dump only your best
Attached: N.webm (1280x720, 1.89M)
April 1, 2019 - 09:31
Attached: 1553238053509.webm (400x272, 1.79M)
April 1, 2019 - 09:32
Bundesliga always delivers.
Attached: berlin wall.webm (960x600, 2.91M)
April 1, 2019 - 09:36
Attached: ayy lmao.webm (1280x720, 2.1M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:11
Attached: Fulland.webm (1280x720, 2.02M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:23
Attached: based Dempsey.webm (710x398, 1.3M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:30
Attached: chefsd.webm (1280x720, 1.2M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:37
Attached: english goalkeeping.webm (1920x1080, 2.37M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:38
Attached: ketchupeverywhere.webm (942x526, 2.85M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:39
Attached: slippysmeth.webm (896x504, 1.3M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:40
Attached: spaghettis.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:41
Attached: CLOTS.webm (640x360, 1.38M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:41
Attached: pureautism.webm (720x406, 2.87M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:42
Attached: savage.webm (1008x568, 2.89M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:43
Attached: 1402810968714.webm (1280x720, 1.5M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:44
Attached: spreadthatassholeclots.webm (720x404, 1.25M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:44
Attached: blockedpunt.webm (828x458, 2.72M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:45
Attached: redzonefaggotry.webm (1000x563, 2.72M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:46
Attached: talent.webm (1280x720, 2.64M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:48
Attached: .webm (1280x720, 361K)
April 1, 2019 - 10:48
Attached: .webm (1280x720, 659K)
April 1, 2019 - 10:49
Attached: buursarespecial.webm (880x496, 2.97M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:50
Attached: .webm (1280x720, 1003K)
April 1, 2019 - 10:50
Attached: typicalbearsreaction.webm (650x454, 409K)
April 1, 2019 - 10:51
Attached: .webm (1280x720, 1.23M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:51
Attached: idiota.webm (926x478, 1.82M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:52
Haha, I assumed the filename was ironic
April 1, 2019 - 10:53
>virgin souf vs chad norf
April 1, 2019 - 10:54
Attached: textbook counterattack.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:54
Attached: autism.webm (960x540, 2.09M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:54
Attached: buttfumble.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:56
Attached: donger.webm (720x720, 1.26M)
April 1, 2019 - 10:58
Attached: giantscanthearwhistles.webm (1024x576, 963K)
April 1, 2019 - 10:59
Attached: niggaughey.webm (480x480, 1.91M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:01
post milek goal, 2nd minute of roma vs napoli(lazio?) few days ago
April 1, 2019 - 11:03
Attached: objisntgay.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:03
Attached: russellisnotelite.webm (1280x686, 2.82M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:04
Attached: fakepuntduringrape.webm (896x504, 1.89M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:05
Attached: lolcundiff.webm (1280x720, 1.17M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:07
>all this nfl handegg webms
nobody cares about that shit m8
April 1, 2019 - 11:09
Attached: liverkekfans.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:11
Easy there, Nazi.
Attached: muhmvp.webm (520x292, 1.13M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:11
Attached: .webm (1280x720, 1.88M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:12
Attached: gronkeddotcom.webm (1280x720, 1.84M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:12
Attached: liverkekfans2.webm (960x540, 1.22M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:12
Attached: 1549726495636.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:13
only because you asked so nicely
Attached: 1534572950995.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:13
Attached: Stoolers.webm (1152x648, 2.15M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:13
Attached: 1546516388205.webm (960x720, 920K)
April 1, 2019 - 11:14
Attached: audibled.webm (800x450, 2.82M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:15
Attached: .webm (1280x720, 1.17M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:15
Attached: 1549728362897.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:15
Attached: .webm (854x480, 1.11M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:16
Attached: Cooked.webm (640x360, 2.81M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:16
Attached: 1551018755719.webm (1280x720, 305K)
April 1, 2019 - 11:16
Attached: basededeljew.webm (640x360, 2.27M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:17
Attached: 1552507702536.webm (1280x720, 407K)
April 1, 2019 - 11:17
Attached: tarpdeath.webm (640x332, 1.63M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:18
Attached: 1488574650317.webm (480x480, 1.93M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:18
Attached: goatfleaflicker.webm (960x540, 1.47M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:18
Attached: 1529081420239.webm (960x600, 1.06M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:18
tfw skipping the handegg webms because i have no clue whats happening in them
April 1, 2019 - 11:18
Attached: .webm (1280x720, 2.04M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:19
Attached: blessedisthejew.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:19
Attached: 1448685938082.gif (280x270, 3.9M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:19
Attached: .webm (960x540, 2.11M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:20
You have to have an idea what's going on here.
