
Warriors vs Lakers edition

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Who cares about the lakers

Who cares about the lakers

Who cares about the lakers

Who cares about the lakers

Who cares about the lakers

Who cares about the lakers

Who cares about the lakers

Who cares about the lakers

Who cares about the lakers

Who cares about the lakers

Hmm wonder who it is

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who cares about the lakers

Can anyone explain what exactly Simmons does in the last 2 minutes of close games?


Sixers win easily with Butler.
Sixers in 5.

Who cares about the lakers

just chills

>clowns Embiitch
>gets ejected
>team wins anyway
>clinches 1st seed

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how about my BUCKIES

Embiid is still a walking turnover in crunch time

women are inherently evil

My buckies won. What are the chances we go to the finals?

Sixies got that spiritual win, Embiid sonned Giannis

>attempting to bribe someone for several thousand dollars
she not too smart

Lakers will win

my buckies are real

>so thin skinned that he throws a ball and gets ejected
>is a typical wannabe hoodrat nigger who does 'gang shit' on a million dollar contract

Last 2 digits are the %

>when we lose we win

Lol Bucks won without Bledsoe, Brogdon, Mirotic, and Snell.

That's what it's like to be a Sixers fan. Feels good.

last two digits is how much wins y'all gonna get in the playoffs

Was that when Giannis blocked him so hard he fell to the floor and hurt his back, when Giannis went right at him and bully balled to the basket, or when Giannis rejected the fuck out of him in the final 2mins?

Giannis is Embiitches dad now.

Draymond stuffed that whitey

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I hope that silver and the nba learns from this and stops scheduling laker games for national tv

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>giannis shoulder charges straight into the paint
>gets fouls called for him by based rigging refs
wew lol

No, it was when Embiid blocked the shit out of him multiple times, D'd him up so hard he kept having to pass out to bricks, and hit like 3 fadeaways over him.

muh superstar muh european market

muh foul on every drive

Still lost, Embiid got shook in the end like the bitch he is. Enjoy that sweep nigger.

Imagine going through the suffering of "the process", watching Lebron finally leave, thinking it's your time now, and then getting absolutely assblasted by some 24 year old Greek kid in fucking Milwaukee.

76ers fans should just kill themselves.

Kristen Ledlow is a cutie

its pretty lame that the smallest market in the nba gets to have giannis though, the league should force them to trade him to new york or something.

Remember when lakerfags thought they would make it to the finals? Now they’re playing garbage time minutes in the first quarter against the warriors after failing to make the playoffs. Lespacejam fleeced y’all

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Katie Nolan is a cutie. Fuck Kristen Ledlow.

He dropped 45 on them on 59% shooting and won the game. Embiitch didn't stop shit.

I'll enjoy the Sixers winning a 5 game sweep, for sure.

tfw no Allie Laforce gf

they literally beat the bucks a week or two ago lol
/nba/ is full of short sighted retards, you all thought lakers would make the WCF

lmfao in your crackrock induced dreams nigger.

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Katie Nolan is a thot. If only Rachel Demita didnt have shit for brains, she would be the best reporter.

they beat them in overtime without giannis. KYS senpai.

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Why is officiating so atrocious in this sport? People literally get to violate rules as long as they're superstars? And sometimes it feels like refs blatantly rig games?

That pass

>lakers get zion

will it matter?

the lakers are getting raped on national tv


KD would be a fool to leave the Warriors

I know Asian dudes who would look like that if they wore make up. That’s fucking weird.

Lol Lakers

This is like Pro vs college

>blatantly lying

>weeb loser is a bucks fan
how shitty is life in whatever flyover milwaukee is in?

Giannis blocked Embiid 4 times tonight, son. More than any player ever.
Take this L, get your bitchass flopping nigga out here and go home.
As for the Butler excuse Bucks played without Bledsoe, Brogdon, Mirotic, Snell and still fucked you in your house...

more like pros vs rec center

Imagine thinking anybody but the warriors will win it all.

hello darkness my old friend

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I mean, does Kerr pull his starters before halftime?

It all depends on how jewish KD wants to be

Giannis had 5 blocks and 2 of them were on Embiid.

Giannis was dominant as fuck and Embiitch is a soft flopping turd.

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The sizers are getting handled by this George hill after 3 years of tanking.

dahuyn is korean

ah, you've been talking to lakers fans, haven't you? they love spiritual wins, i think spiritually speaking they might be the first seed

>he’s a “fan” of the bucks because Giannis is “Greek” even though he publically shitted on Greece

Embarrassing. Will you root for the warriors if he went there?

