Kyle can sweep the entire weekend for maximum butthurt.
Rags welcome.
Get in here.
Kyle can sweep the entire weekend for maximum butthurt.
Rags welcome.
Get in here.
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fuck these late ass start times
rolling winner
I'm going to win today, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
add some salt on that pasta
Are there actually KB fans on here or is it just shitposting
This is a Kyle Busch board
I'm not a fanboy of any one driver, so I enjoy seeing them all get worked up over their heeroh's. Regardless, it's pretty badass if you can sweep the entire weekend, so I'd like to see him do it.
Ball cancer
winner roll
People can talk shit all they want about the lower season wins, but I respect him for the effort, at least.
Cancer bad
hey he's gotta pay for his wife's vacations.
why is Mikey so qt bros
>some random hobo
>muh god
For sweeping, of course.
>Autisms fake ass girlfriend
Rolling for the winner today:
Vegas Odds:
Kryle 2.8/1
Bread 3.5/1
Lelgano 6.5/1
Cactus King 7.5/1
Gimmie 9/1
Blaney 10/1
Lelson 11/1
TrooX 13/1
Lelliott 14/1
Hemlel 17/1
Krut 20/1
Al-mir Allah 30/1
Jones boi 35/1
Clit 50/1
Autism 50/1
Suarez 60/1
Byron 60/1
Hemric 75/1
Steakhouse 100/1
Showman 125/1
Muhnards 150/1
Bubba 150/1
Newman 200/1
Boosher 300/1
Ty Dillon 300/1
DiRedditdetto 500/1
Preece 500/1
Field 250/1
1st time Gimmie has been under 10/1 in almost 2 years
she is an African semen receptacle.
if digit kyle crashes earnhardt style and dies
>visit parents
>race is on at fucking 9AM and Larson is starting at like 22nd or some shit
pure misery
I apologize to anyone that this may offend, but I just thought it was so ridiculously silly I had to save it. Seriously, how can you not laugh at how ludicrous that is?
Again, apoligies.
must be nice
I don't see Toyota having a good race today, Seems like they always struggle when a team has a crew cheif ejected.
>unironically replying to the same frogposter that's been in like every /turnleft/ thread since 2015
i have a crisp $20 bill that says the grand prix booty blasts this race in terms of excitement
why doesnt indycar go to texas anymore
>zooming in on hamlin's adderalled out eyes
With this package, I couldn't argue much against that.
That was a abnormally good grand prix today, Almost Talladega tier by F1 standards.
Clearly that's a professional.
a good race won by the nibber is like a good truck race that kryle ends up winning
Holy shit there's nobody here
blackie won?
>wont be watching the replay
yup, Ferrari spaghetti'd themselves as usual from what saw,
It's on the schedule this year, is it not on the schedule next season? I heard indycar is going to Circuit of the Americas this year, cookie cutter tracks are deathtraps in a open wheel car.
leclarc's turbo pissed and shidded but did not cum
>blocks your path
nothin personal
>I heard indycar is going to Circuit of the Americas this year
literally last weekend
I feel like he could beat Vettel this year.
stream where
>Brendan Fraiser is driving the pace truck
>Its a Chevy
Great omen there for the Chevy teams
usual places
anywhere, just not into the wind.
rigged jimmie win today
twitch tv y_fp_ft
I feel bad for Paul Menard. Here's a guy wh
Well they finally got their slow motion ShindyCar race anyways
thanks lad
>hms 1-2-3
been a fan since his hendrick days la
filthy rich kid car babby better not win
>blue monday
based fox audio guy
nu-MindyCar drivers are terrified of ovals
what the fuck is this kfc commercial?
>commercial cawshun
jonesboy spinning at turn 2
>commercial caution
Tryna be alive t b h
>Larson passing has someone so shook their cars just freak out on them
How come Gibbs gave Suarez the "WHY CAN'T YOU WIN IN THESE CARS?!?!" treatment and not Jones? Outside of the win in a demolition derby at Daytona he wasn't that much more spectacular last year.
