/cbb/ general - FRIDAY edition

Gonzaga, Virginia, Michigan, Purdue advance

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Other urls found in this thread:



OP ya dun goofed

No, you are mistaken sir. There's no way a Big 12 team would eliminate a B1G team, that's just science.



*pees all over myself in excitement*

My Cavvers will win the ship

is g*nzaga actually getting refballed into the natty?

no, they really are that good.

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Who's on your bracket today, BITCH

Literally whom

>LSU / Michigan State
7pm EST
>Auburn / North Carolina
730pm EST
>Virginia Tech / Duke
930pm EST
>Houston / Kentucky
10pm EST

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Texas Tech is ELITE

>Pic related

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ls who?

>tfw missed on ALL 4 games last night
I got Dook, Sparty, Tarheels and Kentucky tonight. How fucked am I?

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>missed all four
Well, the good news is it can't get any worse.

This actually gives me hope that muh Coogs might do it.

There was already a thread you fucking retards.


>March Madness
That's something entirely different.

This is the /cbb/ general.

We've been posting in /cbb/ threads for a week, some user clearly didn't LURK MOAR before he made a thread.


That other thread was made last night ya dingus


not a /cbb/ thread though

youre fucking stupid

>calling someone here stupid
show me your bracket


>3 threads

Is Auburn going to meme chuck us to death bros?

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science is always wrong you heretic

This is true. Science never taught me about Jesus.

the fix is in...auburn will win. refball at defcon 2

here comes lsu

Is this the mm thread?

FUCK Sparty and FUCK Tech

Chuck and Jet are based

I FUKKEN LOVE SPORTS...baseball, ncaa, nba, golf all at the same time. nfl draft very soon. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

fuck them both...they told me Michigan would win

How does LSU just let two MSU players sit under the basket alone for the rebound and layup?

You got worked you mark

ded thread

>this pace

Never start a land war in Asia and never run with the heels

You fucking idiot, now we have split threads

The other thread isn't even on the front page why are you people so fucking whiny?

i don't even see another thread

>he doesn't use catalog
how fucking new?

Why do guys take such bad contested 3s with so much time left?

Even doing a stepback is better than just rising up with no momentum or a fading shot.

I'm still amazed at how ugly Luke Maye is

>calling someone new for using an old tradition feature while you endorse the newer less relevant feature


Lol that Spencer fucker was gold bricking and put his hand to his face


Michigan State is playing some of the best basketball of the Izzo era right now. Holy fucking shit.

When did Maye become Kevin Love with all these 3s?

What? You're saying the catalog is a new feature? Lol?

whatever. I searched "cbb, marma, and mm"
I'm not going to scan through 100 plus threads because people keep changing the titles

>can't read
>is probably an retard

It's impressive because LSU is playing pretty decent defense forcing them to shoot long ball, however LSU need to block out so much better if they want a chance at this. MSU getting way too many easy rebounds, but that's fine by me

>an retard

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>confirming you're a newfag again

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UNC is jacking up too many 3s

Who the fuck prefers pages to the catalog? Been here since 2009.


>Brown can't shoot
well that's game

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highly doubt it z*gfag

the fact that you have to link it shows some casual OP fucked up.

/cbb/ has is generally the tag, to match with /cfb/


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fugg those lsu cheerleaders...

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what game we watching?

Houston yo

zags were refballed against UNC in the title game few years ago



though a gigantic football stadium with shitty sightlines didn't help.

Has a single person in the country laughed at these At&t commercials? Embarrassingly unfunny

since we know something about the life cycle of memes on this site, any commercial that was ever funny would have a shelf life which expires before it even airs.

why are you retards in the dead thread?

Charlie horse

if we're in it, it's not dead, is it?

fuck off to your thread no one can find. UH/UK is starting soon.

>Long week of work, looking forward to the weekend
>Get home at 5, Drink a beer and watch a few episodes of a show
>Jerk off
>Check scores, Auburn is up

well bully for you

DAD!!! Can you drive me over to Jessica's house?

shhh, son, i'm shitposting


Whose house?


