>Jimmy Hoffa Buried Under Giants Stadium
>Cal Ripken Jr. beat up Kevin Costner after Costner slept with Ripken's wife
>Curt Schilling painted his bloody sock
>2015 Gold Cup was rigged for Mejico
>Doping tests are fake, and "positive" results are only used to assassinate teams/players not supposed to win
>All NBA/NHL draft lotteries and association football draws are rigged
Sports Conspiracies that are probably true
The NFL turned a blind eye on Denver's defense mugging other players so they could get Manning a second ring.
NFL refs are notoriously rampant gamblers and the shield bends over backwards to cover up the league's bookie culture
some of these are true, but the Schillng one isn't because I watched the game and he didn't have time to do it.
Never heard the Ripken/Costner one, but I met Ripken one time at a book signing and that dude is HUGE.
>the entire NCAA is rigged
>the entire NBA is rigged
>the entire NFL colluded against Kaepernick because it's run by old white men who would make Yea Forums cringe
this. same with legion of boom.
O.J didn't do it.
Magic johnson faked disease to.make excuse for decline
Neymar faked injury o run away from germany. It wasn't him.emtering the hospital.
Atletico-mg turned off the lights to cool down newell's at libertadores
Kevin Durant threw the 2016 Western Conference Finals.
Michael Jordan really did molest all those kids.
>Neymar faked injury o run away from germany. It wasn't him.emtering the hospital.
Never heard this one nice
>Jordan got caught betting on NBA games and instead of tarnishing his legacy losing millions in sales his year ban was him "retiring" to play Baseball
dont mince words
>nfl is completely rigged
is all you had to say
do you have any articles about this?
>Doping tests are fake, and "positive" results are only used to assassinate teams/players not supposed to win
Shut up Russian bot
Golf Rumors.
Here is a movie about it.
yes, to secure all those multiple Owl titles for the Seahawks
>Curt Schilling painted his bloody sock
this sounds bullshit but seeing how delusional and attention seeking he has been the last few years, I am now convinced it's true
>Doping tests are fake, and "positive" results are only used to assassinate teams/players not supposed to win
the real conspiracy (truth) is that scientists can't figure out how to test for various substances and depend entirely upon leaks by rivals rather than chemical testing. scientists can't figure it out because the whole "PED" thing is moralistic bullshit and the body should be pushed to it's absolute limit by any and all drugs possible
Uefa uses warm balls to make sure they get the champions league fixtures they want
He literally could've retired and that would've been more believable. Honestly, even if he was gambling, he's so important to the brand they wouldn't care. The logic behind this theory is retarded.
What does that mean tho. Diddling kids?
>you can't test for PEDs
How does that work?
Pete Rose dindu nuffin
Isnt it widely accepted that his dad was killed because of gambling debts
They warm the balls prior to selection so person who is picking knows which one to grab.
Same thing with the NBA's bent envelope. There's no way in hell that the Hornets/Pelicans miraculously get the #1 pick the first year they move to New Orleans and Cleveland gets 3 #1 picks while LeBron James is in Miami.
says u
don't make me contact your ISP faggot
The Yankees deliberately threw the final game of the 2011 season just to fuck with Boston.
Also Chicago getting the #1 pick who just happens to be from Chicago.
ISP's have lifted the block in New Zealand, but not in Australia, I shall be reporting YOU to the ASIO.
Nah Yea Forums.org works fine here. It was only a couple of days tops.
Senna was killed on purpose
my ISP never banned it in the first place sux 2 b u
You can test for drugs but there's always a new formula and a new masking agent
The very unfortunate fact is that nearly every single doping discovery had come from opponents or rivals giving evidence to authorities, no major doping ring or new drug has been discovered by random testings
Rigged CL draws
NFL being partly scripted till the final with ref calls
Heysel was a false flag to prevent English teams dominating Europe
I unironically think that CL winners/league winners are picked at the start of the season
I don't know if the players are in on it but the refs might be and maybe owners. I also think the occasional game is rigged (barca p$g CL) by the clubs themselves
I'll give you 4-6
>Giants Stadium has since been demolished
>If the drug test thing were true, someone would've ratted by now. Too many people involved
This is why they retest samples years after the fact once they have techniques to detect the things they didn't know about at the time.
I think we'd have more winners if the CL was rigged. It wouldn't be Madrid, Barca, Madrid, Madrid, Madrid again...
good lord reddit
>bodybuilders performing acrobatics, acting dramatic and slamming into each other
It's somewhere between professional wrestling and reality television desu.
