Gen culture

>/nba/- boomer
>/nfl/- doomer
How accurate is this?

Attached: sauce.jpg (616x462, 60K)

>/nba/- zoomer
>/hoc/- bloomer
>/mlb/- boomer
>/nfl/- nigger

Attached: 20140919.jpg (1500x1125, 257K)

what about xoomers

gays? every soccer gen.

not accurate at all?

Attached: MKxK4eVS_400x400.jpg (400x400, 22K)

>OP - faggot

Friendly reminder every general is still a boomer general, as zoomers have yet to prove themselves worthy of succession desu. Gen Z does look promising though

"Generations" were made by The Joos to divide us.



It's probably the most zoomer one out there. All the oldfags left and the newfags that spam the thread with baby talk garbage surpasses /hoc/'s autism.

I knew before I opened the thread. The day of the rake can't come soon enough.

Attached: 1533339155749.jpg (600x400, 170K)

>/nba/ - boomer
Basketball is jigaboo millennials: the sport

We're still the most influential and will continue to be, until zoomers stop being unoriginal semen-slurping faggots and prove themselves worthy by matching(or even coming close to) our overall body of work. Same goes for every other general desu


As long as it doesn't include you, WE're still golden.

Based on this pic, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer? I'm a based zoomer (born 1998).

Attached: eraszoomer.png (1400x1039, 3.15M)

I miss when Yea Forums wasn't reddit lite

>/nba/ - boomer
>/hoc/ - boomer
>/mlb/ - boomer
>/nfl/ - retarded boomer

Attached: 1549372857086.jpg (462x600, 36K)


This pic is all wrong.

What's a doomer?

Generals are all cancerous.