I can’t wait to see a 16-0 run to the three-peat. The anger will be drinkable

>get your bitchass flopping nigga out here and go home.
t. fan of Giannoffensive foul
>As for the Butler excuse Bucks played without Bledsoe, Brogdon, Mirotic, Snell and still fucked you in your house...
Butler is a star, those players are all literal whos that average 5 ppg

go back to throwing molotovs at cats Georgios

The Philadelphia 76ers are a mentally and physically soft team.

>Giannis dominated tonight!!!
>*shouldercharges you*
>*moving screens you*

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>mfw the nba was getting uppity again

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when did the knicks move to the Staples Center?

Woj interview a week ago.
"In the nigerian flagg I see my parents, in the greek flag flag I see myself".
>Publically shitted..LOL

>more fucking adverts

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Bucks fans
>suicidal from living in a shithole
>keyboard warriors

Raptors, celtics, 76ers fans
>love high test women
>constantly improving their lives
>playful banter

>*hairy greeks giannis hates and white dweebs roar in applause as their greek (nigger) god commits yet another offensive foul that gets him 3 points*

You are so fucking mad!

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The Philadelphia 76ers lost to a better team in the Milwaukee Bucks.

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3 4 - 8

Yes right.. Brogdon with 17 points per game on 50/40/90 ,,, and Bledsoe with 15 and 5 average 5 points per game...
Go to sleep.

>File: 1554184096966.gif (889 KB, 500x370)
> (You)
>You are so fucking mad!

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so whats the excuse when the sixers won 2 weeks ago against a healthier and better bucks?

Will this be the first game to end with the mercy rule?


first seed
>raptors, celtics, 76ers
not first seed


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>All these assmad Sixoid fans

Go down to the wawa and get some ragpads

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This game is actually being broadcasted nationally

philadelphia is literally a worse place than milwaukee lmao

>regular season

isnt it like 5am in sparta?

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>regular season

Nothing. They were the better team that night. Good thing the playoffs are in a series.

You know who's won the season series between these two teams?

The Milwaukee Bucks.

>regular season

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Most Philly fans are South Jersey chads that live in Moorestown and Cherry Hill and have never seen a black person in their life.

*8'10" black man throws ball just wide of hoop*

>regular season

well everyone thought that adding lebron made the lakers a contender
so this "should have" been playoff seeding

do the parents of these kids even try to tell them that they're cringey?

Literally nobody gave a fuck about this dude or bumped his shit before he died

>12 point quarter

Oh no a real 7 footer in the middle

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reminder that giannis is literally leaving ASAP lmao

even a literal nigerian doesnt want to be there

So when does magic get fired?

Remember when people legitimately believed that the lakers would go to the western conference finals with the warriors?

> Tank 5 years
> trade for 3 players
> Still cant get the third seed

> Build through the years, with picks over the tenth.
>Work hard and suceed.

Take the L.

so of the two games the sixers and bucks have played together where the sixers have their new line up, it's 50/50. good to know i guess. a series would be interesting to watch

Magic did his job getting bron. Lebroni then proceeded to fuck up the team by playing legm and surrounded himself with garbage men

Not more adverts man, for fucks sake

did you cram all that knowledge in this year, Georgios?

To be fair the Lakers season went worst case scenario in terms of injuries. They could’ve made the playoffs with a healthy roster.

You are this mad at a regular season game

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Hold this L 7shitters, I fucking hate both of you but Bucks btfo you tonight and it's gonna be the same in the playoffs

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Lakers should be relocated back to Minnesota

Do you know what that means you retard?

I find it really hard to believe that Lebron wanted Lance, Rondo, and Beasley on his team

>both cucks and 70shitters will choke to the eternal raptor
absolutely based

(You) after giannis leaves your flyover

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I don't think lebron traded zubac for some shitter

You can tell when cross posting /nfl/ nerds are here like:

Did you see who he was forcing trades for on the Cavs? He’s a terrible talent evaluator

Buy the new Samsung phone for $2000, then eat some fucking Taco Bell watching a shit movie. Oh yeah insure your house and then watch some absolutely shit tv program.


its the same literal dweeb

How come LeBron gets BTFO in every poll?

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Unironically having more fun watching this


>you are this mad at a regular season game

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Mountain fucking Dew lads

Oh no Willis Reed

Who shall be the NBA final and why Jokic x Giannis?

why are (You) so mad?

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in cleveland he wanted a bunch of one dimensional 3 shooters and guys signed with rich paul. That's not what happened in LA

blown the fuck out. ass blasted. seething. what you currently are

imagine being a cucks fan


I’m beginning to think the Lakers aren’t very good

>the coping

Buy the new crumpet mix for $2000, then eat some fucking halal watching a shit soccer game. Oh yeah insure your house is equipped with the latest government surveillance technology and then watch some absolutely shit tv program after paying for your tv license.


