There are anons on this board that don't rate womens football

There are anons on this board that don't rate womens football

Attached: what a defence.webm (720x720, 1.64M)

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Every time I rewatch this I see a more garbage mistake

Attached: femfooty2.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

Attached: women football gernor.webm (872x424, 2.35M)

I rate it
I rate it as highly as a public-tier highschool boys team in north dakota

Penaldo wishes he could score freekicks like this

Attached: femfooty4.webm (720x404, 1.63M)

yes hello

the worst thing is this is the 91st minute of the Euro women's final, which is why the french girl is celebrating

penaldo wish he was a woman

but I do

Attached: Lady Matilda gets absolutely REKT.webm (640x360, 1.94M)

Nehi shillat

Attached: femfooty3.webm (854x480, 2.94M)

> That pitch
> those empty seats
The state of Eurocucks

was it wind?

was she just retarded?

Attached: femfooty.webm (1280x720, 1.99M)

oh boy if only i could see under those hands

Attached: hope-solo_290169_m.jpg (443x690, 146K)

it will never happen, user.

>Messoy cucks

it reminds me of Walcotts goal

>And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you
careful what you wish for, user

This is the greatest webm ever, not kidding.

some of the most abject football ever committed to camera

Is Algerian football better than this? Can they even play football with hijabs on?

The BBC logo does it for me. They spent all that money shilling this shit and that's what they get

Attached: 1553228262675.gif (400x336, 1.33M)

Attached: highacumenonly.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

its not all bad

Attached: elizabeth.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

it easy to bang those free kicks in when the wall is 5 feet tall

You made me laugh in the metro you slut

What happened to her after this?


I have an erection.

Some sources reported she was "banned", but she was actually just suspended for 2 games and then reinstated on the team. Also it's funny because in her interviews her defense was, "Yeah I'm sorry but it wouldn't have been such a big deal if I were a male" kek

I kekd irl

RIP 14

>gets elbowed hard in the back
>doesn't fall to the floor and start crying

If there's one thing the womens game has over the mens it's that playacting is very rare.

Attached: 182F1F83-A95D-4789-812F-12CB8A262F9D.gif (530x742, 2.44M)

I'm really not that picky and normies consider her to be beautiful. So why do I find her so repulsive?

Attached: Arby's saves the day.webm (640x640, 1.43M)

based and ramospilled

>lunging in when you're never gonna get the ball
>letting an opposing player just stand in front of you and somehow stop your movements entirely
>tackle your own player when you finally do move
>too weak to even pull someone down for a professional foul
>lunge in for a final tackle in desperation, but lead with the wrong leg
>can't even make up for it with an attempted sweep
>slower to the ball than someone who was literally on the ground
>miskick the clearance
>fat goalkeeper somehow ends up providing more of the net to score into
fucking WEW

>the mauler of mormons