Thatcher and the police caused Hillsborough
>Every single recruited NCAA D1 athlete is paid under the books in one way or another.
>the frogs poisoned Ronaldo in 1998
What does this mean
France paid Brazil millions of dollars to let them beat them in the 2006 World Cup quarter finals
Celtic football club had a massive scandal with boys in their youth team getting molested in the 60s and 70s. Opponents (particularly Rangers fans) like to chant 'Big Jock Knew' to imply that Celtic's beloved manager during that period; Jock Stein, knew about the abuse and either ignored it or actively covered it up (Sort of like a Joe Paterno situation in America).
Fun fact: Jock Stein had a fatal heart attack on the side of a football pitch just moments after getting Scotland to qualify for the 1986 World Cup. My dad was there.
>Bent envelope
>Not listing the most obvious choice of Ewing to the Knicks
>Envelopes get gently placed into the tumbler prior to selection
>One envelope does not, rather it is thrown in with much more force behind it
>Tumbler spins
>Pick out the one envelope with a fucked up corner and crease
>Oh hey look everyone, the Jew York Knicks have the #1 overall pick
>I wonder who they are going to take
>How about that big dude from Georgetown?
>2015 Gold Cup was rigged for Mejico
This one is true
Thank you. Sounds very plausible.
>"At the 2012 Olympics, Russia has the most advanced, sophisticated and organized doping program ever seen in sport"
>came 4th
The Spanish teams that won all those trophies from 2008-2012 were doped up to the gills
>trusting Igor and Dimitri to put down the bottle long enough to compete against American niggers and a bunch of slitty eyed Sum Dum Fuks
I know I'm on spee but this is surprisingly deluded
But they have the biggest audience, Pajeets and Sandips love following the best teams so if they start losing suddenly 1/2 of india is no longer interested in football
:iverpoop slipped on purpose to stay relevant and make everyone talk about them.
They will slip the same this year, then the next they will win "something" to maximize profits.
Screencap this.
why are browns like this? blacks in US all bandwagon the winning teams too
this but unironically
This isn't even a conspiracy lol. There is an article like once a month about a player getting paid.
UEFA does what they can to lessen integrity and make more money but there's no way these things are set up fully. The teams make many many millions for every single game they win in the champions league so they can't really bribe easily. The refs sometimes perhaps, but if you've ever seen a real compromised ref youd know how obvious it it, it's obscene like Italy VS South Korea 2002. You don't see that in Champs league.
I don't doubt that for a minute. Any further reading into this matter?
CL IS rigged beyond belief. Research about Florentino and his enterprises, they won the CL 3 years in a row, everytime with clear, blatant refball, and hyped to beyond belief their marketing weapon-Cristiano-by giving free ballon d'ors (that doesn't mean shit anyway, but shitskins like that sort of thing) to him.
The biggest proof of it, is that when Cristiano gave Madrid the middle finger, the ballon d'or was given to Luka Modric. Does anyone truly believe he deserved it? heck, Cristiano even being a fraud deserved it more than him.
It's great to see their little scheme fall apart into pieces, now the ballon d'or is worth crap and literally a meme, and Madrid is nothing without refball ((they can't get away with offside goals anymore with VAR)).
The big question I have is, what changed? what made the thing fall apart?
>Was it Cristiano leaving?
>can a player be bigger than the club he played in?
>was it VAR?
>were they milking their cow at maximum before they couldn't refball anymore?
So jelly. Did you watch the fookin match, Zidane put in arguably the all time best performance by a player in a single game and even it just barely was enough to win. Absolutely retarded opinion
All draws are fucking rigged. It's not a fucking coincidence that Man City (a team owned by rich and shady people who use the team as positive PR and who know a quadruple would be very beneficial for their image) draw Burton Albion in the Carabao Cup, draw Swansea City in the FA Cup, and draw Tottenham in the CL. Also didn't a Sky Sports reporter accidently say that Man City would face Burton a day before the draw happened?
Precisely why betting on anyone but the Knicks to get the #1 pick this year is retarded. The NBA sees Zion as the next big superstar, they're gonna send him to the biggest market in the country that doesn't have any clear-cut superstars as of right now.
