
Final games of the regular season Saturday edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for sunbelt

Bolts suck

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Imagine not watching Canada vs USA


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>first for sunbelt
>didn't make the thread
If you're aren't firs your last

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caps will repeat, and there is nothing you can do to stop it

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Would Gayass have made it past the first round if they were in the east?

playoffs are playoffs. caps repeat is on if they dont have to play the pongs or the isles

Did you not see how many people were at their last game?

depends on the draw, but likely not

Yeah I’m thinking it’s a broons v pongs ECF lads. Literally don’t care about the Westshit half of the bracket lmao

Most sunbelters claim to lose track of attendance but thats what happens when you get to triple digit numbers and your dad is also your uncle

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literally zero people

i'm terrified of >my team going to the SCF and losing to a leaf team.

>calling the playoffs a "bracket"
Go back to your monkey sports

>on the verge of 3 days with no hokkei
What's the easiest way to induce a coma

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for me, its watching previous playoff series in full before the playoffs start, just so I can laugh that florida won a division and choked

Does Canadian healthcare not cover ophthalmology?

>Kucherov and the lightning will both finish with 126 points at this rate

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ty for our coach

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According to Freud, in cases of foot fetish, the foot is a substitute for the missing penis on the woman
Footfags out of my /hoc/

when your brother is also your dad your vision can suffer, sunbelter. You should trust your superiors when they tell you that the canes have SHIT attendance.

np, hope you enjoy it when he chokes

only SHIT teams playing today
>gee gary 15 games


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dont reply to the tripnigger

Vitamin d deficiency from a lack of sunlight can lead to autistic irritability friend

lol babby refs


Suck my toe.

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fuck car parts :D
any non-finn who likes car parts here only likes it cause of the memey name :D

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Gonna bring back *snap* posting for the playoffs

durrr dis be a good attendance
stupid sunbelters

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car parts are ELITE

>image from years ago

thats some reeeeal cherrypicking there

Cernak is so awesome

>when your brother is also your dad your vision can suffer
I don't get it, are you saying that that's what happened to you?

lol nice job rask

Nahh fuck you

Literal fluke fucking goal. lgbtning still getting btfo

personally I will be crafting some insanely great falseflag posts that /hoc/ wont be able to tell if they're redditposts or not

Wood berry my ass in a comfy seat in that middle section with no one near me for ten yards

>any non-finn who likes car parts here only likes it cause of the memey name
Not me, I have other reasons.

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>d-d-doesn't count
blind, and retarded.
typical sunbelt scum

>said literally 0
>people in those seats
>old and probably I'll times picture

buddy, that beat him clean

Incest is very common in the sunbelt.

What do you think he gets out of this?

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>only shit teams
>his is the only one not playing
Well played bracket, well played

Imagine being a trip orbiter

>implying we won't sweep Boston in 5 just like last year

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thinking about buying a jersey, lads. surely everyone would agree with this decision, right?

yet they've been filling their arena at least, unlike the panthers who are exciting too.

shall be absolutely howling when the relocanes have a half empty barn for 2 games

Yes because the refs would have insured it. Look at them versus the sharks. Tons of soft calls and padding to get them by the most notorious chokers in the league

Tyler Johnson is such a pussy

>implying your team isnt >shorks east

thinking about kippers' brapper

The whole shouting tuuuuuk every time rask makes any routine save is kinda dumb

They never stood a chance. Miami is not a place for hockey

Cracking open a Blue Moon aws

Here is a point I want to interject that no one seems to be bringing up. Why do the men get to decide this? I'm being serious because in my exp. as a trans woman playing hockey maybe 10% of women have some vague problem with it and only like 2 or 3 percent care enough to raise a fuss (and everyone else considers them to be kind of awful). Now obviously these are subjective numbers, I didn't go out and do a study to prove this point. But at the end of the day by and large it seems like the women don't care and it is the men trying to dictate this relationship. I think the women's who actually play should get to decide. Not the guys who it will not affect in the least bit. Who you may be surprised by how ok with this they'd be

Please read studies and actually see real trans athletes before talking out your butt. I am someone who practiced with girls on team USA before transitioning and now find that they’re significantly better than me after it. Likewise, I played boys AA midget major U19. My team which is going to nattys this year lost to a AA Bantam u14 boys team where I am not even close to the best player. Why? Because the hormones rapidly decreased my speed and strength. I am a shell of player I used to be and would find it unsafe to play at levels I used to

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>*casts a magical curse on you*

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How is everyone enjoying the hockey, knowing the Grecian is "at work"??

