What odds would you give Conor McGregor to beat Brock Lesnar in the UFC. Name the rules that would have to take place

What odds would you give Conor McGregor to beat Brock Lesnar in the UFC. Name the rules that would have to take place.

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Cock Lesbianar hasn't fought in 3 years

Prime Schaub heems them both in the same night

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Dumb question
5pounds is a lot when 2 fighters clash
weigh advantage is a serious thing

>What odds would you give Conor McGregor to beat Brock Lesnar in the UFC

Pretty much zero. The closest thing Conor would have to a chance is some sort of billion to one freak accident like Lesnar pulling a Vinnie Mac double quad explosion or something.

In anything resembling an actual fight Lesnar would legit kill him

Brock would ragdoll Conor and then when he's done having his fun, he would mash Conor's brains to dust.

weight classes exist for a reason my man, Brock would ragdoll him like the tiny manlet he is.

DQ happens sometimes

You would be surprised

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0% chance. Brock Lesnar is a nightmare fight for anyone trying to do a freakshow fight. Conor could maybe get a decision off someone like Derrick Lewis who doesn't move a ton and isn't super quick. Lesnar is fast by all definitions, not just quick for a heavyweight, quick period. He would just sprint across, tackle Conor and could most likely force him into a submission through strength alone. Terrible terrible matchup that is entirely one sided.

McGregor would unironically KO bork , Bork is really slow even for a hw, all that muscle will make his cardio terrible. Mcgregor would piece him up from range till he gasses then boom goes the dynamite on that weak chin bork has. Size doesn't mean anything, look at Royce Graci

>McGregor would unironically KO bork

Conor m8 you really need to lay off the coke

If Brock had his wrists taped to his ankles, and Conor was free to use a crowbar, I'd put the odds at Even.
If they just fought, Conor would be destroyed whenever Brock wanted to destroy him.
>A more interesting fight would be GSP/Conor.
Because Conor would shit-talk leading up to the fight and if it actually pissed-off GSP, he'd probably torture him for 5 rounds, as he did with Koscheck - broke his orbital and jabbed that side of his face for 20 minutes.

Kos insurance didn't cover him properly in Canada so Kos had to be driven to Boston for surgery - he couldn't fly because the altitude could have done serious damage because of how bad the injury was.
Imagine 5 and a half hours in a vehicle with a broken orbital. lol.

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Shut up Québécois, your hero is a roiding fraud who tapped to strikes from a Long Island dwarf, lost to the only real competition he faced (Hendricks), and has as his best win an Albuquerque bouncer currently on a 5 loss skid. There's a reason why no one considers him the GOAT anymore, his legacy has unraveled.

I would love to see Fedor beating the shit out of McFaggor

Brock would kill him dead in under 30 seconds.

Kill him dead? Not just kill him? Nice pleonasm, faggot. Learn English.

Get a load of this faggot.
I beat you think you are hot shit. When you are just a diamond dozen shit poster.

Bork just rushes him and chokes him out in under a minute.

>Shut up Québécois
I live nearly 5,000 km from Quebec.
But you can used the accent key, which I admire.

>the only real competition he faced
WW is GSP's tie was the most stacked division ever, kid.
Majority considers GSP the GOAT, and everyone counts him in Top 3 GOAT, how new are you?

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>WW is GSP's tie was the most stacked division ever, kid.
WW in GSP's time...is what I meant, didn't want to confuse you and send you into a self-harming chaos spiral.

Zero regardless of rules.

why are people literally retarded when it comes to popular figures in combat sports

Even if you hand Conor a loaded shotgun it's a only coin flip.

Reminder that MMA is just an audition for WWE

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that's a rare mexican andy

Conor's prime of eight months would sneak a win. The rest of his career he'd be germaned repeatedly.

no you literal retard
holy shit.

Old pics are rare and hard to find in good quality

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Lesnar is a super HW, I wouldn't give Jon Jones much better odds honestly he's just a freak of nature
Let's say 50 000 to 1 to Conor and 5000 to 1 to Jon Jones

Lesnar would be heem'd by Jones and you know it.

If Jones was that good he'd compete in HW
He doesn't

I want to see Mirko Cro Cop vs. McGregor.
Actually, I just want Pride FC back.

Well, he can't grapple or go to ground against lesnar. So the only option is striking. Lesnar is ndot great at striking and his range is sub par for his height, but then again while the potato muncher has good reach, he's also not a great striker.

I'd say 50/1.

brock would ground and pound. only chance he would have is a prayer of a shot to brocks chin that knocks him out cold at the very start of the fight

good HAHAHAH fuck koscheck that dude bro piece of shit never has there been more of an anti-boy only guy who comes close is fake cowboy

man jon can obliterate this record if he doesn't do any more stupid shit for the rest of his career

>Connor runs around half of the combat
>throws meme kicks that barely sting Lesnar
>Lesnar lands the takedown, pulls down Connor shorts and rapes his ass
>after Cumming goes for a tight choke
>before Connor can tap Lesnar breaks his neck and rips off his head
The end

considering bork has to have every fight postponed 12 times due to injuries or roids i'd say connor has a good shot since he'll be up against an 80 year old

Non-existent. Brock is one of the most freakish athletes ever and even at 41 with a huge layoff would still be a top 5 HW today. Brock double legs him and ground and pounds him. Fight would last 30 seconds tops.

Brock has a ground game and is twice the size of him. McGregor got taken down 4 times in a fight by a literal midget in Chad Mendes.


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