Pls have all of Duke foul out

>jack white comes in and gets 1 rebound


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Based Jennaposter

pls don't choke

we /houston/ now

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tfw the trophy is coming home this year

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refball confirmed



rip my 99% bracket thanks to Kentucky


I never watch this

Am i crazy or did houston travel twice on both of their last field goals


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zion williams reportedly snuck a cheerleader into the locker room and is currently draining his big black nuts inside of her

Kentucky just committed like 3 fouls on that possession kek





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based mike breen poster

Sam Houston has a statue outside of Houston, and Sam Houston State University is in Huntsville, an hour north of Houston.

Dallas is not Sam Houston territory.

I was talking about tech

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>literal heroball

I thought Davidson were the Wildcats.

>all the bad guys keep winning

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how can students afford to attend these games?


lets rally

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Shut the fuck up nigger

will UH go for the win hear?

has there been a documentary made on the Houston team of the 80s with Drexler and Olajuwon?



Jesus was a 2-seed

30 for 30 Phi Slamma Jamma

Wrong faggot


>No foul


The script is real

Phi Slama Jama? Pretty sure there was a 30 for 30 on that

oh cool

Houston fucking blows

i thought there was a 30-for-30?

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>le play hero ball and fuck your team over

Posting dick to rep Kentucky supremacy

Who here /Shelbyville/

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it's over houston fans
you're all whiny faggots

>no foul


Breath smog
Drown in a flood
Contract AIDS from a stripper
Ears bleed from horrible rap music

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>Houston and VT
>Choking this hard
>Bad guys win again

our hope lies with Auburn


UH - 26 ... 32
UK - 37 ... 25

Downright fucking impressive.


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>le Kentucky vs Duke championship

It's going to be Duke vs Kentucky for the title isn't it?

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>our hope lies

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VT wasn't choking you retard

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Buzz Williams to A&M, Sampson to Arkansas

Duke v. Kentucky natty and it'll be fucking garbage

What an ugly game that would be.

I hope it's Auburn Zaga

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hey what does tyler herro's asian girlfriend say when she sees him


Doesn't work, imho, try harder.

PJ Washington and Cal are kino.

poogars btfo

zion williams gonna be fucking the hottest white sluts tonight

well fuck


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PJ is the real hero tonight gentleman

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>glance over at the women's tourney
>UConn is a 2-seed
See, they even fuck up the seeding over there too, nothing is safe.

*to UCLA

*Texas Tech v. Auburn natty and it’ll be fucking diamonds

Is he the good guy vs Zion?

shut the fuck up you faggot. we don't talk about women's basketball here.

With Okeke's knee fucked it looks like Kentucky will make the Final 4.

There are kentucky students flooding state street because we made the fucking elite eight. What the actual fuck.

meme wins are nice

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>mfw Purdue wins it all

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They want Duke vs Kentucky now. Watch its gonna happen. Guarenteed

you're not funny you dumb faggot. holy shit Yea Forums is a shitty board

Who /gunsup/ here?

>Poo Pee El Gay
why leave for some D-II job?

We cannot stomp The One.

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reminder all the real bluebloods made it to the EE
>no so fast, argylfags and gaycocks

Music City Bowl part 2 coming

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Are 18 year old students supposed to remember Anthony Davis from 6 years ago?

you aren't a blueblood until you make it to the final four

this isn't uncommon, we did it against UCLA two years ago. It's just an excuse to party, given UK's weak performance in the tournament it might be our last

Could it be overlooking Auburn and assuming we're going to the championship? Also, do you have a couch you don't need anymore?

UH did a good job in the second half. You have to respect the red team for trying really hard and almost finishing the job.

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no you didn't. you sat your fat ass down while watching black guys win a game of hoops.

i absolutely fucking hate you pathetic fat incels

boy you should see the faggots over in Crapel Hell every time they storm their shitty street

sure, I was convinced it was over until Herro came in clutch

I was sweating bullets ngl

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KINO stylistic matchup

been done but mite b cool

>female telling me how players react
Get this broad the fuck off my screen

Dude Kentucky went to the elite 8 straight up 2 years ago

Dude what

the virginity is strong in this one

>Uncut fags will claim this pencil is better than my circumcized dick


For the most Kino Final Four I hope its Gonzaga/Auburn/Purdue/Duke

We are almost rid of all the shitty college-style teams

Lotta the Kentucky dudes looked tight and scared in the 2nd half. They're real lucky to have won, they played awful. But Hero and Washington weren't and did just enough.

