8 European Cups
3 European Cups
1 (One) (Uno) European Cup
How will Souffags ever recover?
8 European Cups
3 European Cups
1 (One) (Uno) European Cup
How will Souffags ever recover?
not having to live in the north is a good start
How would you know? You’ve not even been there yank
>You’ve not even been there yank
No one other than pakis too poor to live in London and wh*toid lower class scum wants to visit the Norf.
Why would anyone want to visit England's norf? If I'm going to visit "norf", I might as well go to Scotland where I can at least avoid most of the inbred locals and see the amazing rugged landscape under a perpetual cloudy sky. There's fuck all to see in england's "norf" other than post-industrial shitholes
Bucharest and London have the same amount of european cups.
same applies for belgrade
>the parish of london football
>souf has more money than morf and midul put together
>souf has the popuulation and population density advantage over norf and midul
>didn't have a European Cup until 2012 or whenever Chelski won it
Utter embarassment to British footy. Londoners have no excuse or comeback so they'll never mention it. Not even likely to win another anytime soon either.
>Going to Scotland to avoid inbred locals
I too know nothing about geographic stereotypes, California sure is hated online, I’m sure they’re more inbred than Alabama. I’m gonna go to Alabama on vacation so I don’t see any inbred Califags
There's also an absolutely ridiculous amount of football clubs in London, whereas the midul and norf cities have one or two at most per city.
You would think that, statistically, London would have won far more league titles and european cups. But, no, most of their teams are dog shit and have been forever
Norf clubs seem to have the most soul for some reason. If you think it doesn't matter remember what happens to City and PSG in the CL
t. Calum McTominay
>If you think it doesn't matter remember what happens to City
>Manchester City
ah yes Manchester the famous southern English city
>tfw everytime I see the word "North" 'nowadays I refuse to believe it's not actually spelled "Norf"
Thanks Yea Forums. Luv you guys almost as much as I luv Ngubu
No one here is called McTominay, you just lifted that name from some (English) literal who manure player
norf-west you mean
>I now remember when leicester fans chanted at Derby after their 2015 PL win 'Champions of England, you'll never sing that'
>mfw we have won it more than them
>Tottenham have less leagues than huddersfield
Embarrassment of a club they should just nuke the whole stadium and behead all the players and fans. The premiere league would be a much better place without them.
>Sheffield Wednesday (4)
t. Aiden Davies-Wallace
There's lots of good nature in norfen England like the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales, Peak district, North York Moors, The Pennines etc. You have the benefit of being able to finish your day in a nice country pub by the fire, whereas if you're out in the Highlands you'll be sat in your tent, soaking wet and freezing cold.