Cus he's not the goat. Hell, at 33 y/o Larry bird was averaging better stats than him

>the samefagging

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holy shit do you have too much grease from those philly cheeseshits in your eyes or what

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have u lost ur virginity

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lol try again nigger

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All 3 of the bucks fans here are absolute cancer

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>the coping 2.0
>inb4 inspect element
>the coping 3.0
literally kek, 7shitters are on full assblast mode tonight

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nice shop retard

Cry more you bitch. Sixers are a joke.

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>Yea Forums shitter
That explains a lot

I ve been watching the Bucks since they got Giannis, who was averaging 6 points per game 6 years ago...Take the L.

milwaukee fans in general. if you post in /mlb/ brewers fans are also the worst posters. its a shame both are good because they are annoying af.

>I’ve been watching a Greek player play for 6 years look how hardcore I am bro

Yea Forums sucks just like your dogshit Sixers.

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wow eastern conference fans are really horrible!! is there away to report these fags for shitting up the thread or

what else did you expect from losers who live in states where the nearest person is 200 miles away?

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holy shit. the Lakers are getting assrammed by the Warriors rn and Lakers fans aren't the most pathetic people in this thread.
stay mad 7shitters

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It’s just 3 Milwaukee fans. They have literally nothing else to do irl so they shitpost all day long

people who post on /nfl/ just act a lot more cringey and post like they're still 16 pretending they're 22

>You are this mad

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ok hey there's four of us

>they cant handle the banter

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More fucking adverts

Celshits/laker fans have been quiet as a mouse.

>look us eastern conference fans aren't that bad it's just those horrible milshitkee cucks fags
>is also shitting up the thread with his asspain

HQ of the 3 milwaukee fans

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I’m not even a 76ers fan. As a matter of fact im not even from the east coast but bucks fans are absolute annoying faggots

>pretending leafs and celshits don't exist

ironically philly is the least cancerous which says a lot

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Where the fuck is Lebron?

You are awful at posting in the same way your basketball team is awful at closing out games.

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That's right boys

unrelated to your assblast but holy shit I can't believe someone made this and thought it was a good idea to post on the internet

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Leafs and celshits at least post funny stuff from time to time. Bucks fans are just buck toothed retards that think they’re banter is actually good

philadelphia is so bad that a tv show's plot was about getting out of there


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sore vagina

You on the right.

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i wish

Imagine being THIS MAD at a northern Chicago suburb on the Internet

wtf am i looking at here

>Ben Simmons is an all star
>Luka is not
Defend this

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imagine living there

giannis cant


holy shit i'm an actual sixers fan and this guy is embarassing
we lost but it literally isnt that bad and this guy is full on having a temper tantrum
please do not reply to him in the future thanks lads

*Adverts every five minutes*

Yes, I'm sure he'll leave. Any second now. Riiiiiiight now.
>b-but muh kaj

it's just a falseflagging c*lshits fan desu

This thread has been absolutely terrible, even by /nba/ standards. Who's coming out the East this year with no Lebron? Bucks look like the best in class right now even with injuries.

i aiite white boi

Don't know about anyone else, but I really fancy some Mountain Dew ICE™


What did you expect from a Lakers OP? Have you ever been in a good thread with a Lakers OP?

Lakers ruin everything they touch

its either bucks, rapties, or if they somehow meme to the ECF, sixers. the other teams are either too injury ridden (pacies) or too inconsistent/straight up bad (netties, celshits, heat/magic, pisstains)

>lakers op
Fucking moron

samefag (You) (You)
>Don't know about anyone else, but I really

raptors look good when kawhi puts in effort, which is sometimes there. the gasol trade was good for them, esp since they lost nothing absolutely vital

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Fat black people are awesome

>Los Angeles Losers
I wonder which team that could be referring to. Certainly looks like the Lakers' logo to me.
>Warriors vs Lakers edition
>not a Lakers OP

>all this fighting to lose to the warriors in the finals anyway

OP is a fag edition when?

what is up my fellow n words?!?

>half the crowd is geriatric
>other quarter is Mexican
>rest are black
>Synth Organ music from 60's amps up the crowd
>No chanting

>every five minutes


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does anyone in this general actually watch the nba? or do you all memespout based on boxscores and stat spreadsheets

why are you watching a g league game?

abhorrent and leaf-tier post. do ten suicides and then try again.

They've been playing complete nobodies for the last month

Idk why, but I am actually watching this lakers and warriors game

Raptors. I don't trust the Bucks to perform in the playoffs, especially if they're facing Toronto in the conference finals.

