do everyone want to play striker?
I remember I always wanted to. One time the coach put me as a midfielder and I started to cry and ran home before the match started.. X)
do everyone want to play striker?
I remember I always wanted to. One time the coach put me as a midfielder and I started to cry and ran home before the match started.. X)
I used to play in net and I loved it.
>not wanting to be a midfielder master race
Childhood is wanting to be a striker.
Manhood is wanting to be a holding midfielder.
are you fat?
once or twice when we were short of players at u13 level. I kept coming too deep to defend like I would when I was playing in midfield, so when we won the ball back there was nobody up front
goalkeeper is the patrician position
you are the soul of the defense and nothing beats the feeling of making a last minute spectacular save
Always wanted to be a commentator
no, when i was a kid i liked playing defense because it gave me an excuse to kick the shit out of people.
i prefer the deep lying winemaker role now.
you sound like a spoiled faggot kid
No just not a manlet striker kek
I played on the entire left side. Could play on any position left of the field and don't have a preferred foot, although my left one is more technical and my right one shoots harder.
Always played savage center back. Loved fouling and hurting faggot strikers and gay wingers.
Zoomer - striker
Boomer - Holding mid
Doomer - wing back, forever running.
My glorious day was in a school tournament where I was the goalkeeper and took my team to win the tournament with defending 3/5 penalties.
nope, always loved to be a defensive mid, my coach made me play as a winger/LB cause I was the only left footed player tho
>not fashioning yourself as a no-nonsense full-back because you're too shit to do anything but the occasional slide tackle
>play as a poacher because i cant run and im the tallest on my team
its an abstract feel
Played CB as a kid but I didn't grow tall enough to play there as I got older (5'9 adult now). Was good at tackling though.
Tried fullback but can't cross for shit and the distance you have to run is mental.
nah, left wing, like my idol Ronaldinho
deep lying playmaker master race
I had to play as rb because I was shit
How are my fellow patricians doing today?
Where my wingers at
Making a last second tackle is exctatic, especially when you comd from the other side of the pitch as a box to box.
I used to get picked last and get delegated to the net. Though those motherfuckers could barely hit the ball hard enough to make me even dive for it, years went by and I actually became a good GK, loved to elbow ribs in the corner kicks.
One of my friend was a GOAT DLP. Too bad his attitude outside the pitch wasnt the same as on the pitch. Got fired from several renowned clubs for his discipline, but on the pitch he was incredibly selfless.
Always wanted to be a winger.
But like a City/Liverpool style winger that banged goals and got assists as well.
Unfortunately I'm dyspraxic and struggle to make any contact with the ball when it's moving (or when it's not moving tbf) so that was never really an option.
I used to play as a left back eventho i was right footed. Nobody in my team could play there except me.
Right back
played CB since i couldn't control the ball for shit and didn't had the endurance to play wing. Was tall and scored a decent amount of headers usually about 3rd or 4th on goals in our team
I always wanted to score blooters so I played midfield
My coach used to make me play there against inverted winger. Hated it because I hated it during offensive phases.
>One shiny summer day
>Playing against neighbouring city (?)
>There is some small guy we played against several times who was basically a bench warmer but also the son of the coach
>We always saw how he got bullied
>On that day he started as a forward
>second half time and switched sides
>He starts to do a legendary run and nobody was able to stop him
>It was an own goal
>We won
I thought i was trapped in a movie
For me, it's a free role.
n'ah. i mean, st is cool, but i enjoyed playing wingback/fullback. still play it during pick up games and stuff. got be offensive and defensive.