>he's a gigolo, probably


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Miami might be a place for hockey.
An hour outside of Miami, nestled between some suburban neighborhoods, a strip mall, and a literal swamp, is not a place for hockey.

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>they've been filling their arena at least
*yawns while farting*

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*an heros in 5 years*

Oh, I thought they were in the city



you mean “farts while yawning*

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becoming trans and playing womens hokkei because you were too much of a manlet to play with the guys would be hilarious to do

I want to express my gratitude to the NHL for once again professing the importance that hockey, and all sports, and all the world is for everyone of us humans and apes who have ingested ALZ-112 or 113. Men, Women, the Differently Abled, White, Black, Brown, Gay, Straight, Bi, Trans, Whatever the hell Pierre McGuire is, apes who have been exposed to ALZ-112 and 113. Everyone.

The mental state of people today is not being addressed as well as it should be. The idea that discrimination like that which affects minorities and the LGBTQ community leads to violence and self-harm in this day and age is just so angering and disheartening.

*sharts while sharting*

>farting while your lungs are inhaling as much as they can

what happens if lightning win this game without hedman, sergachev, Girardi, B. Point and their two main goalies?

lightnings current goal tender has played what, one game this season? lol

I hear a lot of people say that Hockey and the NHL, or any sports organization for that matter, shouldn't involve themselves with what they think are "political issues". This movement is not political. It may lead to political discussion, sure. But the movement itself is to reinforce the fact that this sport is for all humans and apes who've ingested ALZ-112 or 113, regardless. I do acknowledge the fact that the LGBTQ community is highlighted, but that is due mostly in part because of their lack of presence in the sport itself, not necessarily because it's a wedge issue. It's insane that we even have to argue for the rights and equal treatment of the LGBTQ community, although it's understandable since even women, half of the world population, are still treated horribly in many different ways.

Look, my point and end-rant is that I urge everyone who loves this sport to support this movement. If the idea of homosexuality goes against your religious tenants, remember that so does your Tommy Bahama silk-poly blend. No one chooses to be gay, or black, or female, or bisexual, or Pierre McGuire, or Asian, or straight, or an ape affected by ALZ-112 or 113. This is nature in action. And hockey is glory in action. So support the movement, not because it aligns (or doesn't) with your "political affiliations", support it because it's incredibly important that every single person and ape to feel welcome to play any sport, especially the greatest one on earth, and enjoy their part of this journey we call life.

Oh, I like this new redditposter

this is going to be a fun post season, ewe guise

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Can you please stop posting tranny shit?

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Report him

why? are you getting an erection?

>*garies while bettman*

thinking about based Daryl from Dallas who bootyblasted those azn toronto fans earlier in the season

i got a smoking hot meme ready for the playoffs
you will love it, and you will force it

are you the same poster

*shits and cums*

Are you implying the bruins are using their full roster?

eating some cereal lads

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Steven Stamkos lads

lmfao. jesus that was embarassing
fucking stamkos

cant wait desu

>it was 2-0

Calling all eliminated teams of /hoc/:
>your team
>who you're supporting in the playoffs

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The absolute CAPTAIN

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I'm sorry, am I not allowed to talk about hockey because I take estradiol?

>now give me my rings

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>unironically want to see a Cowboy Larpers/Tampa Final
>for the memes

>they are only a shell of what they could be

>Stamkos has two short handed goals in back to back games and his only role on the PK is to take face offs and skate off for a change

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No your blocks of text are ruining the regular shitposting flow

never forget

oh nononono

that's odd, the flea market on sunshine, same road that from the market to the arena, stays packed 24/7

maybe the metropolis of Miami/fort Lauderdale and surrounding areas nearing 1 million in population when combined just isn't a hockey area

I don't think its because of the team desu, and location isn't terrible, not good, but doesn't seem to be a valid reason for the amount of empty seats

I like this kind of painting, who made it?

ima cut off my dick and start absolutely fuckin waxing dykes out there

Here you go, sir.

