I eat at the same table as Messi

>I eat at the same table as Messi

Attached: D3f4ETdXkAAzuKY.jpg (2673x1942, 614K)

he said that?


He's the dog who eats Messi's cheese pizza and sprite table scraps.

>sneaks to messi's table after dinner is over and no one is around so he can suck on messi's left over crust

Attached: pizza-crusts-leftover-AKH4RF.jpg (1290x1390, 195K)

He meant he eats beside him but on the kids table where he belongs with that shitty haircut and big match disappearances

He named both messi and ronaldo

well if he had joined Barca in the summer he'd have taken Coutinho's place and would be dabbing on Atleti right now

One is a world cup winner. The other isn't. Nuff said, simple as

I wonder if barcelona will go for him after today's booing

lol no way. barcelona doesn't need him at all

he's close to signing though,

Suarez turns up fat and shit every August and one year he's going to be permanently finished

on the contrary. coutinho is useless.

They need someone, but not Griezmann

arry kane

he eliminated barca in the champions league, barca never eliminated him in the CL

Barcelona should be looking at Azzah, rather than Griezmann. He’d be perfect on the left.

they'll sign grizman because he's 'cheap', has liga experience, contacts already began years ago and is much better attack player than coutinho

Griezmann covers the same parts of the field of Messi, he'd need to change up his style for it to work, kinda like Dybala for Argentina

hazard is a glorified coutinho, they need a precise safe player who is both usefull in the offense and the defense like griezmann

Hazard is selfish, Griezmann fits the team ethic more

the Grizman french apologists on this board are hilarious

>chokes in European supercup
>he's just tired, you just wait, he's the next GOAT

>chokes against Dirtmund
>he's just tired, you just wait, he's the next GOAT

>chokes 3x against Real Madrid
>he's just tired, you just wait , he's the next GOAT

>chokes 2x against Barcelona
>he's just tired, you just wait , he's the next GOAT

>chokes against Iceland
>he's just tired, you just wait, he's the next GOAT

mexicans are subhuman kitchen slaves in europe too?

he'd play left wing like coutinho did today

in what world?

isn't griezmann perfect age for a massive MLS deal? you know where he is going

120 millions is cheap

WTF Hazard is one of the least selfish players

maybe he isn't but sometimes passing the ball is the right thing to do

*is always the top scorer of all the teams he plays in*
*wins the world cup*

He thinks good dribbling = selfishness

in a world where mbappe is 300m, neymar 280m, coutinho 160m, etc
19 goals 9 assists in a horrible year, still 5 years left of career, cheap

a 120 million release clause is extremelly cheap.

>Griezmann goes to Barca
>Suarez and Messi age and decline
>Barca turns to shit
>Griezmann gets the blame

thanks to Mbappé and Pogba, he's a big time choke artist without them

he probably has the most 1v1 won against goalkeepers among forwards

they need a pure 9 not another winger