Feels like a Duke vs. Kentucky championship desu. Tho I'm rooting for the Zags and Pearl now.


and also the final four two years before that.

Even with the john wall year no one took the streets. It took the final four with that 2nd team to get people out.



le tip

Zags are legit
Someone has to win
Izzo has 1 win vs K

>>not shitty college style team
Good one m8

>this woman totally knows what it’s like to perform on the big stage u guise!

uncut fags? i thought this thread is safe from eurofags

> The Good
Texas Tech

> The Bad

> The Ugly
Michigan State

Well I dont see auburn beating Kentucky without okeke, but their guards are crazy hot. If they shoot like that again theyve definitely got a shot.

good list

why was their coach crying at the end of that game?

>Duke vs MSU
Michigan State. Izzo is a great tournament coach and Duke is real beatable right now.

>Zags vs. TTU
Should be a fun game. Want to pick TTU but I think the Zags are F4 bound this year.

>Virginia vs. Purdue
Purdue by double digits.

>Kentucky vs. Auburn
Would have taken Kentucky even if dude for Auburn didn't get hurt, but now it should be a much easier game for UK than the one they just won.

>MSU vs. Zags
>Purdue vs. Kentucky

>Zags vs. Kentucky
Zags. Few finally gets a ship.

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Also, it may make the first two rounds boring, but a chalk tournament means better games on the back end and imo makes for a more compelling tournament rather than being pissed that popcorn u got beat by 20 in the elite 8.

Because at the end of the day pearl is a good guy and he cares about his players.

>>The Usual

>>Overrated every year


>>Wait What

You know Izzo is like 1 and 11 against Coach K?

IZZO IS 1-11 Vs Coach K FYI

He also SUCKS BALLS vs Boheim and Williams

Pearl is an emotional coach that actually cares. He got a bad rep for some NCAA shit, but dude has your back.

Got 5 of 8 for the elite 8.

Dukes not playing well though and MSU looked really good tonight.

VT deserved to lose. The last 3 min were ugly

>>not playing well

Or maybe their bracket is stacked?

>>play a 3 point and FT machine team
>>play a gigantic man
>>play ACC that knows you

Theyve not been playing well since just before the ACC tournament though


Though I'm more concerned about the Reddish injury than anything at this point.

Sub with UNC

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>Lotta the Kentucky dudes looked tight and scared in the 2nd half
Reid Travis fouling out rattled their nerves.

Don't forget Washington was playing with an injury that hasn't fully healed and lied to the media when he said he felt nothing (actually, might be true due to the adrenaline rush but he will be feeling that shit later on....but dubious)

Michigan St or Gonzaga vs Purdue or Virginia

either way it fucking sucks

The reddish thing is fucking weird. He was in warmups right? And outside of zion theyre kind of average honestly. If reddish doesnt play sunday I have a really hard time seeing them beat MSU whos been on a fucking roll since the end of the big 10 season.

Yeah but MSU is like the textbook boring college-style team. Every single year they play their shitty "physical" defense, have their dull-ass offense, and every time they actually get deep in the tourney it ends up in a complete turd of a game where they get btfo. Im tired of them making one half of the Final Four games unwatchable.

Wait travis didnt foul out though.

He left the game for an offensive foul i thought? Then the cougars started catching up.

Feels like most years the game of the tournament, and the championship is almost played in a F4 game. There's a huge matchup that delivers while the other side has a meh matchup. Winner of the big game is exhausted on Monday and loses to the team that had the easier game.

Zags/Duke on one side

Purdue/Kentucky on the other

Kentucky wins it.

I see them stealing it in the end from msu

Yeah but that was only his 4th

oh, then he got subbed. wasn't paying that much attention then.

