>Yea Forums argues constantly about 2 worldcuplets
>meanwhile this proud french turtle scores in and wins a world cup final
uh, Yea Forums?
Yea Forums argues constantly about 2 worldcuplets
kill yourself
show him how to do it.
no u
the proud french turtle claims another triggered victim
you're the one asking for it, show example or shut the fuck up chi.
you moved on to a better footballer than cristiano, eh gypsy?
messi is the eternal GOAT, keep seething
if I were a gypsy I'd like my kin messi
>I'm so tired of this Messi v Ronaldo debate. Can we talk about other players for a change?
Put Messi or Ronaldo on that team and they easily win it
so they really aren't goats.
You can't pick the country you're born in
no, they're footballers
what are you, retarded?
i meant they trully aren't goats if they need to be hold by an even more stacked team to win anything.
>messi is the eternal GOAT
they probably wouldn't accept the hard work and sacrifices for the collective Deschamps asked to his players and that directly led to the title, which would in turn create a big flaw in the team that would prevent it to win
Will never forget how he BTFO'd Spain in 2006 after they shittalked him during a whole week
unironically we were the team that played the best football at that wc
lol no
it was belgium btw
>Le carried by Griezmann nigger
He said in 2006.
you can argue it was beautiful but best? no
les bants français!