By liking sports you are not only contributing to billion dollar companies but also if you support a team by buying/wearing their branded merchandise or even by saying things like “go team x” you are giving them free advertising otherwise
known as “shilling”
Whats it like being shills Yea Forums
You are all shills
>t. faggot
by eating any popular food you're giving them free advertising and contributing to billion dollar companies so you're a shill
same for any drinks
same for any media.
by posting on Yea Forums you're shilling for a gook that injects malware into your browser
what now
it's good
Sports are dominated by men and this triggers the SJW crowd. The result are posts like OP's and a general anti-sports bias. The people that bash sports for the "unreasonable" amount of money the players earn and the sports generates are the same people sit in a starbucks all day and watch netflix on their macbooks while posting.
Yeah because people wear McDonald’s jerseys and walk around saying “go McDonald’s, mcdonalds #1... NO FUCK BURGER KING MCDONALDS #1” like people do with sports
t. zoomer
Don’t care
I have no problem with people making comments like OP if they consume next to no media, but if you're one of the other 99%, who gives a shit what anyone's entertainment of choice is? At least we have more options now than ever.
Literally the very definition of a shills jacket
This is it. OP is a faggot.
Let's expand on this. Do you think sports journalists truly appreciate sports? Because those faggots at Starbucks with their Netflix and Chill on their Macbooks? That's who these people are. Now why do you think they're so desperate to change the culture around sports?
Lmao just stop being poor you fucking loser
Because everybody who watches sports is a stupid fucking shill and people realize that
Fuck off back to /pol/eddit already. No one cares about your autistic ramblings.
There are mindless people who fall entirely into the bread and circuses cliche, but most sports fans are self-aware enough to realize what sports actually are. You can enjoy them without letting them control the entirety of your existence. You're only a fool if you let your interest grow into an obsession that controls your life.
And to be honest, OP, you're equally as naive and retarded as people like that because your autism prevents you from understanding that people who do not share your exact opinions can also be reasonable, decent folks. I'll say it again: autism.
I never claimed that sports fans cannot reasonable or decent, just that a majority of them are huge shills
the only thing wrong with sports are jew owners and african worship cuckoldry, otherwise they are cool
Goyim don’t revel my secrets to all the fans out there, how will I make my shekels from their continued servitude
so much agree
i dont even see point in going to stadiums
you PAY them, they DONT pay you - for spending a 4 hours(at least) on the bussiness they(players, owners) make millions(multi-millions) on.
they make money
you waste money
cringe but wokepilled
Russians based and woke
>ywn finish in emma watson
just end me