I watch my team, teams I don't mind succeeding, and teams I think have potential. Right now I just have this lakers/warriors game in the background

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Now to fat awkward people in a studio
I couldn't sleep and I had an opportunity to enjoy a real American pastime on an American stream
I am not impressed

>People with Lakers jersey in the crowd

>Sonned Giannis
>gets outscored and blocked 4 times


derozan lowkey having a great season.../nba/ is hating

who is this lakers nº15?
he's literally walking on the pitch

Appreciate Golden State while they last, you'll probably never see this caliber of basketball again in your lifetime. 5 niggas way too good to be afforadable on the same squad

They’re getting swept this year

Post a picture of him next to Willis Reed

92 Olympic team is too old to beat them

>going to get my ass beat tomorrow because I was running my mouth


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Shut the fuck up spic. Fuck the Warriors

who cares about the lakers

what happened bro

i told someone on the subway they looked like a poopoo peepee muslim nigger head and he told me he was going to kick my ass tomorrow

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Bullshit. If youre actually going to fight though and lets say he shoves you or something just sucker punch that dude in the throat as hard as possible and hope for the best

Sounds like you had it coming. Talk shit get hit.

Kings are trash and never making playoffs
Hope that one user kills himself

milwaukee is forcing themselves to do that just fine

My Wardubbies are elite

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Why did Wilt go 2-4 in the Finals (one loss against the Celtics in those appearances)?


My lakes dookie lolol

gayest post ive ever read on sp. mcfuckin kill urself

>check box score
>39-12 first quarter
Someone tell me about this Lakers game

You ever play basketball against your little cousins and felt like you could make the league?

>Bum Simmons
>Bin Semens

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No, I'm the youngest cousin. Give me another example.

>Ben Simmons betrays his race and says a cracka should win ROTY when all the brothers are choosing Trae
>Trae has to drop 33 on him
Incredibly based

You ever played 2k with your sliders turned all the way up on rookie?

>Trae Young should win rookie of the year because he's half black

If your team can’t even muster 50 wins in the regular season you should be ashamed

Who are the biggest frauds in the league?

for me, it's the raptor

Objectively speaking? Probably denver. They are legit the most at risk for losing with homecourt

Simmer down clips. The top three frauds are objectively the Nuggets, the Blazers, and the 76ers in that order

play the music kenny

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At least they beat teams over .500 Raptors are 17-17 and live off bottom feeders


Denver or Fraudptors

thanks for your input gowiz but your new proxy aint fooling no one

Yes, Tom

Nugs and blazers play against the weakass west where anyone can be a .500 team because they’re all so bad that they’re all beating each other constantly

Yeah the Pistons are an incredibly tough team to beat which is why the Rapshits just can't get over the hump. It's not like the Blazers just mollywhopped them while missing their second best player

KCP will sign a 1 year $17mil deal. Yes, the Lakers.

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Who cares about the lakers

My Lakies are living rent free in all of /nba/'s head, I fear the reaction here when we sign several marquee free agents to play with the GOAT this offseason

Pistons have the Raptors number, I won’t dispute that.
Blazers are crap though. How you gonna get swept in the first round by that extreme fraud AD?

SAS and kellerman

"I don't care"
"You've ever heard of Jesus, son? Alright."

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How is he a fraud
>How you gonna get swept by that extreme fraud LeBron
See anyone can say stupid shit

Imagine getting swept by a shit Cavs team that got taken to 7 by the Celtics with no Kyrie/Hayward.

And shittt ass Indiana

Got a job interview in the morning, gonna set up a date tomorrow night as well. Need to bust in a white girl

Only made the playoffs once in 7 years. Some generational talent he is.

Difference between him and Lebron is that no one else in the East could stop Lebron, whereas AD sucks dick and can’t even scrape his way into the postseason.

Celtics were obviously much better without Kyrie and Hayward as this season has borne out.

Celtics with a rookie as their leading scorer were that much better than the Raptors veteran squad? Raptors are complete shit and have become Lebron fans by default to avoid accepting their franchise's perennial failure.

Nah, Raptors were better than the Celtics even last year, Lebron was just living in the team’s head rent free.

I know youre trolling, but genuinely who the fuck would join this team right now or next year? Lefraud just tried to trade everyone, played like shit, the lakers are getting beaten by basically everyone in the league, and LeGM is just getting older. Why would anyone join their shit team when they could team up on the clippers in the same location and actuslly have a shot at the playoffs?

Y would any star player want to move to that shithole of a city to play with a Big Baby and his ensemble of Little Babies?

