Do you guys prefer seeing offensive or defensive teams play? Personally...

Do you guys prefer seeing offensive or defensive teams play? Personally, I always like watching the top fielding teams in baseball or the best defenses in football play each other.

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is that a man or a woman


For football idk because I could have watched Chiefs vs Rams several times and not get bored but Pats vs Ram in SB53 was just boring and i wanted to shoot myself

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I will admit I haven't watched football in awhile but I'm getting back into it now. That said I never found defensive games boring, especially if it's a really good offense that's struggling to score points.

>tfw don't even care anymore

>Imagine having this head in your lap

Every single human on earth prefers to watch an offensive team. Anyone who says otherwise is trying too hard to be unique.

Defensive.Like extremely defensive.

I honesty prefer defense, especially in baseball. It just seems like strong pitching and defense is the way the game was meant to be played, plus bad defense is really ugly to watch. And part of the reason why I stopped watching football is because they've changed the rules to the point where you get penalized for making big hits and playing good D. Even in basketball great defense is fun to watch.

I honestly prefer watching a team that can keep a good defensive block these days over the meme pressing we have this era, they often win the ball back quicker

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Shitty underdogs managing to defend against a giant team is just as good.

I prefer offensive football if I have no stakes because it's more entertaining, defensive football if it's my team, because watching the rustration and then the anger from the other team when they lose from a cheeky goal and keep believing they have dominated is so damn satisfying.

Please tell me her name. Thank you in advance.

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This girl(?) could rim me anyday

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imagine this tongue licking you all over she starts at your butthole doing a circle goes up to your ball and dick leaving a strain of saliva licks your abs and chest and face then stops and giggles at you

How fucking long is that tongue, my one cant go below my lower lip but hers goes an inch below her chin

it's shopped

how do you know?

imagine the smell of her breath bros

This is why Tomboys are the best kind of women

for me, its a cheeky 0-0

I want to do offensive things to that mouth.