>kryle missed his pit stall
>ends up gaining a spot
>yfw Lar2on has a decent car
Being at Martinsville was suffering
laughed out loud at kyle gaining a spot
I only like kyle because of /toyota/ should I feel bad?
Been seeing these alot lately, did the app get released again?
it's fine, i like him because of m&m's
ok, this is epic
It looks like Gimmies holding up the field lol
Most exciting racing since Daytona
Looks like a late 80s or early 90s Daytona/Talladega race.
>tfw too tired to go (You) fishing with all the usual turnleft funposts
How come Chevy never raced the corvette?
They might have figured out the cookie cutter tracks.
meme car
has a driver ever led every lap?
Orange vanilla Coke is actually pretty based
Pretty sure that was the goal. I think they need to raise the rear bumpers so they don't bubble push the leader so bad.
what booze would you mix with it?
i only like him because i like batteries.
they're obviously doing something different from Vegas.
They practiced like this at Vegas all weekend but then on Sunday it was dogshit same as last year
>65g sugar in one serving
do amerifats really drink this?
Maybe vodka, idk liquor isn't my thing I pretty much just drink beer
Literally no one asked for Orange Creamsicle Coke. What the fuck were they thinking?
It's partly cloudy while Vegas suddenly turned sunny and hot after the weather being dogshit all the way up until Sunday so they're gripped up.
Coke zero friendo
Jeff Burton at Loudon in 2000
they do have a coke zero version dumbass.
It's probably the best flavor that they've ever had imo
le illegal JJ clean air race
>ads during pits
Still has sugar lel
Fox is missing all the action
ASPARTAME is not sugar it is a sweetener.
>Says zero sugar on the fucking can
>Still has sugar lel
I am absolutely floored how much further ahead of everyone else the Gibbs/Penske cars are. They've been virtually unbeatable since 2017 or so.
Ford and Toyota have both committed a lot of resources to racing compared to Chevy lately.
Which means they probably pay better to "win".
Lol what food did Gordon have in the Booth?
it's nice to see chevys back up front.
It didn't look like one of Gossage's bacon infused abominations
let's see some carnage here
Is Chevy doing well anywhere? IMSA? Maybe Indy?
>Bread is dead
based krut
>gimmie already falling back
was nice while it lasted
>Larson fans
How does it feel knowing Larson is the new McMurray and Busch is the new Larson?
xcept brush is a vegas boy while larson grew up on the dirt tracks of south america.
I guarantee fans will still bitch about this racing and how it isn't "pure".
uh oh faggot detected
Hasn't been shit...which is what I expected.
>the guy in that RING commercial
there were 4 guys. Which guy are you referring too.
Toyotas are straight up factory cars, Fords are all one factory engine/aero program, while Chevy is two completely separate Hendrick and Childress teams just getting money and engineers. The latter is closer to what stock car racing should be so Toyota and Ford can fuck off.
the sōy one
Slang used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities. This pathetic state is usually achieved by an over-indulgence of emasculating products and/or ideologies.
and there's larson's weekly visit to the wall
being a larson fan is truly suffering
Just put Newman in for Larson.
Larsons on Faire baby!
Kurt Busch is the new #1 driver at CGR
Only for a year or two. He will retire soon. I think he went to CGR because he wants to do sport cars after NASCAR. But if he can win and stay competitive, I can see him staying in NASCAR for a few more years
>caution during commercial break
Every fucking time
Get da watuh nigga! Muyhafuckin' bootleg fireworks!
here -->
Should really find another driver to cheer for as my #2 since Larson seems to crash or get a penalty every game
I'm not even disappointed anymore
Krut went to CGR because Chip could get him Sports car rides and a ride in the Indy 500 (Or even a full season) on the way to retiring and eventually a spot at the organization. Even if he was winning, it seemed like the whole alignment was that he'd take the car for a year to help development while Watermelon Boy ran Xfinity then do part time in the 40 while Chastain took the 1.