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b-but he can only do one timers

Just tuck it, they have no right to say your dick isnt feminine

based markham ontario

Any Ted Collectives out here

Idk but I think the name is in the corner here

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I would pay 4 bucks for that

God damn poutine sounds good rn

Realistically, how far could the predators go this postseason? What are some reasons they succeed or fail?

Will Patrik Laine redeem himself in the playoffs? It's so unfair he gets to play in the playoffs but Barkov does not.

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>inb4 laffs first round exit

Toronto meltdown watch will be epic.

Thats what people say mmm hmm

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Laine Nation? more like Lame Nation

fail cause they're shit
they will get HEEMed by the jets or blues

Thanks user



is that onion rings and tofu? Or onion ring poutine or what?

LITERAL fluke goal. fucking puck luck on lgbtnings side once again like it has all season

>IT WAS 2-0

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last chance to win under this core desu. rinne is on his end stretch, so if they cant make it to the WCF its a failure of a season. blues or stars stop them since they are the best from the central

I’m not a fan of the predators, but they seemed dominant for a while. Have they really regressed far?

all the way to the SCF because >worstern conference

False flag, only sunbelt believes in magic

Lol boston dont you know? they never award goaltender interference

Textbook interference
Back to a tie game sunbelt retards

just let them have the goal what does it fucking matter anyways

>Will Patrik Laine redeem himself in the playoffs?
He'll get an own-goal into his empty net during their elimination game with an errant, careless pass to an empty point that goes all the way down the ice.
Some responsible Jets player like Connor will then get a goal right at the end of the game, but they'll still be down by one more because of Laine's mistake and will end up losing because of it.

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lets challenge the call so everyone can see how badly Rask fucked up from every possible angle

this is voodoo1, snowbelt knows, shut it down

Yeah they've been really bad, their goalie is getting too old to compete and their defense has been spotty at best. Will not last past 2 rounds

>Yzerman potentially eyeing a position with the rags
>Chiarelli also eyeing same job
>Yzerman cucks chia out of rags position
>Chia goes to Detroit

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Snowbelt shiiters exposing themselves as the actual retards

If you are posting from west of the Mississippi or south of the Mason-Dixon your opinions are INVALID because you’re NOT in a hockey market.

>boston comitting hate crimes

>tampa puts in their dirty nigger to try and take out krejci
filthy faggots. will remember that.

It's one word. It's Laineation


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>it was 2-0

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>Tampa's darkie zoomer nigging it up again


>I expect something coming the other way
>its open season on all lightning players
>team should start headhunting now
Jesus Boston is full of little bitches

>they’re shit

>only win because competition is shit

>last chance to win

>they have considerable weak spots

Thank you lads, have a good picture of them now

>bombston announcers complaining about "respect" and "sportsmanship"



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man i hate it when you eat your snot out of your nose it accidentally has some nose hair on it

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Didn't ask

Jack Edwards is the human embodiment of shamelessness.

Shut the FUCK up

Have you been in bolt game threads?

sup /hoc/, i'm getting into the sport but i don't know who to get behind because there are no nhl teams in my state, with pic related being the closes teams. wat do?

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juicy J jussi jokinen elite passer play maker

is that what their announcers are saying? did they see the hit?

joseph intentionally got in front of the player before hitting to avoid sending him face first into the bench, next time he should just knock the guys teeth out on them then if that's how they feel about taking it soft on them

holy fuck this was suppose to be a exhibition game.
tampa is putting their nigs on the ice just to fuck up our important players.

I've been to a few and they're always terrible.
There's like one normal guy who's embarrassed and then half a dozen psychotic retards screaming about every single thing that's said.

Follow memesoda through their rebuild, you must suffer at least 5 years to earn your dues

take the blose
but go to ahl games if they're close, they're still good and cheap

Yeah the announcers started bitching as soon as the hit occurred. Started naming players they would like to see injured

Laine would probably get killed in Winnipeg. I understand it's quite a rural hick-town.