Being the Knicks front office must be fun. They can shit the bed all they want, field terrible teams, and they'll still make a shit ton of money because they play in Manhattan and the sports media talks about them regardless of how bad/mediocre they are.
spanish authorities had an agreement with florentino perez and ronaldo in order to "sell" him last summer. that way he wouldn't be arrested during a training session and sentenced to actual jail time - there were was great pressure from some government big shots to make ronaldo's case an example for future tax evaders. that way, real did not face the humiliation of seeing one of their players being arrested, spanish tax authorities received an hefty sum and ronaldo moved away
go back to r/liverpool
Also D1 cheerleaders the big football schools are prostitutes
The only retarded thing here is you actually thinking that people wouldn't have cared.
this is stupid, they fuck the players for free because they're dumbass stacies who have been fucking football players since they were 15.
Takes less effort/money to watch the most popular teams at home on your TV, generally the most popular teams have the highest level of play, and celebrity worship culture that has gotten nuch worse since the 90s after people like Michael Jordan paved the way.
No shit. It's especially rife in the SEC and such with how much money those schools bring in
The cheerleaders have sex with the football players for free because they're attractive, athletic and often times dumb or ditzy. They're attracted to athletes because they are incredibly similar.
Anyway my old roommate's sister was a cheerleader for a big SEC school, so I met a lot of the other cheerleaders through her. At most SEC schools they actually take cheerleading pretty seriously, they don't have time to be forcefully whored out by the University.
Now a lot of Universities do have girls that act as greeters/stewards while recruits are on campus visits. Half of those women are glorified prostitutes. Some of them are do it because they are sports management/public relations majors, but the other half are doing it just to get dicked by recruits and maybe receive some money/class credit.
Rangers and Celtic completely own every referee in Scotland and get every decision against the small teams.
So why did City get awful draws for years?
Almost like these things are random and balance themselves out omg
City have had dogshit draws for years, sometimes you get lucky.
Tim tebow was blacklisted from the NFL despite being good enough to be a starting quarterback and maybe even a star because of his political views and threatening to become THE face of the game and a larger crossover star than they were comfortable with considering his politics.
>faked contracting AIDS so he could quit basketball at his peak
yeah nah. Nobody would admit to contracting AIDS at that point for any reason. It was 100% stigmatized as a gay disease that you could only get from getting assfucked.
I figured this out within two days. It's so obvious and I cant understand cr7 fanboys.
>Europa League is a rigged moneylaundering scheme and UEFA appoints bribed referees to the games
>Kenya would have deserved a national ban to athletics due their massive EPO problem but IAAF was too afraid of the PR catastrophe for long-distance running
>Platini was kicked off from FIFA because he didn't suck oil arab dick
Quick rundown on Jimmy Hoffa? Ive heard that shit a lot but dont know anything bout it
Mob leaders tried to dissuade Hoffa from retaking control of the Teamsters labor union after his release from prison on a jury tampering rap. But Hoffa refused, and allegedly threatened to tell authorities about mob infiltration of the unions.
Hoffa was last seen in a restaurant parking lot outside Detroit on July 30, 1975. Allegedly Hoffa was killed in Michigan by members of the Westies, a New York Irish gang, on the orders of Genovese crime family boss Anthony "Fat Tony" Salerno.
His body was cut up in Michigan, then driven to New Jersey several months later and buried in the concrete foundation of the sprouting Giants Stadium, section 107, in the corner of the west end zone.
Thanks bud
Boxing is rigged
police orders caused the actual crush of people and Thatcher's government covered it up to exonerate the cops
You must be like 5'7"
>yeah nah. Nobody would admit to contracting AIDS at that point for any reason. It was 100% stigmatized as a gay disease that you could only get from getting assfucked.
Princess diana was assassinated by the royals because she had james hewitts baby while married to prince charles
NFL killed the lights in the SF-BAL owl so the brother narrative was closer than it should of been
arnold rothstein fixed the 1919 world series
The whole Croatia thing, which is more fact than conspiracy.
West Ham must be a treasure trove of dodgy dealings.
will was a fookin' stud when he still had hair.
Pro wrestling is real.
>Curt Schilling painted his bloody sock
It’s outrageous we still can’t come together and admit the obvious
>Ewing to the Knicks
I don't get it. I mean i was barely alive at the time but what is so unbelievable about this? rather, what was the motive to have ewing on the knicks
literally 90 percent of athletes use roids
baseball, basketball, nfl, boxing, mma, all of them are on the juice. the leagues dont want to do shit about it incase it lowers viewers/they lose fans and money. same with ncaa handegg everyones paying players there
Happened with lebron too
yeah, he won a bunch of sexiest man competitions in the girls mags back then, but JUST doesnt discriminate, even with royals
redpill me on Jimmy Hoffa
I heard his name before, but who exactly was he?