Hate to say it, but I bet he tore his meniscus.

This year sucks desu. This is legit the most boring year I've had watching March Madness

Yeah I think he put baker in for free throws and shot making after that, probably just in case kentucky needed to chuck one.

There was only one shitty game though, the others were good games

you can always find something else to do you fucking loser


duke/virginia game was awesome. shut the fuck up you dumb faggot

Yep. Non-contact usually means bad news.


Duke or Michigan State
Gonzaga or Texas Tech
Virginia or Purdue
Kentucky or Auburn

2017 - Gonzaga
2015 - Duke
2015 - Michigan State
2015 - Kentucky
1984 - UVA
1980 - Purdue
none - Auburn
none - Texas Tech

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They choked, that isn't awesome, If it went in I'd be happy

Only UNC truly got upset this year.

haha that guy looks like a faggot.

i bet his girlfriend there cucks him while sucking and fucking one of the big black cocks from the team they're rooting for

>being this mad

na im a duke fan

Bet Kentucky has a home game on sunday.

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i heard the chick on the left fucked their center's big black cock

that bitch looks tiny. hard to believe she can handle all that black meat

lol jfc dude

Better luck next year, sweet princes

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Add Buffalo if someone leaves IMO.

Remaining teams by conference:
ACC: 2 (Duke, Virginia)
SEC: 2 (Kentucky, Auburn)
Big 10: 2 (Michigan State, Purdue)
Big 12: 1 (Texas Tech)
WCC: 1 (Gonzaga)

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Red Raiders winning it all lads

I'm betting my left nut on it

i got five on it

Is it a bet where you have to slice it off or pound it flat with a hammer or?

Why won’t the basketball gods let dook lose?

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>last time Purdue made the Elite Eight, they lost to a Wisconsin team coached by Dick Bennett and his son Tony
time is a flat circle

Was there a demigod named Cline playing in that game?

holy shit we NEED one for cline

The basketball gods chose Duke as our guardians to lead and protect us

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>name is tre
>sucks at shooting 3s
If he could just shoot the 3 consistently well he'd be a lottery pick.

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How bad is Auburn's chances?

Texas Tech WILL beat Gonzaga

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>Texas Tech v. Auburn natty and it’ll be fucking diamonds

The real winner would be Under Armour seeing as how they have a partnership with both those schools

Was it just me me or did Bruce Pearl sound like one of his players was shot on a battlefield when he tested up? That shit was emotional.


Pretty bad without there best player.

Not that bad honestly. I know Kentucky swept them during conference play, but one of the games was very close, and Auburn has since become a totally different animal over the last month and a half. I expect it to be a close game at any rate.

*third best

anons, is it OK to support different teams every year?

Nah, AAC shouldn’t add any more basketball-only teams unless they’re utterly elite like Nova or Gonzaga. The conference is currently in great shape, they shouldn’t look to add anybody else unless there’s a shakeup among the P5 conferences and they can raid some high tier leftovers from somebody like the Big 12 or Pac 12.

Worst thing they could do right now is waste spots on mediocre programs when they’ve set themselves up nicely to become the 5th best conference after one of the current P5 conferences implodes.

Fell asleep how close did duke come to losing ?

they were one good lob away from being sent home

Depends mainly on how you choose which teams you support every year. If you mean being a frontrunning faggot who chooses to bandwagon a new team based on the fact that they happen to be good that year, then that’s absolutely disgusting.

You won’t ever truly appreciate the feeling of your team having success if you don’t have to stick with them even when their shit. Gratification without risk or effort is fleeting.

Literally monkey-paw tier shit.

VTech airmailed 2 open 3s and then failed to convert an uncontested floater just 2 feet away from the rim in the final seconds, and any one of which would have given them the lead.

If you didnt go to a uni with a D1 basketball team then yeah

And people still think Duke is going to win?

At least the auburn loss doesn’t look so bad now. Still feels bad tho

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Feel you. Nice picture of the Chi O fountain, though

Their unnatural luck is precisely why I think they will win. They look like a team favored by destiny.

