Ate labour

ate labour
ate corbyn
ate terrorism
luv footy
luv england
luv tories
simple as

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luv saudi arabia

>oh jeremy corbyn! oh jeremy corbyn!

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I don't get it, am I supposed to dislike him for this or like him

Based. Corbyn is trying to restore power to the nation, and he recognizes how corrupted football in England has become with all the ar*b and r*ssian owners

Based and bluepilled.

based Corbyn

wow did he really do that?
disgusting antisemtism by that towelhead-supporting Labourista kike Corbyn

Attached: IMG_20190323_155937.jpg (1033x723, 174K)

>luv saudi arabia

>selling arms to sandniggers to be used to kill other sandniggers is bad

this why you never managed an empire hans

On the one hand Corbyn supports the IRA and hates the jews.
on the other hand he is a filthy fucking communist

It's a tough one