>one leaves the club he plays it once his team mates show signs of regression and age and joins the strongest team in another league
>the other stays with a club through good and bad line ups, keeps them winning trophies despite bad transfers for years while putting up better stats than the other one
Really makes you think
One leaves the club he plays it once his team mates show signs of regression and age and joins the strongest team in...
>stays with a club through good and bad line ups, keeps them winning trophies despite bad transfers for years while putting up better stats than the other one
kek, this applies more to Ronaldo then it does to messi ahahahahahah
this desu
messoy never left the team because he is a system babby and the whole team is built around him.
Fake news
Yeah im sure cr7 could win balon doors staying in mighty Sporting
why would he leave barca? he's a god there he got paid like a madman.
Nice excuse. Eusebio won the Ballon D'Or playing for Benfica.
>keeps them winning trophies despite bad transfers for years while putting up better stats than the other one
ah yes, the mighty copa del rey
Why can't Ronnie win it if it's so easy?
to preoccupied with winning something that actually matters
>Admitting that he's not good enough to win the treble
Oh no no no no no
>Champions league and 2 domestic trophies
>le farmer tournament and farmer league
Why can't messi win 3 chamlions league in row ,even with xavi and iniesta ?
why can't ronaldo win a treble?
Because you need luck and refball to win it and Barcelona haven't had enough of it for three years in a row
Winning two trebles is infinitely more impressive than winning 3 CL's in a row, why can't Ronnie with the farmers league and the farmers cup and have to only focus on winning the CL because he's out of league and cup contention by January?
you dont realize this unironically describes Ronaldo much better than messi, do you?
3 peat > treble
that does not answer my question
>Winning one tournament because of luck and refball when you're out of league and cup contention by January because you're too shit to win all three competitions is more impressive than winning the exact same tournament as well as the league which rewards consistency and the cup, and doing it not once but twice
Stop posting
it does, it's not that he can't, he'd just rather win the CL every year
nice comparison, so Ronaldo won 1 tournament while messoy won 2 trebles at the same time? I could have sworn it was a historic threepeat and 4 in the last 5 years plus also winning the European Championship and a couple of League titles. Why can't messoy win both the biggest national team trophy of the year and the biggest club trophy of the year in the same year?
>one leaves his club to avoid paying taxes and going to jail
>Why can't messoy win both the biggest national team trophy of the year and the biggest club trophy of the year in the same year?
Because Messi doesn't have Bale or Eder on his team to bail him out
>scatalans crying about refball
>Historic threepeat
Di Stefano won 5 in a row for Real, retard
>Why can't Argentina win the Euros
Gee whiz buddy, you tell me
right he only has suarez who scored 60 goals in one season, poor messy
Yup, the Suarez who has scored 4 (four) goals in his last 25 (twenty five) CL games, a real force of nature
>Winning two trebles is infinitely more impressive than winning 3 CL's in a row
calm your tits Sven
>biggest national team trophy of the year=Euros
>Worldcups don't exist
>messy choking his chance in the 2014 worldcup
>getting dumped from CL by atleti (lol)
Hats off to Di Stefano, he also had Puskas on his team, the guy who scored a hat-trick in a CL final and still lost. Not comparable to the solo carrying of Ronaldo.
Retarded bitch ass shitskin.
>solo carrying of Ronaldo.
You misspelled Bale and Ramos
>Ronaldo is better than Messi because Eder scored in the Euro final and Higuan missed in the World cup final
Thank you for your fantastic contribution to the discussion
finally you admit it, scoring in the CL is much more prestigious than those 60 league goals. That stat reminds me of a certain midget who hasn't scored in a quarterfnal since 2013. Maybe it's his fault suarez can't do anything eiher since he is supposed to be your goat.
its almost as if ronaldo is a finisher and nothing else and messi is a playmaker who happens to be the goat finisher
nice selfie achmet, if you had a bigger brain you could understand that's not what I said at all.
imagine being an adult that regularly watches football and honestly rating CR7 over Messi
Didn't Eusebio play back when Urugay was winning world cups and dinasaurs were still around and whatever
>treble's are so hard to win!!
literally a celtic/rangers-tier accomplishment. WOW im so impressed
>8 teams to win continental treble
>only 4 teams (real twice) to win a 3-peat
how many times has any trble winning team won back-to-back CL's? let alone 3 kek
the answer is only one, Ajax in the 70's
none of these so called 'legendary' treble winning teams were capable of repeating their continental success repeatedly. literally just babby-tier cups and lucky CL seasons.
winning 3 years in a row isn't luck. winning 4/5 seasons isn't luck lmao
stay losing swecuck
>Di Stefano won 5 times in a row
>No other team in history aside from Barca have won the treble twice
Wow, what an amazing accomplishment it is to win 3 CL's in a row when Di Stefano won 5 times in a row
How many times do I have to tell you to stop posting?