Being lucky is the absolute best attribute a team can have in the tourney

Nice meme

Gonna pay the Spartans top dollar to knock off Duke.

If you guys can do it right, I will also create fresh new memes in honor of your team.

Kill the devils.

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Fuck those rich hos

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Kansas, Baylor, and OU all got knocked out by teams who are in the elite 8. They all performed roughly equal to the level of their seeding and needn’t feel too ashamed.

The only ones who should be embarrassed are KState and especially Iowa St.

K State was missing Dean Wade who was a very important part of their offense. Iowa St did the thing where they tryhard the big 12 tourney and underperform in the real tourney

last time I watched NCAA is when Curry was playing for Davidson University lol

What is the name of that girl you posted yesterday? Is she single?

When is the next game on?


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KState missing their best player is exactly why I give them more of a pass than Iowa St, but they still should have at least beaten UC Irvine. I think you can say TTech making the elite 8 makes up for one of those failures, but they’ll have to get to the Final 4 just for the Big 12 to have not performed below average in the tournament this year.

5 bongs from now

Big 12 typically underperforms. I agree that I state should’ve won and they prob would’ve if Bruce pearl wasn’t their coach

I bet $1000 on Kentucky taking the National Championship when their Bovada odds were - 1/10

Ask me anything but I reserve the right to not answer (You).

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Last year they had arguably the best performance of any conference. 4 teams in the sweet 16, 3 in the elite 8, and 1 in the Final 4. Also three of their teams were knocked out by the eventual champion.


manuela d'avila

yeah, I was supporting Kansas back then because TV commentator was an arrogant subhuman who was supporting UNC

based belgium

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>Okeke injured
why bros
we were about to memechuck our way into at least the final four

They will choke in the Final. You need to hedge.


Don't let the memechuckers fool you. They could potentially band together after that emotional display from their leader coach and put up a really good fight in honor of their injured friend Okeke.

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i'm only hedging against Kentucky with Gonzaga

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id hedge in her zaga if you know what i mean

the only matchup i want is zags vs kentucky

Fred Hoiberg, former head coach of the Chicago bulls and Iowa State Cyclons, has been hired as Head Coach at Nebraska, replacing Tim Miles

>yfw Nebraska makes Sweet 16 in next 5 years

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only a matter of time until the cyclones drop prohm and get their mayor back

Anyone else think it’s funny how the West region has thus far played out like a DBZ saga with increasing power levels?

>Gonzaga BTFO of FSU who BTFO of Murray St who BTFO of Marquette
>Texas Tech BTFO of Michigan and Buffalo who both BTFO of their other opponents

It’s even more apt of a comparison because Tech and Zaga both jobbed to total scrubs like WVU and St Mary’s right before the tournament.

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>#1 defense vs #1 offense
Get ready for some kino boys

offense wins a majority of the time in that scenario btw

This tournament has been shit.

I’m still puzzled what they saw in Prohm. He’s a meme granted Iowa State’s basketball history take away Hoiberg and Larry Eustachy is non-existent.

That’s because usually teams with top defenses are just gimmicky slow pace babbies (See: Virginia), but Tech’s defense has yet to ever really get exposed.

better to be lucky than good is a saying


You have no idea if their luck will continue.

Tim Miles should go to cusa to develop some east coast pipe lines. I do wonder if he could end up at temple though with their coach looking to retire

never mind, temple already found their guy

>Implying they don't have a certain someone helping them out from above

>basketball gods

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how will niggas react when Auburn beats Kansas, UNC, Kentucky, AND Duke to win their first natty?

you should watch the game they played in the phog. aka the game every single opponent of tech has watched since the game happened

ain't nobody beating kentucky

I'm not a nigga but I will be relatively happy if it happens

What, you mean the strategy of “be Kansas and play at home”? I’m not sure how that will help Gonzaga.

yeah the zags got it trust me

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The Jews were helping VT yesterday though.

Please God
>t. Auburn ‘18

Zags and Purdue move on. I've freed up your Saturday. Go get laid.

>Go get laid.