Also, why can't you into Brexit?
Attached: thestruggleisreal.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:21
Attached: lanklets.webm (1792x960, 794K)
April 1, 2019 - 11:22
Attached: cantthrowthedeepball.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:22
Attached: .webm (1280x720, 1.81M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:22
Attached: reus tekkerz.webm (960x540, 2.94M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:22
>one amerishart tripfag posting handegg webms epic
Attached: 1529542644992.webm (845x476, 2.86M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:22
Attached: 1530393299918.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:23
Attached: puregronked.webm (360x360, 2.75M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:23
isn't this a foul or something
April 1, 2019 - 11:23
Attached: whatthefuk.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:24
Attached: pop.webm (640x360, 1.04M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:24
Not yet. Give a losing team some time to petition this.
Attached: justdoingGOATthings.webm (576x720, 861K)
April 1, 2019 - 11:25
>Reus got an assist for that based
April 1, 2019 - 11:25
Attached: .webm (1280x720, 1.63M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:25
not entirely fair since sprouts have a sulfur compound with a taste that a lot of people dislike i coudnt eat it as a child. they probably choose it because it was guaranteed views
April 1, 2019 - 11:26
I-is he kill?
Attached: untouchedhogan.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:26
I actually really enjoy Brussels Sprouts.
April 1, 2019 - 11:27
Attached: 1530460108536.webm (640x480, 2.71M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:28
Attached: sp sports.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:28
Attached: moss'd.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:28
low IQ Brexit is UK being the patriots guy and EU that other guy, that's what brexiters think is happening high IQ Brexit is EU being the patriots guy and UK being that other guy, that's what is actually happening
April 1, 2019 - 11:29
Attached: .webm (640x360, 2.53M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:29
Attached: shipoopi.webm (512x384, 378K)
April 1, 2019 - 11:29
Attached: nerman antics.webm (960x540, 2.95M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:30
Too true, mon frere. After all this, does the EU actually want Brit Bongs mucking things up?
Attached: Polish Sausage.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:30
Attached: Ngubu,I....webm (1280x720, 2.26M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:31
Attached: volleyball.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:31
Attached: 1529436793333.webm (480x480, 1.01M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:32
Attached: cringe.webm (504x896, 756K)
April 1, 2019 - 11:33
Attached: 1529502677196.webm (852x480, 2.62M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:35
Attached: 1549827012547.webm (960x542, 298K)
April 1, 2019 - 11:36
Attached: 1518219559401.webm (1280x720, 1.45M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:36
Attached: 4r2enal.webm (1280x720, 1.31M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:38
>for playing with 10 men
Attached: 1523866365058.png (739x568, 18K)
April 1, 2019 - 11:39
Attached: based mou hq.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:40
Attached: the beautiful game.webm (854x480, 2.92M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:41
Attached: amerigunz.webm (720x720, 557K)
April 1, 2019 - 11:42
Attached: autism room.webm (854x480, 2.85M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:48
Attached: southamerica.webm (760x428, 2.59M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:48
the average Libertadores game only the dog is missing
April 1, 2019 - 11:50
how can anybody like this twat
April 1, 2019 - 11:51
For EU now is a win-win situation. Be nice and let them stay and you are a nice institution that cares about all its citizens regardless of how retarded they are. Be strong and let them go and use it as a cautionary tale to the rest of nations: We dont bend the knee for anyone, we are fair to our members (ie Ireland) and the process can mess up all your political scenario.
April 1, 2019 - 11:56
Attached: autism bench.webm (960x530, 2.86M)
April 1, 2019 - 11:57
Attached: ça ne glisse pas.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)
April 1, 2019 - 12:02
Attached: Canachimp.webm (960x540, 2.91M)
April 1, 2019 - 12:03
Attached: 1552312475677.webm (480x360, 2.78M)
April 1, 2019 - 12:08
Attached: Italian tactics.webm (800x450, 483K)
April 1, 2019 - 12:11
>not chipping it He asked for it
April 1, 2019 - 12:11
Attached: Ameriadverts.webm (640x360, 1.05M)
April 1, 2019 - 12:13
Attached: schalke.webm (896x504, 2.99M)
April 1, 2019 - 12:13
Attached: 1472658128462.webm (1200x675, 2.82M)
April 1, 2019 - 12:15
most south american 'fight's seem to involve a lot of sprinting
April 1, 2019 - 12:33
At first I thought it was rugby.
