Becoming decent at basketball fast

Alright guys, I'm in 1st year of college and this semester we are gonna play basketball with another class. I have never in my life played basketball(only game I played was football).I have been going to the gym for 2.5 years so I have a lot more muscle than anyone in my class or the people we play against, but there are some guys that played basketball for 10years+ and we got shit on. I'm not that tall either(177cm) so I kinda feel like that's bad bc there is a dude who is like 195cm tall and I literally can't do anything to him lmao.
So my question to u guys is, what are some must know tips for an absolute beginner in order to be at least DECENT and be able to do something. (2 guys in my class aren't crazy good like that tall dude but at least they can dribble and shit and actually score, I'm afraid of dribbling bc i never did it and I feel like I don't have the coordination to do that so I'm pretty useless, only ocasionally score when I'm in the perfect position but I literally went all game without dribbling.

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Also,another thing, I feel like I'm very stiff compared to the other dudes, they move very freely and quick unlike me. What should I do?

if you cant even dribble, you are fucking useless unless you can on defense. Even then you are near useless on offensive.

Since youre strong you can force your way to basket even against those silly lankets. But you still need to learn to dribble with that or be able to shoot before your second step.
Also if you can dribble, you move freely.

tldr: learn basic dribble first

sorry romania
no one in sp actually plays sports

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fuck practice just be the guy who runs the fastest that's the best shot you have

Start doing pylometrics. Look at box jumps,deph jumps,power cleans , front squats, hex bar deadlift squat bar jumps,farmer walks

buy agility ladder and start doing drills

people who never played in an actual team are fucking hopeless at basketball
if they have experience you'll get destroyed anyway even if they were 160cm

lmao fag are you dumb? just make them play under NBA rules, then you don't need to know how to dribble since you can just travel your way to the basket

get down on the block with one foot in the key and one out, practice boxing out and working on your timing, rebounds are very important offensively and defensively, also work on dribbling but that will take time you can be an asset by simply rebounding and going right back up or kicking it out

I would just learn to drive to the basket in your place and focus on scoring from layups for now until you can shoot. While doing that avoid travelling and getting blocked. Take occasional unguarded jumpshot but dont be the guy who bricks every play. Also, you shouldnt defend the dude who has 20 cm on you, defend the other teams smaller opponents.

t. tyrone williams

Set picks and learn to box out; if your playing against people that haven't played much or at all they won't know how to respond

How do you defend without hurting the dude that is atacking? I feel like that's exactly what's gonna happen, and if I'm too careful they just get past me. Fuck bros i just wanna become decent to be useful,today we played mixed and I got picked first bc of the way I look but i was absolutely useless, only scored once and that was bc i was in a very good position, didnt dribble once ffs bc I don't know how and I felt like I would make a fool of myself if I tried to learn it during the middle of the game.

learn first how to dribble layup and pass
then practice defense in a friendly matchup
learning to defend will let you observe offense in the process so you have a better idea of what might work in a game
really you want to be able to be able to fluently move with the ball above all other things as a beginner.
make sure you practice with a properly inflated ball since soft balls will give you a bad habit of putting too much force into your dribbles or dribbling lower. dribbling is pretty easy, just allow the ball to bounce high enough to where it reaches your hand, but is beginning to slow because of gravity...a properly inflated ball dropped from the chest should return to around the stomach
could work if you can intercept the ball and relay it to a teammate who can actually maneuver while in possession
how aerobically fit are you?
if you can't at least jog for a long period you might be screwed man

look at the guy you're guarding’s chest and move your feet to stay between him and the basket, don’t worry about stealing the ball just dont let him by you, basketball is not a no-contact sport and you can usually get away with some hand checking in rec games

Become black

thanks for the advice, I will practice dribbling,passing and shooting with a friend of mine this weekend if I have enough time. Again, I only want to have those skills on a beginner lever, just to be at least a little bit useful.

basketball depends on having layered defense above all other ball sports practically (maybe american football in some cases).
the only way to really dependable way to stop a drive is to have two people in the offense's path so they can't just switch the ball to the other hand
basketball has all kinds of constraints you don't really notice while watching the pros play, but that's all to allow high scores while keeping fair play.
yea I like this

cigani, stoj!❌

Yes get the dribbling skill up. Even you cant shoot for shit, you can use your body and btfo niggers for some layups.

And basketball can be a physical sport, as long you dont run them over or shoving people in mid air. You are ok

yeah, I blocked a dude that ran straight into me and basically made him fall and he got mad, but whatever, they are making me mad with their 10years of basketball experience anyway so I kinda hope they would start a fight so I can kick their ass. 2 of them act kinda arrogant and like they are bored of winning. Fk off dude, ofc you will be better than complete beginners in ANY activity you have been practicing for so long.

been training on shots/dribbles and whatever by myself for a couple months now, just for the exercise and sense of achievement. i can dribble and shoot pretty good by now. however, other people at school aren't gonna train as much as me and i have almost no experience playing the actual team sport. what a weird position to be in.

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Dont be the dude who gets overly physical in rec games, especially on D. Just make sure you don't let them drive past you easily and at least contest their shots. But also adapt to your guarded player - if he shoots bricks mostly, fall back to give him more space to shoot and if he is a good shooter guard him closer, but again beware of the drives to the basket. If someone bigger challenges you in the post - double team him with one of your homies.

start dribbling a tennis ball. dominant hand/ off hand/ left to right, right to left. dribble a few times then bounce it of the wall and catch repeat

this is the best way to help your dribble skills