Yea Forums btfo

Yea Forums btfo

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god never won a champions league

no, reddit btfo

Yea Forums has always seen right through the marketing and steroid product that is messhit

Messi wants his plant back!

glad my dad was a lapsed catholic so i was able to be brought up methodist

Bet that faggot god has never scored 5 goals in 1 CL match


Your fortune: Good Luck

this antichrist pope knows shit

EVERY goal belongs to G-d :)


Shouldn’t this nonce be doing pope business instead of acting like a customer

God confirmed for goat

Bit cringe not to be Anglican desu

Then who has the god-foot?

Darth Benedictus is my Pope, this argie is a fraud. Has he disowned the Maradonian Church, for example?

Yeah nice try, how many titles does God have, thats right.

Is Messe really the GOAT?

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Pff check your inbox, user. Must be your janitorial acceptance form

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Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

HEADS getCoin Flip: Heads

>April fool's day
So, Messi really is God



He’s right though, What kind of god chokes 3 finals in a row. Messi is the human embodiment of slipperpool

Either way you both need hanging, what's you mum? Inb4 a fat smelly cunted slag.

damn, im toast

Götze was Godze all along.

>his parents sent him to a priest to get diddled on

Shut up cunt💢


the only people that dickride messi are manlets that project themselves onto him, my theory at least.
this is a TSU-man board, always has been and always will be