April 1, 2019 - 12:37
>better than Werner, la
Attached: ''''premier''''league.webm (640x360, 2.91M)
April 1, 2019 - 12:59
Attached: brady saints.webm (1280x720, 1.37M)
April 1, 2019 - 13:42
This sums up english ""football""
April 1, 2019 - 13:44
that arrogant dick is in Cleveland now. CLEVELAND lol
April 1, 2019 - 14:28
love that episode of Affenzirkus
April 1, 2019 - 14:32
holy shit those m a s s i v e ads are distracting. did something happen?
April 1, 2019 - 14:33
>Also, why can't you into Brexit? British government represents multinational corporations, not the British people.
April 1, 2019 - 14:39
Know fuck all about this ***sport*** but what i do know is 90 is a fat lazy fucker and should be dropped right there for that shit.
April 1, 2019 - 14:40
And if Brexit actually happens, the Brits get to keep their culture, while yours becomes more diluted every year.
April 1, 2019 - 14:43
>not a single connected pass but hitting every slide tackle
now this is a tactic I can get behind
April 1, 2019 - 14:51
Not really true. The EU is crumbling in the face of the far right threat. They need Britain to stay.
April 1, 2019 - 14:52
>Germans being nasty to other races who would have thought it? inb4 Germans being a race >Germanic
April 1, 2019 - 14:59
Attached: roo jitsu.webm (480x278, 2.99M)
April 1, 2019 - 15:08
Attached: mashed potato.webm (860x480, 2.41M)
April 1, 2019 - 15:11
Fucking Hell I've never noticed number 4 before. Must be a Mandela shift lads.
April 1, 2019 - 15:17
no wonders the austalians lost the war against these creatures. savage af
April 1, 2019 - 15:17
Attached: flacco dies.webm (720x404, 1.19M)
April 1, 2019 - 15:25
I will never not laugh at this
April 1, 2019 - 15:29
slide tackles are way more entertaining than 1000x 10 yard passes
April 1, 2019 - 15:32
for me, it's running into the void
Attached: 1546906837821.webm (1280x720, 609K)
April 1, 2019 - 15:34
classic mutt lack of determination let another teammate deal with it
April 1, 2019 - 15:35
Attached: killer kangaroo.jpg (640x419, 55K)
April 1, 2019 - 15:37
Attached: white GETOFFME.webm (896x504, 1.34M)
April 1, 2019 - 15:37
Attached: Weis'd.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)
April 1, 2019 - 15:39
Attached: when will they learn.webm (852x480, 2.67M)
April 1, 2019 - 15:40
Attached: soccer.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)
April 1, 2019 - 15:43
yeah it's the 300 lb DLineman's job to do a 180 and run 100% effort downfield every play in case all his defenders fuck the tackles they should be making. Surely that will never come back to bite him.
April 1, 2019 - 15:53
Attached: 1448692020958.webm (800x450, 2.99M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:00
Attached: 1507928753010.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:01
Attached: 1516760557421.webm (640x360, 1.58M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:03
>south americans
Attached: rat-bants.webm (720x480, 1.25M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:03
Attached: de-dog.webm (640x360, 2.1M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:04
Attached: full-kit-wanker.webm (600x1066, 1.42M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:05
Maybe if he gave it 100% effort he'd catch him. What an absolute joke of a ***sport***
April 1, 2019 - 16:11
that probably was 100% effort for a fut cunt of those proportions
April 1, 2019 - 16:13
>that look after he castrates himself Gets me every time.