Well, most casuals don't watch many league or meme cup games. They'll watch the Champions League and the World Cup. Cristiano won 3 in a row and was top scorer in all of them. Messi hasn't won any since 2015 and last season he choked to fucking Roma. It's no wonder so many people believe Cristiano is the better player.
>people mostly watch the best competitions involving the best players, that's why they think ronaldo is the best
is that really all that suprising?
one club legends are always a thing
retarded zoomers
Well, if you look at it objectively there's little difference between 80% of the champions league games and national league games. I mean, for teams like Uefalona/Jewventus/Liverpoop/Bayern it's a walk in the park in most games. So until the quarters at least there's no difference in quality at all, it's just that instead of battering 9 men Levante Uefalona will be thrashing Udinese or something.
>"harder to win = better to win"
>look, 1 man's opinion! haha i win!
1. my post was replying to a player saying "CL and WC" and why people favour ronaldo. e.g., Club competition and National team competition
>winning a league of 38 games over 9 months is "harder" than winning a "league" of 32
difference is in one league you have to be the absolute best, winning essentially all match ups; and the other you only have to be better than everyone else, regardless of individual matchups or results.
You can have the most "losses"and still win la liga, theoretically, depending on how your competition is doing. You can't "lose" more than you win in the CL
until the quarters theres no difference in quality? Atletico, Real, and Bayern were all elliminated before the Qf's this year. technically Juve was on the brink of elimination as well. Only few teams get "walks" through the Ro16.
the only real thrashings i can think of recently are specific games like ajax v real, barca v lyon, or Man city v >schalke. 3 games out of all Ro16 games, and the first leg's of each of those match ups were close results (i think)
National league games i agree more so, it's getting better though and is somewhat better than just the qualification process they had in place before.
But still, when ronaldo's scoring hattricks in the euros and world cup, obviously people are gonna lean more towards him then messi, in direct comparisons.
>The coach who won three CL's in a row says it's easier to win the CL than the leauge
Yeah, I shouldn't listen to him, I should take your word for it instead
>the tinpot treble is better than 3 cls in a row because 5 cls in a row is better than 3 cls in a row
and this peanut brained economic migrant is asking others to stop posting LMAO
he triggered you, assblasted gypsy
Why can't Ronnie win the treble if it's so easy? Or even winning the league more than two times in 9 years?
LMAO umad bro amirite r*ddit?
>wow, another rapenaldo vs messi thread!!! my day is now complete
I already answered that achmet
Yes you did, because he's not good enough to win the treble and bombs out of the league and cup contention by January to only focus on the CL
here's some more from the official youtube channel, they're not even trying to hide the refball lmao
you're off your meds again achmet, I never said any of that
Nope, but it's what your argument boils down to because you're making excuses for why Ronnie can't win the competitions you call easy, despite his own coach saying that it's harder to win the league than the CL
Messi is the GOAT and goes for a treble every year because it's always within grasp for the GOAT
Poonaldo is a statpadding ball hawk who relies on everyone creating things for him on a silver platter. 0 trebles even winning the champions league all those times. If he's so good why can't he win a copa del rey or league during those "free" refballed Champions league runs?
He even already lost Coppa Italia, something Juve won the past 4 straight years. Fucking 1 trick pony fraud can never be considered among the top 15 of all time.
You're twisting Zidane's words and my argument has nothing to do with what you're raving about.
>Real Madrid
pick one and only one, catalanoid
looks like the gypsy got himself another proxy
Ronaldo won the same amount of Messi UCL trophy in 3 years
>CR7 is the goat
>joins best united team with goat coach,that walks the league
>same team gets to the CL Final 2 times without him
>joins world richest club with unlimited star players
>still chokes the league like no other
>Mourinho only one smart enough to defeat tiki taka
>King Salami and the invisible man were actually good
>after Mourinho they choke until Zidane comes in the first team
>career literally saved by Bale,DiMaria and Ramos
>"H-he had no players in R-Real,M-messi is a Xavi baby!"
>joins the next super team that completly dominates the league
>10 years in Spain but only 2 league titles
>"He dominated all leagues :^))) Treble means nothing"
>United goes to the CL final 2 times without Ronaldo after he leaves to join unlimited gago and illaramendi
>2011 and ...???
Here's the real version
>CR7 is the GOAT
>Wins 3 CLs in a row scoring 120 goals mainly in the knockout stages
>hans von pakinstan gets triggered so hard by the undeniable proof of his greatness that he writes fanfic to make himself feel better