Thank you user

I’m too fucking depressed and girls only make me feel slightly better. I’d rather watch the games and play Splatoon afterwards, that’s the only way I feel neutral.

Torn acl for Okeke. Thats such fucking bullshit. Heart goes out to him. Hope Auburn can still make it a game.


It's happened 3 times in the NCAA ships. Defense leads 2-1.

The part of this game that interests me (other than being a TTU grad and rooting for my alma mater) is that TTU has developed a pretty good offense and Gonzaga has a pretty good defense. This is gonna be a tight game, lads.

fucking rip

>you should watch the game they played in the phog. aka the game every single opponent of tech has watched since the game happened

Well apperently it didn’t do them that much good since right after that Tech literally won 9 straight games to finish out the regular season.

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Unsubstantiated report of buzz williams to A&M



What did you major at Purdue user?
ChE here.

Never thought we'd be here right now.

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kentucky and duke are lucking out so fucking hard this tourney

I will say that Auburns strength is how small and quick they are and their two guards now have an even greener light. Pearls liable to just go small and run as much as possible. Theyve still got a shot at this for sure. Kentuckys gonna own the glass and we all know that but if Auburn can keep shooting its gonna be an issue for Kentucky.

nice mantits bro, take a jog once in a while

i want to succ those titts

Watching in a bar in Scottsdale by myself. Should I switch to liquor?

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Even more of a reason for me to watch how it happens

they really are the man city of college sports

What does that mean?

get a tripcode so I can filter you like the other sad blogger

plebbit apehoop streams is down:(
anyanon got a stream?

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What's my trip?


I have that


I never knew what a half jap-half negro looked like until tonight. I'm repulsed

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Zags, Purdont, Auburn, Sparty


This is the "what just happened" whale.

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thanks brah but i found a cracksteam

I have no feelings for either of these teams.

man city used to be a middle of the road club. then they were bought by some super rich owl arabs and have been spending like crazy on coaches and players to try to become elite. sort of like A&M ever since they moved to the SEC. they were okay in the big 12 but since the move to the sec which made them one of the richest teams in the ncaa the school and alumni have been spending like crazy with coaching hires like jimbo to try to become elite.

just how much DBZ and Naruto do you think the blackjap watches?

Texas AM didnt buy the top 3 croots plus no.17

gonzaga and tech playing tight

Halle Berry

In case the meme isn't already dead, which it should be, Gonzaga is clearly elite despite the conference they play in. I do also think the WCC has the potential to become a West Coast version of the Big East


they area could use a big east like conference given how poorly the pac 12 has been basketball wise lately

I know you guys want the upsets, but the heavy-weights making it to these late games, making them good games, is how its supposed to work. This is good basketball against good teams that are equals athletically. This games worth watching rather than some bullshit midmajor that was hot for 3 games and then runs into a team they straight cant beat and they get blown out.

Man city use to be total dog shit before they were taken over by arab oil money.

FUCK I thought Gonzaga/TT didn't start for another 45m

Which is a shame, too, seeing as I'm from Pac 12 country. Between Larry Scott and the ESPN hitjobs, the conference is in terrible shape. When you have major basketball powers in a conference, plus schools willing to dip deep into their pockets, there's no reason for the conference to be this bad. Never thought I'd see the day where the SEC surpassed the Pac 12 in basketball

None at all i bet. In all likelihood he probably finds that shit cringe as fuck, since its been made clear hes making an effort not to speak or act japanese over here.

>how do u want your hair cut f.am?
>ah you know, like everyone

>tfw had both these teams losing in the Sweet 16 so just rooting for memes

Anyone else know this feel?

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I literally cannot tell any of these players apart, they're all black with the same haircut

this is true, but if a team like davidson with curry can go on a run that makes it more exciting to me, was hoping ja morant and murrary state would do that this year

After learning how much they spend to keep the headquarters in san fran just to look hip and cool I think they could use some new leadership. I mean if they insist on keeping it in a big city a least put in a cheaper one like portland


black people love entry level anime though. if he kept true to his japanese side he'd be watching the whatever's hot like Dororo

Yeah but how often does a guy like curry, probably the greatest shooter of all time, slip to a mid major like davidson?