April 1, 2019 - 16:14
Attached: Pulkkinen_jokipallo.webm (1280x720, 931K)
April 1, 2019 - 16:15
hey be fair. he only has 3 ad breaks before the next play to catch his breath. needs to conserve that energy
April 1, 2019 - 16:17
Attached: var.webm (640x360, 2.91M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:27
that look of sheer panic, pain and regret is something else
April 1, 2019 - 16:29
Jesus this video is gruesome with the sound
April 1, 2019 - 16:31
>women's football
Attached: 1397781118167.jpg (249x249, 35K)
April 1, 2019 - 16:36
Attached: 1495722480909.gif (480x270, 3.31M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:38
Hey if you don't like women's football there's always women's basketball
Attached: WNBA.webm (480x360, 2.74M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:38
Attached: 1495145705347.webm (1100x618, 2.66M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:39
Attached: SlippyF.webm (852x480, 1.5M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:40
Attached: 1495145627340.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:41
Attached: career ending perro.webm (426x320, 806K)
April 1, 2019 - 16:42
Attached: women's world cup.webm (636x360, 2.7M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:43
Attached: treason.webm (1248x672, 1.86M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:43
I am an insider at UEFA and I have information on the rigging of the Cl but I will only post it here if I can get more than 10 likes
April 1, 2019 - 16:43
Attached: 1495145560574.webm (840x524, 1.16M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:43
Attached: 1495144710956.webm (1670x938, 2.55M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:46
>the city of Dutch cycling
Attached: 1470597045429.webm (848x480, 2.63M)
April 1, 2019 - 16:47
Yeah, so we can have the nice left wing of Boris and Jacob Rees to fight it.
April 1, 2019 - 16:55
Attached: 1421929035899.webm (600x337, 917K)
April 1, 2019 - 16:59
He inspires the dutch white nationalist, wonder what will happen to them.
April 1, 2019 - 17:13
Attached: Hazard bully kid.webm (800x562, 1.73M)
April 1, 2019 - 17:15
press Like to pay respects to the lactose intolerant defender of nigeria
Attached: 1422031129986.webm (600x338, 967K)
April 1, 2019 - 17:17
>"Pickford Carpets" advertising behind the throw-in It's like the foreshadowing of goalkeeping calamity.
April 1, 2019 - 17:19
Attached: 1475348569375.webm (480x270, 2.68M)
April 1, 2019 - 17:26
Attached: Horse end career.webm (1232x684, 1.73M)
April 1, 2019 - 17:26
Attached: 1530473488103.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)
April 1, 2019 - 17:29
accurate as fuck the filename, i mean
April 1, 2019 - 17:31
Attached: moucrowd.webm (1280x720, 481K)
April 1, 2019 - 17:33
Attached: west ham vs chelsea.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)
April 1, 2019 - 17:35
Wtf, he got a red for that?
April 1, 2019 - 17:38
Attached: goat pass ronaldo.webm (720x404, 2.9M)
April 1, 2019 - 17:42
Attached: Gilbert RIP slomo.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)
April 1, 2019 - 17:47
the guy stole him a tap-in?
April 1, 2019 - 17:49
Wonder if the one in the back has a concealed carry permit
April 1, 2019 - 17:49
nah mate just sod off and we're getting scotland back and a unified ireland keep wales i guess those fuckers are suspect IMHO
April 1, 2019 - 18:04
Attached: cm phil 1.webm (496x360, 1.71M)
April 1, 2019 - 18:07
i can't not laugh at this.
April 1, 2019 - 18:09
Attached: littlefinger.webm (480x480, 639K)
April 1, 2019 - 18:16
rumor has it he has an IQ on par with Giroud
April 1, 2019 - 18:17
Attached: cheeky_slav.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)
April 1, 2019 - 18:17
Attached: handikino.webm (1200x672, 2.56M)
April 1, 2019 - 18:20
Attached: walkie-talkie.webm (854x480, 2.48M)
April 1, 2019 - 18:24
Attached: the beautiful game.webm (640x356, 2.03M)
April 1, 2019 - 18:25
Attached: cosmonaut.webm (1000x562, 2.93M)
April 1, 2019 - 18:26
Attached: 1484108613588.webm (480x360, 1.03M)
April 1, 2019 - 18:27
what are these cunts doing ?
April 1, 2019 - 18:28
Attached: skino.webm (1000x562, 2.77M)
April 1, 2019 - 18:30
Attached: SPEAR!.webm (854x480, 705K)
April 1, 2019 - 18:32
>this is the real reason Nerman left Barcelona
Suarez pls stop bullying ;-;
April 1, 2019 - 18:34
There was more action here than in Mcgorgors last fight
April 1, 2019 - 18:36
>Arsenal >Losing 4-2 >to Nottingham Forest, who's playing with 10 men
When the fuck was this and how did I miss it?
April 1, 2019 - 18:37
Attached: tactical_dance.webm (960x540, 773K)
April 1, 2019 - 18:38
Attached: 1505998681833.webm (960x540, 2.97M)
April 1, 2019 - 18:40
What's his endgame?
