why doesnt womens sport have the respect of the public?
Why doesnt womens sport have the respect of the public?
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They're not as athletic as men
fuck roasties and fuck jannies
Football became professional about 15 days ago here, just watched the highlights from the pro league
You literally see more level in u15 male football. I'm a feminist but damn, they don't deserve to be pro just because they asked for it, also, no on watches their games, the stadiums are empty
Cus they suck
how many upvotes do I need for pickle rick
>I’m a feminist
>I'm a feminist
Hello Arab immigrants living in the first world, pease do not commit a terrorist attack against innocent people
Women's beach handball has the respect of my dick.
They don't deserve it.🦓
it was like that here in the beginning too. england was even worse.
aside from title IX i don't think women's leagues are given much of anything. i think like 3 leagues folded already. people keep trying because they want to be in early in case it works, not because women deserve a pro league.
No idea
I never watched pro leagues from other countries but one of the reasons to make it pro here (obviously forced, not because they were making profit for the clubs of anything) was because it's worked in other countries, in order to promote the sport
They are paid with the money made by male pro leagues here
>be this mong
>goes on Yea Forums to tell random strangers he's a feminist
the state
Because they aren't as athletic as men, aren't as strong, or as agile as men.
Honestly, maybe Mudslims were right, women should be treated as property. Modern women can't even fucking cook
Lmao, do people in the western world that aren't feminist even exist? We are less cultured than you and I still only meet feminist people
which day it is?
the mens teams and womens teams are separate here. the mens teams don't enough margin to support the baggage of a womens team, even if they wanted to.
one problem with womens sports in general is that women much prefer playing than watching. the pro womens players generally aren't even into mens soccer.
>Modern women can't even fucking cook
that didn't stop you from still getting fat did it?
because true respect is earned.
Technically most people are “feminist” in that they believe in legal equality between men and women but most people don’t associate themselves with the socio-political movement of feminism. Most women even in the first world don’t even identify as feminist.
For soccer, yeah
The only women's league that's really surviving is the WNBA, and that's because the NBA is subsidizing the hell out of it (I do want the NHL to do the same with the NWHL now that the CWHL is folding)
>the WNBA, and that's because the NBA is subsidizing the hell out of it
i forgot about that. i dont really watch basketball. it probably makes sense for them to do that in the long run if they think womens sports will be more popular in the future, which they might. it's a risk, but in business in order to make money you usually have to risk something.