Play against real team

>play against real team
That was quick.

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He's unexposed until he is eliminated from the Champions League.

>play against real team
Can we say ... he played himself ?

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just like his scalp lol

>still has a literal 100% win rate in Champions League titles as manager.
Literally cannot be exposed before September at the earliest

Shhhhhh no tears only the 14th decima now

I wonder who will manage them next season

>literal 100% win rate in Champions League titles as manager
nope, he's been eliminated this season


He was chilling on a boat while real madrid was getting whooped in the cl this season


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>zidane joins in the second half of the season with all competitions started
>halal wins cl
>whoa zidane won a cl!
sorry sweeties but if zidane won that first cl then he also lost this one
you can't have one but not the other

Halal won that CL with Zidane on the sideline, they lost this CL before he returned.

Yes you can retard

its easy w/ cr7

You do realize he has to lose a couple to make sure perez gets him his players, if he VAMOS to soon and wins all the games perez will say you are winning why do you need players

i don't get it

>REAL madrid

>he's been eliminated

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>Jordi the scatalan intellectual

But I thought they were Real

He put another Zidane (his son) in goal some time ago.

I don't even rate Zidane but he was not exposed yesterday due to the fact that he was exposed years ago. He was always shit in the league and only won in 2017 because Ronaldo had the best year of his career, the team was stacked to hell and Barca got refballed.

500 IQ post

>. He was always shit in the league
he won one league and lost one
it's a 50% ratio win

and he won his first half 3 years ago

so it's a 75% ratio

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