Attached: tactical_nap.webm (1024x768, 1.59M)
April 1, 2019 - 18:43
>Both linesman are fat as well
April 1, 2019 - 18:44
Attached: smoothferg.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)
April 1, 2019 - 18:45
Is that the legendary Ngubu?
April 1, 2019 - 18:47
he was waiting for the goalie to drop the ball
April 1, 2019 - 18:52
Attached: 1505418468299.webm (696x392, 1.54M)
April 1, 2019 - 19:01
brain melt
Attached: wtf greece.webm (600x336, 2.49M)
April 1, 2019 - 19:02
Attached: 1550880541934.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)
April 1, 2019 - 19:03
her friend was much cuter, just look at her response
April 1, 2019 - 19:07
>cuts off before he takes the shot yeah, "based"
April 1, 2019 - 19:08
the Le everyone copy tiki taqa meme is real.
April 1, 2019 - 19:24
the fight was over at 4 seconds. he tried to go slicc to slicc with tony and knew he couldnt do it. gave up right there
April 1, 2019 - 19:34
Attached: messi almeria.webm (832x468, 2.01M)
April 1, 2019 - 19:36
Attached: 1417984502209.webm (480x270, 2.77M)
April 1, 2019 - 19:43
Attached: 1540861303984.webm (640x480, 879K)
April 1, 2019 - 19:54
Attached: 1530307524039.webm (398x368, 2.96M)
April 1, 2019 - 19:57
Attached: finland.webm (1210x678, 1.23M)
April 1, 2019 - 19:58
Attached: 1541887621840.webm (848x484, 636K)
April 1, 2019 - 19:59
Attached: bundes.webm (960x530, 2.84M)
April 1, 2019 - 20:02
Attached: 1532376981237.jpg (322x322, 15K)
April 1, 2019 - 20:05
Attached: 1531067347014.webm (1280x720, 2.38M)
April 1, 2019 - 20:18
>Oh no, it's coming my way, dodge dodge dodge
April 1, 2019 - 20:20
Attached: portugal.webm (352x192, 998K)
April 1, 2019 - 20:21
Shit base running. The point is to get the man on third home. The guy on third should have taken a lead halfway down the line. When the ball was grounded to first, he should have hauled ass home. Instead, he got caught in a rundown.
April 1, 2019 - 20:34
goal should be given desu
April 1, 2019 - 20:52
Attached: BaldboyCombo.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)
April 1, 2019 - 21:02
how can aussie bois even compete
April 1, 2019 - 21:09
you sure you're not american? the game was played in irregular conditions, the GK was also impaired as he couldn't see his line.
April 1, 2019 - 21:11
I can't fucking breathe, stop it you're killing me
Attached: 1509456470201.jpg (990x879, 117K)
April 1, 2019 - 21:24
>this wasn't a goal what a retarded sport honestly
April 1, 2019 - 22:18
English translation: GERRIT IN BOX
>base running. >the man on third home. >a lead halfway down the line. >ball was grounded to first >should have hauled ass home. >got caught in a rundown.
English translation: ???
April 1, 2019 - 22:47
Someone post the one of the asian fan from the world cup
April 1, 2019 - 23:26
I will never believe that last one is his fault. The defender is so goddamn stupid in that clip.
April 1, 2019 - 23:30
>we are fair to our members (ie Ireland) You're fucking joking. They've used us as a bargaining chip the entire time, teasing a hard border.
April 2, 2019 - 00:09
how is the defender supposed to stop his momentum?
April 2, 2019 - 00:11
kino how the fuck can you still stand after such beating. more like this?
April 2, 2019 - 00:16
This is the worst sport, for the weakest men, in the history of mankind. Any person, man or woman, who watches this garbage, should be purged.
April 2, 2019 - 02:46
>there are sad ABMessi's who will still blame Messi for this
April 2, 2019 - 02:57
the classic
Attached: 1512586937908.webm (720x404, 249K)
April 2, 2019 - 03:06
can someone give me a quick rundown on what the fuck is happening here. im a pee brained murican and thought PKs were awarded on fouls in the box
April 2, 2019 - 03:30
backpass foul, not a penalty kick. it's an indirect free kick in the place the goalkeeper grabbed the ball.
April 2, 2019 - 03:43
It's when a defender passes the ball with his foot back to the keeper and the keeper picks it up. You get a free indirect kick from the spot the keeper picked it up. It's ok to head the ball back to a keeper but not kick it.