This is a photoshop...right?
Jeff Gordon orchestrated Dale Earnhardt's death.
a man who endangered the profit margin of large business owners, thus he was killed.
It started out when companies in the early 20th century hired low-level Mafia thugs to beat up workers on strike.
Later, the Mafia understood that it could make money using organized labor, so they infiltrated the unions (either by bribing it’s leaders, or joining the union itself as a leader) and would basically extort companies, most often in the construction industry, called labor racketeering.
It works like this:
A mob controlled union who has say 1,000 workers in an area of New York, some of those workers work for Construction Company XYZ that is about to start construction on a new apartment building.
It’s simple, the union leader or mobster has a conversation with a high level project manager (whether they are in the company or a 3rd party) and basically tells them if they do not pay an extra $X per square foot of concrete and $Y for every ton of steel, they will have the workers go on strike (workers are completely loyal to their union, as they promise them rights and such) which is not good for business, as it delays the project and costs Construction Company XYZ a lot of money.
So the company has 2 options: pay a certain amount of money and get the job done or lose more money and get the project delayed by a couple of weeks.
Hoffa's specific involvement with the unions is explained in the other post. He was a mobster who got busted for jury tampering and fraud, then when he got out tried to get back in the game but was considered too much of a liability so he disappeared.
yes the police orderded all the people without tickets to visit the game and enter the block to cause an overcrowding its totally not the fault of those leeching subhumans
So was he red pilled?
who killed jfk tho
He was too Christian for their tastes. The NFL only supports athletes with dirty laundry. Whether or not being Christian = redpilled is up to you.
That's (((classified)))
LBJ is the one who organized it.
The NBA actively rigs games using its officiating. Fouls in the NBA are completely arbitrary and are called the way they are to ensure an outcome predetermined by the league office. The league does this sparingly in the regular season but intensifies it in the playoffs. The rigging was started when David Stern became commissioner and has been continued by Adam Silver. The last legitimate NBA champions are the 1989 Detroit Pistons.
CIA, he wanted to shut them down for embarrassing him with their retarded failed operations in Cuba.
>Cal Ripken Jr. beat up Kevin Costner after Costner slept with Ripken's wife
Messi and Ronaldo is doped to max.
According to Quincy Jones it was the mafia.
Read Billy Bat to find out the truth.
White men can't jump
Yeah, obviously true, and Tim is too classy to say it.
>take Broncos to playoffs
>ball out against Steelers
>get traded for a 4th and a 6th to the Jest who only let you throw the ball 8 times in a season behind Mark Sanchez
this one is stupid. His Christian political views are antithetical to the NFL’s largely Christian fans?
No they are antithetical to the degenerate satanic evil the NFL embraces
>His body was cut up in Michigan, then driven to New Jersey several months later and buried in the concrete foundation of the sprouting Giants Stadium, section 107, in the corner of the west end zone.
Literally not even true. They did radio-imaging of the earth underneath the stadium and didn't find anything that could be related. Also, no remains were found when Giants Stadium was demolished in 2010.
I bet you believe whatever you hear on the news, too.
The only draft i would consider even possibly rigged is ewing to the knicks
Thats not even a conspiracy its objectivly true. Tebow was a media circus nobody wanted to put up with. Just like kapernick
I came here specifically for retarded posts but my god man youve gone too far
Why would it matter that they got the picks after he left Cleveland? Youre an idiot
Imagine being this dumb
The lakers are going to get him and there’s nothing you can do to stop them
You guys realize that JFK conspiracies are literally, and documentedly, Soviet memes.
Projects include: that AIDS was invented by the US biological weapons program at Fort Detrick, exaggerated suspicion of the circumstances of the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald
>Stirring up racial tensions in the United States by mailing bogus letters from the Ku Klux Klan, placing an explosive package in "the Negro section of New York" (operation PANDORA), and spreading conspiracy theories that Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination had been planned by the US government
>fluoridated drinking water memes
1998 brazil conceding all those goals
Fuck im old
>evil russians
>The Buffalo Bills still exist
The NBA wanted LeBron in Miami because Miami is "cool." Both parties onew how marketable it would be. The Cavs management demanded they get favorable treatment in several future drafts to compensate.
