gas correct?

except your balls won't be able to make test naturally anymore.

>co-main event
>not the second last fight

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They don’t test for PED’s here?

who care we're freaks

wait what
wasnt that the co-main? why another fight lol

Is this a floater fight or a replay?

boxers that fail early leave the sport forever

boxers that achieve almost any degree of relevancy have made enough money to never have to subject themselves to something like this

I'm really tired lads, I just want to go to bed and be comfy. but I also don't want to miss the meme shitfest that will be Artem/Hick Diaz.

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How many more fights do we have!?

surprise fight

kek cops theme

i got fucking baited

anyone else see that little girl do the nazi salute in the crowd? what the fuck

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>that nigga that tripped and fell

2 I think. This one and main event.

wtf is going on i want to heem something

whose work do you lads appreciate more, Mike Adriano or Dredd?

No results on this fight online, so I guess it's live.

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God damn just nuke the rest of the Midwest

t. Chicago

come home white man, to the bare knuckle championship.

oh shit its ggg

You can go suck a dick, faggot.

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Where’s the chubby red haired chick my guy

Get those hands up buddeh

You won't see boxers compete in this because they can get fucked up in the clinch. They spent their whole careers relying on it as a safe space and that doesn't apply here.

This is actually like human cockfighting.

It's almost like the long haired guy is shadow boxing and not following through. Even when his shots get there he's got no power in them like he stopped short.

to add on to no gloves means they can't rely on the defensive skills they develop with those big gloves as well.

I can feel the CTE watching this shit

Bisping to bareknuckle when?

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Ha ha, I dunno about that but Mike Perry will soon be and I think that'll be badass

Tonight buddeh. Surprise challenger.

never he has 2 detached retinas

Knucks and Florida go together like biscuits & gravy

incoming announcement by the BKFC president

How do you like that second half of your purse? That's funny, because it's gone faggot.

I have an idea, bear with me here:

Bareknuckle fighting except after the first round each fighter gets armed with a knife

Getting a bit more interesting in these final rounds desu


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All I know is they're playing good music in the arena.

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these guys are scrapping though, that rusty fellow was literally clinching every time reggie got anywhere near him

Bareknuckle muay thai in a minimized ring


Just imagine being there jamming out to the CLASSICS, surrounded by single moms, and getting loaded up on $2 beers all night

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Heaven, bro. Absolute heaven.

callate su dirty rato de street

isnt that basically letwei?


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lethwei allows headbutts and a few minutes to recover from a ruled KO to come back and fight

Based Tarver.

I was just thinking of something. Has anyone else noticed that seriously ugly people are rare in MMA? I mean, Cris Cyborg had to dominate for a decade just to make it into the UFC. How much of this stuff is really talent and how much is being eye candy that can fight? How much is Dana White protecting his merchandise?

Not related to BKFC (Burger Kentucky Fried Chicken?) but still seems like a valid observation.


Based Poison in the background.

>seriously ugly people are rare in MMA
for sure i disagree and also disagree

50-47 Stephenson
48-47 Harris
49-46 Harris Stephenson

why isnt this more popular?


This is the next thread for when this thread runs out

My stepmom.

Artem doesn't get slapped, he slaps himself out of disbelief! :^)


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Here we go lads. The meme forecast is 90%

Ur all bums

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You are so autistic lol

cringe and unnecessarypilled

Oh boy

unironically someone start another thread. i don't want to go into this guys.

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>Craving this much attention in an anonymous board

Worse than a janie!

Who here Gulf Coast?

For me? It's gotta be jason "the kid" knight

Guys why are you shitting on a man's lifetime dream to be OP for a sports thread about a relatively obscure fighting production on a relatively obscure messaging board?

i was there last week for vacay. really beautiful place.

it's 11:28 pm


Did the white guy win?

Everyone in heem is already aware of BKFC, this makes zero difference

Russian Hammer
>fighting out of Dublin

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It IS what IT is....

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>from dublin, ireland
>the russian hammer

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mama mia

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arms are too short

here lad


these dudes are slipping a lot



they're fighting in the crowd
crowd not even watching the fight.

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>big fight in the crowd
Fucking hicks

why can't these manlets remain upright?

What is Artem's chin made of?

Leben has been roiding hard since he was in the UFC. The bones in his head look like they were transplanted with an elephants.

This shit is actually entertaining.

this can't be worth whatever they're paying them

two tough hombres though. respect

leprechaun guy does look like canelo's brother

A. Not disputing this, was just stating the same thing in different words

B. Not if you sign a contract to fight for X amount. He fought, so he should get X amount

This isn't working at home depot, Jose.

The fuck do Bulgarians know about anything but making PEDS? Get back to the clen factory, pussy.