April 2, 2019 - 03:47
Soccer is great. Soccer culture is garbage
April 2, 2019 - 03:48
It's a patriots fan posting mediocre plays from his team
April 2, 2019 - 03:59
equal parts stupid, funny and tragic.
Attached: 1488.png (1917x987, 3.4M)
April 2, 2019 - 04:15
Dont worry, most Americans don't know either.
April 2, 2019 - 04:19
Is this a reenactment of Isandlwana?
April 2, 2019 - 04:42
worst uncalled penalty ever
April 2, 2019 - 05:01
The whistle went as it was time for minutely flag salute and claps
April 2, 2019 - 05:23
This one destroyed my sidesđŸ˜ƒ
April 2, 2019 - 06:21
>that trip at the end lmao
April 2, 2019 - 09:02
Attached: pigeon watch.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)
April 2, 2019 - 10:40
youtu.be /FCOUx04bKmw
Attached: 001.jpg (1047x618, 208K)
April 2, 2019 - 11:11
Attached: 57b6ee9cbab66_o.jpg (1500x1028, 383K)
April 2, 2019 - 11:13
Need to show her my javelin skills
Attached: cat.jpg (500x375, 156K)
April 2, 2019 - 11:22
Attached: It's coming home.webm (960x540, 2.37M)
April 2, 2019 - 12:17
those are the players dude. they just have those on their shirts to make money
April 2, 2019 - 12:35
should've left it at "i know fuck all"
April 2, 2019 - 12:36
Now this is proper English football
April 2, 2019 - 12:54
the pidgeon was actually sitting in wolfsburg's goal when they conceded at the end
April 2, 2019 - 13:08
Attached: No Boner now pls.webm (720x720, 1.63M)
April 2, 2019 - 13:46
Thats Ana Foxxx and it is from a non porn movie about girls with cocks
April 2, 2019 - 16:03
nowt wrong with a finger up the bum
April 2, 2019 - 16:11
lost it when there was a 2nd guy at the end of the path
April 2, 2019 - 16:14
>non porn movie about girls with cocks now im intrigued, tell more
April 2, 2019 - 17:01
Attached: valors.webm (854x480, 1.84M)
April 2, 2019 - 17:38
are you actually retarded? The girl who picked the ball up is not the goalkeeper
April 2, 2019 - 17:41
Attached: spaghetti.webm (640x360, 2.63M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:12
Attached: women.webm (640x360, 542K)
April 2, 2019 - 18:13
Attached: american innovation.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:14
Attached: lukaku.webm (360x640, 1.99M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:17
Attached: memeleague2.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:18
Attached: wrestling.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:21
>not realising that Ireland now hates the EU because the EU has been saying HARD BORDER to fuck everything up.
April 2, 2019 - 18:21
Attached: unlucky.webm (320x180, 2.58M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:22
Attached: 1493488546522.webm (1117x720, 1.55M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:27
Attached: medics.webm (488x260, 2.89M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:28
More like flopping amirite?
April 2, 2019 - 18:30
Attached: drinking.webm (480x480, 1.15M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:31
Sanchez got a yellow IIRC
Attached: GOATeng.webm (896x504, 2.66M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:33
Attached: 0He5ghf.webm (720x404, 1.91M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:34
Attached: ANGLO'D.webm (960x518, 2.43M)
April 2, 2019 - 18:35
>female champions league
you literally cant find better
Attached: 621643275305cac3c50b831b5074156a.jpg (540x493, 59K)
April 2, 2019 - 18:43
Name of this mathematician?
April 2, 2019 - 18:45
Attached: pavard blooter.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)
April 2, 2019 - 19:18
Still don't know what he was thinking, what a moron
April 2, 2019 - 19:45
>>> Goddamn soccer is for faggots
April 2, 2019 - 19:57
He wanted to do the handstand throw in
April 2, 2019 - 20:06
And the other dude got nothing?
April 2, 2019 - 21:31
John Travolta whats going on big buy?
April 2, 2019 - 21:34
You do realize that once you start running, it doesn't have to be in a straight fucking line, right?
April 2, 2019 - 23:56
Cavani wasted his prime at PSG god dammit; what a player
April 3, 2019 - 00:07
Attached: outskilled.png (5000x2571, 124K)
April 3, 2019 - 06:27
Attached: 1414498046355.jpg (180x179, 12K)
April 3, 2019 - 06:48
Is that WORLD LEAGUE Yea Forums kept talking about?