Also >lelgano
>stands emptier than nascar exec's souls
>Indy gets a packed house at COTA
>TMS stands are empty yet again despite Gossage papering the local media like crazy
Gee I wonder why.
based cheater hood
>>Indy gets a packed house at COTA
they said there was about 30k at cota, I think Nascar at Texas will have more than that
>30,000 people at a track designed to hold 150,000
>"Packed House"
Kill yourself Shindycar faggot
>No Stream
Why do MindyCar stans have little brother syndrome when it comes to NASCAR?
Isn't this weekend hunting season in Texas?
mmmm ice cream
Because 23 years they fucked up HARD and NASCAR took over as the only racing series anybody in the mainstream media gives a shit about.
Nowadays, all forms of motosport are probably on the chopping block of getting banned for wasting resources, so it really makes no sense to me.
Toyota cheating with the roof flap confirmed
>Shitting on TMS and Gossage brings out defense force because of mentioning Indy
TMS should only have an October night race at best in the Playoffs since it's at least tolerable when drivers have it all on the line like with Bread and Sneak in 2014 but whatever.
>leave come back
>still commercial
Ain't nobody got time for this.
lol just give your data away!
Also, that NASCAR ad.
>they already had it
yeah fuck this i'm going to the gym to prepare for the upcoming racewar
on tv for free
based jimmie
I ain't got no TV and all of the local dives are focused on College Apehoop.
>jimmie fucking up
do sponsors actually generate a decent roi from nascar? how the fuck are they making money?
What happened to Logano?
Back when running a top-flight car was under $5 Million a year they were making bank. Nowadays, you need a budget of at least $18 Million to just break even and be a field-filler.
broken hood
NBC is WAAAY worse though.
It's all cancer.
Maybe the coverage is so shitty because NASCAR wants people to go and see races live?
I feel so bad for Paul Menard.
Here's this kid, worked his butt off his entire life, and can't get himself on a winning team like Hendricks.
Such a fucking shame because Gordon, Elliot, and Johnson only got themselves into racing because of daddy's money while Menard had to work his way up and still gets the short end of the stick.
RIP MuhNards
Anyone else want Suarez to win so it'll start a race-riot and get NASCAR shut down forever? Because I do.
rednecks threw beer at him for his result last week, image what will they throw at him for winning
>the coverage is so shitty because NASCAR
Relies on urbanites from (((nyc))) and (((hollywoodland))) to present their product to a public they despise.
>rednecks threw beer at him
>Nascar Team trying to do an F1 Undercut
??? What did Team Penske mean by this?
was at indy after the F1 tire debacle. Lots of beer thrown on the track.
I know Jeff Gordon won a race once and got seat cushions thrown at his car during the victory burn-out.
>Blaney blowing up
KWL incoming
I started going bald at 20 but I just shaved it. Didn't use keeps
that might of been at talladega when he passed earnhardts record
i know people threw beer and toilet paper at him at dega in 05 and 07 but never heard of the seat cushions
based penske
just lost 60 points due to blaneys shit engine.
In the 2002 Pepsi 400 the entire backstretch threw seat cushions on the track in protest of the race ending under caution.
how does he just get everything handed to him bros? it's not fair
lol I grew a big ol beard as well.
That's what I was thinking of.
Kwl. Time to turn this shit off
another side by side texas finish today?
>people really think kyle is gonna win this
>93 to go
I need Suarez beating a Gibbs car for his first win more than I need air to breathe.
#22 backed off to put me in a "certain" situation
>Blaney DNF
Well, this race went to shit.
Kyle will destroy him
"The 22 just ran down low down the straightaway to put me in a particular situation. What a fuck!" -- Kyle Busch
may as well go do some fishin
Kryle ain't doin' shit
Once a whiny little shit, always a whiny little shit. I don't care how much talent he has Kyle will always be a fucking bitch.