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More like the human embodiment of BASED

>one normal guy who's embarrassed
That poor man

whats stopping teams from recruiting giant walruses as goalkeepers if they have the mental capacity and intelligence to be one?

could be speciesism

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Pyschotic retard here

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I'm thinking you're on to something here

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where the fuck is Marchand when you need him
they need to fucking kneecap this dirty fucking shit team

>pic related being the closes teams

Or can I support the Devils because they were originally a Kansas team?

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just got back from the fan meetup (pic related)
can't wait for my avs to kick some ass in the playoffs!

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I’m personally holding out for KC to come back as >my team

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well, you could, but you don't want to be like the whalers or nordiques lifers, especially if you weren't alive to see them

>all the lgbt fags coming out after the dirty hit

Honestly cheering against the bolts. Thought they were friends once.

we gon

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>Thought they were friends once.
Entitlement has consumed them.


There’s absolutely zero friendship between /hoc/ and the Lightning, so I don’t know how you ever thought we were your friend.
couldn’t give a fuck though.

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Well that was dumb wasn’t it?

It'd be nice to have a Kansas team in something outside of MLS. Don't get me wrong, I love Sporting, but it'd be nice to have more than just that.

Very true. I guess my only option is to move.

Luckily for the world that monster with the enormous gut is probably dead. That’s the worst place to carry weight, as opposed to if the fat all went into her ass and thighs, in which she would have had an illustrious career of crushing englishmen with her ass and putting cigarettes out on their peckers

I hope someone HEEMS Kucherov and he has to be taken of the ice on a stretcher.
Fuck you.

that pic is fake

a /hoc/ meetup would look more like this, everyone fit and based and having wives

thats the least i expect from everyone here as you watch hockey

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Who said anything about /hoc/? /hoc/ is super gay and has shit opinions 99.99999% of the time
It really has. They were our #1 bro and now they're terrible


You sound like a duck fan


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Fuck off we're full

One two
Gotta go poo
Three four
Poo on the floor
Five six
Shitting out bricks
Seven eight
Poo feels great
Nine ten
Go poo again

Are you upset? This is simply what power looks like friend

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Where do you think you are pal?

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remember, when you're replying to a lgbtning fan this is who you're talking to

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Yup that bro ship is dead
You guys are going to choke again

This is pretty good t b h
Could you edit the celly Point had last szn when he toe dragged Dadonov into the shadow realm and buried an OT game winner like this? Always reminded of DBZ when I rewatch that

Sorry your team sucks ass and isn't making the playoffs.

This is an average sunbelter , except theyre usually crying for me

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You sound like a jealous girlfriend fyi

My team is in the playoffs though?

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Are there any boston fans that aren't boomers?

The duck broship was a gay larp pushed by two guys. Did you ever say something nice back in the day and got a sexualized anime image as a reply?

My bad, thought you were a seething Rangers fan or something


*insert boston marathon bombing joke*

You either die a discord tranny zoomer, or live long enough to become a bruins fan


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Kucherov lads

>finnish goaltending versus russian offense

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That Swede top left is ripped

Thst was a soft goal m8


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Explain to me why Bombston fans think they can hang with the Bolts in a 7 game series.

>average sunbelter is a famously loyal and useful breed of dog
>this is an insult

>that feelerino when your team doesn't have any weeb "fans"

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You wish it was because you hated it. It was a good meme run now its over but a new one is starting.

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that poor dog doesnt deserve any of this


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lmao what a flaming faggot

Oh no no no


everyone report this post for pony posting

>t. Incel

the only good weeb is a dead weeb

>g-get it...?

How about the fact that the lgbtning are the most overrated pres trophy winner of all time? They’re soft as fuck and any team in a playoff spot right now can btfo them easily. Are you such a casual you think the other teams need to explain why they can beat the lgbtning? How about why do the blots think they can win a single playoff series.

i have a wife
you have queer imaginary broships on the internet

literally every team has weeb/furry/insert-other-weirdo fans and there is nothing you can do about it HEHAHAEHUEHEHUEHUEEHUA
t. not a weeb or furry, perfectly normal /hoc/ guy who looks like pic related

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Whatever happened to the bronies anyway?
Is that still going on or has it died off?

thats cool, whats his name?