April 3, 2019 - 10:42
>Not realising your own retardation
April 3, 2019 - 10:44
Attached: dele.webm (960x540, 2.04M)
April 3, 2019 - 11:37
Attached: chile.webm (720x480, 2.74M)
April 3, 2019 - 11:38
To be fair the smell of boiled brussels sprouts is fucking gross
April 3, 2019 - 15:21
can someone explain what is 34 doing
April 3, 2019 - 16:06
why always south america?
April 3, 2019 - 16:26
Is tug of war a sport?
Attached: 14908553814782122.webm (480x480, 1.18M)
April 3, 2019 - 16:29
He is trying to block a guy that is significantly bigger than him. Because he stands no chance against him face to face he tries to cut his legs so he falls down and can't affect the play or is atleast delayed long enough
April 3, 2019 - 16:32
Do you think the judges knew they were killing Ray Borg's son, or have they killed his son unbeknowingstly?
April 3, 2019 - 16:38
Fuuuuck, watching him and the keeper chase the ball is so fucking cool.
April 3, 2019 - 16:58
southamerican footy is fucking based
April 3, 2019 - 16:59
>still lamenting to the ref topkek
April 3, 2019 - 17:08
Poor thinking on the part of the player who got tagged last.
April 3, 2019 - 17:13
They're literally using the threat of war in Ireland as a bargaining chip. They do not treat us fairly at all.
April 3, 2019 - 17:14
daily reminder: 1 in every 165,000 Icelanders have scored on England.
April 3, 2019 - 17:23
Attached: mfw yes m80.jpg (700x420, 43K)
April 3, 2019 - 17:25
Obligatory pic related
Attached: elizabeth lambert highlights.gif (250x138, 1.13M)
April 3, 2019 - 17:28
April 3, 2019 - 17:29
pic related: the perp
Attached: ElizabethLambert.jpg (650x432, 226K)
April 3, 2019 - 17:29
I'd be moving troops and armoured divisions to Northern Ireland already.
April 3, 2019 - 17:33
Yes. 6 Irish counties are currently occupied by the British. Slightly embarrassing that you somehow still aren't aware of that in this day and age, but I'll forgive you because you're Mongolian so you probably don't know too much about Europe.
You'd be responsible for a lot of dead soldiers then.
April 3, 2019 - 17:36
And the UK is full of Irish. So fuck off back there. Northern Ireland wants to be part of the Union, tough shit. The EU wants to use Ireland as a cuck bitch to fuck over the UK and Ireland seems to be bending over and going 'DEEPER, MASTAH'.
April 3, 2019 - 17:38
>Those British people that we forcibly put into your land have decided they want to keep your land so you better just let them keep it I can't wait to say this to you when the pakis declare London their own city separate from England.
April 3, 2019 - 17:40
Women are so fucking garbage at football and they wonder why nobody watches them.
They're fucking worse than me and I haven't played for 10 years.
April 3, 2019 - 17:58
Attached: Arsenal Defending.webm (960x540, 2.71M)
April 3, 2019 - 18:18
>Torreira falling into the frame
Attached: 54376476547.jpg (192x174, 3K)
April 3, 2019 - 18:24
Pretty sure Ramsey (8) had only just been subbed in as well. It was a great goal.
He just wanted to be part of the cool kids club.
Attached: kino goal.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)
April 3, 2019 - 18:27
Attached: 1549415986711.webm (640x360, 2.86M)
April 3, 2019 - 20:15
Wires - how do they work?
April 3, 2019 - 20:18
It's a chop block. Something a small player does to a much larger player.
April 3, 2019 - 20:20
>he does more to damage the notion of manliness than any 3rd-wave feminist ever could
Attached: 1530125506186 neymar.jpg (720x480, 52K)
April 3, 2019 - 20:27
10 years from these happenings
April 3, 2019 - 20:31
Attached: jack.webm (640x360, 2.74M)
April 3, 2019 - 20:32
imagine Neymar in this exact situation: no attempt at scoring, just drama.
April 3, 2019 - 20:36
>For EU now is a win-win situation. How so? Remember how Britain was supposed to collapse if they voted Leave? They voted to leave and everything is fine, economically.
Politically, things will settle. This will be a signal to other countries that when they want to leave they'll have to do it better than Britain (not hard), that's all.
Seems like the beginning of the end for the EU.