>de bris
>crying towel
who /miss jimmy spencer/ here
Darrell always picks Kyle
>De Bris
he just wants to diddle samantha
Smart man.
>gimmie no tyres
meme win incoming
This Coke Zero Sugar commercial must be some sort of psychological programming.
Why? Literally the ugliest nascar wife
DW has been thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhis far up Kyle's ass for the past 11 years. Ever since he and Gibbs joined Toyota.
if i was a betting man i'd bet early onset dementia
>troox is the worst jgr
Kyle would embarrass petty on today’s tracks
>JGR institutes Team Orders so Kyle Wins LOL
Fuck this gay shit.
>kryle fucked
why would you not?
>shut him down
Holy shit. How'd he save that?
Well, if I were in charge of a team and it was under 10 to go during a green-flag run I probably would. But NASCAR fines teams that do that, so...?
>fortnite dancing in a talladega commercial
this sport is truly lost now
I'm still going to win.
>whatever part the 18 was manipulating to cheat broke and they had to fix it
come on nascar time for a rigged jj comeback desu
>fines teams that do that, so
I'm sure the teams work out risk over reward.
Save us Byron
of course you are honey!
The new composite body shit on the Xfin cars holds up pretty well when they do a bit of rubbing and banging.
can literally see the ((((them)))) in her face
At least Hendrick is beating the Fords, too bad it's JGRWL
dumbbell piercings
>confirmed cockwhore
It's how Zoomers communicate and perform mating dances, so yeah good luck not seeing it everywhere.
I'm just going off of how NASCAR hit Michael Waltrip's old team hard when they got caught doing 4D Chess Team Orders.
Oh wait I missed the #10, well fuck this shit.
love that cleaning the vag jazz
>YFW caution at 25 to go
this is literally the worst, most cringey thing i've ever seen in my life
What happened to overexposed hypercommercialized things going out of style with the kids.
I went to Winstead Hill in Franklin, TN yesterday, which was a vantage point used in the Civil War and is now a historical park with monuments in memory of Confederate soldiers. I shit you not, there was this kid there with his family in this gaudy Fortnite jacket that looked almost like one of those racing T-shirts with shit all over the place.
denenbeetto semen?
When does the Larson comeback start?
saw some little shit getting off the bus the other day with a fortnight jacket. Should have hit him but were tons of witnesses.
Where is he?
All but guaranteed now.
That is the demographic NASCAR and all other kinds of sports have to chase and appease. I have no faith in any of them achieving any measure of success.
Fortnite's popularity is basically groupthink mob mentality personified. It's gotten to the point where, one time I was playing Wild Guns when my cousin see's me and asks "Why you play old shit?" and then tries to convince me to BUY HIM a copy of Fortnite so we can play together.
IMO It's generic, yes, but that's what the hardcore fans want. They want a game with a low learning curve and a simple, predictable setup and control scheme. At this point, it's so ubiquitous that some people buy it just because they know they'll always have people to play with.
I'm pretty sure there is enough customization options in Fortnite that you could make an avatar that looks like a race car driver.
>rolling winner
>tired from two other races
You cannot stop us. Sorry Martin and Cole, you have to sit back a year for not letting us use your notes desu, nothing personnel
>Danny Hemlin
What the shit at least Jones would have been bearable.
why didnt toyota put so much effort in f1 as they do in nascar
based suarez
is this the only racing where you can have two penalties and win by 2 seconds?
Quit running the meme shit races Kyle and you won’t put yourself into the wall when your coke high runs out
>Newman 11th
Well, could've been a lot worse, I'm happy for him but I was hoping so bad for a top 10 finish.
I'm actually ok with these results desu
The weird image stabilization on this camera makes the background look like a green screen.
A lot of unexpected names running in the top 15.
Hopefully more of this.
Nice going for Denny.
>Bowyer has already won his last race
they need to pay this whenever hamlin wins