>wife has an ex -->gets him killed
>neighbors are noisy - buys their houses and dispatches them
Wife has an ex -->gets him killed
Other urls found in this thread:
>neighbors are noisy - buys their houses and dispatches them
for real?
>flexes on and off the field
absolutely fucking based
bruh what the fuck are those wrinkles
He's 32 years old buddy. He'll be done in the next 4 years
That's what happens when you sweat every day from cardio with low body fat you fucking fatass. Having no facial fat and laughing to scrunch the sides of your eyes.
>needs to win a WC or even a fucking Copa America to be in the GOAT conversation --> can't
>is in GOAT conversation every day
>b-but he needs this team trophy!
even if he gets a copa america it won't change anything
a world cup would seal it
roid wrinkles