*goes all in on seven deuce*

*goes all in on seven deuce*

Attached: ho.jpg (1200x800, 237K)

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*wins on a seven high because everyone in the table is a enabler and if they weren't playing poker they'd be on her stream giving her money and attention*

I wanna seven her deuce senpai

i would go all in on her if you understand what i meant by this phrase

I would give her the worst five minutes of her sexual life

I'd definately not be limpin' with her if you know what i mean.

id normally call with jack king off

I'd give her a flush, if you jive my impliance

have sex

is poker a sport?

>I check

If she is not in calling range I beat her with my hand all night, if you catch my drift.

Tony G pls leave

Nobody likes you Guoga. on your bike now


I'd call her bluff with my penis if you understand my implications

>he can only win by putting other players on tilt

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Just want liv to sit on my face lads

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poker is the dumbest shit. easiest way to lose money. you are better off playing the poker machines or betting on horses.
it's all luck anyway.

I check

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she looks lovely. i like her too

>poker is the dumbest shit. easiest way to lose money. you are better off playing the poker machines or betting on horses.
it's all luck anyway.

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I played with Kidpoker ask me anything

obama is that you?

>The Ol' Gus Hansen
Seen it, done it, won it.


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Pix or shut up, Dylan from Eden Prairie.

I’d give her my 8X6

The best way to get better at poker its to watch videos of novice poker players and understand why the decisions they make are bad. I've made money positions in tournaments on pokerstars ever since watching the Yogscast poker nights videos because Pyrion always explains why not to make bad decisions.


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How broke is Gus Hansen now? I stopped playing poker about 18 months ago and don't really pay attention to what's going on anymore.

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>tfw no Belgian poker gf

Attached: sjlot.jpg (800x550, 72K)


Poker is simple. All you need to do is bet when you are ahead and fold when you are not. Figuring out the value of your hand and placing other people on hands is the hard bit. Bluffing and disguising your hand/range of hands you play is the more advanced part of poker and doesn’t need to be done when you are playing against basic players.

You can reduce anything to such a simplicity. If you score more goals you win! If you have a big stack you can always put the squeeze on and bleed your opponents out for example in the pre-flop even if you have fuck all. Cash games are usually shithouse but tournament poker requires a lot of strategy.

All Poker players are broke my friend, only way to make money off the game now is to be sponsered fucken LOL

Asian gf.

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No you schmuck

I'll check