I have a wife and bros on the internet and real life. I outscore you by 1

Lmao thanks for giving an example of the larp. it was exactly like your pic related with a few poor souls thinking we had some "broship". Heebeegeebes shit. Fuckin a

Why don't you go to /mlp/ and find out

I honestly would rather not

Shall be drinking beer and watching hockey with the old man and ignoring anime posters on /hoc/

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Good luck

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I've got a wife a 6 figure income and have had several more life experiences than you as well. I'm also able to actually look at things objectively instead of claiming to be while being blatantly biased. I know I'm better than you and it pisses you off. That's why you have to lame "broships" so you can make yourself feel better about being such a shitty person.

Hell I used to be you


Still laugh when I think about the single time I ever opened a shannon video and he said "aboot"

*farts while having a life experience*

I have all those and I jumped off a boat into the ocean and made 150k last year. hell i used to be you

>Only team with +300 depth
>only team with triple digit score diff, by a mile
>two digit point lead against next best teams in the league
>posted multiple long streaks
>tying record for regular season wins

idunno man, every time someone claims the Bolts are overrated, gonna choke again etc., it's hard not to just think that person is seething and/or butthurt.


give me the numbers shannon

My team isnt even the penguins I just wasted ten minutes of you faggot weebs' time
Dance, puppets.

Sunbelters need to start respecting me. I was first runner up Mr Teenage Bloomfield


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Why did this give me an erection
>t. non weeb

Please just stop

Kek. We havent even unleashed the manlet cannon yet. A bunch of 5'10" good skaters are going to cannonball forecheck their way through the ploffs

holy shit I hadnt realized how badly he was actually balding

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You son of a bitch!..

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get banned for posting that filth

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>get exposed
>hahaha I was just pretending
Classic canadumb

will it be impossible to post on hoc if the bolts get a first round exit?

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>Born in Florida.

it’s a literal certainty

My IP is dynamic so I'll just change it anyway

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>"haha I was just trolling :^)"

amazing. upboated

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only if you can't take it, pussy

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you'll never get that time back you shitheap weeb cuck
now reply to this post if you're an incel jobless loser
>mfw you reply

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Based Finn

report and ignore.

tampas nigger nigging it up again

Ive got bad news user, you might be a weeb

Don't make me ask again Finland. It won't end well for you.

you suck!

So this offseason the plan is to tackle toxic masculinity in hockey?

>Flyers are your team
>born in Florida
Pick one

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It wasnt the words...it was the voice it sounds like porn

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damn jack edwards dropping n-bombs on tv

>have multiple hockey friends, most are lightning fans like me
>some are fans of other teams (Bruins, Habs, Flyers, Sabres, Peguins)
>fans of Penguins and Bruins always say stuff like "haha your team is pretty good, hope we meet in the playoffs, it'll be a good series!"
>Habs, Flyers fans always try to "warn" me about playoff choking, president's trophy "curse", etc. etc.

Does missing playoffs/cups chances really make some of y'all this salty?

For me it's being able to shit post and watch the game on the same screen while also being mobile.

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Lol Steve just tried to murder a bruin

First we need to stop calling it a Trapezoid, Trap is a slur against our transmen/women. Next we need to make the puck white, the only reason it is black is microagression toward the black community. We also need to take a look at increasing penalties for white players and decreasing penalties for black players, as its not their fault society put them in this position.

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>it was 4-2

no masculinity won because dykepuck got BTFO by women's lack of business sense and professionalism

get rid of Truedough and Gary so hockey can thrive again before the beans and poos take over the continent

high tech



we're the tampa of liiga except we're not going to choke

and now it's 5-3. so?



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IMAGINE if the bloos make the finals

tampa is going to choke though.