April 3, 2019 - 20:40
And just a two game suspension. Still a classic bit of video tho.
Attached: elizabeth-lambert-hair-pull.gif (320x216, 825K)
April 3, 2019 - 20:43
Attached: iaw0n_1.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)
April 3, 2019 - 20:57
I really want to eat that skin desu
April 3, 2019 - 20:58
No other continents are dumb enough to let dogs into the stadium this millennium. Except maybe Africa but they don't have many dogs from what I know.
April 3, 2019 - 21:17
>nfl rigged my brother to have as many super bowl wins as me
April 3, 2019 - 21:38
Attached: Arby's saves the day.webm (640x640, 1.43M)
April 3, 2019 - 22:23
Genuinely a very impressive stop. Would be one in a mens' game, too.
April 3, 2019 - 23:09
tottenham should probably make a bid for her in the summer
April 3, 2019 - 23:11
>yfw Ramos would have stomped it to death
Indeed, can't think of any recent saves like that, maybe that double save that Alumnia(?) did? Or was it Fabianski?
Attached: based pique.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)
April 3, 2019 - 23:15
Attached: goat goal.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)
April 3, 2019 - 23:17
Attached: girouds goal.webm (960x540, 2.33M)
April 3, 2019 - 23:18
I love his look of confusion because he felt a presence autistically lumbering behind him.
April 3, 2019 - 23:18
Some Russian shilling his 'preview' videos and I guess he puts what look like child ''models'' as bait on the front to get clicks.
April 3, 2019 - 23:20
Member when Vardy was good?
Attached: vardy goat.webm (828x472, 1.51M)
April 3, 2019 - 23:21
Attached: Goatka.webm (1280x720, 2.33M)
April 3, 2019 - 23:25
What the fuck is happening here?
April 3, 2019 - 23:54
I always like to think of this as Pep in the 16-17 season
April 4, 2019 - 00:06
Greatest striker to have ever lived.
April 4, 2019 - 00:13
Attached: fade.png (1366x768, 1.6M)
April 4, 2019 - 00:15
I will always remember watching this live, strangely. Just a fucking bizarre moment.
April 4, 2019 - 05:14
Attached: messi wink.webm (480x480, 731K)
April 4, 2019 - 05:17
I was going to post that. Guess I'll post the other one.
Attached: Stone Cold Killer 2.webm (640x800, 1.24M)
April 4, 2019 - 05:23
Attached: blooter.webm (960x540, 2.43M)
April 4, 2019 - 05:33
That's a fuckin squat toilet
April 4, 2019 - 05:36
Not sure I get the reference, friend.
Attached: based.webm (360x360, 2.7M)
April 4, 2019 - 05:44
Attached: Kos overhead.webm (960x540, 2.67M)
April 4, 2019 - 06:06
>strokes his face while he's down before choking him out It's like pottery
April 4, 2019 - 07:00
god bless A-league and its yearly blooper reels
April 4, 2019 - 07:15
absolutely based
Attached: 1530383435896.webm (720x404, 1.82M)
April 4, 2019 - 07:19
Why do you niggas have so much webms with russian channels' labels?
April 4, 2019 - 07:26
>puts him in a god damn sleeper hold
jesus CHRIST aussies, how do you live with these things
April 4, 2019 - 07:53
because in a mens' game the ball wouldn't be rolling at such a slow speed
April 4, 2019 - 08:17
>the pound collapsing against the euro >companies leaving UK to settle in Asia >Nissan telling Sunderland to fuck off >And they still havent solve how are they going to trade or with whom
Everything is going ok and the EU is the one is fucked up.
April 4, 2019 - 09:30
Thank you Mr.Couscous. Very cool!
Attached: wait this isn't rugby.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)
April 4, 2019 - 09:30
Will never understand why they don't pass to someone better positioned
April 4, 2019 - 09:37
Wasnt ready for these feels.
April 4, 2019 - 10:12
Fuckin' love Xhaka, man. He score all the time with those but when it goes in, it's a riot.
April 4, 2019 - 10:53
Attached: Modric vs Argentina.webm (960x540, 2.94M)
April 4, 2019 - 11:37
Holy shit, is this real? Crazy underrated webm if so
April 4, 2019 - 12:06
Tolisso behind being in the perfect angle
April 4, 2019 - 12:10
>find the channel because I forgot about the blooper reels >he makes them for other countries too legend
April 4, 2019 - 12:53