>I do also think the WCC has the potential to become a West Coast version of the Big East
nah man I've been a Gonzaga fan for years and the WCC has always been shit outside of GU and sometimes St. Mary's.

Gonzaga's got to the point where they're good enough to play Duke/UNC in nonconference games to boost SoS but there's really nowhere else they can go.

few years ago they were thinking of joining the Mountain West, but that really doesn't help them that much. What do they gain there really over just staying in the WCC

well there's fletcher magee...who had the worst shooting game of his life, and wofford still almost sneeked past kentucky

I know that feel. And I usually get that great matchup anyway in the final four or the final anyway

Dororo? That shit's been hot for 50 years, kohai.

>hachimura rn

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FUCKin hell gonzaga that's 3 layups in a row you've thrown out of bounds FUCK

USF has history as a major program, and BYU has had flashes of brilliance. It would take a legitimate arms race, but I don't think that's an impossibility. I do think, eventually, people will get tired of Gonzaga in conference and try to catch up.

>who had the worst shooting game of his life
Not accurate, he went 3-37 against UNC/Kansas/Kentucky this year. Means he cant shoot for shit with length in his face even though hes 6'4

he watches Baki

yo zags sort it out

>Fletcher Memechuck
The guy who turned down K-State and UCF because their Weber and Dawkins didn't personally hand-write their cr00ting letters to him but H0ff0rd's coach did. And that's why he chose H0ff0rd lel.

Fletcher is more Jimmer Fredette than curry

>I do think, eventually, people will get tired of Gonzaga in conference and try to catch up.

I dunno cause it's really hard to get decent recruits to the other WCC schools. St. Mary's was only good cause they were getting all these Australian players who nobody else even knew about and that didn't hold up for long. Rest of the WCC schools get a lot of money from Gonzaga too

fair enough but going 0-12 and setting an ncaa tournament record for worst shooting performance and that being the last game of your college career kinda makes it suck more than the other games

>They're a handsy team

What did Mark Few mean by this? Is he accusing Texas Tech of being sex pests?

Both teams slipping on the GU side of the court...

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Watching TT vs Gonzaga made me realize how stacked the east is. Duke, UCF, VT would absolute thrash those two.

>setting an ncaa tournament record for worst shooting performance
Lol well, youre certainly not wrong there. Fucker was talking shit after the game too.

Im just saying teams like wofford are paper tigers because they had a kid who blew up his nobody or lesser opponents but when they run into a team with all the necessary pieces (also keep in mind that Kentucky played without their best player) they lose. Imagine if they win that game. Houston absolutely blows them out. If washington played, Kentucky blows them out. That kind of team making it to the 2nd weekend is good for making that first weekend fun, but it kills all the fun once that tip happens in the sweet 16 and everyone realizes that theyre playing a team much better than them

why is UCLA recruiting so inconsistent?

When howland was there they got top guys left and right

Why don't they just have the Inside the NBA crew stick together and do the games? Why they split it up with this stupid bryant gumble nigga?

Because gumble is the OG cbb nigga.


they want the talent spread out so that one crew isn't left with a a bunch of scrubs.

What are you basing this on? VT lost twice to an FSU team that got absolutely BTFO by Gonzaga.

yeah so have him be on the other crew which is already boring as fuck. nothin Erneh can do to fix that snoozefest

>black woman interviews insanely boring black athletes

Yeah, fair, but gumbles' got rank on ernie and theres no way theyd give gumble the B team.


Plus, hes you know, actually black. So him, clark, smith, and chuck just makes sense. If Gumble became a free agent and wanted that TNT desk you bet your ass ernie would be the odd man out.

yeah boring wouldn't ever watch that

>If Gumble became a free agent and wanted that TNT desk you bet your ass ernie would be the odd man out.
nah that sleepy nigga has no flow and would ruin Inside the NBA.

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>that gonzaga ginger


I think he flows quite well with them, but whatever.

