
>makes a test tube baby before marrying a literal prostitute for whatever reason
>never wins world cup

>marries the favela cumdumpster, has many vile tattoos branded upon his skin at her behest
>never wins the world cup

>marries 10/10 childhood sweetheart, no tattoos, practicing christian
>wins the world cup WHILE being the most important man in his squad

degeneracy never pays, atheists

Attached: muller_wag.jpg (1100x619, 90K)

>married since 2009
>zero kids
good Christian values

he's only 29 okay? he focused on his career

GOOD post

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his wife is too busy breeding horses

>practicing christian

must be the only one in germoney

Based kraut
Krauts are many bad things, but shallow, they are not.

isn't bavaria quite religious in general?

>that is a 10/10 in romania
the absolute state of messi/ronaldo haters

>fit but shapely
>cute face
>pink skin so probably pink nipples/pussy
>long, light brown hair
>silver/dark grey eyes
how is she not 10/10?

this is a 10/10 in current day us

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realistically she's a 7/10. 8 at the most.

whatever. maybe I just like normal girls over touched up hollywood whores

different strokes etc

>I just like normal girls over touched up hollywood whores

She's at most 7-8/10, if you take into consideration that she is no "normal girl" but a wife of a milionare who can afford all kinds of daily beauty treatments, plastic operations etc.
Without her hubby she's already be overweight looking 10 years older than she is, with 3 mutts from 3 different fathers

irrelevant, anything above 1,60m and below 1,80m is fine.
>cute face
Cute, but not beautiful. Wouldn't make me turn my head or hold my breath if I saw her in the street.
>light brown hair
Shit tier. Dark brown/black and blonde are absolutely superior.
>silver/dark grey eyes
Those are green.
Don't get me wrong, she is wife material, but she's not 10/10.
Pic related is a 10/10.

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Müller was just too beta to get a hot gf after he became rich, now he's in too far.

>0 tits
>rodent teeth

BRL posting MEN again.

bit aggressive but okay
lol. I did check other pics and they're definitely green. still top tier
yea he should have married a prostitute like the other alpha soccer stars xD

She's a solid 7

Yes, the imams there are quite inspirational I hear.

I agree about liking the girl next door look but she is not it. That haircut is trashy as well, she's not some angelic girl you need to get off the drugs

>wasting your genes on inferior women is good!
romania, ladies and gentlemen

>dude she has like, 0 tits! 0/10 would not bang

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>genes are about how much cock you suck and the layers of mashed make-up on your face
wat. if he wanted to make superbabies he'd fuck ledecky or w/e

fine I'll downgrade her rating the next time I make this shitpost. or maybe keep it up, seems to get replies at last

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get on his level

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being a fishmonster doesn't help you in real life but being attractive does.

but if you're attractive but born with a small brain so you deplete your body by the age of 25 with hard drugs and alcohol than it was all for nothing

fuck this shit is too complicated, might as well try to clone the perfect woman and you'd still fuck it up somehow

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is this the one that fucked courtois?

she's like a krautier version of lena

Toni has taken The Architect pill

I don't thin he ever cheated.

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That's his sister