>Dude I cant wait to play for LA so I can get featured on Lebrons rap album and do a cameo in space jam... a ring? Nah

Boogie might do it if the money is right

The difference between the Clippers and Lakers is players actually grew up watching the Lakers win championships (5 in the last 20 years, only the Spurs have the same and no one wants to play there) and dreamed of being Lakers from the time they started crafting their games. Most of these free agents were kids when Lebron first joined the league and grew up fans of his. The question is why wouldn't we get an elite free agent when we already have the King and the NBA's most storied kingdom?

god the lakers fucking suck lads

Lebron is a big baby but Golden State had to esemble the greatest team of all time to stop him from winning three straight for the land?

Because nobody in the last decsde has seen the lakers do anything but embarass themselves

>b-b-but we USED to be good!!!

Go watch the history channel, grandpa

But we won a title in 2010? Free agents already saw that regardless of what the roster looks like Magic can get whatever player he wants, including the greatest of all time, in free agency. You really think the Clippers are stealing great players from the Lakers this offseason?

>people still reply to lakerfags

you never learn

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No, because theres noone worth stealing

I think the Clippies sign Kawhi to be honest

>magic can get whoever he wants

Except kawaii, Pg13, boogie, AD...

if raptors don't re-sign him you have the authority to ask any lithuanian on the board to eat his footwear

Man most of the guys I grew up with grew up admiring kobe and hating lebron. I can actually see guys like Kawhi falling into that group

>Western Conference

Lakers? More like not very good.

>leastern conference
>half of the top 8 are below .500

Is based

Is Westbrook a better player than Klay?


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No Westbrick has accepted he'll never win a title so he's resorted to maximum stat padding

Night losers

based retard tripfag
don't forget to filter ladies and gents

The rockets

>When he did






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usually i hate your posts but this is true, still better than klay tho

Go fuck your self stink face

What does that have to do with talent?

lmao the seasoning really gets me

I wish we could ban white bois from posting here

Shit your pie hole Chang..we run this hood

why do people like le greek dunk man so much? he only has 1 move it is boring desu

Sorry you feel that way, true artists like myself and never appreciated during their time. Klay does more to actually help his team win were Westbrook only helps himself

Daily reminder Lakers always had, still have more right now, and will always have more banners than those cringy social-climbing tryhard Memeiorfaggots. If Lakers are "losers" I really don't want to know what that makes the Memeiors desu.

Lakers are NBA royalty. Memeiors are unworthy and will always be unworthy no matter how many zoomers bandwagon them. Kiss the rings, plebs

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Did colour TV exist back then?

Yes. Why wouldn't it? Banners are forever

o fuck ye bb

jumpman just jumped over nipsey..

Rockets? More like Cockets

*makes history*

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lakers suck dick and have been relevant since 2010

their last playoff appearance had them swept in the first round while bum ass kobe hobbled out on krutches, Lefraud is running your team into the fucking ground, and theyve wasted 5 consecutive #2 picks


>Did color TV exist nine years ago?
Hop on my knee laddy and I'll tell you all about it. Not only did we have HD color TV, but it was also the last timeframe in which the league was truly competitive for both conferences. It was long enough ago that the Celtics and Heat were legitimate title contenders. It was a simpler time. A better time. Nine years ago.

wew 70shitters suck dick

Newfag tripfag doesnt even know the proper name for the rockets. This is so embarassing

What kind of retard compares a sample size of 5 to 191? This has got to be the most retarded bait shit ever and people actually shitpost with it?

is it the same game even >dat Rodman kick

>Not skilled enough to beat an opponent
>Can't come up with a good enough strategy either
>Just go for broke and get physical
I mean yeah niggas are soft these days but this thug shit isn't really basketball either.


Ira Winderman

Verified account

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TNT bypasses Dwyane Wade's final home game, instead will air Celtics-Wizards on Tuesday night.

So fucking disrepectful of fucking wade. Who wants to see the wizards and celtics playing no one

Why is the leastern conference historically so bad? Is it the water? the food? the weather?

Half the goddamn teams make the playoffs, if you’re heralded as a generational talent and one of the top 5 players currently in the league, you’re a complete fraud if you don’t make them. Especially because AD wasn’t surrounded by scrubs either - Randle, Holiday, Mirotic, and Okafor are all good players. You telling me he couldn’t manage to be better than the Clippers who don’t even have an all-star?

