Is he actually better than the last "italian" nigger?

Is he actually better than the last "italian" nigger?

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balotelli was fucking great, just had a shitty attitude
kean seems a little more level-headed for now but who knows what'll happen


A powerful shot and good under pressure is all he has going for him. Terrible awareness

wtf more can one expect from a pacenog? hoof them the ball, and when they miss cry racism.

very good on the ball generally. but I agree, what he needed to learn was how to play in a (top-level) team, and that would've taken some level of application and training which he clearly wasn't interested in

yes he is better than insigne

literally what the fuck? are you just commenting on some random player's playing ability without even knowing who he is?

If he's able to put on a shirt without help, he's already smarter than Balotelli at least

He's played in a lot of very good teams though. His problem is he's the kind of player that a team has to build around, except he's not good enough to warrant that.

Also his careless attitude is probably why he's GOAT at penalties tbf




People like you are the reason why people look down at us when we talk about soccer

post pacenogs

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His fifa pace stat is pretty high retards

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>fifa stats

he's pretty quick generally speaking but pacey meme players are much faster

Pacey meme players are also pacey meme players because their pace defines them. Ronaldo isn't a pacebabby even though he's (or was at least) really quick

the term gets thrown around too much anyway. bale was called a pacebabby even with that god-tier left foot.

>that flag
>this post

just kys


>i wasnt around around when he was good, but fifa told me he was shit


>more level-headed
>ran up to the crowd in his first games every to taunt them and get called monkey to incite massive media outrage

Balo's left toe is more talented than he is.

They were making monkey chants all game, not just in response to his celebration.

who gives a fuck
players can't chimp out just because the crowd is taunting them. just because they're using your race instead of anything else to taunt you does not give you an excuse to chimp out

This level of racism is disconcerting.

Wtf happened to Yea Forums?

it's easy not to be racist when you live in a white, Christian country.

I wonder what an American like you would think if you visited. I reckon it would shatter your delusions.

So thousands of people shouting nigger monkey and throwing bananas is fine, but him confronting it is acting out? Piss off

on the downswing 2bh, was worse in 2017

Hate to break it to you dudes but Yea Forums has basically ALWAYS been this racist

>82 Pace
pick one

God damnit you must be baiting


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for better or worse?

Yea Forums in the past use to just joke and say the n word and stuff. Ever since /pol/, people have dedicated every other thread on every fucking board about race. 2016 was a mistake.

>tfw Yea Forums is back to being a right wing nazi hub according to the media


>players can't chimp out just because the crowd is taunting them
he literally scored a goal and jogged in front of the taunting fans and looked at them
Could you explain to me which part of that exactly is included in your definition of "chimping out"?

You aren't fast in Fifa unless you're above 90.