Also, the Cavs got the #1 for Wiggins specifically because LeBron wanted to trade for Kevin Love. Don't be surprised if the Lakers get Zion and LeBron forces a trade for someone who is already an all-star.
Both parties knew*
Lebron purposely left for Miami so Cleveland could stack up top draft picks and build a good roster while he was away. Then when everything was set up, he would come back to a good team. That's how they guaranteed he'd win a ring in Cleveland, while also reaping benefits in Miami.
Birmingham City paid for Blyth Spartans' water bottles to be spiked at half time.
Even for this thread thats a stretch
any source for this wild claim?? hmm didn't think so
The fuck are you retards even talking about? They stuffed him in a trunk , drove east and buried him alive under the tarmac at JFK during a routine night time resurfacing where they excavate a 10 foot hole just barely large enough for a body.
That's not a conspiracy theory, its all on film
He was killed, accidentally, by a CIA agent who was essentially the car monkey. His job was to wash the car and make sure it worked. When JFK was shot, the guy decided it was his time to shine, reached into the glove box that had the new AR-15 in which he had not been trained with that did not have the safety on and swung it around to fire at the window. In the movement of him doing this he fired a bullet from the AR-15 accidentally and hit JFK in the back of the head. The CIA, not wanting to admit to killing the president (who had been shot but might have survived) decided it was better to shut up and be happy that some nutter had attempted to kill him as JFK was a pain in the CIA's arse.
The alternative theories is mob bosses, USSR assassins and clandestine agencies that didn't like JFK snooping around. Personally I like the idea it was the Eternal Anglo once again to get back at JFK's father who was an Irish criminal who hated the British and didn't want USA to help them in WW2. The alternative is the Red Dwarf theory, JFK went back in time to kill himself to prevent him from being impeached and arrested for various crimes. So he killed himself to die a hero rather than the criminal he was.
They got Irving and Thompson during that time frame, as well as Waiters, who was used in the trade for J.R. Smith.
Nice try CIA agent
Now that was something worth the read
The first bit is legit the rest is just my memes based on information.
Was a fun thing. But yeah, JFK's father hated the British and was a criminal. He made his fortune smuggling during prohibition and then bought his way clean. Typical Irish tho, angry that his own countrymen fucked up and looked for somebody to blame. Mad that Cromwell decided to fight back after having enough of Protestants raped and murdered in Ireland. Not that Anglicanism is Protestantism.
>The Raiders OL let Carr get injured because he wouldn't kneel
I always found weird how this being such a hot and controversial theme still was so shilled on the US Media and they always tell the same history
>Harvey Lee Oswald was innocent
>there was a shooter on the bushes
>muh weird angle
I'm pretty sure that the CIA learned a lot about missinformation and opinion manipulation during this period
Baldness' cruelty knows no class divisions
we drugged brazil in that one world cup
I think it was Italia '90
This post is so fucking retarded I can't even begin proving how stupid you are
Is it though? The Cavs got three #1 picks and four top 5 picks. Then Lebron just so happens to decide to return after all that's finished. Really fishy.
Harry has charles' bald spot though
Isn't baldness hereditary on the mother's side though?
Jews control (sports) media
France did put laxatives in Ronaldo's mate before 1998 world cup final.
Leicester were doping in some form. They played with the same intensity at the end of the season as they did at the start and barely rotated their squad throughout. Kante and Mahrez aside how did all the other players improve so rapidly? It doesn't make sense in the modern football era.
Shit got swept under the rug by officials because the story was a great advertisement for the PL.
That's right, faggot. Steelers run the NFL.
Why doesn't everyone use the super dope?
Godamn that nigga Zion looks like a bigger and stronger Larry Johnson
The NBA isnt rigged at least not as rigged as it was under Stern, but its obvious that everything in american sport is designed for profit. Capitalism is unstoppable in USA.
> We need more cool dunks, lets add a third step (gathering) to make it more fun and make more money, even though the players are travelling.
>Roids ?, who gives a shit, Lets pretend we somewhat care, but let everyone get away with it. More roids, more freak athletes, more revenue.
>Cant have players protecting the rim, we need to do something about it, we need dunks hmm, here is an idea, its called defensive 3 seconds violation....
>If we punish Draymond, the series might get interesting, do it !
Hell if soccer was one of the biggest sport in Usa, they would have removed the offside rule and they would reward a penalty for every violation kek.
Are you mad that a single sporting event makes more money than your whole country in a year?