AD is a fraud and the Blazers are a joke for being humiliated by him the one time he made the postseason

This nigga Wade been hamming it up all year, he's had enough attention for five NBA retirements.
Ownership, look at the Suns. their all time record is 2185-1946, .529 W-L%. Compared to the historically great franchises Los Angeles Lakers (.594 W-L%) and Boston Celtics (.590 W-L%) and franchises considered to be more their peer such as the Clippers (.406 W-L%) or Hawks (.495 W-L%) they stack up pretty well especially for an older franchise with a significant sample size of games played and several years of uncharacteristic tanking under Sarver's ownership with no progress having been made.
>Okafor and Randle
Have literally never been a part of a winning team their entire careers and are notably poor defenders. Jahlil Okafor is considered a major bust and is only now crafting himself into a rotational player who when you combine the aforementioned with Mirotic, leaves you 4 out of the 5 players you listed playing the same two positions (PF/C). Basketball is a team sport and NBA teams are the sum of their parts. Patrick Beverly isn't a better player than Lebron, even if Lebron has declined this year, he just plays for a better team that has a coach with hardware.

>hurr too many forwards
>in the era of positionless basketball
It’s all about versatile wings now, retard.
Randle has had a breakout season and been excellent, all it took was him getting away from lose Angeles.

NO also has okay backup role players. Won’t count Payton because I know he was injured during most of the season, but Diallo and Moore are both serviceable.
Basketball is a team sport, sure, but one superstar tips the balance heavily. Again, if you are widely considered a top-5 player in the league, there is absolutely no excuse not to make the playoffs when HALF the teams make the playoffs. I understand you’re trying to lessen the abject humiliation and embarrassment you feel from the Blazers being annihilated by the biggest fraud superstar in the game, but come on now.

Leafs being complete retards as always

Most teams aren't playing three centers, the Pelicans weren't playing Okafor until around the trade deadline when AD went down. Why are you disingenously classify Jahlil Okafor, AD, and Randle as wings? I guess Mirotic fits the profile but he's not playing and has never played small forward in the NBA, and for good reason. I guess that throws the entire versatility argument out of the window given your versatile 4/5 are only capable of playing two given positions.

>Randle had a breakout season and has been excellent
But not excellent enough to make the playoffs, this means he's bad and statpadding right? Or perhaps a singular player isn't typically capable of dragging a poorly constructed and coached team to the playoffs.
How could New Orleans possibly play all four of their borderline elite centers in the modern NBA?
A bust who was traded to PHX for absolutely nothing after he was unable to develop in Orlando, and let go by a PHX roster that could have simply let him take the QO but opted to enter the season with no point guard instead. You're scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel for talent, just like the New Orleans Pelicans.
>Again, if you are widely considered a top 5 talent in the league
Again, you're asserting individuals are solely responsible for team accomplishments. Kobe and Oscar Robertson are widely considered top 20 players in all history and missed the playoffs in their prime, in Robertson's case 8/10 teams made the playoffs. This has no bearing on his individual capabilities as a player, basketball is not played one on one by the best individual player on the court.

Diallo, Okafor and AD are all forwards with the CAPACITY to play center you absolute retard. Do you even watch basketball? Done trying to argue with your Portloser self. We all know how badly you were humiliated last year by a fraud who can’t even make the playoffs more than once. Get the fuck outta here.

Also, Payton’s a bust? 5 triple doubles in a row, joining greats like Robertson, Wilt and Michael is being a bust? You don’t even watch ball, just fuck off retard

Anthony Davis and Okafor have played over 90% of their minutes this year at center.

Diallo plays the majority of his minutes at PF, as do Julius Randle and Nikola Mirotic. Most NBA teams do not have a rotation that exceeds 9 players. You're suggesting 5 players (AD, Randle, Okafor, Diallo, and Mirotic) who play 100% of their minutes at PF/C are versatile enough to fill out 1-5 and contribute in equal parts to a playoff run? At any given time on the court you will only have two of these players playing at the same time, and they comprise the majority of your list of capable players on the roster. These aren't versatile "wings" which you have revised to forwards to save face.
>triple doubles
Markelle Fultz and Lonzo Ball have the youngest triple doubles in history, exceeding great players such as Jason Kidd and Luka Doncic. There are better analytics than triple doubles/counting stats to determine NBA talent.

Anthony davis is less successful westbrook

I don't really care to discuss AD being overrated but when your argument has elfrid Payton as a positive you fucked up somewhere

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>leaving out Holiday
And yes, it’s not a good measure for future talent, but if you join MJ, Wilt, and Robertson in a record, you’re definitely not a bust.

AD is injury prone I don't understand why he's a high value asset when he barely is healthy enough to play

How many white girls got addicted to brothers?

>South Jersey
>never seen a black person in their life
this is taqqiya

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Every single one that gets a BBC inside of them

Rodger that, Rodger.

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just took a big Caruso

Isn’t it crazy that there’s people here that were too young to remember Boston vs LA, and even the Heatles?