>I think he flows quite well with them, but whatever.
you trollin me?? Inside is only good cause it's ridiculous and funny, gumble just wants to talk about boring stuff you can get anywhere else

This thread is dead af

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Is Gonzaga on the same level with UNC, Duke and UK?

I'm eating

This year I think they are.

they beat duke with Zion so yeah probably

they have had great squads lately but historically no

because everyone knows the Zaga Zoomers are playing with their food

so what are the texas tech zoomers doin

Gonzaga is a meme team



>West Texas vs. East Washington

who ya got?

This game is lit


mfw I like Gonzaga but hate their uppity yella PG

that was NOT a foul

It is when you play against Gonzaga

Pretty pass

oh my

this game owns, lads

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>tfw going to TTU in the fall for grad school

my niggas

finish at the rim

fucking this

>the team that won because Altman had to intentionally throw the game if you watched him closely because of Bol Bol allegations
>Oregon advancing = more publicity = bad in the spotlight

Is Taco Tech elite?

based Gonzaga-hating German poster

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thats more like it

Nice job missing a wide open 3

everyone keeps losing the ball in this game wtf is goin on lol, some sweaty nigga ruin the ball?

Isn’t Duke just a one coach wonder though?

no, but Joe Flacco is

great game, i like gonzaga and Rui-kun this year, but I like TT more

yeah but they have five titles so people ignore that. gonzaga has zero

get it off sooner

Except duke is not a one coach wonder. Theyve been relevant since the mid 60's.

Jesus hold on to the fucking ball

Fuck no. Put them in the ACC and they are a 6-10 loss team

No. Those three school are Juventus, Real Madrid, and Man United.

Gonzaga is like Porto or Monaco or something.

what's the most original team name in NCAA?

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player was glitching out

This fuckin game though

yeah and g*nzaga has only come to relevance because of the espn/cbss/ap propaganda

no one cares. its why they have people doubting if they can sustain this success once coach k retires in nc

This game is legit, boys.

Nice defense Gonzaga

ok this is epic


Both these teams want it bad

to me they are the psg of college basketball

TCU Horned Frogs
UC-Irvine Anteaters
Southern Illinois Salukis
UC-Santa Cruz Banana Slugs

based chalk pitting good teams against one another and not onsesided meme flukes getting pummeled

Tech got good D

why has nobody made a boomer meme pictures about the grip'n'sippers?

Makes sense.

Theyll be fine as a program. Again, theyve been a major final four making program since the 60's. Most people are completely aware of it. Fuck Theyre who kentucky beat in 78

Solid comment. Good thing you have a Yea Forums screename

cause they've been irrelevant forever


They reached a final four a couple years before Coach K arrived. I think >LeX can tell you who won the natty that year.

Indiana Hoosiers

Hoosier isnt even a real word. it refers only to people in Indiana

Ladies and gentlemen, The Gonzaga Turnovers!

>Banana Slugs

bulldogs, wildcats and tigers are probably the most NPC names possible

You know they can just poach Dawkins if he can sustain the success at UCF. They'll be fine.

Gonzaga finna lose

St Louis Billikens

need a stop

The white guy on tech is playing his mind out



Texas tech is about that life son

shouldn't be in the tourney to begin with

zags pls

This is your shining moment German user

>The x, they y, the z. The a, the b.

This announcer is annoying.

Lads... I picked the Zags to win it all

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Zags dont want to get beat by Duke so they're giving up. Fucking shitty scared team.

Tech wont be denied

quick change your bracket

Gonzaga lucky TT have wated the last couple offensive possessions, letting the clock get to low before they do anything


Also, the Long Beach State baseball team is unironically called the Dirtbags.



Morietti singlehandedly finishing Gonzaga.



Based Italy


mamma threea

>getting buried alive by some white midget

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come on




g*nzaga finna bouta get dabbed on


He was so far out of bounds lmao

>dat block
>dat save


That was one of the most impressive plays I've seen in watching sports for over 30 years.


his foot was out before retrieving.... good refs cool shit

whats impressive? he was out of bounds. anyone could do that shit.


he was like a foot outta bounds lol


You fucking idiot

generals & game threads aren't the same thing.

Yea Forums used to have standards