couldn't have happened to a bigger cunt
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Neil is based you mong. Did wonders to get promoted with Cardiff
Love How shitting on Colin was a Yea Forums past time, then he comes out in support of brexit and all of a sudden gets his dick sucked 24/7
Depressingly predictable
Establishment have it in for him
he's a massive cunt, i hope cardiff go down asap. just really hate chelsea too. conflicted.
This is the same guy that flies the communist flag to liverpool games
With the way Cardiff handled the Sala affair, I hope they go down and never see the Premier League again
You realise the far left is pro brexit right? Can't have a true socialist society inside the EU
Even corbyn is he hates the neo liberal cunts
Huge cunt
feel for cardiff there but fuck it
I don't support brexit and I think Neil is based. Why does souf Yea Forums shit on him so much?
Fuck off with your Eddie howes
This was the club's fault though, not Warnock's.
I'm northern and I think he's a cunt
>Paying millions for a corpse
Nah, Cardiff would have been cucks if they'd paid up.
>babby's first politic
Communism's goal is statelessness and borderlessness. The EU is a stepping stone towards the latter. Corbyn is to an extent a Euroskeptic but that does not change the fact that if given a choice to stay or to remain, most commies would choose to stay because of the open border implications. Corbyn is very pro immigration, for instance.
Colin Wanker deserves it
It's their fault he's dead
This isn't true at all by the way.
Communists are 100% anti EU.
>Communism's goal is statelessness and borderlessness
North Korea is quite borderless yes
please read the opening paragraph of the wikipedia article on communism. embarrassing.
t. commie brexiteer
pathetic little englander cunt
>if given a choice to stay or to remain, most commies would choose to stay because of the open border implications
Do some research you little faggot. The communist parties are all pro-Brexit. And the fact that you think communists' main priority is open borders really gives you away.
t. paki
This is what happens when you get all of your political "knowledge" from gamergate videos
t. nigel
this post stinks of curry
you must be cooking curry then lad
aha get fucked colin
I'd rather be a Paki than a Warnock
jock or paddy either way if it was up to the english people in a vote we would of told you to fuck of centuries ago
12 days until we push you over the white cliffs
why would anyone still decide to be racist knowing that it correlates with unintelligence
like how do you not have that realisation that you were deservedly socially ostracised
NK is as communist as the UK is a democracy.
Good rebuttal
They are pro-Brexit because of EU's stance on the single market. They do love immigration, regardless.
The UK is a democracy.
Thanks for conceding.
imagine being this blind to remarks
It has been a tough day for thick, little, racist Colins everywhere.
This times a million. Fuck this scummy club and anyone who defend their Jewish behaviour.
it is a semi political democracy, full political and economic democracy is nowhere near being achieved
Racism is pretty common, what are you talking about? For instance, my family and most of my friends are racist. I am too and I'm hardly ostracised. Maybe in the UK it's different
the funny thing is, if the guy makes a remark about Irish people racist fucks, that will ironically be racist/xenophobic of him.
Why are you talking about intelligence when you write like a brainlet?
>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks Make sure to check your spam box!
This looks like my girlfriends body
Based high test poster
Post picture of slag
Thanks, honestly its really hot. I'm going to make her roleplay as Neil Warnock next time we fuck. she does whatever i say because she is so hideous. for example last week i made her roleplay as the 'i can't believe it' man from the Crystanbul webm (I made her dress in his clothes and say 'I CAN'T BELIEVE IT' in a scouse accent before sucking me off)
Get her to shout 'NO DEAL BEST DEAL' for the full experience.
>Communism's goal is statelessness and borderlessness
except this isn't true at all you fucking mong.
communism as it is has been defined so far means that every means of production belong to the community i.e. in almost every case the state.
this is, among others thing, the reason why there is a violent disagreement between communists and people from the other school of thoughts among the left, who strongly reject the idea of a state with almost unlimited power.
ultimately, communism as Karl Marx saw it, is a transitory state toward another era for mankind, but even he had no fucking idea what should be done after the revolution.
communism is an international movement, but itself doesn't come with any stance toward immigration. this is another point where you'll find all kind of opinion among leftists.
most communists have one thing in common : they advocate for a strong, proactive state on the economic matters, a state who's the only authority over economy. and being in the EU make that difficult, so yes, most communists are not fond of the EU, even if they don't yell it aloud since it doesn't win them votes among the left-wing population.
like omg no way evrywun knows racism iz a bad they say it on the news so u no it's true ffs
it smells like shit, it looks like shit, it's definitely a trot
>he comes out in support of brexit and all of a sudden gets his dick sucked 24/7
Seems bizarre for that to happen, especially on Yea Forumseddit.
In fairness we could argue the (((definition))) of (((Communism))) until the 6m come home. (((Communism))) isn't for the proles and never was. Surely you've noticed yourself that "real (((Communism))) has never been tried" and do you know why "real (((Communism))) has never never been tried"? Because (((Communism))) works. All of those other attempts ended in complete fucking failure so we know it couldn't have been (((Communism))). Why? I've just told you, real (((Communism))) works and those ones didn't. Therefore "not real (((Communism)))".
Fuck sake, come on, Pierre. Communism literally started thanks to your (((revolution))) and the (((intellectuals))) in France at the time. You know all of this because you know about France and (((Communism))).
We already know there's distinct differences between Socialism and (((Socialism))), mainly that only one works. And it isn't the brain dead one that's been tried and failed countless times. It's not the one where "logic" is dictated by (((dialectics))). It's not the one where you try to kill your ecosystem because your retard "logic" has already created mass starvation.
I'm sure you get my point and I'm sure you understand the amount of (((Jewish cowbell))). After all, only one of Socialism and (((Socialism))) is allowed. And it isn't the one that benefits the goys.
imagine being so retarded you talk about marx yet not knowing his theory of history, which advocates for a stateless communist society at the end.