Those teams seem like only a few years ago but its been 11 years for BOS vs LA and 8 years ago

>showboating is fine
>standing over another player is fine
>bench mocking the shit out of the adversary is fine
>scoring in the final seconds when the game is already decided

What is the criteria here guys?

I don't know, I don't know why the Lakrs chimped out when Jamal Murray dribbled around Lonzo after beating the dogshit out of him

If you want real petty, go check out baseball
>Beaning someone with a fastball
>it’s part of the game
>bat flip

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Fuck Rachel Nichols and "The Jump".

Has there ever been a Mexican basketball player in the nba

Gustavo Ayon, Horacio Llamas and Jorge Gutierrez.

yes i want fuck him

weren't they supposed to do that last year

>Boston vs LA was 11 years ago
Why you gotta make me feel old, bruh

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boomers begone

Tatum is a bust

Remember when Embiid was built like Kevin Durant?

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4 blocks on Embiitch while dropping 45 on his team to get the win.

Giannis is Embiid's dad now.

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Didn't Embiid get a 30+ point triple double?

Yes, 13 rebound 13 assists and 30+ points. He’s truly amazing. NBA execs ought to be pouring over Cameroon and West Africa in general at this very moment - there are literally thousands of Embiids just walking around out there!

>stat padding in a loss

How do they pick them out from among millions of malnourished illiterates?

He originally was a soccer player until he got too tall, iirc

what the fuck is up with league pass
i had a monthly payment set up, they took away the cancel subscription button, now you have to manually write to them in order to cancel that shit, and i wanted to, but they keep offering me free month after free month bonus since im apparently a loyal customer
how long is this shit gonna last?

So many games today and literally all of them are shit.

quite impossible to not give the MVP to James Harden.

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watch my rapties continue to gatekeep the eastern conference



He shot 12/31
Imagine being a 7 footer and doing this...

>have a hernia that is getting worse and can't afford to fix it
Any day now lads, gonna get btfo this planet by one of the most treatable medical conditions known to man, but at least my problems will be over

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Are you black?

Funny reports say the Lakers front office has zero gameplan. They are literally just praying that another superstar wants to team up with Lebron. And from the sound of it, none do.

>losing at home to the corpse of George Hill
>muh Butler

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>get back home from a beautiful Friday spent on the sunny coast of California
>bitter flyovers are still snowed in their homes with nothing to do but talk about my Lakies
Seething, pray I offer forgiveness when we sign your favorite player this offseason

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i need to fucking move out of my parents home. it would be easy to do if i was a leech but i actually pay all the bills

How shook is KD right about now, lads?


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Seethe this
Imagine getting cock blocked by a shitty d leaguer

>grandma in the nursing home
>I inherited her house, paid off in the white folks neighborhood
Literally just sit at home and play video games/smoke weed all day on twitch and pay my child support solely with money I make off there. Not gonna lie feels pretty shitty, my parents pay my car note.

warriors v thunder round 1 is gonna be top tier kino regardless of the result.

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That is depressing as hell user

Not (You)
But for (You)

Westbrick will probably break down in tears.

keep hating greatness you stupid nigger

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The 6/20 triple double man.

KD’s being a little bitch. Stop the fucking presses. This hasn’t been a thing before.

I just like how Skip couldn’t help himself but keep throwing in Aaron Rodgers name into a basketball feud.

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You just find the ones that are big and strong
They don’t have to be literate. Half the players in the NBA aren’t

Klay Thompson is a cracker

that explains a lot, the povertydive players went at his ankles so he's made of glass

stupidest post I've seen in a while

>pay several million dollars to farm Mgubtu Apubtu because his father is a 6'11 war criminal
>he grows up to be 5'6 140lbs because unbenounced to your organization he was castrated by enemies in the bush at birth

>Mgubtu Apubtu

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Jordan = Kawhi > Moses Malone > Kareem Lebron > Larry Bird > Karl Malone > Kobe > any player in the modern era > Wilt

>Karl Malone

>warriors vs thunder

wait are you saying the Thunder fucked up enough to actually be the 8th seed? jesus fucking christ, weren't they like 3rd a while ago?

2 MVPs, 2 All Star game MVPs

>All Star game MVPs

Should I get some perm in my head? Shit is getting long but it's starting to get extremely nappy

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The all star game actually used to be competitive, twice Malone was the best player on the court amongst the greatest players in all history. Including notably shutting down Jordan on the game winnng drive.

