Why did Pele never talk about racial or social issues?
Surely athletes have a public responsibility to represent their communities and highlight their struggles?
I think the reason why is he more liked by fans and is the face of FIFA is because he's a puppet who knows his place, compared to say Maradona who shilled for Che and Fidel Castro
brazillians don't care about race you weird little anglo
Gabriel Bennett
He is considered white in Brazil.
Noah King
Because nobody gives a shit here.
Nathan Cook
This is white by Brazilian standards
Bentley Edwards
Also white by American standards.
James Long
>Why did Pele never talk about racial or social issues? Because not everyone wants to be involved in the ZOG attempt to drive everyone into a psychotic frenzy through the permeation of divisive politics in nearly every sphere of human life.
>compared to say Maradona who shilled for Che and Fidel Castro Oh, you're a commie. Colour me surprised.
Kevin Cruz
Cos hes not an amerishart or w*stern yuro obsessed with race and cringy identity politics
David Martinez
Why would atheletes have this obligation? What about garbage men? Why don’t their opinions matter?
Julian Jackson
at least half of peles goals are fabricated meme player. not the GOAT. ronaldo is the goat.
James Gonzalez
people in your country still make monkey chants at black players
Carter Stewart
not an argument pal Something tells me your knowledge of Brazilian culture is very limited very believable Where did I imply I was commie? I was simply making a comparison Paddy >seething this much pathetic >what is influence
Kayden Anderson
He's clearly white
Liam Cooper
something tells me you are incapable of seeing things through the lens of anything other than american culture and it's racial obsession.
Zachary Evans
Nobody gave a shit about >muh race in 60's Brazil and he's almost dead now to care about Black people.
Lincoln Thomas
Most of us don't give a fuck either besides the brainwashed types. We're just shitposting most of the time on here
I read somewhere he went to face an Argentinian team once and their fans called the Santos players "macaquitos"
Noah Bell
Pele is not a saint just becuz hes black, no one is, I wanted everyone to know this...
Owen Hughes
el santos de pelé lost to Colón in Santa Fé idk about your story but it might be true since it's the only acceptable behaviour
Christian Ramirez
that just makes him even more based.
you fucking anglos keep pushing identity politics and making a big deal about race.
no wonder muslims will breed you out of existance in the next 60 years.
Michael Stewart
What’s the deal with anglos? Why are they so obesessed with racial issues?
Kayden Bennett
People that dont understand portuguese have no idea how fucking stupid Pelé really is He is so disconected from reality that he simply doesnt care
Joseph Young
Nice one pal. Alot of Brazilians share your sentiment but we never hear of it cause Pele is seen as the Golden Boy of a generation who is exempt from scrutiny
Juan Torres
because unlike Sterling he wasn't a NIGGER.
Daniel Ward
This. Like based Romario once said: "Pele's a poet when he doesn't speak"
Andrew Turner
An american taking someone to task for making a big deal about race. Now I really have seen it all. Finishes it by making a racial comment too.
Joshua Martinez
he's literally a moron
Luke Phillips
I would be less likely to allow some faggot athlete to influence me than a garbage man. I’ve got things in common with the garbage man while I’ve got nothing in common with some negro sportsballer.
Samuel Walker
>Surely athletes have a public responsibility to represent their communities and highlight their struggles? I love it when they keep their mouths shut. Most athletes are morons.
Jack Phillips
Celebrities are basically the aristocrats of the liberal order.
Cooper Smith
>best footballer ever >stupid Jealousy really is the nastiest emotion
Charles Green
Maradona was an overrated cokehead who's biggest achievement was cheating his way to a World Cup
Brandon Reed
This Pelé is kinda retarded and no one gives a fuck about him around here
Alexander Nguyen
Probably doesn't care desu
Mason Ramirez
No one is questioning his ability to play football mate OP asked why he does not care about racial/social issues and the reason is that he is one dense motherfucker
John Brown
Tbh he has the right to be, anyone else in his posisition and with his image would grow out of touch too
Xavier Taylor
>Surely athletes have a public responsibility to represent their communities and highlight their struggles? You're taking the piss are you not? See if anyone can find the video of Australian boxer Anthony Mundine being interviewed by Richard Wilkins on Today on channel 9 about 3 weeks after the wtc plane crashes. Mundine is Muslim, Wilkins used to be a presenter on MTV Australia then went on to breakfast television music correspondence. Anyway, he asked about the wtc plane crashes and Mundine just says something about how there's a reason why people become so enraged that they attack the US with bombs and shit.
Justin Peterson
Pele's people aren't black or white though
Luis Campbell
Maradona is no less of a puppet
Aiden Jenkins
Christopher Gomez
Probably, and that's why no one takes braindead ultras who's life's biggest achievement is being in a fight after Levski-CSKA seriously