I am not mad over the sport, I still watch it. I just mention the capitalistic insanity agenda your idiotic country is promoting....and my country may be going through an economic crisis, but unlike your shithole, I still get to have healthcare and free college education which provided me a fucking job.
Unlike you who will defend your slavemaster to death while overworking yourself 10 hours a day to pay your college loan.
>ctrl f sala
>0 results
cmon, nobody believes this was strange?
Dan Fouts was shot in 1983 by the husband of a girl he was fucking.
This dude was an unstoppable beast for about 3 seasons.
t. boomer
>The NBA isnt rigged
Greece is a shithole by any conceivable metric. And in order to have nice things, money has to be made while doing it or nobody will bother. Enjoy your third world education and health care for now until you run out of money (again) and spiral into yet another depression.
>Greece is a shithole by any conceivable metric. And in order to have nice things, money has to be made while doing it or nobody will bother. Enjoy your third world education and health care for now until you run out of money (again) and spiral into yet another depression.
Bullshit arguments, without researching anything.... keep paying the student loan john.
Dude, the entire world watched your shithole country sell their children for some baklava just a few years ago. Own that shit.
Free college that's on par with free high school here.
Hahahahah Year right....You are the ones teaching gender courses in your colleges, Tyron.
What's about CCA-X1? It's safe to say it here?
>most penalties in the league
>aided by refs
pick one
>bragging that Germany has to pay your bills/healthcare/education and shoulder your dead weight
Not the best look my man.
Own what ?
The fact that there are no greek citizens drinking poisoned water like in Flint... or maybe a downtown in the "cultural center" of the world full of hobos youtube.com
what happens when your job disappears because there is literally no money to pay you?
that got memory holed quickly, did they ever find the pilot
It's not that blatant, rather UEFA makes sure the "big teams" stay in. Imagine if any combination of barca/madrid/juv/psg/bayern etc was knocked out early, UEFA would lose millions with an Ajax - Galatasaray semifinal compared to the typical teams that draw in global attendance and boost revenue. CL is a business, it would be incredibly stupid to base your entire yearly profits on the chance you pull a favorable draw out of the bowl. Same with the fifa world cup.
>Doping tests are fake, and "positive" results are only used to assassinate teams/players not supposed to win
I'd believe that
>FIFA and UEFA fixes draws with the help of cold/warm and vibrating balls.
>UEFA financial fairplay rules was forced by big 5 teams.
Tim Tebow was actually blacklisted because he is the second coming of Christ and Roger Goodell is possessed by the devil himself
get out of the house once in a while!
Tebow didn't get Nike endorsement for virtue, but Kapernigg did for virtue signaling
>help me chip kelly, you're my only hope
>it's that one ABL that keeps spamming the doping
Prove it fatboy. Maybe it's because they weren't in Europe and were knocked out of the League and FA Cup early as usual. Even if they were no one gives a shit except you.
>that got memory holed quickly
There's an article on the BBC football site every week about it m8
the NFL cut the power during the Ravens vs 49ers Super Bowl because the game was getting out of hand.
Actually it's because of that but also and more importantly because she was embarrassing the crown by publicly consorting with a Muslim
The NFL flew that helicopter directly over the goalposts in SBXXV so that w*de r*ght would happen, preventing a small market team from winning the Owl
Twain using several proxies to post about Messi 20 hours a day
>messoy cuck
Not only that Jordan was so indebted to the mob they wacked his dad in retaliation
I doubt it. Porto wouldn't have won 2004.
shut the fuck up if you know what's good for you
That’s probably when and why they started doing it.
tell us what they did to your little taquito
Dr Ferrari's file.
It was uncovered in the investigation of doping in cycling. Supposedly has the names of over 200 La Liga/Serie A/Premier League players also a few French rugby clubs are supposedly named in it too. Its under lock and key by Spanish court order.
The circus is too big to fail.
I believe 100% the UFC hides instances of wife beating and other degenerate behaviour like rape and alcoholism for the bigger stars
Also the gambling was so out of hand that they couldn't just fine/suspend/penalize him outright (bad publicity). That's why he did the baseball thing for a while. An unofficial punishment.
Also that double dribble just now.
erin rodgers is a fag
Kill the faggots weekend was real
the Texas Mafia
>gets shot in Texas
>Texas Governor is in the same car but isnt even targeted
>good ol' Texas boy LBJ becomes President after
no but their attempt at crowd management led to people getting crushed alive
it was a grave error in judgment, nothing utterly malicious, but the fact the government tried so hard to hide police incompetence is shameful