Soory about the shitty misprint, it's just what I do..
So, I have a question. Are the Lightning officially the Rags South or Wongs South?

because I've heard a great deal of banter about a >rags south and that's news to me


good job rask

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Coburn LOL
maybe offside

I wish we had a SHL-Liiga champion final :(

their timetables are about the same currently even, SHL starting semifinals and Liiga ongoing semifinals

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All on a screen that's six inches diagonal? nigga just get a 50" TV they cost less than the latest smartphone.

Yes, then we can educate the afro anthropoids from the sunbelt on what neutral zone transgenders are
2 minutes for unsportsmanlike

Isnt the SHL way better in terms of player quality?

>it was 4-3

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>just carry a tv

>that flag
>making comments about playoff choking

Oh gimmie some skates and a stick and a puck and ill rip it

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its all about that Finnish vs Swedish rivalry

even then, would give a reason for Liiga teams to step up

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>not just having your shadow clone go to the game for you

who wins, President Trophy Curse or Duchene Curse?

As a Canucks fan, I know a soft team that wins the presidents trophy and is going to choke when I see one.

>he doesn't bring a smart tv to Mcdonalds and just chromecast the game from his phone
Do you even like hockey?

Only kneegrows and other poor people hang out at McDonald's user

Seethe harder

I wonder how many more >we need to get to 4 goals per game on the season

how the fuck did the canucks choke like that in 2012 again?

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You're the one who's angry m8. I couldnt give a shit about the bolts, I'd rather they win over the leafs or bruins. I just recognize a choke team when I see one.

oof, /hoc/ is extremely problematic today

Wasn't really a choke. Quick just turned into Hasek that year. No one was going to beat the Kongs

Too soft, got bullied the fuck out by the bruins and then the kings/hawks. Same thing that happens to the lightning every year.

Ah >we cant get it. 3.88 rn

They also had richards and carter and kopiturd get really hot. All the keys to winning in the ploofs. That and their road was piss easy

Tiny Joe!

>I'm an expert
>said every hockey fan

based manlet God

If you have never skated on a frozen lake, your opinions do not matter to me.

grats kucherov

>im an expert
uhhh when did I say that.

so many empty seats in boston

Where the fuck is everyone?

Kucherov tied Jagr

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Poor Bostonians have to wait another 8 months for another championship

Tfw unironically have

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Sometimes I forget "people" like that exist.


if you lived on the same lake I did in michigan, then you were MOST CERTAINLY allowed over, and even your dad as well so all the dads can get together as well and have a few cold ones and shoot some pucks around with everyone in the neighborhood

Seriously what was McTard thinking signing that contract

that's a lot of wins lads

When you said you "recognize a soft team" you implied some sort of authority or expertise


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Thanks for making me spit out my drink

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they also manged to have like no injuries that playoff run. i think they went the entire cup run with only like 7 dmen. most teams end up having to use like 9-10 when injuries happen.

skating on a lake = jumping off a boat desu

He wants to have success, not be a team that flounders and has so many issues. They need to get rid of that front office regardless in edmonton, and get rid of those horrible contracts.


Reminder that the best regular seasons team only win the Cup if their name is the Montreal Canadiens

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A SHL-Liiga final would be so entertaining.

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Thats a ridiculous takeaway from what I said. Your emotions are running away with your logic, m8.

cringing at the thought of not, at the very least, playing on some sort of frozen body of water whether it be a giant puddle or a pond let alone a lake

My gf loves it

imagine not only never skating on a frozen pond, but being unable to skate at all

Just did way too much blow lads.

I think they only lost like 4 times as well, which is insane given its the modern NHL. Then again, they played the frauds in the canucks, a >blues team that just won a series, and a yotes team in the WCF for the first time in history. They also played the devils who were reaching the end of their success.

2012 was a jank ass year for playoffs

Are you trying to bully me sonny? This is /boltsgeneral/. any musings relative to the greatest team in the league are post worthy.

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Never tried it, what's it like?

lad i dont know how much cringe i can take before the weekend is over

>bolts "will" choke in the playoffs
>stated as fact without any real facts or evidence to back it up
>"I know a soft team when i see one"

>I-I didn't say I was an expert or had any authority. P-please don't criticize me....

Love Vasquale

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Why would anyone want to imagine something so horrible?


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and while we assembled..

