how many prayers for my homeboy Schummy?
1 like = 1 prayer
Like this post to pray for Schummy
forgot he existed desu, has this man been abducted by aliens
I honestly thought he had died already.
praying is for retard who believe in god. I am too enlightened for such foolishness
OP can't get Like!s, ColombiANO😃
You can't like OPs? How did they fuck up so badly?
Schumi NEVER would have spun off when getting passed (wouldn't have been caught be Ham either)
please somebody delete this thread I am so embarrassed right now
And to cuck this colombiano
we can save him Yea Forums!
but only if you post "Rise and Shine, Schumi!" in this thread
He's still alive?
>forgot he existed
he did too!😃
schumi :/ :/
like this post to turn off the life support
God bless!
like THIS post to sack Iberia and restore the Roman Empire
>Survive a 7 time champion F1 career relatively unscathed
>Get severe brain damage from a ski accident
Shits fucked
Let's go ski they said. It will be fun, they said.
We need the eggplant emoji
imagine only thing worse would be being born brainded and then never winning like RIC🐰
Do you we really exist, if we don't know that we exist?
Pic related
this thread
>Yea Forums
how new are you?
phoneposter detected