>The all star game actually used to be competitive

All star game MVPs used to mean as much as FMVP, if not more since you were beating superior teams and had to have the ability to take over with less FGA or the respect of your peers to take more shots than a guy that would certainly be a first ballot Hall of Famer

>All star game MVPs used to mean as much as FMVP, if not more

>All star game MVPs used to mean as much as FMVP, if not more

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when the mics used to mean something the 4 was like

Why are people bitching about no Bulter when the bucks were missing Bledsoe, Brogdon and Mirotic?

i can only imagine how angry you guys are going to be next year. i'm almost going to feel bad when AD/Kawhi/Klay sign with the Lakies'

extremely interesting season coming next year

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Who the fuck can stop this white bull?

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>being black

lmao baka nigga

Is HayGod fucking kehlani too? blacktoids btfo

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*saves an entire race*

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Sometimes I wonder what’s less annoying; the Wilt posting or Celtics

Its the sparky guy probably

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The Sparky guy didn’t even have Wilt in his top ten I don’t think, I do know for a fact it was

With no Lebron listed

The only acceptable gimmicks are Larry, posting about white women and cracker posting.

Thanks for reminding me of that

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My Swepties :)

Yeah probably, that guy was just as consistently autistic and would go into a legitimate rage like the Wilt poster when mocked.

Friendly reminder that MY Toronto Raptor will be eliminating the Charlotte Hornets tonight.

Fuck those Carolina niggers

We are such frauds haha let's go raptor!

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and taking a fat lonzo posting

suck my dick nuggets faggot

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Should Jeremy Lamb pull up from half court on the Raptors shit frontcourt defenders again?

Don't you ever accuse me of being a nigglets fan ever again monkeyboy

you might be the other serb faggot that likes the lakers huh

Leafs really are the worst posters on this site huh?

ya! lol


I only like the celtics

This thread would be even more dead without leaf shitposting. Sometimes I’ll argue with them about inane shit just to keep it alive

bros the spurs are actually legit

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You're doing god's work my friend

Can the Sixers drop to 5th seed?

I like Canadians they are cool unlike this curry avatarfagging proxy faggot

This isn’t Larry

I think they can only drop below the celtics because they have the tiebreaker

ye i'm not idk why you niggas think every brazilian poster is Larry

Raptors are literally unstoppable.


Duke NCAAB team


Sorry Cryiami and Wadefags we're taking the spot

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I’ll be so happy when that Wade faggot is ded, literally didn’t accomplish enough in his career to warrant a retirement tour.

damn this Orlando team is scary as fuck, and they aren't even playing Fultz yet...


>steph got 7 pts & 1/9 from 3 last night

I'm telling you niggers, he's adjusted without the contacts and now he has them he'll be trash these playoffs cos he's readjusting again.

DJ fucking Augustine proving the superior manlet

He'll make a surprise appearance in game 7 against the bucks and drop 30/10/10 in a win

ibaka is a 3rd stringer

wtf raptors totally blew their lead

Magic will get the 6th seed and he'll return vs the 76ers and destroy them

Ibaka and Lowry were eating bull testicles on the latest episode of Serge's cooking show. I think it's safe to say my raptor is the most high-test team

uuhhhmmm why are these frauds losing to the fucking Hornets?

They really slept on my Magics

the fuck am i watching. put the starters back in

hornies bros we're doing it!!! we're going to the playoffs!


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hes so happy bros

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What’s the most obscure team I can support that white ‘people’ don’t like?

Knicks or Lakers? Shitty teams that still get talked about constantly despite being irrelevant talent and standings wise

Atlanta is a shitty team that white people don't like

Exactly. You need us.

Time for another episode of Jeff Hong chokes away whatever lead the starters build

yeah this is not happening, Kawhi is completely outta there next season

Feels like Nurse is giving him pity minutes since he won't see the floor in the playoffs.

time to drop double digits on the ny knicks

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Once McCaw comes back he'll be relegated to the 14-15 year vet role

this nigga kawhi pretty good..

Gee would you look at that we start winning again once John Li goes to the bench

literally who

Jodie Meeks is on an NBA team while Melo sits at home

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He's just here to share his steroids with the team, all melo does is share big macs with the team

Knicks 108
Rockets 92

Screencap this

telepathic my ass.. she got a vibrator playing morse code..

this poor guy getting doxed and called cancer

White person here, I fucking love Atlanta. They have one of the best logos in the NBA.

doubt it but fine

Magic need to get a good PG in FA

Nah they have fultz next year

thats why they took a gamble on fultz

>Magic have 80+ pts at the half
I want them at 8th seed so they can sweep the Bucks

don't doubt me, I come from the future. EG will break his leg in quarter 3.

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No, you're thinking of the Raptors

Anybody else about to watch the Celtics get beat by Indy's 2nd unit?

Don't You Put that Evil on my team, Bill Murray

NEW hell yeah

man get that trash outta here