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>ridiculous strawman
>obvious anger
Sorry I hurt your feelings.

cool vid

last time carolina made the playoffs

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i dunno if the team is soft but you 'fans' sure as heck are

the blues/canucks game is on at 2 not 1.

>yfw the Blots lose in the first round to the blowjobs

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I'm finally settled down from last night, lads. It took a lot of bong rips and a few cheeky faps but we're calm and ready for the 1st round. All Teds report in

opposite, I think

Cant forget

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last time toronto made the ECF. Coincidence?

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thinking of making a gamethread lads

Yeah Glacier is the bee's knees

>still 20 minutes atleast till next puck drop

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Ok games over. could someone provide a barca athletico stream please

Oh that is just fucking sad
>whose let this kid of his leash?

what is that? some type of gay porn?

Curling is on

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Is there anywhere good to watch full replays these days?

Guys I found something that's actually good from mexico


I just did the draft lottery simulator like 100 times and came to this conclusion: tanking is pointless

1999 was weird (Buffalo should have won desu)

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>actually watching hockey

No matter how bad the Leafs are playing, you can always count on them to embarrass Montreal

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Nothing weird about it maybe you're just a FAGGOT

For me its grapes and strawberries for lunch

Curling's on

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the worst place team has a higher % chance to pick 4th overall than in the top3. the 7 worst teams in the league have a higher % chance of getting pushed down 1 spot than picking in their spot. its not really worth it to tank.

back the fuck off?!?!?!


I got a girlfriend so I haven’t been in this general for a while (plus the Wild are ass)
Looks like you stupid fucking faggots only got more retarded as I’ve been away. The memes now aren’t even comprehensible. Dumb shitposting dickwads.

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are you lying on the internet?

Usually great but I'm sitting here waiting for this thot to do her makeup so we can go so this kinda sucks. Feel very pent up

no one cares about your life or opinions retard


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>Curling is always on in my heart

that's called flight or fight response.. that's natural on Too Much Cocaine, Nonny

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>the draft lottery incentivizes effort because even if you're bad there's no guarantees
That's never been the case. It was put in place to punish Edmonton for making the Browns or the A's or the Wizards look good in comparison.
>see, our cellar dwellers don't pick early every season
No. They remain shitty because you deprive them of players in a sport that should realistically have draft rules that more closely resemble the NBA and only bonafide studs will enter young. Gary should be run right the fuck out of town, but you KNOW the Jew York times is already salivating for hit pieces they're gonna pen about the NHLPA being behind the next lockout, because those fucking mamzers hate unions.
Not me. I like God, Hockey, and Union Construction . In that order

Working on an incredible shitpost this afternoon.
Don't know if Ted will love it or hate it.

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Kakko is gonna look pretty good on my Avs desu

>7 seed should have beat the Pres Trophy winner
Sure man
Andersen > Cujo
AHo > Francis

state champion is minnesotas #1 pedo

>all those fake Teds yesterday

Checking in

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>finish last
>less than a 20% chance to get the first pick
The NHL and NBA are so retarded

>state champion
>didn't even make playoffs

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>fugging gary
does is making you think?

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no. they used to have the lottery that moved the winning team up 5 spots. then they changed that to the winner gets 1st overall. then they made it "fun" by making 2 and 3 lottery picks too. they he changed the % you have to win 1st overall and made it more likely to win 2nd/3rd because they didnt like the soilers getting to pick 1st overall, but then the soilers won the lottery again.

Did I ask for a history lesson you retarded scum fucking dog? I'm talking about another way Gary ruined hockey. Cry for me some other time

i mean yea fuck the soilers but you "lesson" wasnt even accurate.

Sam must have skipped his morning Listerine

Straight up giving last place is a bad idea too. Maybe they should rank teams based off relativity? Like look at the bottom ten teams at the end of the year, then tally their points. Your shot at number 1 overall = 1 - (your points - total points). Or something like that

If everyone is basically equally as bad, they should get basically the same shot at highest pick

Humbolt Strong

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I don't come here to be corrected. My word should be taken as gospel regardless of accuracy . /hoc/s a ship and I'm the captain. Land HO

digits and jets make it to 4 cup finals in a row but lose all of them

and i mean chance = 1 - (your points / total bottom 10 points)

Just made a blood sacrifice to my toilet to keep my team from drafting Kappo Kakko

>Crosby, Malkin, Kessel, Guentzel, Hornqvist,

>Matthews, Tavares, Marner, Nylander, Kapanen

Which do you take?


