If I were to visit England during the Premier League season...

If I were to visit England during the Premier League season, what stadium or team would I have to go out of my way to visit/see play? I don't follow the league or sport very much but I'd want to see what the atmosphere is like on gameday

Attached: England stadium.jpg (290x174, 14K)

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St. James' Park

that's up there in the northern part, is there much else to see up there? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions

you could have a fine holiday in the north east alone but it doesn't have the best attractions necessarily
if you want to see a team play, you'll probably struggle to get tickets to see the top teams. wolves is a decent place to watch football, and they're doing well. if you're going to london then i'd recommend watford if you want good football or crystal palace if you want atmosphere.

I'd second this, best away ground I've been to

Bamburgh castle is definitely worth a visit if you're in the north-east, nice beach too.

Attached: bamburgh-castle.jpg (1024x664, 614K)

cool, thanks for the replies. I think it'd be nice to see passionate fans, not like some of the plastic ones in professional venues here

Anfield on a match day is probably the best atmosphere in England. No meme.


so kind of related, would a drive from London to Liverpool be "nice"? Like have nice nature or comfy villages?

only amongst the top 6. it can be the best but only if they're playing a major game like today. better atmospheres are in some lower prem teams and a lot of championship teams.

the drive is a bit of a nightmare actually, in theory 3.5 hours but usually more like 5. there are some decent views but the best is probably passing over birmingham on the M6. train is the best way to do it but it'll cost unless you book in advance.

oh I see. I don't mind long drives but I hate sitting in traffic

Attached: england drive.png (1198x789, 235K)

If you want a PL game - even if you picked a low team or one who's just come up - your best bet for a ticket without going touting is look at travel companies who offer 'experiences' (i.e. hospitality tickets and an overnight/weekend hotel). Not saying it's impossible otherwise but I wouldnt hold out much hope.

Mild disclaimer - I work for such a company (well, part of the wider group) and frankly the rest of the season is totally gone for us. Even doing it non-internally as a 'member' of the club I support had the rest of the season sold out weeks ago.

If you're looking for next season you have a reasonable chance once the fixtures get released, but if you're coming over in the next few weeks I recommend looking into the touts. Failing that, ouija boards and how much your soul will go for on the demonic market (!)

Honestly don't be fooled by any of the journey times - if you're going between big cities by car, it'll take longer than you think.

Liverpool and Manchester are both cities worth visiting (I assume you'll be going to London anyway), Birmingham (and by extension, Wolverhampton as that's a tram ride away) is okay, I'd say a lot of other ones you'll want a reason other than the football to visit as well.

I've worked at quite a few football stadiums in my youth, I remember a few tourists, they seemed to have a good time. Some went with a friend, but even going just because is good. Support the home side, join the shouting, and have an overpriced pint and a pie (because the hot dogs won't be any good, compared to literally anyone else's, and the burgers are nearly as bad)

If I was you i wouldn't be going out of my way to see anyone unless you have another reason to go to that city as well. There's professional teams everywhere though they aren't all premier league. As a neutral you'll probably enjoy the experience wherever you go. If you really want to avoid plastic fans then go see a lower league match

pie? is that Sheppards pie? interesting for a game

season is basically over

Just get the train lad. Then from Liverpool get the train to Manchester, and then the Pennine Express into the peak district. Loads of little villages served by rail and not a difficult or lengthy journey at all. You could get a day ticket and jump on/off at two or three places easy.

Come to Crystal Palace to see some proper football

cool, that sounds like what I'd be looking for. Would be fun to drink too during the ride if I could bring my own on or it's not too expensive

Sorry, not Pennine Express, though that gets you across Northern England alright. Get on the Hope Valley line.

I guess you could but there are loads of lovely pubs in places like Grindleford and particularly Hathersage. I'm from Sheffield and me and my mates would go to Hathersage quite a lot. On nice summer days we'd get off at Edale with rucksacks full of beer and bacon sandwiches in the morning, climb Mam Tor, drop down the other side of it into Castleton then bus to Hathersage for pubs and a curry.
This is the line. Runs from Manchester to Sheffield. Sheffield itself would be a good place for football tourism as it hosts two fairly big teams (both in the Championship at the moment mind) plus Sheffield FC, which is the world's oldest football club still going. Sheffield as a city is a little hit and miss but the western side of the city centre and surrounding suburbs are comfy.

exactly same story for me minus the excercise

Small world eh

The amount of times I've been sat drinking in the Millstone or the Grouse or The Castle or Cheddar and looked at people walking in with rucksacks looking knackered but relieved while I'm feeling both snug and disappointed in myself. Doesn't bare thinking about.

cool man, thanks for all the help. I screenshot your post

Newcastle is by all accounts the best place for slags

Depends on the route. Motorways aren't exactly interesting but if you took A roads you'd pass some nice places/countryside.

Yorkshire / South West is the GOAT for comfy drives

great, that's what I'm looking for
would possibly be with my gf so I don't know if that would happen

Crystal Palace is probably the best PL team for atmosphere on a weekly basis. It mostly depends on how meaningful the match is though