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>the anthem singer at St Louis

Pittsburgh by far

right now or building a team for the future?

>Proven winners
>Proven soft losers

Malkin kapanen guentzel crosby bustthews IN THAT ORDER

is this the year Ted finally wins a series?

feel bad for the team that gets forced to pick kappo busto

the upper row of course

t. unknower

Business idea: the first player taken in round two after xheattle gets a team wears number 33 to represent the 32 teams that passed him over

Tell your boyfriend to be more gentle

It's kind of depressing to see in plain type how overrated the Leafs are up front. Hornqvist is the #5 guy there and is better than Nylander will ever be...

Just noticed Wayne Simmonds has 2 points in 16 games. The fugg?

Couple of my coworkers have Humboldt Strong bumper stickers desu
And by coworkers I mean one coworker and her slutty intern daughter

people are already talking about lucas raymond here. hes going to be better than any fingol bust.

based finns

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no. put number 1 on the first round pick, as a weight on h** back instead

No heart

Overrated shit

finns are strange people

That's neat

When is the Humbodt virtue signalling going to stop

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what does the hobey baker award represent? some years it seems like the winner becomes a pretty good nhl player but most years he becomes some middle 6 grinder who only lasts a few seasons in the nhl.

And Granlund only has 4 since being pred

How to determine draft order.
>get captains of non playoff teams
>number pucks 1-15 (16 when seattle joins)
>lay then out on the ice number side down
>go in order from worst to best team against Viezna winning goaler
>if you score you get the pick on that puck
>if you miss you go to the back of the line

Meme award, doesn't mean anything.

Hoping to see the Leafs seal the season with a big W against the Habs desu

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I don't think you know what those words mean

Best player in college hockey. Makar should be the winner this year


Just shut the fuck up already.

we are in here lad

This except if someone doesn't score you get to use their puck instead of your own so people get to use 1 until someone scores, 2 until someone scores, etc. And eight goalies go and you have to shoot against one in your own division

What's up you lovely people?

Shut the frick up

The whole point is you dont know what number is on the puck. So you get to chose your puck each time to increase randomness. Instead of 8 just the best goaler in the division

do you have a trashcan as a heart?
nwver 4GET

look at like 2016, jimmy vesey wins the hobey baker over kyle connor. jimmy vesey is now some middle 6 grinder, while kyle connor has become a reliable goal scorer.
or 2017, will butcher wins the hobey baker over brock boeser. will butcher is just some 2nd pairing dman, while boeser has become a solid goal scorer.
the award seems like a total meme.


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So tell me something /hoc/
I'm not too familiar with hockey but it seems like the Lightning are miles above the other teams in the standings. Does this mean they're probably gonna win the East or does the closeness of playoff hockey win out?

Upsets aren't a rarity in hockey.

most awards are memes, and this is an award for players who aren't done developing yet

There have been president trophy winners eliminated in the first round

See;Vancouver, St.Louis

This isn't basketball

the playoffs is a different beast. clean slate
this is their year though

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thank christ for that

when the games get physical and you play the same team over and over its easy for emotions to distract you from the game

So if your own goalie let's you score and your puck is 15 then just get fucked pretty much? Chaotic

End of thread reminder that irony is situational

I dont even like hockey or post on this board outside of /cfb/ .

But fuck you niggers, lightning a GOAT!!

I'll make the next thread

end of thread reminder that bulju IS generational.

so it's a lottery, except with a garyout attached for no reason
well, buttman would love it

Playoffs are useally a lot more unpredictable compared to other sports leagues
The Lignting are often doing very well in the regular season, but have had hiccups in the playoffs
Being the leagues nr. 1 in the regular season doesn't mean all that much come playoff time; it only, on paper, makes the 1st round "easier"


That was posted at 500 but MADE at 497. Dont use it

*tips fedora*